

Kakarot a first class sayain lands on earth after the genocide of the sayan race,SMARTES SAYAN Words: 258,195

God_Shinobi · Komik
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39 Chs

Follow Dr. Gero

Back at the Ox Kingdom palace yamcha had already called to inform Bardock and Gine that their son had finally come down with the heart virus and they had arrived immediately with his cousin turles

Kakarrot was currently in the infirmary of the palace and seemed to be in a pain, he had been changed from his armor into a T-shit, and blue sweatpants.

"What's wrong yamcha? Why isn't the antidote working?" Chichi asked

"It will it came from 20 years in the future just for this"

Gine was whipping the sweat that was forming on kakarrot's forehead with a hand towel "Come on kakarrot hang in there"

"You better hurry and get better cuz, the world need you to protect it"


Vegeta landed on one of the cliffs while he was searching for 20 "Damn this terrain is limitless with places to hide which means I'm going to have to flush him out into the open" he flew up into the air above the terrain

Krillian was walking around the cliffs looking for 20 too and noticed vegeta was high in the air

"Once I level the area he'll have to show in order to face me" Vegeta lifted a hand into the air and gathered energy for an attack

"No what do you think you're doing!" krillin yelled

Vegeta threw down the attack anyway but out of nowhere 20 came out and absorbed the attack through his hands, he laughed once he was done "Your energy belongs to me now"

"No, he absorbed it" vegeta tried to fly down to attack him but 20 ran off, he tried to follow him but lost sight of him through the cliffs "Now where did he go? That mechanical freak is faster than I thought"

Unknown to him 20 was above him standing upside down on a curve shaped cliff "He's become so accustomed to sensing energy levels that he's lost his eye for movement, I can observe his every step while remaining safely invisible until there is opportunity to strike" he floated to the top half of the cliff

'I still must admit I never calculated this level of power from vegeta. What next? Considering his reputation for vigilance the most logical move would be to return to the laboratory. It is a step I would have preferred to avoid but the situation had forced my hand" he looked through the cliffs around him and caught sight of Gohan and Chidori looking over a cliff 'They're here too!'

He got a signal from his right side and turned to see tien, he got another signal to see piccolo floating in the air, and another signal to see Raditz floating in is basic form, and finally a signal to see krillin "These fools are practically lining up to give m their power. What a fortunate turn of events, once I drain all of their energy and add it to my own I will be more than powerful enough to defeat vegeta'

While Gohan and Chidori were still looking over the cliff some pebbles fell off the cliff behind them so they turned on guard only to see a couple of animals had done it so dropped their guard

"Geez guys don't scare me like that" gohan moaned

"It's a good idea to be cautious though" chidori assured him

krillin jumped to another cliff looking around "This stinks he's got to be around here somewhere, I can't sense him" he walked to the edge of the cliff but it broke under his foot making him almost yell but he covered his mouth and caught himself, he sighed "Damn I'm not any closer to finding him then when I started. Man this hopeless if I had known it was going to be this hard I would have gone to help nurse kakarrot"

20 was still hiding behind a cliff "Well it's decision time, who should I drain first?" he turned a caught sight of Radiz floating beyond some cliffs, he smirked and began chuckling "Raditz the third strongest saiyan in existence" he began floating up toward him "His energy alone will be more than sufficient, that impudent vegeta doesn't stand a chance"

Raditz hadn't noticed 20 was coming up to him from behind "Dammit he could hide out here for days. He doesn't need food or water" he growled

20 stretched out his hands and rushed at Raditz grabbing him over the mouth and grabbing his legs around his abdomen. Raditz eyes widened and he looked to see 20 had grabbed him "No one can see us, I know where every one of your last friends are. Now I believe you have something I want"

Raditz tried to fight him off but he had caught him by surprise and was draining his power fast 'Should have been transformed' he looked to see 20 was grinning and glared then telepathicly communicated piccolo "Piccolo, the android has me, he's draining me quickly—"

Piccolo had received the message fast "Right, which way though"

Raditz began losing his grip on 20's wrist

Piccolo turned to his right "That way!"

20 was now laughing as raditz began to go limp "Yes, you're almost completely sapped of power" he laughed again when raditz finally went limp "In a few more seconds you'll be dea—" he was interrupted when piccolo appeared and punched him off raditz knocking off his hat

Everyone else felt the sudden burst in energy and turned in that direction

20 gritted and looked up to see piccolo

"You arrived just in time" raditz was breathing hard and sweating

"How it can't be, there's no way he could have found us that quickly" 20 asked as he began floating up but turned when he felt vegeta arrive, then tien, krillin, gohan, and chidori surrounding him

"Well look who's finally come out of hiding" vegeta smirked

'Too soon, I'm not yet powerful enough to defeat vegeta. I'll have to stall for time and try to take more energy from the others'

"Gohan give raditz a senzu bean now" piccolo yelled

"Yeah ok" gohan got it out of his armor and threw it up to his uncle letting him eat it then transform into his super saiyan state

Piccolo flew down to 20's level confusing everyone as he took off his turban and hat. "Vegeta, Raditz back off. He's mine you saiyans always get to have the fun anyway so don't interfere"

Vegeta crossed his arms "Fine but don't let him sap you of your energy"

'Don't interfere he says?' 20 inwardly chuckled 'Excellent, he's handing me an opportunity to sap his strength. Piccolo is the 4th strongest on the planet' piccolo suddenly disappeared then reappeared in front of him kneeing him into the cliff by vegeta

Piccolo got into a fighting stance

20 growled as he got out of the crater on the side of the cliff 'This isn't happening. I prepared for every possibility, I just let my guard down that's all' he glared and piccolo then rushed at him trying to punch him but he disappeared so he turned to look behind him and see vegeta

Vegeta smirked then nodded his head up

20 looked just in time to see piccolo elbow him on the head sending him to the ground below. 20 eyes were wide looking at the saiyans and namekian looking down on him

"That's impossible I can't think of a single reason I shouldn't be able to defeat him. I was far more powerful even before I added raditz's power to my own. Even allowing for error in my calculations he should not be able to swat me aside so easily"


Back on the island where the androids first appeared 4 people were floating above it looking down on the devastation that had been caused to the city.

"From the looks of it we're too late" Kairi placed her hands on he hips. She had her brown hair in a ponytail with one large bang hanging off the side of her forehead, fingerless gloves on he hands, a short sleeved jacket, cargo pants, a mini shirt like bulla's, brown furry belt, and boots

"Where are kakarrot and the others I don't see them anywhere" Rikun aksed crossing his arms. He had short spiky hair ( he looks like Roxas from kingdom hearts but with darker hair), a long sleeved jacket, black shirt, brown furry belt, cargo pants, and boots

"No androids either from the looks of it" bulla looked through the city

"What do you think happened here?" trunks asked

"Maybe we should go back further in time" rikun suggested

"No, we barely had enough fuel to make it this far if we go again we might not be able to get back home" bulla told him

"And the machine isn't always precise we might not even land in the right time if we had enough fuel" kairi shrugged

Trunks then felt some energy coming from the left making the others turn and sense it too "Energy and from the feel of it somebody's fighting"

"They must have choosen a different location" bulla smiled

"Let's go then!" Rikun yelled and all of them powered up and flew off


A plane was flying over the desert fields toward the fight too

"That's gotta be them, we have to get to where that explosion happened" bulma was driving with yajirobi holding her twins and hasky in the back seat with linx

"It'll take us forever to get that far" yajirobi compained "You know what's closer home"

"Yes let the others handle this you don't want to endanger our kids" hasky tried to help persuade her to turn around

It looked like bulma was struggling to decide when the future kids flew by at a fast speed "Did you see that? It looked like those kids from the future with someone else too"

The babies began crying at her outburst. "Oh great now look what you did you woke them up" yajirobi yelled

"I bet they're headed to the fight too which means we must be on the right track let's go!"


"They're over there" kairi pointed

Trunks looked down and caught a glimpse of something making them all stop

"What's wrong man?" rikun asked but he didn't answer so they looked down and their eyes widened just as much as his did


20 came at piccolo again but he dodged it then kneed him in the stomach then chopped him on the back of the neck causing him to fly into a cliff as it crumbled on top of him

"Awesome!" chidroi cheered

"We're all going to live after all" gohan cheered

"He's so strong I know he's had three years of training but what kind? He's almost as powerful as a super saiyan" krillin commented

20 burst through the rubble of the cliff "Why you little—" he flew at piccolo again and tried to punch him two times but piccolo blocked them both with his arms then punched him in the stomach again. 20 tried to attack but he had already disappeared

"Watch your back" piccolo yelled from behind and kicked 20 into the cliff sides of two cliffs making them both crumble on top of him. But through the smoke 20 came flying back up and extended his hand to grab piccolo as the smoke covered them

"No!"krillin yelled

"What happened?" gohan asked

Once the smoke cleared they saw that piccolo had 20 by the wrist before he was able to grab him "I'll tell you a secret, all of us have learned to amplify our base energy in short intense bursts it's how we give our attacks that extra kick" piccolo lifted 20's wrist then chopped his hand right off "you see even if you had stolen all of the Raditz's energy it still would mean a thing bit unless you know how to use it" he crushed 20's hand then dropped it

"He won!" gohan cheered

"Those people from the future must have been wrong. We can win this no sweat" chidori cheered


The 4 hybrids from the future were standing over the dismantled head of android 19

"No that's an android?" bulla was shaking in her boots

"I've never seen anything like it" kairi bent down and inspected the head

"What are they even up against we've never seen something like this before?" rikun asked comforting bulla


Piccolo hit 20 on the side of the head sending him into another cliff but he bounced right off it then jumped around to try and hide as piccolo prepared an energy attack. When 20 turned around from behind a cliff he saw the attack come at him and his eyes widened


"It's wrong this isn't how things should be happening" trunks stated before they all jumped from the sound of an explosion and turned back to the direction of the fight "The battle must still be going on"

"Come on!" kairi yelled as they all took off

"That android was nothing like the ones from our time trunks" bulla reminded him

"Maybe there were three of them" rikun suggested

"How much would our travel have changed though?" trunks asked


20 struggled to get up as he came over the side of a cliff looking up at piccolo "HOW! I calculated every everything. I left nothing to chance"

"My understanding is that the battle we're now fighting originally ended with the defeat of the others and myself by two androids. But it would seem history has changed, either you aren't quite as powerful as we were led to believe or perhaps we're stronger than your precious calculations accounted for"

"Hey we did it! We didn't need kakarrot's help after all" krillin cheered

"Yeah" the twins agreed

"Well it's a good thing we can take care of the planet even without his help" raditz smirked

"Yeah it's better to die the natural way by growing old" tien commented

"Hurry up piccolo and send this piece of scrap to the manhole. Unless you'd rather let me interfere and do it for you" vegeta smirked

"Thanks but no thanks I'd rather handle this myself" but as he was about to attack they all sensed something coming from behind them

"Who's that?" krillin asked

"Hey they're back" chidori said as they came into view

The 4 hybrids stopped as soon as they reached they level and looked down at android 20

"Trunks and bulla are back?" piccolo asked

Vegeta twitched 'What? Did he just say Trunks and Bulla' he turned to get a good look at the lavender haired hybrids 'But those are my infants name's, but how can that be….unless…unless" his eyes widened 'They're from the future' he was dumbfounded by the realization

The 4 of them inspected 20 from their position

"He's different too" kairi muttered

'More of them? Who are they? Where did they come from? I don't have any information on any of them in the database' 20 looked around at all the fighters 'In any case I've clearly made some terrible miscalculations. It seems I've only have one option remaining…..I must return to the laboratory'

"Is this the android you've been fighting?" bulla asked them

"Yeah why?" gohan asked

"I don't get it he's not one of the androids from our time" trunks confessed

"Wait what?!" raditz yelled

"If this isn't one of the androids you warned us about then what is it?" vegeta yelled

"I wish I knew the answer to that" trunks replied

"So who have we been battling?" piccolo was shaking

"Huh?" chidori asked

"Wait what did they say?" krillin asked

"Then who is this?" gohan asked

"What's going on? Tien asked

None of the 4 hybrids answered so they just looked back to android 20 with their eyes widened


"Hey see that?" yajirobi looked out the window " I wonder who made that bid crater over there"

"Wait I think I see people just beyond those rocks, it must be them only a little more to go" bulma announced

"What are you serious we need to stay away from there" Hasky yelled

"I'm sure it's fine and everyone is still alive so the battle must be over right?"

"If you take us any closer I throwing these kids out the window" yajirobi motioned to trunks and bulla

"Uh go right ahead" hasky eyes widened at her statement "But vegeta won't like it I did tell you did I he's the father"

He cringed "their vegeta's kids? These little brats..I mean these little angels are you and vegeta's awesome. Then let's hurry"

"I thought you'd say that"


"No nonsense" vegeta argued then pointed to 20 "There's no denying this thing is an android you think that's just a coincidence?"

The four of them were still staring down at 20

"Why does it matter if they don't look like the androids of the future? Oh sure we may have changed history a little but what's the big deal? The whole point of this battle was to change the future, maybe this is one of the changes" krillin suggested

"I hope your right" tien gulped

20 flew back down to the ground 'Now what to do? I have to get to the laboratory but if I fly they'll most certainly catch up to me. I'll just have to go on foot and keep hidden among the rocks" he heard the sound of a plane in the distance

"Hey am I crazy or is that bulma?" krillin asked pointing behind gohan and chidori

"Yoohoo!" bulma waved

"Bulma look there he is!" yajirobi yelled to 20

Both hasky and bulma frowned when they saw him "Dr. Gero?"

"It's too dangerous stay away from here!" vegeta yelled

"That's it" 20 yelled "I was speaking the truth when I said you had no chance at winning the moment I'm gone number 17 and 18 will be here to avenge me!"

"17?" piccolo asked

"And 18?" raditz asked

The others eyes widened and gasped down at 20

20 began laughing manically then fired a ki blast around which also hit the plane causing it to crash down. When the smoke cleared they saw all that android 20 was gone

"That devious bastard" piccolo growled

The plant finally finished crashing to the ground and all the babies were crying. Vegeta had been the one to rescue his family having both babies in one arm and bulma in the other while trunks and bulla saved hasky and linx

"Whoa am I lucky or what?" bulma sighed

"That was very idiotic woman" vegeta scolded

"Oh I'm alive aren't I?" bulma huffed

"Here take them" vegeta handed the babied back to her as he set her down then flew back up

"Thank goodness they're alright" bulma comforted the babies

"Thank you for saving us" hasky smiled as trunks set her down and bulla handed linx to her

"It was no problem at all" trunks and bulla were very happy that their father had saved the younger versions of them and their mom.

"Forgetting someone?!" yajirobi yelled as rikun put him down

"Oh right"

"We really owe you one or two" hasky smiled

"Don't bother we don't do this for rewards you know" kairi shrugged

"Where did he go?" vegeta flew up to raditz

"Don't know he was gone by the time the smoke cleared"

Vegeta growled "That cowardly rat"

"Hey bulma, Hasky!" chidori yelled

"Are you guys alright?" gohan asked

"Never been better guys vegeta and these guys saved us" bulma smiled

"Good thing" krillin smiled

"No kidding"

"He's not gonna get away that easily" vegeta growled as he and raditz flew down to ground level

"I would have seen him if he escape by flying" raditz gritted

"Then he must be on foot somewhere down here scurrying like the insect he is"

"He wouldn't have gotten that far by foot"

"So that crazy old guy was and android because his brain was totally on display" hasky asked as she was helping linx back to sleep

"Yeah he was an android why?" krillin asked

"That's weird was always human before" bulma stated while soothing her twins and the gohan, chidori, and krillin became shocked by the news

"We've seen him in science journals back at capsule corp, can't believe he's an android now though" hasky thought

"He must have converted himself somehow"

"HEY!" krillin yelled "Bulma and Hasky say that old looking android was really !"

" ?" bulla asked

"That was him?" trunks asked

That got everyone's attention and flew over to where they were all standing

"How could that have possibly have been gero?!" vegeta asked

"Call it what you want but the photographs we saw don't lie and I'm sure that's the same guy we saw in those journals" bulma continued to try and sooth her twins then looked back to vegeta "Stop frowning at them. You know we scientist can be contrary bunch but everyone agreed that was a genius"

"And that he was a mean old man" hasky added

"Everything you told us has been wrong! You said that gero was killed off by his own damned androids" vegeta yelled

"The ones we did fight weren't the right one's were they?" raditz asked while looking to the new travelers with them this time

"Yeah it's true event are falling out differently than we thought they would" trunks sighed

"Messing with the past so much is probably what caused it" rikun suggested

"He mentioned numbers 17 and 18. Those are the pair from your future aren't they" piccolo asked making them turn to him "Quickly now tell us what they look like we can't afford to make any more mistakes"

"Yes you're right" bulla nodded then thought about 17 and 18 from their future "17 is a young man with long dark hair and a scarf tied around his neck, 18 is a girl blond hair to her shoulders with clothes similar to ours"

"But they both have the same cruel lifeless eyes" kairi gritted

"Whoa these things sound pretty mean" gohan told chidori who nodded

"A girl wasn't expecting that"

"What's that supposed to mean!" Chidori, bulla, and kairi glared

"No nothing I swear!"

"And they both wear earrings round ones so that may help identify them too" trunks finished

"Right and do they also absorb power through their hands?" Radtiz asked

"Absorb? No these two are much worse" rikun shook his head

"These androids powers…..last forever" trunks sighed

Vegeta clenched his fist "No infinite power is a myth you just no strong enough to weaken them"

Bulla lifted an eyebrow and looked around "We can talk about their specks later where's kakarrot?"

"Well you remember that heart disease you told us he was going to get? Turns out he only came down with it now" krillin told them

"So the original timeline's really been thrown off that far" trunks concluded


Kakarrot was sweating even more as he groaned in pain clenching his shirt over his heart

Chichi was cry seeing her husband in so much pain "Oh kar, please don't give up"

"Why isn't that thing working!" bardock yelled

"Do you think we gave it do him too late" gine's eyes were watering too

"You've got to fight it kakarrot!" turles yelled

Kakarrot continued to yell and groan in pain as he clenched his shirt even harder

"No please!" chichi cried


"Bulma tell me you know the location of 's laboratory. I'm sure he's heading back there as we speak" vegeta asked

"Well I think it's in the mountains over by north city at least that's where it used to be, rumor had it that he converted some empty cave into a secret hideout"

"How on earth are we going to catch up with him now that we've been standing here talking?" krillin asked

"No one saw him fly away did they?" raditz smirked

"Wait he's invisible?" chidori asked

He frowned "No, I'm saying he's escaping on foot so he can't have gotten to far"

"I see so your saying we should still have plenty of time back to his lab and destroy those two wicked androids before he has a chance to activate them"

"Yes" vegeta nodded "So we should leave right away" he powered up and was about to take off when trunks and bulla stopped him

"We'll need everyone's help we don't exactly know where his lab is"

"Yeah we'll go with you too" Rikun and kairi stepped up

"And who might you two be?" raditz asked

"We're friends of trunks and bulla in the future and saiyans" showing them their tails

"Let's leave before they get a chance to activate them then" vegeta yelled as he and raditz took off

"Could wait for the others dad" trunks yelled as he and bulla flew off after them followed by rikun and kairi

"Dad? Did he say dad?" bulma asked "I feel like I missing something"

"It's time that you were told the truth bulma about their heritage. You're their mother and vegeta is their father, they are who those babies in your arms are going to grow up to be" piccolo confessed

"What!" bulma yelled

"No way!" hasky yelled

Bulma got a better look at her babies "Wait so you're telling me that—"

"You know that you mention it there is a crazy resemblance" krillin stated

"This actually clears a lot of stuff up" gohan shrugged

"Yeah the fact that they can turn super saiyan is answered but who were the other two? Do you know piccolo?" chidori asked

"My best guess is that they were rikun and kairi, during their last visit they mention that they were friends with raditz's kids and their hair is brown so they must be hybrids"

"Wow raditz too?" tien asked

"We haven't even gotten to see their baby versions" krillin cried

"Whoa" bulma finished looking over her twins "Well trunks at least we know that your going to grow up to be a handsome young man, that good, mommy was worried that bulla would look as beautiful as me but you would take after your daddy"

The others frowned at that

"Alright Tien, Krillin the two of you are with me, we gotta find that lab before gero does"

Tien nodded, krillin nodded too "Let's do it"

"We're in" gohan and chidori nodded

"And hey bulma, hasky can you tell our dad we're looking for Dr. Gero's lab. Oh and if he gets to feeling better he should join us"

"Sure guys but how are we supposed to tell him anything without our plane were stuck" hasky frowned "And I certainly can't fly all of us back home"

"True, gohan, chidori you fly them home. Dismantling a two androids is something we all can take care of"

"Kay but be careful" chidori told them

"Let's get going" piccolo told krillin and tien "Right!" and they all took off into the sky

Chidori to grab bulma waist as gohan got yajirobi placed on his back

"Uh how fast can we go?" chidori asked

"Fast as you'd like but just remember there's are babies on board"


As was running his systems gave him an alert and he stopped leaning against a cliff side turning to look behind him and saw vegeta and raditz fly right past him 'Still searching for me are they?' he got another alert and saw the four kids from the future fly by 'What's this the younger ones too? And all of them making a bee line for my hidden laboratory…no that can't possibly be their destination it's merely a coincidence" he jumped up to the top of the cliff

'What else could it be? They have no idea where my lab is secreted away, only a handful of scientist even know it exists in the first place" Dr. Gero's eyes widened when he remembered the plane 'Wait that girl from earlier she is the daughter of the president of capsule corporation she may have learned of me from her father'

He got another alert and turned to see piccolo, tien, and krillin fly past him too 'Argh they are heading for my laboratory I should never have told them about 17 and 18 if they find my androids before I activate them they will try to destroy them. No I cannot let that happen" he lifted up into the air 'Fortunately even Dr. Brief does not know the precise location of my lab I may still get there before they find it'


Kakarrot had 19's managed head in his hand as it grinned at him so he destroyed it with a ki blast, he then went after Dr. Gero hitting him in the back of the head then appearing where he was falling and punching him in the face. Gero tried to punch him but he disappeared then elbowed him to the ground and finally punched him in the stomach creating smoke

He went to stand a few feet away and his eyes widened when gero began to get up and grow bigger "Too late for your heroics you and all your little friends are going to die" he began laughing even though his mouth wasn't moving at all until his eyes widened and he broke apart like glass

Kakarrot back away but then something behind him wrapped around his neck and he saw a strange creature begin to smile at him "What am I even looking at here I've never seen anything like this before" the creature grinned then roared at him with it's sharp teeth

He began screaming as he tried to get free from the creatures grip

"Kar! Kar can you hear me!" chichi cried "Wake up your having a nightmare!"

"Keep fighting you just have to hang in there" Bardock yelled

"Come on you can beat this cuz!" turles yelled

"We're right here with you son we're not going to leave your side" gine said as bardock and turles grabbed his hands away from his neck and set it back down on the bed

"Oh what a horrible nightmare he must be having" chichi placed a wet hand towel to rub on his sweat covered forehead

Yamcha turned away from the scene and looked to the medicine bottle in his hand "The medicine did we wait to long to give it to him?"


"Hey gohan can you hurry it up my arms are getting tired" yajirobi asked

"How are you getting tired you're not even doing anything, flying does take some energy out of you, you know" hasky huffed as she flew beside them holding linx in her arms

"Yeah gohan's doing all the work" bulma added

"I don't mind bulma" gohan told her

"Your lucky we were raised to be polite yajirobi" chidori huffed

"See that trunks, bulla I want you to grow up to be just like them" bulma smiled at her giggling babies

"They are really cool when they get older neat that we got to hang out with them huh?" gohan asked

"Yeah it was I guess they are pretty cool" bulma agreed

"I don't know if we can trust them" yajirobi muttered

"What did you say?" bulma glared

"Hey I know they're your kids and all and that's great but they just look wicked sometimes"

"What!" she smiled down at the two "We're gonna tell daddy what the bad man said"

"Nevermind!" he panicked "I take it all back come on! Give me a break"

"Of course we can trust them they came all the way from the future just to warn us about the androids"

"Thank you gohan at least you're a good judge of character" bulma smiled

"If they hadn't told us ahead of time we wouldn't have known about dad's heart virus or the androids it all just would have happened, I mean they even brought back that medicine from the future" chidori added

"That's right my babies are good kids"

"You know what maybe dad has taken the medicine and is feeling better already" gohan suggested

"I sure he's fine by now" hasky put in

"Yeah you're right let's go find out!" chidori cheered as they all powered up and flew faster


"Dr. Gero hides his lab in a cave in one of these mountains" piccolo told everyone once they arrived above north city

"Could have done us a favor and picked some place warmer" krillin shook from the cold winds

"I knew searching for gero's lab would we difficult but this is ridiculous" raditz groaned

"We have like a million mountain to choose from and we can't even sense the androids energy so it's worse that ridiculous" trunks moaned

"Which one of these mountain looks like the best place to make a secret lab?" rikun asked

"Maybe one closer to the city?" kairi suggested

"So I say we split up and who ever find the lab first sends out a signal" vegeta stated

"What kind of signal?" bulla asked

"Raise your power level as high as you can we'll notice that"

"Good idea" tien agreed

The wind blew making krillin freeze in ice "It's so cold here!" he yelled as he broke the ice off him

"Tuff it out you're not the only one who's cold" tien told him

"Humans are so delicate. Now focus we need to find those androids as fast as we can" Raditz said


"Hey wait!" krillin yelled stopping them all

"Yes you're freezing we know"

"I was thinking you should all take a senzu bean better safe than sorry right?" he got out the bag gohan had given him just before they left

"Right good idea krillin"

He gave one bean to everyone

"If everything goes according to plan we won't need them" vegeta said as he put the bean in his glove and then flew off

Everyone flew off after him in a different direction


Gero watched them all as they went their separate ways from the forest below "My theory held up, they know about my lab but I think they'll find tracking it down as another matter. Prepare to fail fools" he began running off "Snoop around all you want do-gooders I'll kill you soon enough"

He flew over to a cliff side and got an alert then turned to see krillin flying in his direction "Wee little krillin"

Krillin jumped over some broken trees when he was grabbed by his ankle by gero then thrown into a boulder and punched before being kneed causing him to spit out some blood.

"Whatever were you thinking krillin? At your pathetic power level your practically useless, I'm shocked your friends even let you help"

"Yeah bring it grandpa"

"Enough chit-chat let's put you out of your misery " he was about to attack when he got another alert and turned to see piccolo flying a little ways away "What now piccolo! I've got time to dirty my hands with one but two of them" he turned back to krillin "you get a little stay off execution little man don't bother thanking me"

He turned a chuckled "Cause I do mean only a little" he then flew off leaving krillin alone

"I gotta let the others know where I am" krillin began raising his energy but stopped 'No I gotta find that laboratory first'

To be continued

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

God_Shinobicreators' thoughts