

Kakarot a first class sayain lands on earth after the genocide of the sayan race,SMARTES SAYAN Words: 258,195

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39 Chs


Androids 17, 18, and 16 we're finally arriving on the outskirts of the Ox Kingdom but 16 immediately sensed something was wrong before they even saw the kingdom

"I don't sense any life anywhere in the area for miles" He alerted his fellow androids

"What?" 17 asked turned back to look at him then pressed the gas on the accelerator to drive faster over the hill and get a full view on the large kingdom below them, but instead of seeing people going about their daily business in the streets below the entire place was deserted, not a single soul was left. They continued to drive anyway down into the streets but as they drove past the houses, stores, and parks they didn't see one person anywhere

"I told you driving would only waste valuable time" 18 glared at 17 "Kakarrot's friends must have warned him that we were coming"

"Hey come on, Krillin said that Kakarrot was sick right they couldn't have moved him very far, why don't we check the palace to find out where they might have gone" he suggested

"Ugh fine but first stop at one of these stores, it's about time i changed out of these absurd garments"

17 did as she asked pulling over into an abandoned shopping center, neither he or 16 wanted to join her so waited in the van while she searched for a suitable store that had her tastes, she kicked in the door of overpriced fashion boutique and looked through the racks of clothes and the manikins until she found some clothes that she really liked. She chose to wear a pair of skinny jeans with black boots, a white v neck shirt with a black vest, black fingerless gloves and a gold necklace she found in the jewelry department

She took a moment to look at herself in the mirror before she heard the sound of the van's horn,

"Come on 18, we don't have time for you to go on a little shopping spree!" 17 yelled as he continued to honk the horn

"After making me waste my time taking a vehicle to get here you can stand to wait a few minutes while i get some proper clothes" She yelled back as she got back into the van's passenger seat

"Proper clothes for what? A party?" Glancing down at the clothes she had chosen, she only huffed in response

The Palace was abandoned as well from what they could tell, they left the van parked out front and flew over the courtyard wall to get inside and the three of them split up to see if any of the royal family was still here, 17 had searched the laboratory where Kakarrot usually worked from home, he found the lab medicine cabinets completely scattered most of the bottles on the floor and the coverts opened as well, from what he could tell someone had been searching for something in here. In the other half of the Lab where Kakarrot used his engineering skills he found it was left untouched, there were some documents left on the desk, blueprints left on the billboards and a couple of mathematical equations but other than that there was nothing here that could give him an idea of where they could have hidden Kakarrot or anyone who might know where he is

18 had offered to look in the living area of the royal family finding a couple of sitting rooms, a well stocked kitchen with a couple of dirty dishes left in the sink until she found her way to the bedrooms, Gohan and Chidori had their own separate bedrooms with their names engraved in cursive in a glass case above the double doors, it didn't look like either twin had been there for a while, when she got to the master bedroom however she became more interested in Chichi's personal belonging than Kakarrot's. Chichi had a large walk in wardrobe big enough to be a small house, she had one side for her everyday clothes and the other for her Princess garments, after taking a long look through Chichi's regular clothes however she became less interested

"Hmmm, what do we have here?" She pulled out a pink kimono but after only glancing at it she threw in to the ground "Ugh rubbish" She then turned back to see a blue kimono "Maybe this one? Ugh no i don't think so!" She flipped through a couple more Kimono's before finding a white kimono with two large roses on it, one on the chest and another on the bottom of the skirt "How about this one?" she walked over to the large mirror to see how it looked on her, glancing down at all the kimono's she left on the ground " How can a future queen have such horrible taste, she obviously needs to have her optic sensors adjusted"

Looking in the mirror holding up the Kimono to her neck "Ugh, no thanks" Dropping it to the floor too, deciding that the clothes weren't any good she turned her attention to the jewelry finding some diamond necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and hair clips "Oh these look nice" She smiled seeing two matching bracelets

While 17 was searching the Lab and 18 was searching the residence 16 had opted to take a look in the back garden of the palace, he was instantly enticed by the beauty of the nature that had been so perfectly man made in the large gardens, in the back entrance was a large fountain that was sculpted of three angles holding up large bowls that when turned on should spray water over the fountain, but right now little birds were using it as a bird bath. he looked around to see rose bushes made up the sides of the paths leading to other parts of the back garden he would love to see more but he was called away when 17 called for him and 18 back at the front courtyard

"The entire palace is empty" 18 said as she walked down the steps of the palace doors "Just as i thought Kakarrot's friends already warned him that we were coming and he evacuated the entire kingdom"

"He's long gone" 17 was really angry now so both of them turned to 16 "Can you track him and find his latest location?"

"It is difficult but i will try" 16 narrowed his eyes "I lost track of Kakarrot's energy signal some time ago, he shortly reappeared in two different locations from here but then disappeared once more from my sensors about 2 hours ago"

"Ok then his allies should be able to lead us to him, where are they?"

"There are three possible locations that Kakarrot could have gone too however we will not be able to go to one"

"Why not?" 17 asked

"Because it is the Planet Vegeta where Kakarrot was born and raised for the first 4 years of his life, it was wished back along with his race a while ago, though the other 2 most logical places that we can locate Kakarrot is the Capsule Corporation owned by Kakarrot's friends the Brief family in West City, The second would be Kame House on Master Roshi's island"

"Well ok which one is closer?" 17 uncrossed his arms and turned to him

"The island is closer approximately 16000 miles to the southeast"

17 nodded and began to walk away "Alright let's fly"

"It's about time" 18 took off into the air followed by her fellow androids

Kakarrot had teleported everyone onto Kami's Lookout where they met with it's resident keeper Mr. Popo and after explaining their situation and the reason they were there he gladly led them through the temple toward the Hyperbolic Time Chamber

"Welcome" Mr. Popo greeted them "Please follow me, the chamber is already prepared for you, you will find everything you need to sustain your training, there's food, a bed and bath

"This is not a vacation as you all know, this is work!" Vegeta stopped to remind them

"Yes, how could we forget the multiple crisis's going on on the planet below" Rikun rolled his eyes

"Shush!" Bulla scolded him

"Even if we all power up to our maximum it possible that none of us will be able to defeat cell and the androids on our own, i'm guess you two realized the same thing" Kakarrot looked to the two full blooded saiyans "We're all going to need to work together on this one"

"I hope the others can hold Cell and the androids off while we do our training" Raditz muttered

Mr. Popo led them to a single door in a hallway, it was wooden with a gold doorknob "Here it is"

"Wow" Chidori took a moment to really look at it, to her it looked like an ordinary door

"Which group will be going first?" Mr. Popo asked

Kakarrot looked over his shoulder at Vegeta, Trunks, and Bulla "It's now or never, best of luck to you"

"Thanks Kakarrot" Trunks nodded

"Make sure to watch out for them both in there" Kairi shook hands with Bulla

"I will" then hugged Rikun

"Good, this way please" Mr. Popo grabbed the golden door handle and twisted it to fully open the door "Once you cross the threshold you are to spend a year in the room but when you leave only a day will have passed in this dimension, Good Luck"

Trunks and Bulla went in first "We'll try to be quick Kakarrot, Raditz" Trunks nodded to the two before they entered the room

"Don't worry about us you just try to get as strong as you can, and make sure to look out for Vegeta too" Raditz smirked at the glare the prince gave him as he walked in behind the hybrids

"We'll be here waiting for you" Chidori yelled before Mr. Popo closed the door

Once inside Vegeta, Trunks, and Bulla took a moment to take in their surroundings, there was a small clock on the top of the door they just came through, a table with three seats and a flower plant on top, and three full sized beds, two were on one side of the small temple and one was on the other

"it's hot in here" Bulla wiped a little sweat that had begun to form on her forehead while Trunks continued to glance around

"The gravity is a lot stronger here too" Trunks looked to ceiling to see another large clock

Vegeta stayed silent as his future twins took in the surroundings

Trunks and Bulla then decided to take a look outside and were shocked to see nothing there, at first Bulla had thought the white light may have been the sun but seeing nothing but a vast white space was all the light had been coming from. Trunks had been expecting to see a alternate version of earth

"I don't believe this" Bulla's eyes widened at the sight

"What is this?" Trunks stuttered

Vegeta walked out to see what had the two so shocked and was only mildly surprised to see the surrounding area

"There's nothing here, were surrounded by total emptiness!" Bulla was still in shock

"It's just empty white space, there doesn't even seem to be any end to it" Trunks was actually beginning to rethink spending a year in this place

"It's not too much for you two is it?" Vegeta narrowed his eyes at them

"Of course not" Trunks stood straight up "but now i know why few can stand to stay a year in this place"

"Yeah, didn't they say that Kakarrot could barely last a month when he first came in here as a teenager, i can understand why" Bulla grimaced

"It may be a little overwhelming but i'd say that this is just the perfect place to train"

"Dad, Bulla, and I are supposed to spend an entire year in here, what did we get ourselves into!"

Bardock and the fellow Z-fighters behind him had tracked Cell down to an amusement park in South City but once they got there they were frozen in shock at seeing the sight of death everywhere in a place that was supposed to be filled with joy and happiness, The Teacup ride was still spinning in circles with the clothes lying on the seats inside. Krillin clenched his teeth as he knelt down to see the swimming pool filled with pieces of swimwear floating around in the water

Tien's eyes widened in shock of seeing a teddy bear costume that someone was wearing to entertain small children laying on the ground by pieces of clothes that would have belonged to the children

"Ugh! no matter what we do we're always one step behind!" Turlus growled seeing Piccolo standing on the teacups ride behind him and he was taken by surprise when the ride began coming back on and the teacups began spinning in circles making him fly off and stand on the ground as all the rides in the park began coming back to life

Bardock glanced up at the rollar coaster as it came down a hill making the clothes of the former passengers inside come flying out and rain down on them

"It's Cell!" Piccolo growled and began looking around to try and spot the android

Bardock glared and began searching for Cell as well and activated the scouter on his face to scan the surrounding area for androids

Lucky for them Cell didn't know about this new feature of the scouters because just a few seconds after activating his scouter he got a hit, "I got something!" Bardock yelled to the others he looked on the holographic screen of the scouter and saw it was pointing to the management office of the park

Cell was advancing on a group of security officers that were trying to defend themselves using some handguns that they had for emergencies but the bullets seemed to have no effect on the monster before them, they screamed as Cell began running toward them and closed their eyes. The next thing they heard however was not a blood curdling scream of being stung but it was the sound of something crashing through the walls which made them open their eyes to see a group of people and the creature on the ground on the wall in front of the group

"Get them out of here!" Bardock yelled to Krillin and Tien

They both nodded and ran over to the group "Come on, we're getting you out of here!" Krillin helped some of them up along with Tien and rushed them out the door

"But how!" Cell glared "You couldn't have gotten close enough for me not to sense you coming!"

"Well i think it's safe to say our Ki Depressors work, with these lovely devices do android can sense us approaching i think that makes us about even on the sensing scale" Turlus smirked at the android

Bardock took the time to try and get a feel on the energy that Cell could be emitted and got angry to feel not just human energy but also Saiyan energy, Piccolo seemed to sense the very same thing

"You've been absorbing Saiyan soldiers haven't you!" Piccolo glared

"Hah! Oh yes those pesky little saiyans were a good boost of energy that these humans can never give me"

"Those were my soldiers you android!" Bardock growled at him

"Well if you miss them that much why don't you join them!" Cell moved his stinger forward

Bardock narrowed his eyes at the android and turned back to his nephew and Piccolo "Stay out of this you two, i want my own turn at this monster!" He turned his attention back to the android

"What?! Are you crazy!" Turlus's eyes widened

"You can't face him alone Bardock, you've seen what he can do and how much power he already has!" Piccolo yelled

"I'll be fine!"

"I see where Kakarrot get's it from now" Piccolo crossed his arms

"Well i don't have any complaint's you are certainly stronger than the average saiyan Bardock, you will bring me much power" Cell grinned but Bardock surprised him by hitting him with a large blue energy blast and blasting him out the side of the building through the store next door and into the carousal's side

Cell was taken by surprise he had no idea Bardock had hat kind of power, he burst out the side of the carousal to ge yet another surprise seeing Bardock outside the hole in yhe store and had a red and white aura surrounding him with a murderous look on his face

"Whoa!" Krillin and Tien had been leading the group of people onto a capsule plane they had when Cell was blasted through the two buildings

"Bardock knows the Kaio-Ken?" Tien asked

"Aren't you gonna help him?" Krillin asked as Piccolo and Turlus came to stand next to them

"Bardock wants to face him alone" Piccolo stated

"This should be good i havent seen my uncle be in a real fight since our PTO days" Turlus smirked

"Now let's see if you how much saiyan you really have in you!" Bardock glared at the android

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