

Kakarot a first class sayain lands on earth after the genocide of the sayan race,SMARTES SAYAN Words: 258,195

God_Shinobi · Komik
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39 Chs


"Tell us kakarrot" vegeta drew his attention "How did you manage to survive the explosion on planet namek?"

"Yes the northern kai informed us that frieza's ship was to heavily damaged to fly, and that it was your only hope of escaping" Raditz added

"Yeah it was close one really close.."

Flash back

The lighting continued to stroke down as planet namek was nearing its end. One of the lighting bolts shot down close to wear frieza's ship had once been drawing his attention

"I honestly thought I was going to die out there"

From space you could see that a large part of the planet exploded off the side of it.

"I had almost given up hope when I caught glimpse of another ship"

Kakarrot saw where the lighting struck that there were a couple of space pods in the ground but were quickly falling down toward the lava. So he flew as fast as he could down toward one

"Of course frieza must not have brought the ginyu force with him when they first landed and called them after arriving since the spacepod has their symbol" Raditz looked down at the spacepod in the crater

"Anyway managed to jump into one and I was sort of panicking at that moment so just began randomly pushing all the buttons on the control panel"

Planet namek had finally exploded but the space pod made it off the planet with just a few seconds to spare; it activated and flew off in a certain direction further into space

"The next thing I remembered was waking up on some strange planet light-years away from namek"

The spacepod skidded across the ground before crashing into a mountain side breaking the glass of the window, the door opened and kakarrot slid out falling to the ground below. Kakarrot became aware of something moving around him so opened his eyes to see a different race of aliens surrounding him, out of shock he gasped scaring them a bit but stayed close

"Look at that a welcoming party it may not be earth but it sure could have been a lot worse" he said weekly before passing out

"Turns out I had landed on the planet yardrat and the inhabitants were really friendly they nursed me back to health and repaired the space pod for me"

"The ginyu's must have been planning to attack yardrat that would make sense which is why their spacepod's were programmed to fly there" Vegeta concluded

"That explains where you've been all this time but there is some things we want to know" Raditz smirked at the clothes he was wearing "Where the heck did you get that outfit?"

"Hey it could have been a lot worse trust me" kakarrot shrugged he was wearing his normal saiyan boots, red pants, and a white puffy shirt. He had declined not to wear the pink collar or the armor that went around the shirt "The saiyan armor I had been wearing were completely destroyed in the battle so I had to wear something"

"When we tried wishing you back to earth with one of porunga's wishes he told us you didn't want to because there was a problem you needed to handle what was it?" yamcha asked

"Oh well I couldn't really control my super saiyan form that well whenever I got angry I would transform and my power would lash out at the people around me and I didn't want that to happen to anyone here so I had to stay away until I got it under control"

"I sensuously doubt you would have spent an entire year controlling your new power, you were among the yardratians for all that time you learned something from them didn't you?" vegeta asked

"Not much vegeta I only asked them if there was a way to upgrade my instant transmission technique since that's where king kai learned it from and they were able to teach me instantaneous movement"

"Instantaneous movement?"

"Yeah it's pretty much the same as instant transmission except with this I don't have to lock onto anyone's energy to teleport I can just picture the place I want to go"

"Wow cool" the twins smiled

"So what's been going on around here while I've been gone?" kakarrot asked

"For starters we wished back Planet Vegeta like you asked and there's teleporters at capsule corp and the Ox Kingdom that can take you straight there" Bulma told him

"Wow really that's pretty neat"

"And mom's going to kill you for making her worry about you this past year" Raditz smirked

"Oh come on I'm a grown man now I don't need her worrying about me so much" he groaned

"They made a statue of you in the middle of the city on planet vegeta too" chidori informed him

Kakarrot lifted an eyebrow "Why would they do that?"

"Because you avenged them by defeating frieza idiot!" hasky yelled

"Their thanks would have been enough for me even a medal r something but not an entire statue"

"Just be grateful would you" bulma huffed

"Fine so anything new on earth that I should know about?"

"No not really your company's doing well at producing the saiyan technology, the ox-kingdoms running fine, and we've had no problems with people trying to take over until now"

"We do need to talk to the ruler of this world about the saiyans kakarrot" vegeta told him "The saiyans sometimes come through the teleporters to visit earth and people might get suspicious of them even thought they look human enough"

"Alright I'll try and schedule an appointment with him"

"Right so we meet at the sight of the attack three years from now did they say when?" Tien asked

"Yes it's on may the 12th at 10 am on an island southwest of south city"

"But I think we should arrive no later than 9 am unless the two time travelers information isn't 100% accurate" piccolo added

"Good thinking" Raditz nodded

"I will say this the fate of heart should stay back if these enemies were half as fearsome as they were described every move we make will be critical we can't have anyone slowing us down" piccolo continued

"So stay home, yeah" yamcha smiled and krillin laughed

"Don't make me laugh if anyone should stay home it you you're a liability" vegeta smirked at piccolo

"Then try me and see how you fare!" piccolo yelled as the two faced each other but kakarrot moved between them

"Guys this is no time to argue alright!"

"Hey so guys I have an idea that just might work, ok if we can just find this guy maybe we can stop him" Bulma suggested getting everyone's attention "We don't even have to find him ourselves, think about it we can use the dragon balls, I'll bet shenron knows where he is after that we just show up on his door step and make him stop. Problem solved"

"Hey yeah we won't have to fight at all if we do that, the future earth will be saved great idea bulma way to go!" krillin cheered

"If any of you even think about doing that you will pay dearly for it! Got that!" vegeta yelled

"Have you lost your tiny mind! This isn't a game you know that! If we lose we lose everything!" bulma ran up and grabbed kakarrot seeing he was their leader "kakarrot please tell me your on my side!" tears began welling up in her eyes

Kakarrot lifted an eyebrow and turned to raditz to see his opinion "I actually want to fight them too to thell you the truth" he shrugged

"I have to side with them bulma" bulma released him dropped to the ground "Besides hasn't invented anything yet so there really isn't any reason to hurt him, that's a little drastic right"

"Don't listen to them they're saiyans they can't help being blood thristy freaks" the three of them looked offended at that "We can stop this before it happens, if you die this time we won't be able to bring you back" because piccolo was going to die too and they didn't know where the new planet namek was

"That may be true but I have to know what I'm capable of and if I die saving earth I die well" tien turned to see yamcha nod in agreement

"I agree with them too bulma so I guess you're outvoted" hasky shrugged

"Oh good grief! I thought you of everyone here would be on my side"

"Bulma, look I've been doing some thinking we're all friends right but it hasn't always been like that I mean I hated kakarrot at one point" kakarrot smirked at krillin "but not anymore whenever we faced an enemy we put all that behind us we had to and before we knew it we were friends, ordinarily this group would never train together and let's face it some of us could be really nasty on our own"

"Nice speech well it was up until the very end there" gohan commented

"Come on I was telling the truth and you know it" krillin huffed

"Fine I get it do what you want you savages, you're such a pain you know that I don't know how a civilized person like me got mixed up with a bunch of brutes like you in the first place" bulma huffed

"So it's settled we'll fight to bring peace to the future" kakarrot announced and everyone cheered in agreement

"For the record I'm against this and you sound like a maniac, I'm not kidding totally certifiable" kakarrot frowned at her "So I'm stuck with you so for now I'll stay"

"Good so in three years we'll meet on may 12th at 9am on the island. Unless you're scared or think you'll slow us down in that case stay home"

"Kakarrot!" he turned to see vegeta "My father wanted to see you in his palace as soon as you returned so I suggest you go once you get back to your own palace"


Vegeta then flew off back toward capsule corp, kakarrot turned to raditz "Am I in trouble or something?"

"No I think he just want to meet the man who defeated frieza and I'll give mom and dad the notice that you've returned" raditz flew off back toward the Ox-kingdom

"We'll be leaving too so till we meet again" tien waved

"Bye everybody" chiotzu waved too and both of them flew off

"I wonder how strong those two will be by then?" krillin wondered

"Yeah I know what you mean" chidori smiled

"I bet tien comes up with some really cool techniques too" gohan nodded

Kakarrot turned to piccolo "So piccolo you want to join in our training I'm not sure raditz will want to now that he and vegeta are going to be training to become super saiyans too"

"Yeah makes sense I'll go" he agreed

"Yeah fun!" the twins cheered

"Krillin yamcha wanna join in?" kakarrot asked

"I think I'll pass head to mater roshi's and train with him" krillin refused

"Thanks for the offer but I'd be lying if I said I could keep up with your level of training kakarrot" yamcha refused as well

"You'd probab;y end up getting him killed" hasky added

"I understand" kakarrot turned but then looked back to bulma "Oh and take care of those babies bulma" before she could respond with her confused expression he flew off with the twins and piccolo

"Babies? But why didn't you tell any of us you're pregnant?" krillin asked

"I didn't even know you had a boyfriend" hasky lifted an eyebrow

"Because I'm not pregnant in the first place, all that space travel must be messing with his head" bulma had her hand on her hips

"Hey maybe he was trying to suggest you find a man and settle down already I mean it's not like you're getting any younger right" yamcha suggested


Vegeta arrived back at capsule corp and informed his father through the video phone to planet vegeta that kakarrot had returned to earth and should come to meet with him soon. Vegeta then went to see Dr. briefs about building him and even stronger gravity machine

"What you want me to build you a 300x times gravity machine?"

"Yes I need to train as hard as possible to achieve the super saiyan transformation"

"Vegeta you can't be serious what do you weight now 138 pounds? You'd weight 20 tons in 300x gravity" he began petting the bacl cat on his shoulder "Sorry I can't help"

Vegeta began getting angry now and raised his ki "You fool! You'll build whatever I tell you!" smashing the walls and equipment around him scaring the doctor


Tien and chiotzu had already begun their training. Tien was getting in postion to fire ki blasts while chiotzu leaned against a boulder with his arms and legs spread, when tien began firing he screaming in fright but didn't move from his position or by the explosion

Once the smoke cleared the boulder had been destroyed but choutzu remained unharmed although he was shaking from the scare "I think you've got it tien"


"You're suffocating me mom" kakarrot gasped out from the strength of gine's hug even thought she wasn't a warrior she still had the strength of a saiyan.

When kakarrot returned to the ox-kingdom palace raditz had already told their parents he was back and when he went to planet vegeta to see the king his parents were in the throne room with the king waiting for him

"I'm just so happy to see my baby boy again after all these years" gine cried as she lightened her grip on him

"Gine he's 27 years old not really a baby anymore not even close" bardock got her to let go of him giving kakarrot the chance to breathe

"Hey she didn't kill you" raditz smirked at kakarrot who glared at him

"You can't tell me your not happy to see him either" gine huffed

"Well I did see him once when he was about 12 years old but that was only for about an hour or two" bardock thought then turned to their second son "I am really proud of you son you fulfilled the legend of our race and defeated frieza avenging out race"

"It was a really excruciating battle" kakarrot smiled

"You had us all worried to death about you! You disappeared into a space and didn't even tell anyone through porunga where you were you could have killed me with the worry I had" gine yelled

"Sorry won't happen again"

"It better not young man"

"Yes ma'am"

"But I am happy with all that you've accomplished in your 27 years of life son" gine smiled "You have a wonderful wife, two adorable children, you're a engineer and genetics' on earth , the prince of the ox-kingdom, and you have your own company"

"Thank you"

King vegeta finally decided to introduce himself to the super saiyan "You are kakarrot correct" he nodded "I would like to thank you personally for avenging our race I have to admit that I had never heard of you when you were a child on our planet but now you are known all over the planet"

"From that statue I can tell" kakarrot looked out one of the windows of the throne room to the large marble statue in the middle of the city it was at least three stories high with him in his super saiyan form

"I have to ask will you be returning to planet vegeta now that it has been wished back"

Kakarrot's eyes widened "No I am happy with my life on earth I will come here to visit and see my family here but I have family and friends on earth now too and I can't just leave them"

"I understand"

"And with the new threat to earth I have to be there to protect them"

"Threat?" bardock asked

"Oh right" raditz remembered making kakarrot slap his own forehead "These two kids came from 20 years in the future saying life is a living hell there and how we're all gonna die in three years unless we don't train hard enough"

"What!" gine yelled

"Don't worry kakarrot died of a disease so not all of us died in battle" kakarrot groaned 'that wasn't why she was surprised idiot '

"What!" gine yelled louder "Your sick kakarrot? You need to go see a doctor right away I'm sure we can find some sort of cure in three years"

"Whoa hold It mom I'll be fine the two kids gave me a medicine that will cure me once the symptoms appear so I'll live don't worry"

"Oh why didn't you say so in the first place?"

"Will you need any help against this new threat?" bardock asked

"I think we can handle it but just I case we can't be sure to have the army train hard too" kakarrot had been told bardock had been made the chief of the saiyan army


"Oh yeah you're old girlfriend and buddies have been wanting to see you too so why don't you stay for just a bit longer to see them?" gine asked

Raditz began snickering when kakarrot blushed "MOM! I never had a girlfriend besides chichi"

"What about folona?" gine lifted an eyebrow

"We were just friends' sheesh" he sighed

"Didn't look that way to me" bardock added making him groan

"I guess I can spare some time to see them since I havent seen them in 23 years" kakarrot then wondered something "Does that mean that they're all still kids and I'm an adult?"

"No oddly enough we aged in other world I guess they want us as full groan adults when we die at young ages"

"Oh good" he then turned to raditz "Can you head back home and tell chichi and the kids I'll be late for dinner?"

"Sure and tell folona you're married now ok!" raditz called as he flew off making him growl


"I can't believe I'm the best friend of the legendary super saiyan" Toma put an arm around kakarrot's shoulders "It's great to see you again buddy!"

"Yeah good to see you guys too" he smiled at the sight of his old friends

"Being a super saiyan must be cool right? Having all that power at your fingertips you're the strongest in the universe with frieza out of the way now right?" dakon asked

"Yeah I guess but the transformation doesn't feel that different just a power up to me"

"Can you transform I want to see what it looks like?" folona asked with dreamy eyes

"You know he's married right and has kids" toma asked

Kakarrot and folona blushed and groaned at the same time "Why does everyone think we were a couple?" he didn't wait for an answer and stepped back a bit from the group and spread his legs a bit "Alright I'll transform but shoudltn you already know what it looks like from the statue?"

"The statue doesn't give all the details of what it really looks like"

"Ok then" kakarrot began building up his power and after a small yell he was consumed in a golden light then was surrounded by a golden flame, had teal eyes, and golden spiky hair that shot straight up

"O wow that's some power" dakon eyes widened when he felt the power emitting from his friend

"You look so cool" folona looked as the golden hair was moving as if air was blowing against it and the teal eyes shined from the sunlight above them she moved to touch his hair whe he stopped her

"I wouldn't try that it's really sharp and can catch you on fire" he warned before dropping back to his normal state "I would know cause it cause some cuts on frieza when I heat butted him in our battle"

"Oh ok thanks for the warning"

"How did you transform anyway it's said that the legendary super saiyan will only appear if the gods viewed him worthy of the power" toma asked

Kakarrot thought back to before he transformed "Well frieza was trying to kill me by shooting me thought he heart with a ki ray but raditz pushed me out of the way and he ended up dying instead then turles was killed by being blown up in mid air I guess all the anger I had built up exploded inside me and caused me to transform I didn't really realize I had transformed until I began using my new power"

"Wow" Toma tried to picture it as he was explaining it

"So are you going to head back to planet earth after you leave?" folona asked

"Yes there's a new threat on its way and I have to prepare to defend its people"

"Really another threat don't people ever know when to give it a rest geez" dakon huffed

"I know what you mean but I guess they'll never learn"

"Hey I just thought of something for you folona" toma smiled getting their attention "Since kakarrot's already taken why don't you marry turles instead he looks just like him and is a lot more fun to be around" she blushed

"Oh come on I thought we got over this argument 23 years ago I know how to have fun" kakarrot huffed

"Name one thing you've done that was fun that didn't involve fighting" toma smirked as kakarrot triend to think of something "Well?"

"The kingdom I live in has a holiday called international day were we party all day and I participate in it so that's something" he smirked and crossed his arms

"Alright so maybe you do have fun sometimes but you could still go out with turles once he gets back" toma grinned at folona when she blushed harder. Turles was currently on a mission to another planet they had received a distress call from but he had been told kakarrot had returned so said he would be back as soon as he could

"I don't even know him I only ever talked to him because he was kakarrot's cousin!" folona yelled

"Well now's your chance to really get to know him" dakon smirked

"Alright I think that's enough on the romance topic" kakarrot ended the topic for her


"So how's folona take the heartbreak?" raditz asked once he returned to find his family with raditz and leslie in the living area

"Who's folona?" chichi asked

"Just an old friend don't worry" kakarrot assured her "Now we need to come up with a plan for training on the next three years to prepare for the androids"

"Actually leslie and I have been wondering if we could move into your summer palace up in the mountains I don't want to live with my little brother for the rest of my life" raditz asked

"Sure I guess we only ever go there for vacations anyway and it's smaller than this palace so it won't feel too big for you" kakarrot nodded

"Thank you so much" leslie smiled

"Does that palace have a training area as well?" raditz asked

"Yes so you can train there. I'm sure you want to achieve the super saiyan transformation as well right?"

"Yes vegeta had already tried killing himself in the process" raditz had received a call from capsule corp earlier about vegeta's 300x gravity room exploding with him inside



Kakarrot and piccolo had taken the twins to a mountain side to train. They didn't hold anything back just because they were children and they had asked to be treated like real saiyan warrior so they got beaten up pretty badly

The twins were pushed back further to the edge of a cliff from the attacks kakarrot and piccolo were throwing at them, "You want to keep going?" kakarrot asked. They were still trying to catch their breaths but nodded so both of the adults powered up making the mountain shake and then flew at them sending punches at them at a remarkable speed and sometimes because of their fast pase switched their opponents

Kakarrot fired a blast a chidori but she deflected it to the sky, while she was looking as the blast headed further into the sky piccolo flew in and punched her all the way to the edge of the cliff, gohan looked to see if she was alright and while he was doing that kakarrot sent a powerful kick into his stomach sending him flying into her and the edge to crumble below them making them fall to the slow and then down the hill.

"Well I suppose we ought to call it a day" piccolo suggested

"Yeah" kakarrot agreed

The twins struggled to get up having heard that they were about to stop "No let's keep going"

"We can take it!" they managed to get up to their feet and look at them standing on the edge of the mountain "We're not strong enough yet"

"We have to keep training until we're just as strong as you!"


Vegeta was still in the med bay from the accident he had had in the gravity room explosion and was currently having a night mare.

He was running through darkness that seemed to go on forever as the area around him continued to change form until it finally stopped at one form and kakarrot appeared at the very end with his back turned to vegeta. He turned around when vegeta because shocked at the sight of him and smirked

"Kakarrot! I'm stronger than you!" vegeta flew at him and tried to kick him but he disappeared before he could. After a minute vegeta sensed something behind him and turned to see the two teens from the future "It's you! You're not saiyans!" he flew at them trying to attack but they disappeared as well

While he turned to try and look for them all three of them suddenly reappeared in front of him shocking him. Kakarrot was in the middle of the two and they all transformed into super saiyans blinding him from the bright golden light

He cracked his eyes open and saw the three transformed saiyans, he became angry and raised his power to the fullest, the three of them smirked at him and raised their power as well "I am the strongest!" he said until he was pushed back from the shockwaves of their power

Vegeta tried to approach them but they began moving away "They're too fast I'll never be able to catch up with them" he looked as they disappeared from sight when they moved out of range "But why? Why have I not yet become a super saiyan? Tell me!"

Vegeta woke up from his nightmare in shock knocking the oxygen mask off his face leaning back on the pillow under his head, he turned to see bulma was asleep at the desk next to his bed


Krillin was practicing his ki blast while standing in the ocean outside of Master Roshi's house.

"Hey krillin come check these girls out they're incredible!" Roshi yelled waving some of his porn magazines in the air

"Not now!"

"Aw come on take a break you don't know what you're missing"


Raditz was training in the gravity room of the summer palace he and leslie had just moved into and kakarrot had been nice enough to make him machines to train with as well. The machines would fire ki blast of their own at him and spin around

He was using them to work on his speed right now by dodging the ki rays that they fired at him while making sure not to exhort himself to much so he could have enough power to blow them up if they were an enemy


Kakarrot, piccolo, and the twins had moved to a open field for their next part of training. Piccolo and the twins each fired their own ki blast at kakarrot but he disappeared before they hit. As they tried to sense around for his presense piccolo was attacked by an invisible force, he growled and sent out a punch making kakarrot reappear with a cut on his cheek

The twins turned to see the two before they both disappeared and began fighting moving at a remarkable speed

"Wow they're moving so fast I can barely keep up" chidori said as they watched them appeared and disappear in different places

"There!" gohan yelled and both of them flew up interrupting their fight then began fighting them to break them up and get a fight too. Piccolo seemed to be having a desent fight with chidori but kakarrot didn't seem to be taking his fight seriously as he smiled dodging gohans attacks. Kakarrot finally grabbed gohan's fist "Hey gohan you're way to slow" and punched him sending him flying into the ground and piccolo was able to get the upper hand sending chidori crashing into him but both of them quickly recovered and flew back at them


And as thought what seemed like no time at all three years came and went

"Please, please, please just promise me you'll be careful" chichi was outside in the courtyard of the palace as the four of them were about to take off "And you're sure you don't want the lunches I packed out?"

"Yeah but we appreciate the offer" gohan said

"Yeah thanks" chidori nodded

"Ok let's go everyone!" kakarrot called and all of them took off into the sky heading straight of the island

While they were flying kakarrot thought back to the conversation he had with trunks and bulla three years earlier

"the androids have turned the future we come from into a living nightmare" bulla yelled

"They've already won, the androids are just too powerful!" trunks yelled

Kakarrot glared as he remembered their pained expressions and vowed to take down these androids just like he did frieza

To be continued

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

God_Shinobicreators' thoughts