

Kakarot a first class sayain lands on earth after the genocide of the sayan race,SMARTES SAYAN Words: 258,195

God_Shinobi · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs

Kakarrot vs Piccolo

"Now, after several fierce battles, the final four have been determined! We're moving on to the semi-finals! The four contestants remaining are Tienshinhan…..Kakarrot….demon junior….and finally shen! Everyone of them a martial artist of extraordinary power! Has there ever been a tournament with so many outstanding competitiors!"

"He's not exaggerating….these four are truly the best in the world!" roshi commented

"I can't believe guys as tough as krillin and yamcha lost" bulma exclaimed

"Now, the first semi-final match…between contestant Tienshinhan and Kakarrot! These two fought a tremendous final match in our last tournament, which Kakarrot won! What will their rematch be like!"

Kakarrot turned to tien "You're planning to go all out from the beginning right?"

Tien smirked "Of course"

Both fighters' flipped out onto the ring and got into their fighting stances

Piccolo put a hand on his chin "Well, well. An opportunity to learn about my foes"

"Will you demonstrate for me…the fruits of your training with kami?" tien asked as kakarrot smirked


Tien ran at kakarrot and sent a couple of punches at him before he jumped into the air and tien jumped up after him firing a ki blast but kakarrot easily deflected it back at him. Tien deflected it away and sped up faster to kakarrot's position and started throwing punches and kicks at each other before landing back on the ring and going at each other again disappearing from sight.

"Th-they both disappeared!" roshi yelled

"J-Just the sounds….we can only hear their sounds!"

Piccol had his arms crossed "They are swift- even I must grant that!"

"This is incredible!" krillin observed the fight

"Yeah" yamcha agreed

"Huh?! Y-you mean you two…can SEE them?!" chichi asked

Kakarrot and tien reappeared and where at a standoff in front of each other, tien was struggling to push kakarrot back while he had a calm face on. Kakarrot smirked and bent backwards then kicked tien up in the air, Tien recovered and came at him from behind to try and elbow him but kakarrot jumped out of the way. Tien turned and tried his attack again as kakarrot landed but his elbow went straight through him "What?!"

"You fell for that old trick?" Tien turned to see kakarrot smirked behind him

"Th-this is another astounding match! They don't even allow each other to breathe! Their power and skill seems virtually even! Neither contestant is giving an inch!"

Roshi was observing the fight closely "No…they're not even…even after all that exertion, kakarrot isn't breathing hard at all….unbelievable!"

"You're truly remarkable, kakarrot. Three years ago I thought your strength was unmatched, now you've increased it still further astonishing me, however there is one thing I have really changed much in the last three years"


"And I have noticed that I have matched your….SPEED!" Tien rushed at kakarrot before disappeared soon after kakarrot disappeared as well

"Th-they disappeared! Both contestants have disappeared from sight again!

"Where are they?! I don't see tien!" yamcha yelled

"Kakarrot was heading up!"

"There they are!"

High above the ring kakarrot sent a kick at tien but he dodged and reappeared behind him "You've got good eyes! I didn't think even you could track me at that speed. Too bad…that just being able to see me won't help you at all!"

Kakarrot growled "Going over me again!" he was then elbowed in the back of the head sending him down to the ring

"Oh! They're overhead! They're both above us!"

Tien smirked as he disappeared again, kakarrot landed easily on the ring and glared the tried to kick tien but his leg went through him and turned to get kicked away by the real tien, he quickly used his flying to land back in the ring

Kakarrot smirked "Wow! That was a lot faster than before! You were holding back your speed, weren't you?"

Tien crossed his arms and grinned "I was seeing what you could do. And as I thought you have been training your speed at all. Too bad, my friend- this match is mine! Your eyes may be able to keep up with me, but your body can't! That will be your undoing"

"You're really something! I didn't think you could get so fast!"

"They're beyond belief. If that speed was slow.." yamcha said

Krillin was in shock "They just aren't normal.."

"Hey, tien, can I take a timeout? I want to take off some clothes"

"Clothes? Sure, if you want. It is pretty hot"

Kakarrot took off his top vest "You've been training a lot too, huh?"

"Of course, I don't want to lose to you again"

"Oh…It….uh…seems we'll have a little breather here. Contestant kakarrot seems to be removing his GI. Quite understandable considering how much he's been moving about in this heat….perhaps a pause is just what we need to appreciate this trill-a-minute match! Our eyes can't even keep up with its twists and turns!"

Kakarrot grabbed the bottom of the dark blue shirt he was wearing and began struggling to pull it above his chest, tien noticed this and got an odd look, kakarrot got it above his head and was now struggling to pull it above his hair

"There's a sight kakarrot's struggling to take off a T-shirt?" krillin asked

"Maybe the heat is getting to him" yamcha suggested

Kakarrot sighed in relief once he got it above his head and onto the ends of his arms

"I don't think that's a normal T-shirt" chichi concluded

Kakarrot threw the shirt down on the ring making a thump and tien was shocked at the small crater it left on the floor, he walked up to it "Kakarrot…do you mind if I take a look at your shirt?"

"Sure I don't mind"

Tien tugged it and realized he couldn't even lift it off the ground "WH-what?!"

"Huh? What's the deal with the shirt?" oolong asked

Tien gave up on trying to lift the shirt "Kakarrot..y-you've been fighting this whole time wearing this?!"

Kakarrot was now slipping off the 6 rings on each of his wrists "Yeah. It wasn't kami who trained me though a man named king kai did and this was a part of my training"

As each of the rings landed on the floor they each made a small crack, kakarrot sat down on the floor and began taking off his boots "Back when I was helping roshi train krillin he used turtle shells. It's pretty much the same principle here"

Tien was able to pick up one of the boots "The wrist rings as well….and your boots?!"

Krillin and yamcha came onto the ring and krillin bent down to get the boots "Here lemme get this outta your way"

"Thanks krillin, be careful it's heavy"

"Huh?! What in the-?! Th-these aren't just 'heavy'!" krillin was struggling to carry one of the boots

"Yeah, they're 80 pounds each. They build my leg muscles"

Yamcha was tugging on the shirt "And this shirt- what's it made of?!"

Krillin put on the boots to see if he could walk in them but he could barely lift a foot "How can you even MOVE wearing these?!"

Kakarrot took the shirt and threw it over the wall to the main hall "These we go!"

"You've been fighting me…wearing over 400 pounds in weights" tien was in shock

"EH?!" the crowd was just as shocked as he was

Kakarrot jumped up a few times to stretch his muscles "Woo-hoo! I feel so light!" he then turned to tien "Thanks for waiting!"

"I see…no wonder you were no faster…Fine! It's starting to get a lot more interesting! Now show me how much difference it makes!"

"Ok!" Tien flew at him but kakarrot disappeared so he turned to his right and flew in that direction each of them arm shopping each other with their arms

"Heheheh I'm sorry…you are a little faster now indeed, but you still can't out run my eyes!"

"You sure about that?" Tien's smirk faded into a frown as kakarrot held up a red belt " Heheh What's this?"

"Huh?!" Tien looked down as his pants fell to his knees, he blushed as the crowd began laughing and he pulled his pants up "N-N-No…th-that's impossible! You stole my belt right from under me!"


Piccolo held his mouth open "So quick!"

"Wh-when…c-could you possibly?! Even my eyes didn't catch that"

Roshi looked on "Unbelievable. What tremendous speed"

"Huh…I have to give you credit..i never imagined that you'd be this fast..but I'm not giving up this match! It just means I'll have to bring out a little sooner…the secret move I've been saving as a surprise for you!" tien's pants fell down again

"Whatever. But maybe you should take this back" kakarrot handed him the belt and he snatched it away

"A-anyway..it's a terrifying secret move! Prepare yourself while you still can!"

"So what's this secret move of yours? Don't tell me it's that tri-beam again!"

"The tri-bean is too dangerous…for both you and me...plus with your speed, you'd dodge it just as easily as you did last time…no, the move I' about to show you doesn't have it's sheer power..but, you will never..be able to dodge this!"

"Never be able to dodge it?" yamcha asked

"Even though he's that fast?" chichi asked

"Your movements have eluded even my three eyes. They are nothing short of Inhuman…you truly are from a warrior race. However if I have 12 eyes to eliminate all blind spots, even you can't slip past me!"

"12 eyes!"

"Sorry kakarrot! This is my victory!" tien got into a stance then separated in two shocking kakarrot then the two separated again making four tien's

"Wow!" kakarrot's eyes widened

"Is this an illusion?! Another shadow attack?!" krillin yelled

"H-How bizarre..There appear to be four tienshinhans! Just like the move kakarrot used in the last tournament!"

"Wow…it's a multi-form technique huh?!"

"Heheheh that's right. This is my Mult-form technique! There are no move that can escape 12 eyes!" each tien moved to the four corners of the ring

"Oh my…The four tienshinhans…have dispersed to the four corners to surround kakarrot!"

Kakarrot got into a defensive stance just as all the tien's fired a blast from their hands at him, he jumped up to avoid them

All the tien's turned up "I see you!" they put two fingers to the heads "You're done for!" A blast fired up at the sky hitting kakarrot

The announcer looked through some binoculars "Incrediable! The strange light beams released from tienshinhans foreheads have struck his opponent high in the air!"

"Kar!" chichi yelled

"He's falling! Contestant kakarrot is falling out of the sky!"

Kakarrot landed on one knee and foot holding his stomach "Oww that actually kinda stung!"

"Hahaha that's what I meant. Well, what do you think?! You should give up now – if you get hit by the beams again, they could really hurt you!"

Kakarrot smirked "I'm not giving up..because I'm not getting hit by those beams again!"


'just as expected! Even after being hit that hard, kakarrot isn't breathing hard at all! What's most fearsome about kakarrot now isn't just his speed..it's his toughness he's increased' roshi thought

Tien smirked "Oh, please. No matter how many times we do this, it will always end the same"

Kakarrot held up two finger "Uh-Uh, not with two weak spots I noticed"


Piccolo smirked "It is kakarrot's victory!"

"What?! You've discovered two weak points? Heheheh you really shouldn't bluff."

"If you think I'm bluffing why don't you try me?"

"I shouldn't even have to say it..But of course I'll do it one more time, at maximum power. With this next assault my victory will be complete!"


"T-two weak points, he says?" krillin asked

"Is there even one?!" yamcha asked

"The four tienshinhans have once again dispersed to each corner! Without a doubt, this time kakarrot is in a do-or-die dilemma!"

"Prepare yourself!" each tien fired a ki blast from their hands and kakarrot jumped up to avoid them, the tiens looked up "It's useless! You can't escape 12 eyes!"

"Sorry man! I'm gonna borrow one'o your moves!" kakarrot placed his hands next to his head "Solar Flare!"

"Arrrgh! M-my eyes!"

"Th-this is incredible! It's like there are two suns! Contestant tienshinhan used this move during the last tournament! But this time contestant kakarrot used it against him! Contestant tien has been blinded and seems to be in pain! I'm just glad I brought my sunglasses!"

Kakarrot landed with his arms crossed "That's weak spot number one- your eyes are too good!"

"I..I never expected the solar flare" tien tried to punch kakarrot with his eyes squeezed shut but he stepped out of the way

"You rely totally on those eyes of yours to capture your opponents moves..so when you're blinded you can't figure out what I'm doing!"

"I…I see…but then..but then that should be the same for you too right?!"

Kakarrot grinned "Sorry to disappoint you! The tien behind me is coming at me with a right handed karate shop!"

"Augh! How do you know that?!"

"I told you I don't rely on my sight to win a battle. Hmmm your eyesight's pretty much back to normal now…so I'm going to go ahead and finish this okay?"

"You're claiming victory over the four of us? Well…I'm not going to fall for the same trick twice"

"Course not, that's why I'm going for the second weak spot"


"Turning into four people was a mistake!" kakarrot flew at one and punched him in the chest and flew around hitting two more, one tien tried to punch him but kakarrot kicked himself off his chest and flew at the last tien hitting him in the stomach sending them all flying out of the ring shocking the people watching

"Heheh I win. It's not like you to make a mistake like that tien. I mean, it's an awesome strategy splitting into four people…but you didn't train it enough so you split your strength in fourths, then all your attack, defence, and speed are only a quarter of their usual!"

'incredible! He figured out all that after only that little exchange!' roshi thought

"I-I never thought you'd see through it this easily…haha what a complete defeat."

"Wh-what is he talking about? How did he throw tien out of bounds anyway?" yamcha asked

"Th-that kakarrot..he fought an incredible battle…but he looks like nothing happened! He w-won without even using a ki blast!"

"Oh! P-Pardon me! Out of bounds! Tienshinhan has unbelievably suffered an out-of-bounds defeat! C-contestant kakarrot advances to the final round!"

Kakarrot walked with chichi back into the main hall "That was incredible! Kakarrot you sure have gotten a lot stronger!"

Yamcha turned to tien "That was pretty close"

"No…it really wasn't…to be honest his strength is of another order..i never imagined he could have progressed so much…and the most annoying thing is..it didn't even feel like he put any effort into the fight…he didn't even use a single ki blast…he certainly wounded my pride…I just wish I knew what kind of training he had"

"Now, at the end of match 6, the other final round entrant will be decided! And I believe we can anticipate yet another splendid battle! Even though both are previously unknown newcomers, they are stupendous martial artists! Contestant demon junior versus contestant shen!"

"Now then..i guess it's time" shen said to himself

"Chichi do you mind waiting outside for a second?" kakarrot asked

"Huh? Uh, sure"

Kakarrot turned to shen as soon as chichi left"Kami"

"Oh it's you kakarrot"

"I didn't recognize you in that body"

"I had a human lend me his body for just a bit"

"You came to wipe out piccolo right? Why'd you have to come yourself?"

"Because you yourself cannot take him down" kakarrot gave him a questionable look "That's right..you will not be able to destroy piccolo. Didn't you learn of the relationship between piccolo and myself on your own? That piccolo and I are one and the same that we were once a single being, and you probably figured out that if you killed piccolo, I shall also die"

"It wasn't hard to figure out"

"Now that you know this, I don't believe you'll be able to finish him. I don't believe you'll be able to bring your whole body and soul into it!"

"I can find another way to keep him from destroy this world"

"You know perfectly well that he's not some naïve opponent that you can 'find a way to beat', he's a seed that I sowed in the first place. I would like to resolve my own issues myself"

"Er..there seems to be a delay…contestant shen! Contestant shen, please come out! The match is beginning!"

Piccolo smirked "Ho…is the mighty shen then revealed as a coward?"

"What's the matter?" yamcha asked

"Looks like he's talking something over with kakarrot" krillin pointed inside

"With kakarrot?" tien asked

"Kakarrot….i left the majority of your training up to king kai, so I don't have a very good grasp of your true strength but…I believe I am the only one capable of stopping the current piccolo"

"I don't like the sound of that, you better not be planning to DIE to defeat him"

"Even a god treasures his own life, besides It wouldn't be proper for a god to commit suicide. Don't you worry…the humans showed me a good alternative" shen began walking to the ring "Now then, I guess I'll go fight myself"

"Oh contestant shen has finally appeared! Was he preparing?! Was he meditating?!"

"Oh dear…sorry for the delay! I'm afraid I had to go to the bathroom!"

"You would have been wiser to flee when you could" piccolo smirked

Krillin turned to kakarrot "Hey kakarrot, what were you guys talking about?"

"Oh….i'll tell ya when the tournaments over" kakarrot turned back to the ring with a serious face 'if it turns out like I hope'

"Ready! This is a semi-final match! And..Begin!"

Piccolo got into a stance "Heh…I fear I must end this quickly . for my destiny lies not with you but with kakarrot"

Shen grinned "You're planning to try for world domination again as soon as you kill kakarrot and get rid of everyone on your way, right? My dear piccolo…what a ridiculous thought, as always"

"You..you KNOW this?!"

"I won't let you have your way!" Shen held up two fingers and a force of energy blew piccolo into the sky, piccolo was able to stop himself in mid-air and shen jumped up t his level

"You! Who or what ARE you?!" piccolo fired a blast at shen but he was able to dodge it in time but was shocked to see the mass explosion in the ocean behind him, piccolo came behind him and double-fisted him in the head back down to the ring

Shen landed and dodged the next hit from behind

"….WH..wh….whoa..what's going on with those two?" krillin stuttered

"Th-they're strong…too strong" roshi stuttered

Bulma's eyes were wide "How can two guys like that exist?"

"Astounding..no wonder we couldn't win" yamcha exclaimed

"It's now shame these two are way beyond normal human ability" tien concluded

'I didn't expect that he'd improve so much….even accounting for that fact that I've borrowed a weak human's body, the difference between our powers is too great! He must have trained somehow'

"'borrowed'? who are you to have borrowed a human body?" piccolo asked

"[you can read my thoughts, eh, piccolo?]" shen asked in namekian shocking piccolo

"[…yes…of course…now I see…this is why your style of combat is so similar to my own…what business have you here in the LOWER REALM?! Eh..KAMI?!]"

"[so you finally figured it out, eh, my dear 'great demon king piccolo?' then I shouldn't have to tell you my reason for coming here to the lower realm]"

"[has a god left his lookout to seek my destruction?]"

"[of course!]"

"Wh-what in the world is going on?! The contestants are engaged in a violent exchange of words….but I don't understand what they're saying- it's in a language I've never heard before!"

"[you think to destroy me, lord piccolo?! Do gods, then, go mad?! Once you and I were a single entity in a single body! To kill me means your own death!]"

"[Of course I know this, and I accept it, Ho! But you can't kill me either, can you? You don't want to die…do you?]"

"[you ask me to believe….you would kill yourself to defeat me?!]" piccolo yelled

"What could they be saying?" yamcha asked but kakarrot knew full well what they were saying since it was part of his lessons at the academy to learn the languages of the universe including namekian

Shen dug for something in his pocket "[ you don't need to worry….the humans have shown me a means of stopping your evil without using that last resort]"


'kami! What are you planning?!' kakarrot thought

Shen got out a small bottle and placed in on the ring floor

"EH? Shen has taken out a small bottle like object and placed it on the arena floor! It doesn't seem to be a weapon-is it some sort of charm?!"

"[I hope you've prepared yourself!]" shen grinned

"This- cannot be!" piccolo yelled

"It's the Evil Containment Wave!" Shen released the wave and sent it at piccolo shocking the people watching but piccolo grinned and sent the wave back at him

"He repulsed it!" roshi yelled

Shen was now captured in the wave "Blast it! I never imagined this happening! I've at l-least got to return this human's body!" kami released the human body revealing his namekina one

Piccolo smirked "There you are!"

"Kakarrot! I don't care that I'll die! Take him down! Cleanse this world! Promise me!" kami yelled before he was dragged into the small bottle and piccolo rushed forward to place the cork on the bottle

"Knock down! Shen is down! One…two….three….four…five…"

'fool…waste no breathe on him. The form you see before you is but a mortal human. Even if he wakes there is nothing he can do' piccolo held up the small bottle grinning at it 'the god who possessed his body I have sealed in this vessel.'

"Nine..ten! he's not getting up! Contestant demon junior has won with a mysterious move! He's going to the final round!"

'He…he lost….he's been sucked into that tiny jug!" kakarrot thought

The announcer came up the shen's body and began shaking him "Hello- are you alright?! !"

Shen got up and looked to the crowd obviously confuse "Phew! He's conscious!" shen looked around "Huh? Huh?" he then turned to the announcer "Huh? Um..isn't this ..the World Martial Arts Tournament?"

"Well…of course it is…did you hit your head or something?"

"Eep! I'm sorry!" shen ran back intot he crowd blushing at he applause he was getting 'how in the world did I end up there?! I must have gotten really drunk'

"Dad!" a boy yelled from his right


"That was so close dad! I never knew my dad was so strong! You're awesome!"


"The final round will be a showdown between contestant Kakarrot and Demon junior! I guarantee we'll be seeing a tremendous – in fact a first – and – probably LAST-of-it's-kind-ultimate battle! This great match-up will follow a ten-minute break!"

"Feh. I need no break" piccolo huffed

"I'm going over there for a minute…I want to talk to kakarrot and the others" roshi moved through the crowd

"You are in my way move" piccolo told kakarrot

"First hand over that jug to me!"

"Hohoho! A delightful jest! At last I have kami where I want him" piccolo swallowed the bottle down his throat shocking the fighters "Hehehe and what will you do? Unless you kill me, you will never hold this jug. But if you kill me..he dies too, what a dilemma eh?"

"Y-You" kakarrot growled

"Hahaha prepare yourself! In the next round it will be kakarrot's turn to become a tattered dishrag!" piccolo walked away laughing in the main hall

"Kakarrot-what's going on? Tell me!" roshi asked

"Oh master roshi" yamcha noticed

"Yes…what in the world is going on? First who is that demon junior?! I can tell from his aura that he's some sort of demon, but I've never seen a demon with his power" tien asked

"He's…the great demon king piccolo"


"R-Ridiculous…! You destroyed him utterly! Didn't you?!" tien yelled

"Well yeah I did….I found out from kami that before he died, piccolo left behind an egg…and he packed his own life force into that egg…so the demon that hatched out of it…is hardly any different from the original piccolo…except compared to the last piccolo this one's way stronger!"

'So he's the demon king piccolo…that didn't even occur to me…this looks like it's going to get messy again" roshi concluded

"But…after shen used the containment wave I thought I saw…" yamcha thought to himself

"That's right…a piccolo-like being emerged from shen's body..and got sucked into that jug.." tien finished

"That wasn't piccolo…it just looked like him…he borrowed a human's body to fight piccolo….but that was kami!"

"Y-You mean?!"

"When I met kami and piccolo for the first time I realized that they are of a race called namekians that live light years from this planet, kami told me that he and piccolo were originally a single being. The evil he got rid of to become a god turned into piccolo. That's why of either of them are killed, the other, he's die too!"

"I-I see so that's what that was all about…in order to eradicate his opponent without killing himself, the Evil Containment Wave was his only choice" roshi said

"We can get kami out of there if we can pop the cork….except he swallowed the jug" tien said

"WH-what are you gonna do?! Are namekian as strong as saiyan or what?" krillin asked

"I learned that namekians aren't that strong but that's because they are a peaceful race and don't right to much so they don't train to often it depends on how much they train to how strong they are"

"It seems we can only rely on kakarrot again…unfortunately" yamcha growled

"Yeah. I'll do something somehow"

"Yes..i'm sorry….now that even the containment wave has no effect, kakarrot is our last hope….i'm sure piccolo went out of his way to show up at this tournament because he harbors some sort of fear of you" roshi concluded

"That may well be" piccolo said from behind them "For indeed, kakarrot does pose an obstacle to my plans….much more so that kami who spent his life as a god resting on his laurels at the lookout. Ho, but every obstacle is destroyed in time. The demon king piccolo you are about to encounter cannot be compared to him whom you fought three years ago"

"Well, that goes for me too!" kakarrot grinned

"Heheheh enjoy the final moments…of your life…and the freedom of your world! Let the demon world now begin!" piccolo laughed

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your patience! Now the final round match will finally commence! Who is the world's greatest martial artist?! Is it kakarrot?! Or is it Demon Junior?! Will both contestants please step forward?"

"There is no need for you to lament your separation from your companions. For the moment I have sent you to the next realm…I shall send them to join you" piccolo the walking into the ring

"K-kakarrot…! Y-You better win! You got confidence right?!" krillin stuttered

"Sure I know I can take him but he could win by other methods so I'm not gonna get cocky"


"Good luck kar! And don't get yourself killed! I don't wanna be any honeymoon widow-got it?!"

"Well I guess I'll just have to go and see!" kakarrot walked out onto the ring

"The crowd is going wild! These two contestants are in a class of their own! We're in for an unprecedented battle!"

"Have you prepared?" piccolo asked

"THIS- is the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament! WHO will walk away with the title?!"

"Prepared for what?" kakarrot asked

"Prepared…"piccolo took off his cape "To DIE of course!" He got into a fighting stance as did kakarrot

"Get him!" launch yelled

"Good luck kakarrot!" hasky yelled

"The Final Match Begins….NOW!"

Kakarrot and piccolo flew at each other throwing a variety of punches and kicks, piccolo head butted kakarrot away but he flipped to turn back and elbowed piccolo when he appeared behind him. Piccolo extended his arm to grab him but kakarrot grabbed him instead and threw him into the sky and sent a force of energy up at him to hit his jaw, kakarrot flew up at him but piccolo blasted him sending him back down to the ring

Piccolo unleashed several more ki blasts to were kakarrot had landed but once the smoke cleared they saw kakarrot wasn't in the crater "WHA!"

Kakarrot appeared behind piccolo and blasted him with a ki blast into the crater then landed with his arms crossed "You're still holding back your power you should go all out if you hope to stand a chance against me"

Piccolo got up and then into a fighting stance "Well….from here on I will show you more and more. I will show you a world of terror"

"You make you sure you put up a good fight"

"Heheheh soon mortal, you will be able to pour out such gibberish no more…"

"Maybe or maybe not"

"They were just …testing each other?!" roshi asked

"They're unbelievable" tien watched

"Your next instant of weakness will be your last"

"Okay! So maybe I'll raise my power up a bit!"

Kakarrot and piccolo began fighting again until they were at a standoff holding each of their hands between them, piccolo tried to eye laser him but kakarrot ducked then kicked him in the chin and flipped away and disappeared

"Whoa- contestant kakarrot has disappeared again!"

Piccolo concentrated on his surrounding "HYAH!" he elbowed kakarrot into the wall of the main hall making it crumble

"Oh kar!" chichi yelled

"H-he isn't here?!" krillin noticed

"What?!" piccolo yelled

"Behind you!" kakarrot grinned behind piccolo then kicked him, piccolo recovered and flew into the air

"I will destroy you and this arena!" piccolo yelled

"Shoot their all gonna get caught in the cross-fire! Everybody run!"

"What?!" the group yelled


"Argh! There's no time!" kakarrot growled and jumped into the sky "I'm over here!"

"Fool! Why protect these worthless humans?!" piccolo fired the blast at kakarrot, but kakarrot deflected ti with both fists to the mountain behind them causing a huge explosion

"Th-that jerk! Going all crazy as usual!" kakarrot growled up at piccolo once he landed on the ring

"Phew! If kakarrot hasn't acted, everyone here would have been blasted to atoms" roshi wiped his forehead

"I'll teach you! Time for a powerful ki blast! Get ready! You've never felt this before! KA….ME…..HA…HA.."

"Must be even better then a regular kamehameha!" krillin yelled

"Kakarrot wait! Hold it right there!" roshi yelled stopping him and look over to him "Don't be too hasty! Have you forgotten?! If you kill him kami will die too!"

Kakarrot smirked "Don't worry I'm only gonna fire what I know he can take!" kakarrot fired the wave as piccolo fired his own and they both collided but kakarrot's was stronger and it consumed piccolo in light

Once the light and smoke faded kakarrot looked up to an angry piccolo in torn clothes "Y….You! insect! How dare you, even for an instant make piccolo taste fear?!" piccolo landed back on the ring enraged "I will not rest now…until you are in shreds!"

"Wh-what an incredible attack by k-kakarrot that was…b-but unbelievably demon junior was able to withstand it…with only his clothes damaged"

The announcer got a better look at demon junior as the crowd began noticing some similarities as well "Hmmm? I've….I've seen that face before, somewhere.."

"Uh-oh his true identity is about to be revealed! This is going to result in a total pandemonium" yamcha looked around the crowd

"That….that looks like…the great demon king piccolo" launch concluded

"Huh?!" bulma asked

"The…the demon king?!"

"Now that you mention it.."

"It looks kind of like him"

"No! JUST like him!"

Piccolo was getting mad "Of course I look like him! I am the great demon king's reincarnation!" shocking the crowd " Tell the world! The moment kakarrot stops breathing, I become your king once more! Lord piccolo's reign will be restored!"

The crowd screamed in fear as they all ran away in fright leaving only the group and the announcer who jumped over the small wall to join the girls "This is horrible! It's awful! The so-called demon junior is really the demon king piccolo!"

Kakarrot turned to the fighters "Can you all stand back a little ways? That way I can fight a little more relaxed"

"Y-yes we understand"

"The trash has been swept away. Let's continue" piccolo grinned

"Just to let you know…I'm not gonna let you take over the world!"

"Such brave dialogue. But a line that might best gave been saved for after the next move"


Piccolo began yelling as he built up energy then increased his size to as tall as a building "Now at last, your end comes near!" piccolo grinned "Goodbye!" piccolo punched the ring were kakarrot had been standing but he jumped out of the way but was then hit to the ring by his hand

"AIEE!" chichi yelled

"Kakarrot! I'll help you!" tien yelled



"If you help me…I won't win the match fair and square!"

"HAHAHAH! Do you truly wish to decline your allies aid?! Without it, your slim hope becomes none at all!"

"Size like this is nothing to me!"

"Nothing to you?"

"You heard me!"

Piccolo sent a blast of energy from his mouth at kakarrot but he dodged it then jumped up and kicked piccolo behind the knee making him fall then grabbed one of his fingers and flipped him to the other side of the ring


"Lifting a body that huge!"

"You are a nimble whelp"

"Heheheh I told you so! You can't scare me with size like that! I'd be in trouble if you were a whole lot bigger though"

"Hohoho…you think I can grow no larger?!"

"huh?! D-don't tell me…that isn't you limit?!"

"Watch me, little man!" Piccolo grew his size even more to the size of a skyscraper

"Wh-what the!"

"Save us!" oolong yelled

"Th-th-the demon king! H-he's gotten even larger! He's like a mountain!"

"Kakarrot! Run! You've gotta run!" yamcha yelled

"Hahahaha what now, mortal!"

Kakarrot grinned "HO! You fell for it!" kakarrot flew straight up to piccolo's face and flew down his throat, piccolo began choking to get him out


"Kakarrot went into his mouth!"

Piccolo spit out kakarrot, once he landed on the ring he turned to the group "Tien catch!"

Tien caught it and realized it was the jug "Oh! This is—"

"Pop it open!"


"Curse you!" piccolo yelled

Once tien took off the cork green smoke came out then formed into kami "Wh-what in the world?!"


"Wh-what's going on?! There are two piccolos?!"

"Kami for that is who you are…you have just been brilliantly rescued by kakarrot" roshi told him

"Kakarrot?!" kami looked over to eh ring

"The sneaky little!" piccolo growled and returned to regular size

"So going back to your regular size. Guess you don't want me flying in your mouth again huh?"

Piccolo flew at kakarrot again and kakarrot disappeared just as piccolo did

"They vanished again!"

""I..can't see them! Not even with a god's eyes!" kami yelled

They looked up to see that both kakarrot and piccolo had landed a punch on each other's faces, piccolo hit kakarrot a couple times sending him toward the ring but kakarrot flipped around and shot a blast through his feet to propel himself and double-punch piccolo in the face


"His feet!"

"He released a blast through his feet!"

"Of course! If he releases a blast through his feet it frees up both hands! He's a genius!"

As piccolo was falling he shot two blasts at kakarrot through his antenna's to hit him but he saw them coming and put up a shield to protect himself then shot his own ki blast and shot piccolo into the ring

Kakarrot was sweating a bit when he landed back on the ring so he wiped it off his forehead as piccolo got back up "Hohoho even the little titan shows fatigue at last"

"YOU"RE one to talk! Your punches aren't half what they used to be!" kakarrot smirked

"Kakarrot! Give up this stubborn insistence on seeing who can win the tournament! If we don't defeat him now, we'll regret it later!" kami yelled

"I'll regret it more if I give up a saiyan loves the thrill of battle" kakarrot smirked and turned back to piccolo "I'm sorry but you gotta understand- I have my pride!"


"Kami I must beg you as well…please let kakarrot do this his way…the world he's defending is one he's made his home and chosen to protect, surely he's earned the right.." Tien told him

"Y-yeah! That's right! If kakarrot goes down then we can all gang up and finish him! We'll make it work out somehow!" krillin smiled weakly

"Heheheh 'we'll make it work out okay somehow'….fools! even 100 of you together, with this supposed god beside you, could not compare to my power" piccolo laughed

"N-no….no way!" yamcha growled

"Unfortunately he's right….kakarrot's is the only one capable of keeping up with his speed" roshi announced

"Hahaha then at last you have seen the truth!"

"Oh….very well then…kakarrot, I am entrusting the world to you alone….but you must defeat piccolo forever! Do you understand me? Yes that will kill me too-but perhaps you will have the opportunity to resurrect me with the dragon balls"

"Sure you can count on me! I got this one in the bag!" kami then moved to join the group

"You honestly believe that you can defeat me?! Heheheh the dreams of youth!"

"It's no dream I've already seen through your eyes!"

"What?! You've seen through my moves?! You truly believe you can defeat great demon king piccolo?! This you truly believe!"

"I do!"

"You cannot defeat me…you cannot! In the three years since we last fought I have multiplied my power many times!"

"That great…But I've been training as well you know!"

"Fool!" Piccolo fired a ki blast at him so kakarrot flew up to avoid it only to see it followed him in every direction he went "Fleeing is hopeless! Wherever you go, it goes!"

"So that's it!" kakarrot smirked and few back down to the ring shocking piccolo

"What's he doing?!" tien yelled

"Yes! Accept you doom!"

Once the blast was close enough kakarrot ran up to piccolo smirking in his face then moved out of the way just in time for the blast to hit piccolo instead. Once the smoke cleared piccolo's arm was completely mangled

"He injured piccolo" krillin observed

"And he thought if it in a instant" yamcha looked to kakarrot

"You need to be able to control the wave if you're gonna have it move in different diections" kakarrot grinned

Piccolo grinned then ripped off his injured arm shocking the group, piccolo yelled violently and a few seconds later a new arm came out of the socket "Revolting…that any might reduce the great demon king to this….but you force me to result to my final gamble!" piccolo got into a stance and began to raise his power

Kakarrot sensed the amount of power building up and looked to the group "Run, everyone! Get as far away as you can!"

Piccolo built up more energy making a gust of wind, kakarrot turned to him 'If I attack him now it could cause it to explode anyway…he wasn't kidding this really is his final gamble' he turned to see the group still hadn't moved "What are you doing! I told you to get out of here! Get a plane and get off this island!"

"Kar, just what are you planning to do!" chichi yelled

"I'm going to take the blast head on!"

"Stop this nonsense! How long will you hang onto this absurd pride?! This is no longer a match! Come with us!" kami yelled

Piccolo built his power up more making an even greater blast of wind "Shoot!it's too late! There's no time for you to get away!"

Tien flew up above the ground and shot a ki blast making a diamond shaped hole in the ground "Quick! If you want to live, jump in this hole! We'll be okay kakarrot!"

Kami hadn't move from his position so launch came up to him "MOVE it, old man!" she grabbed him by the collar and dragged him to the hole "I don't care if you're a god or not but get your butt in there!" she kicked him in the jumped in herself

"DIE!" piccolo yelled

Kakarrot held out his arms and made a x-shape in front of him forcing out energy as piccolo released the blast, once it was over piccolo grinned "At last…it ends"

Krillin was the first to come back out of the hole and looked to see the ring "KAKARROT!" he smiled

"What?!" piccolo looked to where he had been standing to see a smirking kakarrot with an energy shield around him

"Well…looks like it actually worked"

"This…cannot be….this is…a trick!" piccolo stuttered

"Victory is mine! Now you know it's over right? You have to have used all your ki for that move! You can't win!" kakarrot build up his power and looked up to piccolo

"Stop! What is this?!" piccolo yelled

Kakarrot got into a running stance and lunged at piccolo elbowing him in the face, kicking him in the neck, and punching him in the gut making him fall to the ring floor. Kakarro flew up into the air above him "Hyper!"

"Brace yourselfs!"

"BEAM!" kakarrot shot out a powerful ki blast making another giant explosion and once the smoke cleared there was a giant crater where the ring used to be with piccolo down at the bottom all bloody and beaten

Kakarrot continued to float knowing there was no where to land anymore that the ring was destroyed so he turned to the announcer "Hey ref! this is an out of bounds right now that the ring is destroyed and he's unconscious!"

"O-oh right!" he moved to the crater "um…is he dead?"

"Dead?! He's not that feeble! Besides…"

"Indeed..the fact that I still live is your answer…it is unfortunate, but piccolo still breathes…"

"Contestant piccolo is out! Contestant kakarrot has won the World Martial Arts Tournament yet again!"

"He won!" the group cheered as kakarrot landed and they ran up to cheer for him

A few feet away a black haired man came out of the ground "Phew! The coast is clear! So it's settled? he got up and looked to the group "oomph…there!"

"Kar are you alright!" chichi looked at the several cuts and bruises he had

"I'm fine only a little banged up!"

"You should at least get some of those banaged!" yamcha yelled

"Don't worry, I brought senzu beans" yajirobi came up to them

"Y-yajirobi what are you doing here?" kakarrot asked

"I just came to check on you, that's all. Here, eat this!" yajirobi handed him and bean and once he ate it the bruises and cuts faded away

Krillin turned to yajirobi "Y-you mean senzu beans aren't just food?"

"You ate them without knowing what they were?"

Kami looked down at the unconscious piccolo which kakarrot noticed and sped from his spot straight to in front of piccolo before kami could attack him

"What is it, kakarrot?!" kami asked

"That's my line kami! What do you think you're doing" kakarrot frowned

"He's still alive! Don't you see?! We must stop his breath! We must not let him live! Or else it will all happen again!"

"Then I'll just beat him again! I'm not going to let you kill yourself!"

"Must I repeat myself?! Let me do this, then ask shenron to resurrect me!"

"H-He's right kakarrot…it's the only way" tien stuttered

"Is it okay for a god to tell a lie?!" kakarrot asked


"I not an idiot you know, the dragon balls and shenron were both created by you, right? So if you die the dragon balls will disappear as well!"

"What?!" tien yelled

"Kami is this true?!" roshi asked

Kami looked up at the sky "I should have given up being a god a long time ago…after all, it was I who brought the fearsome evil known as piccolo into this world. What right have I to be a god after this? What right have I to go on living?"

Roshi looked to him "But you are also the one who made it possible to defeat piccolo. Without the dragon balls you created, kakarrot would never have become what he is now. None of these heroes would have, from just one dragon ball, this saga began, and so the world was saved"

Kami walked up to kakarrot and held up his hand and in the blink of an eye kakarrot was wearing his own saiyan armor "Hohoho! You do look best in something that symbolizes your origin!"

"Thanks!" kakarrot then turned over to yajirobi "Hey! Toss me another senzu bean!"

"Huh? One wasn't enough! Here!" yajirobi threw it over to him

"Thanks!" kakarot bend down to piccolo "Eat this, it'll perk you up!"

"Augh! What are you doing!"

Once piccolo ate the bean he shot up and moved away from the group


"You idiot! What were you thinking!"

"If I let you die, kami will die too! Besides I need someone to battle every now and then!"

"Heheheh you never learn, your naiveté will be your death! The great demon king shall withdraw..for now. But the day will come for you to die" piccolo held up his fist "and your world to pass into this grasp!" piccolo then took off into the sky "Hahahaha! Enjoy this life until I return to take it!"

"Oh kar!" chichi ran up to kakarrot and hugged him tightly "I'm so glad! I'm so glad you're alive!"

"Whoa calm down chichi! You honestly thought I would die?!"

"That's right! I forgot! Kakarrot's a newlywed!" roshi yelled

Kami approached the couple "Kakarrot..won't you take my place? The two of you will be very happy up at the look out as a god and goddess"

"Huh? Y-you've got to be kidding! I don't want to have that kind of job and we've got our place at the palace anyway!"

"Tien! Everyone you're alive!" Chiotzu came flying from the air down to tien

"Chiotzu! I'm so glad to see you! Did you evacuate with the rest of the crowd?!" tien asked

"Yup! I was sleeping in the hospital, so they carried me away!"

While they caught up kami continued to persuade kakarrot "But kakarrot! No one else could replace me! This is godhood! You can become a god!"

Kakarrot stuck his tongue out at him shocking kami before he picked up chichi and flew off he turned back the group "Bye everyone, see you later!" he flew off into the sky with chichi as the group waved their farewells

To be continued