

Kakarot a first class sayain lands on earth after the genocide of the sayan race,SMARTES SAYAN Words: 258,195

God_Shinobi · Komik
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39 Chs



Kakarrot dodged a punch from gohan, kakarrot and chichi wanted to train their kids to be just as strong as they were and began training them earlier that year. Chichi thought that her kids could grow up to be successful and be fighters since kakarrot was able to do it and she had been taking turns switching with chidori and gohan as they both trained in saiyan and turtle style.

Kakarrot had occasionally met up with piccolo time to time and they had come to a truce of sorts, piccolo had sensed his fight with kinqu and had realized he was no were near as powerful as him so kakarrot had offered him to join the z-fighters and get stronger as he trained with the other fighters. That wasn't enough to get him to change his ways so kakarrot told him of the namekian race and how most namekians were as strong as some saiyans because they trained with others to learn new techniques.

Piccolo was intrigued by this information and wanted to know more about his home race and planet, kakarrot had agreed to tell him everything he knew but asked that piccolo change his ways and help the z-fighters whenever they asked. Piccolo had agreed once he heard of the space tyrant frieza and thought that if he ever came to earth his rule wouldn't last and trained to maybe one day face him

"Alright so let's take a break and see how your mother and sister are doing"

"Ok!" gohan ran off at a high speed to the other side of the training department, kakarrot smiled and went after him

"Hey chichi chidori!" kakarrot called over to them as he watched them spar

"Daddy!" chidori ran over to him "I just got the hand of 10x gravity!"

"Wow really" kakarrot asked chichi

"Yes she struggled at first but she managed to do it after a while, how's gohan's training!" chichi asked

Kakarrot had been impressed with how fast gohan and chidori were learning gravity training they had already started getting their strength and speed up because of the gravity room now they just needed to learn flying and ki blasts

"He's about the same level as chidori is" kakarrot turned to the twins "You two are very impressive indeed"

"Thank you daddy!" gohan smiled

"Do you think we'll be as strong as you some day" chidori asked

"Maybe as long as you work hard enough" gohan and chidori cheered at the thought

Chichi clapped her hands "Ok now why don't we all go get cleaned up so that we can get to the reunion at Roshi's"

"Yeah we don't wanna be late"


A spacepod landed in the middle of a field that had nothing around for miles making a large crater in the ground, once it settled the door began opening shining a light out from it as a person slowly came out of it

The person stretched and floated to the top of the crater, he had on brown and black saiyan armor, long spiky hair, boots and hand bands with black tight pants (I don't like the type of outfit that radiz, nappa, and turles had so I'm giving them pants)

"So the creatures on this planet are alive" radiz looked to see animals running around in the field "If a saiyan really was sent here they either failed their mission or didn't have one to begin with" His scouter beeped "A life form with great power..distance 4880, this could be the saiyan" radiz flew off in the direction


Piccolo was standing on the edge of a cliff when he sensed an enourmous power approaching him "I sense a great power….coming..closer! is it kakarrot!" piccolo looked up to see a figure coming closer "Wait who is that?!"

Radiz landed a few feet away from him "You're not a saiyan" radiz frowned 'a namekian on this planet'

"Sorry to disappoint you, now what are you doing here? You have some business with me?"

"No I was looking for someone else"

"Then keep moving"

"My someone's in a bad mood"

"Believe me you have no idea"

Radiz smirked and pushed the button on his scouter "Hmph power level 422 more than I expected, still you're no match for me"

"I don't care how strong you are I already have a rival who happens to be a lot stronger than you oddly enough he wore armor like yours as well" piccolo raised an eyebrow


"I take it your another one of frieza's henchmen coming to challenge him but let me tell you, you don't have a chance"

"Did this warrior have a tail?"

"Yes but he kept it around his waist most of the time"

"I see" radiz thought for a moment 'there is a powerful saiyan here' his scouter beeped again giving him another signal"Another incoming power…a greater one" he flew straight up into the air and looked to the left "Aha! That way! Distance 12909….vast power! It can't be anyone other than a saiyan!" he flew off


"Yo anyone home!" bulma, yamcha, hasky, paur , and oolong came in the door of kame house "Long time no see!"

"Ohhh!" roshi turned to them

"Hey guys!" krillin smiled

"It's been too long, too long! Cold one's ain't ya? You ever come over unless we ask" roshi pouted

"Yeah well, we're here now aren't we? Bearing tea cakes even!" bulma showed them a small box in her hands

"Cakes yet! Now why'd you go and do a thing like that?! I'd have been perfectly happy with a ki—" roshi was interrupted by being hit on the head by bulma "Still no sense of humor!"

Bulma blushed "Just as ornery as ever, I see!"

"So how have you guys been huh?" krillin asked yamcha and hasky

"Oh we've been fine got ourselves good paying jobs and we've been living in our apartment for a while now with paur" yamcha smiled

"So why isn't launch here?" oolong asked

"Oh she's long gone she started dating tien and went off with him and chiotzu a long time ago" krillin took the box from bulma and put it on the counter

"so why aren't kakarrot and the others here?" hasky asked

"I don't know they said they were coming I guess they're on their way!"


Kakarrot and his family were traveling to roshi's island by a copter and once they were close enough

"See it?! That's Roshi's house" Kakarrot showed the twins the house and once they landed chichi picked up chidori and kakarrot got gohan

"Hey anyone home!" chichi called

"huh?" bulma turned to the door

"They're here" krillin smiled as they all ran out to join them

"Kakarrot! Chichi! And the twins!"

"Wow they've gotten so big since I last saw them" bulma smiled at the children

"So gohan, chidori how have you two been" hasky asked

"We've been great we learning a lot from our tutors and we've gotten to a secondary school level now" gohan smiled

"Wow impressive"

"Yup and our training is going well to were already mastered 10x gravity" chidori added

"Your training them in the gravity room isn't that a bit dangerous" yamcha asked

"Ah don't worry they're fine I only do what I know they can handle anyway" kakarrot shrugged

"Well as long as you're going easy on them unlike you did on me" krillin commented

"Hey you asked for me to be hard on you remember" kakarrot responded

"So how have things been going with the kingdom and the company" roshi asked

"Oh the kingdom had been running smoothly not really anything to complain about since we have the z-fighters for defence, the company for finances, and the other kingdoms have been running fine as well" chichi answered

"The company is doing just as well I managed to recreate most of the saiyan technology and produce it as well as find a few cures but not much those diseases are hard to crack" kakarrot looked down to the kids "Why don't you two go play with oolong, paur, ad turtle you don't want to listen to grown up talk do you"

"No sir" they both ran off to play on the beach

"How have you all been anyway?" chichi asked

"We've all been fine nothing much going on in our lives right now" bulma answered

"Hey have you done any traveling for the dragon balls lately kakarrot?" krillin asked

"Actually yes only when I find the time though I did manage to find 3 dragon balls their all back home"

"You know it's crazy to think of the adventures we used to have looking for those" yamcha thought

"Yeah I know" kakarrot smiled

"So what are you guys gonna wish for when you get all seven?" krillin asked

Chichi thought for a moment "I don't know krillin, come to think of it we don't really want anything our lives are perfect the way they are"

Gohan and chidori ran back to their parents "Daddy mommy! Look what we found!" they showed them a couple of seashells

"Wow these are pretty neat" kakarrot bent down to get a better look

"You gonna add these to your collection?" chichi asked

"Yup I wanna try and craft these too" chidori looked the shells over

Kakarrot smiled down at them until he sensed something and stood up with a look on his face looking through the sky

"What is it?" krillin asked

"What's the matter?" yamcha asked

"Something's coming….and it's strong"

"What is it I don't see anything!" bulma looked up to the sky

"Everyone get inside quick!" kakarrot ordered

"But what about you" chichi asked

"Don't worry I'll be fine now go quick!"

The group nodded and they all went inside and a few minutes later a gust of wind came from above the island, once kakarrot looked up he was shocked to see who it was

'This can't be real' kakarrot's eyes widened "R-Radiz?!" he yelled

Radiz was confused "How do you know my…" but once he landed and got a better look at him "W-wait kakarrot?!"

"You're alive?!"

"I should be the one saying that"

"Well I thought you had died on planet vegeta all those years ago I mean I didn't see you at all after you were called out of the academy I figured you ditched me again and died "

"Actually once I was called out of the academy I was sent on a mission with someone and left the planet I thought it was odd but the officials said it was a special request that I went on that mission and they had already informed you and mother"

"They never told us anything"

"Kakarrot what's going on?" krillin asked coming out with everyone they had all sensed the person land but no fighting or yelling so they came out to see what was happening

"Who are all of them?" radiz asked

"Oh guys you're never gonna believe this but this is my brother radiz remember I told you about him a few times!" kakarrot smiled

"What but isn't your brother supposed to be dead!" Yamcha yelled

"I just found out he wasn't even on the planet when it was destroyed"

"That's great you have your brother back now!" chichi cheered

"What were you originally here for radiz" kakarrot asked

"The others asked me to come to this planet and retrieve the saiyan that was here but I never would have guessed it would be my brother" radiz smirked

"What did you need me for?"

"Well do you remember prince vegeta?" kakarrot nodded "He survived planet vegeta's evaporation as well and he along with the other saiyans who survived have rebelled against frieza were through taking orders from him and were going to take him out!"

"Wait you've been working for frieza all this time?" kakarrot's eyes widened as well as some of the others eyes

"Only until just recently when we decided to rebel why?"

"Don't you know what he did to your race and you still worked for him all these years!" krillin yelled

"What?!" radiz frowned

"He destroyed your home planet vegeta how can you even stomach the sight of him!" yamcha yelled

"He what?!" radiz yelled

"You never knew?" kakarrot asked

"No we were told that planet vegeta was destroyed by an comet that collided with its atmosphere the message was sent out a few hours after it was destroyed, now I find out we've been manipulated all these years!"

" Yes I was saved because mom and dad sent me away at the last minute before frieza hit the planet with his deathball"

"We need to call the rest of the saiyans and tell them about this" radiz growled

"Which saiyans survived?" kakarrot asked

Radiz smiled "Actually one is our dear old cousin turles"

"Turles survived" kakarrot smiled

"Yes he was on the mission with me that day, prince vegeta, commander–in-chief nappa are the only other survivers"

"Well that's better than nothing, don't say too much over the communications who knows who could be listening in, he's already sent a henchmen here a while ago"

"vegeta won't be happy about the lack of information"

"We'll tell them when they arrive" kakarrot felt a tugging on his pants so he and radiz looked down to see the twins

"Daddy what's happening?"

"Daddy?" radiz asked

"Oh right kids this is my brother radiz remember I told you about him a few times"

"So that mean he's our uncle" chidori smiled

"Yes say hello to uncle radiz" the twins turned to him and greeted him

"Kakarrot you've mated with a human and had spawns?" radiz was astonished

"Yes over here is my mate chichi you sister-in-law, and these are my kids gohan and chidori the others are my friends that I've made while I've been here"

"Well this certainly had gotten interesting"

"Not anything you were expecting when you came huh?" bulma asked

"Not even close"


Serveral hours later they had managed to contact all the z-fighters including piccolo and informed each of them of the news, they all said they were going to start training again and would come once the other saiyans arrived , radiz had already sent a transmission to prince vegeta to come to earth with the others

Vegeta had asked for a reason but radiz had told him it was a private matter and it could not be spoken over their communicators, vegeta agreed after a while and now they were on their way

"They should all be here within a few month's we were closer to this planet then we thought, but even with these warriors and the saiyans I still doubt we can take on frieza"

"That's why we're going to start training" kakarrot smirked

"What kind of training are you planning?" radiz asked

"You first need to learn to read power levels without scouters and before you say anything it is possible I was shocked at first to so you're not alone but first we need to get back home that's where we're going to be training"

"How far?"

"Pretty far but don't worry it won't take long and you'll love it I live with my family in a palace because I'm royalty here now"

"You're royalty!"

"Yes my wife chichi is a princess of the ox-kingdom which makes me a prince"

"You really are something you know that"

"I know, but once we get there you need to freshen up" radiz lifted an eyebrow "I mean radiz do you have a sense of smell or what!"


Once they got back to the palace kakarrot asked a maid named leslie to help radiz get situated and take him to one of the guest rooms

"You must be feeling overwhelmed" chichi looked to him as he sat on the couch

"Yeah who wouldn't though I find out my brother and cousin are alive as well as two other saiyans and that I am going to have to face frieza"

"You're leaving daddy?" chidori asked

"No I mean maybe I don't know but even if I do it wouldn't be forever I will come back but I need to help defeat this bad person out there so people can live in peace isn't that what you would want for everyone?"

"Yes but can we come with you then?" gohan asked

"I don't think this is your level of fighting yet kids"

"Then train us even harder we want to help!"

"Kakarrot you blood is coursing through their veins you know they have your stubbornness so I don't think you can stop them" chichi smirked

"I guess we could give it a try"

"Alright!" the twins cheered


"Let's get started!" kakarrot announced and got a capsule out of his pocket once it was opened it revealed a massive trunk

"What is that? Radiz asked

"Your training gear" kakarrot got out a shirt, wrist bands, and boots and handed them over to radiz who immediately groaned at the weight "The weights will help you get a lot faster"

"Weighted clothes! So you're wearing this as well" radiz asked

"Yes I wear it as often as I can" he then got out two more smaller pairs and handed them to gohan and chidori "Now these are your this is the big league training, you sure you want to go through with it?"

"Yes sir!"

"Alright then put them on so we can get started" they each went to the dressing rooms and did so then came back "Ok we'll begin by sparing to get warmed up gohan chidori you two will fight each other and radiz your with me"

The fighters paired up and moved into the battle ground part of the training department and began sparing but radiz and the twins moved a bit slow because their weights were slowing them down

Kakarrot easily dodged a punch from his brother but he was impressed that radiz was already getting used the weights " You're a pretty fast learner"

"I've been to planets with far more gravity then this planet, the weight are a bit heavy but I getting the hang of it"

"Their bound to be effective on your training" He punched radiz in the stomach "But you still gotta pick up your speed a bit"

Chidori sent a punch at gohan and he barely managed to dodge it, they were both having trouble adjusting to the weight but they asked for this so they weren't going to complain. After gohan dodged the attack he moved behind chidori hit her in the back sending her to the ground, she recovered and flipped over to stand back up then rushed at gohan and began throwing punches and kicks as she could while gohan did the same

After a while of sparing kakarrot stopped everyone and they were going to continue with the next lesson

"Ok I want you all to attack me"

"Isn't that a bit unfair daddy?" gohan asked

"Yes but I'll go easy on you" kakarrot smiled

"Fine" radiz charged at his brother but he blocked it he turned just in time to see gohan and chidori were going to attack behind him so he used one arm to fight both of them and the other to fight radiz after a while he used a force of energy to blow them each away

Kakarrot vanished then reappeared behind radiz and chopped him on the side of the neck making him fall unconscious then moved to the twins and to knock them out he punched them each in the stomach


Later that night, kakarrot had gotten the twins to bed with chichi's help and had asked leslie to help radiz get back to his room.

"How'd training go?" chichi asked

"It went pretty well"

"I noticed radiz was a bit banged up I though you would go easy on him"

"I did if I had really fought him he would be dead and I wasn't going to do that"

"So is there anything I can do to help with this training?"

"Actually yes could you make three more pairs of saiyan armor for radiz and the twins and have them be weighted so I don't have to use the GI's"

"What's wrong with the GI's"

"They just get destroyed to easily with the armor they can be more protective and durable against attacks and you do want gohan and chidori to be safe don't you"

"Alright I'll get it done anything else?"

"No that's it I'm gonna start training them in the gravity room once they get used to the weights and once they get the hang of that I can start my own training"

"Well good luck with that"


Kakarrot flipped back to avoid a punch from radiz and the kicked him in the jaw sending him into the wall behind them. Kakarrot flew at him and punched him hard in the stomach making him spit out some blood

He was not going to go easy on him just because he was his brother and he had not gone easy on the twins either just because they were his children they had asked him not to for a reason and they had been banged up a bit so today they were working on schooling while he trained with radiz in the gravity room

When radiz recovered he punched kakarrot in the face sending him back and charged at him he put his arms in front of him to block the series of attack he had been using more power in these spars because radiz had been getting stronger from his recoveries

Radiz moved back and charged up a ki blast and fired it at kakarrot, he made a shield around him to protect him making a huge explosion in the room once it cleared kakarrot smirked "You're getting good, but you should try concentrating more power into you ki blasts to make them more powerful"


"Lord frieza we have some news on the where about of the surviving saiyans"

"What is it?" frieza asked

"One of our informants heard over the communicators that the saiyan radiz had gone to earth because there was another saiyan there that had survived"

"That doesn't give me the location of all of the saiyans you only managed to find two I want all 6 of them not just 2!"

"But sire radiz sent a message after he found the other saiyan to the others and they are all on their way there now! They should be arriving on a planet called earth in a few short months, I think something suspicious is going on if they are all meeting up"

"You may be right" frieza rubbed his chin "I want them all brought to me immediately send a squad of soldiers and collect them!"

"Sire with all the saiyans together they could be hard to defeat and prince vegeta is one of them!"

"Then what do you suggest I do!"

"Maybe you should sent your most elite team there to finish them off once and for all wouldn't it be better to just destroy them"

"Yes, those monkeys always got on my nerves I have no need for their existence any longer I will send zarbon and dodoria to exterminate them with some elite soldiers of mine to complete the task "

"Yes sir I will arrange It immediately!" he bowed

"And do make sure there is not a full moon on the day you arrive"


/Months later/

Kakarrot stretched his muscles as he got ready for another day of training. He had been using the gravity room to train radiz and the twins for months now and they had all improved greatly that the twins were now as strong as he was when he was their age and radiz was almost on par with him now. Today they decided to take a break from training at the palace and moved to an open field to they could fully test their strength

"Alright today were going to switch it around so gohan you will be fighting against radiz and chidori you're with me"

"Yes finally a challenge!" gohan cheered

"Are you saying I'm weak!" chidori glared at her brother

"What no I meant I mean um…" gohan stuttered

"Ok let's just get to the fights and we'll see who's weak after that ok" radiz and kakarrot broke them apart and moved to their positions

Gohan charged at his uncle throwing an assortment of punches and kicks in his direction but radiz managed to dodge or block each of them until gohan got angry and landed a kick to his stomach sending him back a little. Before he recovered gohan flew at him and punched him in the face it didn't hurt as much as it could have but he was impressed by the boy's strength

Gohan moved back and formed a ki blast in his hands "KA…ME…Ha…ME….HAAAA!" he fired it at him, radiz took it head on and managed to deflect it into the sky

A few feet away kakarrot was fighting chidori who had just send a ball of ki at him but he caught it in his hand and threw it back at her, she managed to dodge it but was blown to the ground from the blast she got up again at charged at him intending to punch him but he dodge it then another chidori came and punched him in the stomach making him realize the first had been an afterimage she then kicked him down and fired a ki blast at him

Once the smoke cleared he smirked at her "Not bad, you're becoming a true saiyan warrior"

"Yeah but I can sense that I'm still no were near you or uncle radiz's power levels"

"Nothing more training can't fix"

Radiz picked himself off the ground feeling a bit embarrassed that gohan had managed to get the drop on him like he did ' I guess I shouldn't have underestimated him just because he's a child'

Gohan fired another ki blast down at him from the sky but he managed to dodge it before he flew down and began attacking him with punches and kicks

They continues their training for more hours before they headed back to the palace

To be continued

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

God_Shinobicreators' thoughts