

Kakarot a first class sayain lands on earth after the genocide of the sayan race,SMARTES SAYAN Words: 258,195

God_Shinobi · Komik
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39 Chs


A True Hero 

By: ChrissyxAnime31

"It's a dragon ball so that make four balls in all" kakarrot said

A True Hero

Gohan had been walking through the woods when he started to come across debris of some kind of metal; he had decided to investigate by walking further in the direction. While walking he came across some pieces of technology and more metal until he found a medium sized crater that had a small blood trail coming out of it and toward the forest.

"There must have been an explosion here not too long ago" He decided to follow the blood trail to see if he could find anyone who might be injured

Gohan soon found a little boy lying on the ground and appeared to be severely injured so he ran over to the boy and put two fingers against his neck to find a regular pulse. He turned the boy over to see he had an injury on his head that was bleeding, some bruises, scratch marks, and the armor he appeared to be wearing was broken.

"Well I can't leave you out here on your own like this" Gohan decided to take the boy home with him to get him treated for his injuries. Gohan put him on the bed in his guestroom and started to take off his armor and when he got everything off he realized the boy had a brown furry tail.

"That's strange well don't worry little guy I'm a little odd myself" Gohan then got a bowl of water with a wrag and cleaned the boy's wounds, he then put bandages on the cuts and a bandage around his head. Gohan then put him into a white T-shirt and blue shorts.

"There now I'll just leave you to rest "Gohan took the bowl and left the room.

/1 day later/

The boy began to stir in his sleep and began to open his eyes, He sat straight up and saw he was in a small room he didn't recognize and also noticed he had bandages on his body and around his head. He looked out the window to see trees, grass, a blue sky, and white clouds.

("Where am I") he said in saiyago

The door suddenly opened as gohan came to check up on him to see he was awake

"Looks like your finally awake little guy" gohan said confusing him as he tried to think of the language he was speaking

"you were hurt very badly, I found you while I was walking in the woods and brought you back here to heal you wounds "He then remembered he had been sent to earth and knew the languages that were spoken on this planet.

"Oh thanks for your help "he said

"You're welcome now for the introduction's my name is gohan what's yours" gohan asked

"My name is kakarrot" he said

"Ok now where are you from since I found you near a large crater and debris I can tell you were near an explosion" gohan asked

"I can't say"

"Then what about family of friends that might be looking for you because there isn't anything for miles around here" gohan asked

"I'm alone here I don't have any family that is still alive" kakarrot answered

Gohan was stunned by the news of the boy's family being dead so he decided to take the boy in and be a grandfather like figure to the boy, kakarrot agreed saying he didn't have anywhere to go.

"I do have a question why do you have a tail and wearing armor" gohan asked in curiosity

"My tail is because of my heredity all my family had tails and my armor was because I was trained to be a fighter from my teachers and I had to wear it to protect me from energy blasts" kakarrot answered.

"So you're trained in the ancient ways of martial arts I know a little myself so maybe we can train together how much did your teachers teach you?"

"I am able to create KI blasts and fly"

"That is a bit advanced for someone your age but I can still teach you some things such as sensing" gohan said

"Thank you for your hospitality Gohan I appreciate it" Kakarrot stomach suddenly growled making him blush and gohan laughed a little

"Let's get some food in your stomach first shall we"

"Yeah but I should warn you I have a pretty big appetite"


"You weren't kidding when you said you had a big appetite" gohan said after kakarrot finished eating 50 plates of food

"Yeah sorry but this is normal for me all my family ate this much and my mom was a really good cook to" kakarrot said

"So how much can you tell me about your family" gohan asked and saw kakarrot stiffen up after he asked "You know it's better to talk your grief out I'm sure they wouldn't want you mourning them for the rest of your life"

"Right but they died about 6 months ago and I'm just angry that I couldn't do anything to stop it even with all the training I had I couldn't help them all I could do was watch" kakarrot gripped his hair and put his head against the table.

"I'm sure they didn't expect you to prevent something like that they were you family it's their job to protect you not the other way around so you should try and remember all the good times you had with them and try to move on isn't that what they would want" gohan said

"Yeah" kakarrot said

"Now what good things can you say about your family" gohan said to try to start his healing process

"Well we all lived in a two story house in the middle of a city I lived with my mom Gine, my dad Bardock, and my big brother Raditz. My grandparents would come to visit us often to because they lived close by and I had good friends around the neighborhood and at the academy" kakarrot said

"Seems you had a normal life your parents seemed nice as well how were they to you" gohan asked wanting to know more

"My mom worked in a food industry and she would always help me with my studies when I came home because she didn't want me to grow up and be a fighter with no brain I'm a pretty fast learner so she didn't have to try that hard. My dad was a soldier so when he came home he would teach me and my brother some techniques he knew and he was pretty good when he was in the academy so he taught me some stuff for my studies as well" kakarrot gave a small smile at the thought of his family

"There now you feel a little better now don't you just got to give it time" gohan said smiling to see that he was happy

/2 years later/

Since kakarrot has begun living with gohan he had helped him out around the house a lot by repairing some parts of the house, getting firewood, and hunting for food. Gohan had also enrolled him in school to keep his mother's idea strong

Kakarrot was incredibly smart for his age he was able to skip elementary and middle school and was able to finish his high school at 7 years old so now he was working on a bachelor's degree in cardiology and scientific engineering.


Kakarrot had been doing some of the work for his studies when he checked his calendar for anything important that might be coming up and froze when he saw that today was a night for a full moon.

" darn it I completely forgot about that" kakarrot panicked and looked over at the clock and saw he still had about four hours before the full moon would be up so he quickly put all his stuff away first before going to talk to gohan

Gohan was in the kitchen beginning to make dinner when he heard kakarrot come in and looked over

"Hey kakarrot I was just beginning to start on dinner what would you like to have tonight" gohan asked

" actually I was going to ask if I could go on a training trip I need to practice some new techniques and I don't want to disturb anything around here with the cross fire" kakarrot asked

" ah yes you do like to go on this trip once every month so you can go how long will you be gone this time" gohan asked

"Just about two days at the most" kakarrot said before going to get a few things then leaving.

Kakarrot flew for about an hour before finding his secret hideout that he found one day while training it was an underground valley that was completely cut off from the sunlight. Once kakarrot arrived he put up his usual light to be able to see and looked at the watch he had on to see he still had two and a half hours to get to sleep.

"Should get something to eat first" he looked over to the stream of water on the other side of the cave before jumping in to find fish. He saw one he wanted then kicked it really hard before grabbing its tail and throwing it out of the water then hit it with a ki blast to cook it.

After eating he saw he still had an hour left so he got his notebook out of his backpack with a pencil to finish some of the blueprints he had inside. He had made blue prints in saiyago for a healing chamber, scouters even though gohan had taught him to sense energy, a baby incubator, and other saiyan technology.

On the first page kakarrot had a very detailed sketch of his family that looked like a black and white photo of them; he wanted to remember what they looked like so he wouldn't forget them. Gine was in the top left with her hands on radiz's shoulders, bardock had one arm around gine's shoulders while hugging him with his other arm and they were all smiling in the sketch.

Kakarrot vowed to keep the promise he made with his parents before leaving he could still remember his dad's exact words

"Kakarrot if we don't make it through this you must succeed where we have failed someday you must rise up and avenge the saiyans of planet vegeta"

He knew that the saiyans didn't not survive because as his spaceship was leaving the atmosphere he could see frieza making a deathball with his fingertip then a few minutes later hearing a giant explosion in the distance.

The alarm on his watch went off snapping him out of his thought's, it was time for the full moon to appear so he had to get to sleep just to be extra careful.

/the next morning/

Kakarrot woke up around 9 am and ate some over the leftover fish he didn't finish the night before then went to train some of the techniques he had been learning.

Kakarrot had been using a multiform technique and perfected it by not reducing his power at all, he split himself 4 times the help him train his power and used a blindfold so he couldn't rely on his eyesight to defeat his opponents.

The other three currently had him surrounded each of the charging up a different ki blast before firing them


"Buster Canon!"

"Hyper Beam!"

Kakarrot put up a energy shield to protect himself from the blasts creating a large explosion and while the smoke was dissipating he snuck up on all 3 clones and took each out before they disappeared.

'Phew that was a good workout' kakarot wiped his forehead of sweat before taking off his blindfold.

/ 2 days later/

Kakarrot flew back home finished with his training trip to see gohan was asleep on the couch so he went in the room to put all his stuff away. About an hour later gohan woke up but he still looked tired.

"Gohan are you alright" kakarrot asked him seeing that he was breathing hard and was sweating

"Oh kakarrot your back, yes I'm fine just tired I guess my age is starting to catch up with me" gohan said sitting up

"I can sense that you're in a lot of pain maybe you should see a doctor because this has never happened before" kakarrot said feeling something wasn't right with his health

"Don't worry I'll be fine I promise if I get worse I'll see a doctor" gohan told him

As time passed on kakarrot could tell gohan wasn't getting better because he could hear him coughing throughout the day, he was always out of breath, and was tired all the time so he finally convinced him to see a doctor by taking him to the nearest hospital.

When they arrived the nurses helped gohan into a wheel chair and took him straight back, they told kakarrot to wait in the waiting room.


Gohan had been diagnosed with a heart virus that had been building for years the doctor explained that they did not know how this disease forms only that it is caught from a very rare bacteria found in swamps and takes year to fully take effect on a person. The doctor said there was no cure but gohan could take chemotherapy.

Gohan had refused the treatment saying that it would only be delaying the inevitable and decided to go home.

"Do you know when you could have been infected with the bacteria" kakarrot asked gohan while he helped gohan get on the couch in the living room

"Well I have been to a swamp once when I was younger and still training in martial arts, I was camping there while I was traveling and could have contracted it while I was there" gohan said in huffed breaths

Kakarrot had decided he would nurse gohan to keep him from exhausting himself, he hunted for food and cooked it with his ki blasts, he did the house work, and helped gohan move around

One night while kakarot was doing his studies at the kitchen table and gohan was watching tv in the living room he heard gohan call him

"Yes Gohan" kakarrot asked walking to the living room

"Can you help me to bed it's time for me to sleep" Gohan asked and kakarot helped him up and the put him in bed. Gohan hugged him before kakarrot turned off the light and shut the door leaving gohan to sleep.

Gohan never woke up and kakarrot had buried him in a valley by a waterfall and apple trees.

/three years later/

During the next three years kakarrot had gotten a doctorate in scientific engineering and decided to have a medical scientist degree to make cures for diseases. While clearing all of gohan's stuff into storage he found a small orange glass like ball with 4 red stars in it so he decided to keep it as a memoir of gohan on a small purple pillow on the kitchen table.

He had turned gohan's old bedroom into a small lab to put his blueprints up and research diseases he kept his old blueprint notebook as a sketch book to draw pictures of his old family and friends.


Kakarrot was on his way back home rolling some wood under his feet with his hands in his pockets; he waved to monkey as he rolled past the tree it was sitting on. When kakarrot got home he levitated the wood in the air then used his ki to chop it up into pieces then put them next to the fire place.

"I guess I should eat something before I got train" kakarot said before flying to the lake near his house. He used his tail as bait for fish a few seconds later he sensed a fish coming closer to him, he flung it in the air then kicked it to kill it.

"That's a big one too" kakarot said as he caught the fish then flew back home.


A jeep was driving on a rock road when it stopped and a teenage girl wearing a pink dress with blue hair stepped out and checked her radar in her hand

"Got to be right…around…..here" she said looking around "or maybe a little more to the west" she said then got back in her car and drove off.


kakarrot decided to make a fish stew gohan had taught him to make he got a big pot to but over a fire in the fire place chopped up the vegetables and fish then set it to cook for a while.

He went to his lab to do research on some diseases he had been looking into and was making some notes on it when he heard an engine outside

"Who could be way out here" he wondered before leaving his desk to look out the window and see a teenage girl.

Bulma p.o.v

'The dragon ball must be in this house' bulma saw smoke coming out of the chimney and knew someone must live there so politely knocked on the door.

Kakarrot opened the door to her

"Hello how may I help you" kakarrot asked confused to see someone out here

"hello my name's bulma i was wondering if you happened to have a dragon ball here" she asked

"What's a dragon ball?"

"a dragon looks like this" bulma said getting two dragon balls out of the pouch on her waist to show him

Kakarrot was shocked to see two more balls that looked like the one on his kitchen table but he could also see the difference between the one he had and the two she had, they all had a different number of stars on them.

"Yeah I have one that look like those two but it has four stars in it" kakarrot said

"Really do you mind if I have it" bulma asked excitedly

"Why do you want it?" kakarrot asked raising an eyebrow

Bulma was about to answer when he hear a whistling sound behind him and remembered his food on the fireplace so he quickly went over and put out the fire then lifted the lid to see it had finished cooking.

"Doesn't anyone else live here with you" bulma asked she had followed him to the living room to see him put out the fire with some water on the side.

"No I used to live here with a man named gohan put he died 3 years ago" kakarrot told her then decided to be nice and offer her lunch

"Well alright what's your name anyway" she asked as he got two bowls out and poured stew in both

"My name's kakarrot it's nice to meet you" he said giving her a bowl

After they finished eating he washed everything up and asked her what she wanted with the dragon ball he had for

"I'm collecting them all so that I can wish for the most perfect boyfriend who ever lived " she said with sparkles in her eyes

"Wish?" he said confused

"Yeah there are seven of these balls in all if you get all of them together you can have one wish I learned of it by finding one that belonged to my uncle in my attic" bulma said

"But the ball I have is a momentum to gohan I don't think he would like it if I just gave it away"

"I'm sure he would want you to be nice and let me have it" bulma persuaded

"I don't know" kakarrot said unsure of what to do

"Why don't you come with me then you could travel all around the world and meet all sorts of people and see so my things" bulma said

"I guess that would be ok then It would be a good experience to have" kakarrot said

"Ok then you can get packed up the we can go" bulma said

Kakarot went to his room to get his backpack and put some dino caps with cloths inside and some notebooks then went to get the dragon ball on his table and put it inside to.

Bulma was waiting for him outside next to her car

"You ready to go" bulma asked

"Yeah I have everything I'll need with me, so how are we going to find the rest of the dragon balls aren't they scattered all over the world" kakarrot asked while they were getting in the car

"I'm not just a pretty face y'know "bulma said then took out a small radar to show him "feast your eyes on this!" kakarrot looked at it confused

"It's my dragon radar I made it to track the electromagnetic pulse of the dragon balls" she said turning it on "the next one closest is…..to the west about 1200 kilometers" she said starting the car and driving off.


After 20 minutes of driving bulma stopped the car in the middle of the road

"Why'd you stop the car" kakarrot asked as he watched bulma get out

"I need to make a pit's stop I'll be right back" bulma said running off to the bushes near by

"Ok then" kakarrot said getting out to stretch when he suddenly heard bulma scream his name from behind the cliff and bushes

"What's wrong!" kakarrot yelled as he ran over to see a dinosaur had bulma in his clutches and was starting to fly off with her "Hey put her down!"

"Sorry kid but this female is coming with me" he said flying off

"What are you waiting for, Help me, Idiot!" bulma screamed

"Well you don't have to insulting me" kakarrot muttered before flying after them and powering up a ki blast in one of his hands then shot it at one of the dinosaur's wings causing him to let go of bulma as they both started falling

"Catch me!" bulma yelled

Kakarrot used split form as he caught bulma and his clone caught the dinosaur. Kakarrot flew them back to the car and turned back into one.

"Wow how were you able to do that" bulma said overwhelmed at the sight

"I'm trained in the ancient ways of martial arts they are very advanced techniques to do and take years to accomplish" kakarrot informed her as they got back in the car and drove off


"I'm starting to get hungry" kakarrot said

"It's getting dark too, let's call it a night" bulma said putting her car in capsule form in the middle of a field

"Are we going to camp outside" kakarrot asked

"DO you really think I'm going to sleep in the dirt" she said getting out a capsule from her case "I've got a capsule house with me" she threw it out into the field and after the smoke clear a small capsule house appeared.

After they came in bulma noticed kakarrot smelled

"You're taking a bath before we eat alright" she said pinching her nose

"Yeah I haven't taken one yet today, which way is the bathroom" kakarrot asked and bulma pointed to a door on the left side of the room "ok thanks" he said leaving


Once both of them took a bath they ate dinner in the kitchen table then got ready for bed.

"There's no spare bedroom in here so you'll probably have to sleep on the couch" bulma said

"That's alright I already thought about this and brought a sleeping bag along with me" kakarrot said getting a dinocap from his backpack

Bulma was in the bathroom brushing her teeth when she suddenly realized something

"Hey can I ask a question?" bulma said

"Sure" kakarrot was laying out his sleeping bag and pillow

"You said that you lived with a man named gohan before he died right but what about your parent's" bulma asked

"They died when I was four and a half years old and while I was around gohan's house he decided to take me in" kakarrot said with a small smile

"Oh I guess you don't really remember them then do you" bulma said

"I still remember them and I even drew a picture of all of us so I wouldn't forget them" kakarrot said showing her the drawing in his notebook

"wow it looks like a real photo so I see you had a older brother as well but I guessing he's gone to" bulma said admiring the drawing

"Yeah but I moved on from their death's gohan really help me" kakarrot said

'His mom is really pretty to and his dad is real muscular he must have been a fighter as well judging from the scar on his cheek' bulma thought

Kakarrot put his notebook back in his backpack and they both went to sleep

/The next morning/

Kakarrot got up early to train outside the house before bulma woke up when he was approached by a sea turtle

"What are you doing way out here aren't you supposed to be near the ocean" kakarrot asked

"Yes I'm trying to find my way back there but I've been lost for over a year" turtle told him

"Well I'd be happy to help you find your way back but I'd need a map to know which way the ocean is" kakarrot said before bulma came out

"Kakarrot who are you talking to out here" she said opening the door to see him and the turtle talking

"Hello miss pardon me, but if I might trouble you for a bucket of salt water" turtle asked

Bulma got him a bucket of salt water and after he finished drinking all of it he explained his situation to them


"But you're going in the wrong direction and have gone a long way" bulma checked her map "The sea is south from here…..about 120 kilometers" she said

"120 that's really far!" turtle was shocked at the news

"Hey I can take you there if you want" kakarrot offered feeling sympathy for the turtle to get home

"Would you really? Oh jolly!" turtle said happily

"Are you nuts we only have until my summer vacation is over we cant waste time helping everyone we come across" bulma said

"Then I can go without you" kakarrot exclaimed

"Fine do whatever you want but don't bother running back to me when you get lost out here" bulma yelled

Kakarrot ignored her as he but the turtle on his back and began running to the south at his top speed

Bulma p.o.v

"Who needs him anyway" bulma said angrily with her arms across her chest

Bulma then remembered he had left all his stuff inside including the dragon ball but the saw the dinosaurs near the capsule house and realized the danger she was in without any protection around her

"Hey wait up you can't do it without me" bulma yelled on her motorcycle as she saw kakarrot in the distance ahead

Kakarrot stopped and looked back to see bulma coming

"I thought you didn't want to come" kakarrot said when she stopped next to him

"I'm just too noble for my own good okay" bulma said as they kept going

Kakarrot could tell she was lying but decided not to say anything

/a few minutes later/

"You've done it lad it's the sea, no, no argue at all that is the sea" turtle yelled happily at the sight of the wide ocean

"Who's arguing" bulma muttered

'whoa I've never seen an ocean like this before' kakarrot thought as he looked around seeing it was nothing like the oceans that were on planet vegeta because the water was blue and there was sand everywhere instead of rocks

Turtle got in the water then turned back to them" could you wait there for just a little bit? I'll bring you back a lovely reward" then swam off

"Reward?" kakarrot said

"I can't wait to see a turtle's idea of a reward" bulma said

While they were waiting kakarrot decided to write equations in the sand with a stick and solve them while bulma drew with her stick

"I didn't know you were good at math" bulma said when she looked over to see what he was doing

"It's not that hard to understand for me I already finished with my schooling and have these things called degrees" kakarrot said

"How can you have degrees it takes years to get those and your what 6 years old" bulma was shocked at the news that he was done with schooling before her

"11 actually but I finished all that at least a year ago now I work on technology and diseases" kakarrot said

"Wow maybe you can tutor me sometime I'm not very good at some subjects" bulma said

"Sure" kakarrot said then notice something in the ocean; bulma looked to and saw something in the distance

"It's the turtle but there's someone on his back" kakarrot said

"You can actually see that far?" bulma said "So who in the heck…."

"Aloha" the man said

"Sorry to keep you waiting" turtle said

The old man got off turtle's back "Howdy young'uns, so you helped my friend here?"

"Who are you? "Kakarrot asked

"My name is roshi, Master Roshi the turtle hermit" Roshi introduced himself the asked turtle if both of them helped him but turtle said that only the boy helped

"Well M'boy we owe you one! An I'm paying up with a mighty nice reward" Roshi said to kakarrot

"You really don't have to …." Kakarrot tried to say before roshi yelled for a flying carpet

"Flying carpet?"Bulma said

"Sir if you recall you took the flying carpet to the cleaners" turtle informed the master

"Of right then I guess the only other choice is the flying nimbus" Roshi then yelling into the sky for the flying nimbus

A few seconds later a small yellow cloud came flying to a stop in front of them

"I..It's a cloud!" bulma yelled

"This is the flying nimbus and I'm giving it to you "Roshi told kakarrot watching him examine it " "it's a magical cloud that you ride on and it will take you anywhere you want"

"Hey why does a turtle hermit have a magic cloud? I mean where's the logic?" bulma said

"Deal with it but there is one catch, you must be pure of heart to ride on it otherwise you'll just fall through" Roshi then gave a demonstration but he just fell through the cloud

"Eeeyaaa! My hip!" Roshi yelled

"M-Master how can this be?" turtle said and bulma began laughing at him

"Roshi I really don't need something like this I was happy to do this for free and I can fly on my own anyway" kakarrot said

"Really you can fly you must be very skilled in martial arts" Roshi said

"Yeah I've trained my whole life to use ki blast and fly, a man named gohan taught me to sense the ki within other too" kakarrot said

"You know gohan" Roshi said surprised

"You know him?" kakarrot said confused

"Yes he was a student of mine for a while I guess you're the boy he talked about in his letter's to me" Roshi told him

"He told you about me" Kakarrot asked curiously

"Yes he told me how he found a monkey tailed boy in the woods while he was walking and that he decided to take you in after he found out you were an orphan it nice to finally meet you" Roshi said "so how is he I haven't heard from him in years" roshi asked

"Oh he died about three years ago from a heart virus "kakarrot said sadly

"HE what! Roshi said shocked "oh I'm sorry" roshi said sadly "well why don't you come stay with me when you're done with your journey I'm sure your lonely up there in the mountains by yourself"

Bulma noticed the necklace Roshi was wearing and saw a dragon ball handing from the end of it

"Hey I know something else you can give us for helping your turtle" bulma said

"What would that be" Roshi asked

"That necklace around your neck" bulma pointed to it

"Oh this old thing sure you can have it, it washed up on my beach years ago" Roshi said taking it off and giving it to her

Bulma examined it and saw it was the three star dragon ball "Hey kakarrot look "bulma showed him the ball up close

"Dragon ball?" roshi muttered

Bulma and kakarrot thanked master roshi for the ball then they all parted ways

"See aren't you glad we helped the turtle now" kakarrot said flying above bulma's motorcycle

"It was pure dumb luck" bulma said happily then she remembered something from roshi and kakarrot's conversation

"So this about a monkey tail?" bulma asked suspiciously

"I thought you already noticed it "kakarrot said unwrapping his tail from around his waist to show her which freaked her out at first

"Why do you have a tail" bulma said creaped out

"Its heredity my parent and my brother had tails" kakarrot said

'That's just weird' bulma thought

When they got back to the capsule house bulma quickly went inside to get changed and kakarrot got his backpack, once they were done bulma put the house back in capsule form.


Three days pass and bulma and kakarrot finally get close to the fifth dragon ball

"How much further?" kakarrot asked

"Almost there" bulma said looking at her radar

"There are a lot of houses over there" kakarrot said looking to the right from his spot in the sky

"A village huh? That's got to be it!" bulma said looking through her binoculars at the village


"Where is everyone? It's like a ghost town…." Bulma said looking around the seemingly deserted village

"No people are here I can sense them" kakarrot said look around

"You're nuts..There can't be anybody in this place!" bulma said walking around the village

"No, no I can feel them" kakarrot said confused that he could sense them but didn't know where everyone was

"HEL-LO-O-O! ANYBODY HO-O-OME?!" bulma yelled as kakarrot covered his sensitive ears, there was no response

"Toldja so. It's a ghost town. The only thing here is that dragon ball" bulma said looking at her radar

"But I'm sensing all kinds of people, I'm gonna go check this out" kakarrot said walking up the door of a house and politely knocking but he used to much of his ki to know and accidently knocked the door down

"Now it's open" Bulma said looking at the broken door

Kakarrot tried to put the door back on the hinges but as he was setting it up he sensed someone come up from behind and looked to see a shadow with a weapon so he quickly dodged

"Whoa Hey!" kakarrot yelled when he saw the axe get stuck in the wall behind where he had been standing and bulma was screaming

"No it didn't work" the man said

"What the Heck was that for!" kakarrot yelled angrily

"F-Forgive me, oolong! I'll give you anything! Food! Money! Please just spare my daughter!" the man said getting on his knees begging

"Huh?" kakarrot stared confused

"Oolong?" bulma said

The people of the village started coming out of their houses when they realized that it wasn't oolong that had come to their village and gathered at the man's house

"Are you alright?" the man's daughter asked kakarrot

"S-sorry about that young fella I just figured oolong was taking a boy's form" that man said rubbing a hand on his head

"If that had been me, I'd be dead right now!" bulma said to the man

"L-luckily it wasn't eh? Heh heh" the man said sheeply

"Anyway who's this oolong you're so scared of" kakarrot asked and all the villagers were frightened at the sound of his name

"HE is a horrible demon who haunts our land… a vile shape-shifter whose true form no one has ever seen! Yesterday he came to our village…..and his eyes fell upon my daughter


A big red demon with horns and a mallet approached the man and his daughter

"Woo-aahh! She's a cutie! I'm gonna marry he! Oolong said

"I'll be back tomorrow at noon to pick her up so have her ready!"

/end flashback/

"He's a fiend who's already kidnapped other village girls..to do with them who-knows-what.. And he's threatened to kill and Eat every villager… if Any of us try to flee or resist him" the man said

"Why don't you just fight him" kakarrot asked as he could relate to this story when saiyans tried to fight back though they didn't win

"Are you kidding?! He's Huge!" the man yelled

Bulma then got an idea and got a dragon ball out of her backpack to show the man

"Hey, mister.. you ever seen one of these?" Bulma asked and the man examined it

"hmm..nope.. never saw anything like it.." he said then a woman from the crowd spoke up

"Wait! I've got one just like it" she said

"B-i-n-g-o! Bulma yelled

"You do?" the man asked

" A long time ago my old granny picked ip up from somewhere…Is this it?" she said show bulma the six star dragon ball

"Yup, that's it!"Bulma said

"The six star ball" kakarrot said after looking at it

"Ma'am if you'll give me that ball…I'll take care of this guy oolong for you" bulma said

"Well, it's a lovely offer of course, but… but do you think it's a job for a school girl? She asked

"ohhh, no I'm not the one who's gonna fight him! He is!" bulma said pointing to kakarrot

"Sure I'd be happy to help" kakarrot said

"alright I have a plan" bulma said them told kakarot that the plan was to dress him up like a girl to pretend to be the man daughter to trick oolong into taking him to his lair then he could beat him up and rescue the girls

Kakarrot was horrified at the idea of putting him in a dress and said he would just beat him up and force him to take him to the lair. Kakarrot put on his saiyan armor that was almost a replica of the one his dad wore except it was red and black with black gloves

Once he was ready they heard large footsteps in the distance coming toward the village

"HE's Here! It's Oolong!" one of the villagers yelled

"Everybody hide! Just leave the rest to us!" bulma yelled to the villagers

'What does she mean us I'm the one doing all the work?' kakarrot thought as he watched her run into the man's house

"Now Where's my cute li'l bride?" Oolong said as he walked through the village as a ogre in a tuxedo with flowers

"Sorry but you not getting a bride you're going to pay for terrorizing tease villagers" kakarrot said as he came to meet oolong in the courtyard

"And who might you be" oolong said

"My name's kakarrot now surrender and return the girls you've kidnapped" he answered

"No can do" oolong yelled as he transformed into a bull with large horns and a nose ring " Now you shall see the rage of oolong"

"Power up there's no way you can beat me with your current power level" kakarrot said getting into a fighting stance

"So making fun of me eh?" oolong said

"Ok then try and attack me!" kakarrot tempted

"Last chance to apologize kid" oolong said but saw that kakarrot wasn't backing down " I'm only sayin this once! I'm strong see! I'm past strong!

"Oh come on" kakarrot rolled his eyes "are we going to fight or not I'm not scared of you'

"What kind of idiot are you?! I'm tryin to tell you you're gonna die here okay?! Oolong yelled

"Okay! Whatever! Now c'mon!" kakarrot yelled

"If you insist!" oolong said glancing at the clock nearby 'yaa! It can't be!' then ran away while yelling "time out!time out!"

Kakarrot didn't let him escape by moving faster than him and blocking his path oolong was engulfed in smoke and when it cleared a pig in a green suit was in his place. Kakarrot smirked at the sight of him

"So your true form is a pig huh" kakarrot smirked

All the villagers came out to see what had happened and kakarrot explained what had happened in their so called battle

"This is the terrible oolong?!" bulma said

Kakarrot made a ring of ki and wrapped it around oolongs torso

"C'mon say it!" kakarrot told oolong

"I'm sorry " oolong told the villagers

"Those girls better be alive and well" a woman yelled at him

"Oh, very well" oolong said

"Very?" a man muttered

"Then take us to them! Now!" bulma yelled

Oolong led them to them to his lair that had turned out to be a very nice house in the woods and turned out the girls were perfectly fine relaxing in the living room having fun. Oolong begged the villagers to take them back.


The group were in a boat driving across a river on their way toward the next dragon ball

"I can't believe it only two dragon balls left!" bulma yelled happily "I'm gonna have all seven way before I thought!

"Why did we have to bring oolong again" kakarrot said

"I was wondering the same thing" oolong said

"that transforming trick of yours is pretty nifty, it should come in handy on our quest" bulma said as she kept driving


"Aren't we there yet?" kakarrot asked

"Where is there anyway?" oolong asked

"Still a long way off I give it three more days" bulma said getting out a map "lemme see …. Yeah right around Fire Mountain! "Oolong's eyes widened the he screamed

"What?! Fire mountain?! Y-you're g-gonna go there?!" he yelled

"You've heard of it?" kakarrot asked

"Y-y-you don't KNOW?! Th-th-that's the home of the terrible OX KING!" oolong yelled then turned into a fish "Include me OUT!" and jumped into the water

"Guess I'll have to go after him" kakarrot said getting up

"Wait, wait I have a better idea. No need to get wet. Don't look now" bulma said grinning

Bulma but a pair of undies on a fishing line that used it as bait for oolong, only a few seconds later oolong grabbed on and brought him back on board


"Pull that fish trick again and we know what's for dinner got that?" kakarrot said

"Okay Okay, I know when I'm beat" oolong said

"Here take this" bulma said giving him a yellow colored ball that looked like gum

"Eat it, it's full of vitamins that are good for you" bulma said and convinced oolong to eat it

The boat suddenly stopped in the middle of the lake

"agh! We're out of gas!" bulma said then turned to oolong "can't you turn into gas, or something?"

"Nope sorry I get all drained if I do that" oolong said

"I got it" kakarrot said jumping into the water behind the boat then started pushing it to shore


"All tied up" kakarrot said tying the boat to a tree then excused himself to go and use the bathroom

While kakarot was gone bulma decided to get a car out from her dino caps so she searched for her case in her pocket put didn't find it.

"huh?! It's..It's not there? M-my dino caps are GONE!" she yelled then started freaking out as kakarrot was coming back " I must've dropped It in the RIVER!"

Bulma turned to oolong" A fish! GO Get it!"

"Don't be ridiculous the river's huge" oolong said

"Huh? What's going on?" kakarrot asked

"I lost my CAPSULES! That mean no GAS.. no HOUSE..no CAR..not even a BIKE! I'm helpless, helpless, HELPLESS! Bulma screamed

"What's wrong with walking" kakarrot asked

"Easy for YOU to say you can fly!" bulma yelled

"Then why not have oolong turn into a bike?" kakarrot asked

"Oh right! Ohh oolong!" bulma said happily only to realize that oolong had snuck off while she and kakarrot were arguing they looked around for him but couldn't find him

"Hah! Try to take ME to fire mountain will ya? not even for undies babe!" oolong said while hiding behind a boulder

"I think he really got away" kakarrot came back from flying around to look for oolong to see with an evil smile

"Heh, heh, heh well if I really MUST" bulma but both hands by her mouth then started to yell the word piggy

Oolong suddenly had a strong urge to take a dump and quickly went

"Hey oolong did you just have a little digestive distress, remember that candy it wasn't a sweet tart. I just have to yell piggy and you'll have to take a dump, better hurry back or I'll start again" bulma called out

Oolong came straight back realizing he was beaten and obeyed to everything that bulma asked him to do.

"Okay oolong, your turning into a motorbike" bulma said and oolong turned into a very small motorbike

"Maybe you thought I said motorDORK?" bulma said

"oh shut up" oolong muttered

Bulma tried to sit down on the seat but it quickly collapsed and flattened

"Oh, give me a BREAK!" bulma yelled getting up

"I don't have anything left to break you're too heavy and no matter what I turn into my strength stays the same!" oolong said turning back to normal " I can only stay transformed for five minutes anyway"

"I guess you're walking after all" kakarrot said


The three of them were walking through a desert, bulma and oolong were completely exhausted and were falling behind

"I'm..i'm gonna die!" bulma said using a stick as a cane

"What's taking you guys so long? If I'm gonna walk I wanna do it fast!"

"I'm a city girl.. remember ?! I'm not some feral beast boy..like You..okay?! bulma said before collapsing with oolong

"Can't take it anymore! Not another step today!" bulma said exhausted

"How pathetic" kakarrot muttered

"Nooooooo! It's not FAIR! It's not FAIR!" bulma said kicking and screaming while heading to shade" I'm HUNGRY I need a BATH i can't sleep without a BEh-heh-hed"

"Spoiled rotten isn't she?" oolong said to kakarrot

"Look who's talking" kakarrot said then heard snoring coming from bulma "What did she say about a bed?"

"We should rest too" oolong said lying down

Kakarrot didn't need rest but decided he could go for a snack so he got out some protein bars from his bag and began eating.


a small blue cat was watching them from a distance through a telescope and flew into a cave

"Yamcha game we've got game!" paur said

"What?" Yamcha looked up from his bowl of noodles" our first catch in a long while how nice" then went out to have a look

"A boy and a pig, eh?" Yamcha said looking through the telescope "they don't look as though they'd be carrying much cash"

"But they might have some dino caps" paur said

"indeed paur prepare the jet squirrel!" Yamcha said

"Yes sir!"


"I'm hungry too" oolong said watching kakarrot eat another protein bar

"I don't think you'd like these they're all mad of vegetables and fruit" kakarrot said taking another bite but offered one to oolong

"I'll eat anything right now" oolong said taking the bar and while he was unwrapping it he noticed something in the distance "Hey! Wh-what's that?!"

"Hmm?" kakarrot mumbled with his mouth full turning around to see a teenage boy and a blue cat coming their way on a vehicle

"Greetings" Yamcha said

"Who are you?" kakarrot asked getting up

"I don't think I wanna know" oolong mumbled

"Me? I 'm the king hyena in a land of scavengers the name is yamcha" Yamcha introduced himself

"And I'm paur!"

"I don't usually pray on babies..but if you want to leave this desert alive give me all your money and capsules" yamcha commanded

"'paur' you don't mean' crybaby paur'?" oolong said

"gah.. oolong!" paur yelled

"you know him" yamcha asked

"s-sorta in my first year at shapeshifter school, he used to pick on me all the time until he got kicked out for stealing the females undies" paur explained then turned to oolong and yelled "weirdo! Bully! I hate you!

"It wasn't what it looked like!" oolong said

"You haven't changed much, huh?" kakarrot looked to oolong

"Well it's not my place to judge others…. Only to steal all their valuables" Yamcha said

"Hey you're a tough guy, right?! Real tough?! Oolong grabbed kakarrot's arm and started shaking him

"Of course I've trained my entire life" kakarrot said giving him an odd look the oolong turned to yamcha with a cocky look on his face

"Hah! Listen cha cha or whatever you name is, if you think we're giving you anything you're nuts now run along before you get hurt? Oolong said

"Really if your that eager to die" yamcha said getting out a sword

"Yeah! Kill them yamcha" paur yelled

"Oh great another weakling trying to challenge me" kakarrot said rolling his eyes

"We'll see who's the weakling after this" yamcha ran forward and tried to hit kakarrot with his sword but he quickly jumped out of the way and behind yamcha then delivered a punch that yamcha tried to block with his sword but it was cracked in half and then got hit in the face sending him flying backwards.

"Yamcha!" paur yelled

"Whoohoo I told you he could do it" oolong yelled happily

"How … are you so strong..boy?" Yamcha said getting up

"I've had really though teacher's all my life the only thing that was missing until a few years ago was sensing but luckily a man named gohan taught me that" Kakarrot said smirking while crossing his arms

"So I thought you were train by one of the best martial arts masters on the planet" yamcha said

"Esshh even I"VE heard of him and that's saying something" oolong said from the sidelines

"Ok now I don't need to holdback my power" yamcha said

"Let's get this over with so we can get going" kakarrot got into a fighting stance

"It's been too long since I've faced a strong opponent" Yamcha got into a fighting stance then rushed forward yelling" WOLF FANG FIST"

Yamcha tried to punch kakarrot multiple times but each time kakarrot either blocked or dodged them, he soon got tired of this little show yamcha was putting on so used an attack his teacher taught him to use on weak opponents

Kakarrot's eyes flashed blue then an invisible force sent yamcha crashing into a bolder behind them

"Yamcha!" paur yelled flying over to where he crashed

"That was amazing your one of the best in the world I'm sure glad I'm on your side" Oolong said running to kakarrot happily

Yamcha then came back out of the rocks he was buried under with an angered look on his face witch got oolong to hide behind kakarrot

Yamcha then came running forward with all his power yelling in anger as kakarrot got ready to block his attack

"Hey….what's all the racket about" bulma said coming out of the shade now awake rubbing her eyes, when yamcha saw her he quickly started shaking with a blush on his face

"what the heck" Kakarrot got confused by the sudden action then realized what was going on and started laughing " O wow you're afraid of girls that's hilarious" holding his stomach as he laughed harder

"It's not funny!" Yamcha yelled then turned to puar "p-p-paur t-time for a strategic w-withdrawal"

"Y-yes sir!" paur said

Yamcha and paur quickly made their escape as they got back on their vehicle and drove off

"What was that all about" oolong said coming back from his hiding place


"Yamcha I wish you'd get this problem looked into" paur said

"I-I-I just never know what to say to girls their just so darned scary!" Yamcha muttered


It had already gotten dark out so oolong got out his capsule that help a two story motorhouse so they didn't have to sleep in the sand

"If you had a capsule like this why didn't you say so sooner" bulma complained while drinking her coffee

"It was supposed to be for emergencies" oolong said getting food out of the oven then handed it to kakarrot

"Is there a bathroom here" bulma asked

"Over there" oolong pointed behind the stair case then looked to see kakarrot already almost finished with the food

"How can you eat so much"

"I have a high metabolism" kakarrot said with his mouth full

Bulma went to look at the bathroom with oolong and complained at how small it was so oolong got sarcastic and said why not go to a hotel then there's plenty of them in the desert.


"The sun's gone down…it's time to get that capsule" yamcha said finishing his coffee

"But yamcha isn't that girl with them" paur said

"I have a plan you're going to take the shape of monkey boy or the pig and distract them while I get the capsules" yamcha said

"Whoa! Brilliant!"


Bulma was taking a shower in the the bathroom while oolong and kakarrot were in the living room, kakarrot was making some notes in his notebook on a healing chamber to finish up the liquid's variables sine he already finished the blueprints to make the machine itself

"They could be lurking out there you know" oolong said looking out the window

"Don't worry I can beat them easily of they come back I've already had a real meal this time" kakarrot said not looking up from the page

"Say what are you two traveling for anyway that you need to go to Fire Mountain for" oolong asked sitting next to him

"Cause there's a dragon ball there" kakarrot said

" A what ball?! I didn't even know dragons had…'

"I got one here. I'll show you" kakarrot said reaching in his backpack for the dragon ball then showed it to him


"It's a motorhome so that's what his M capsule turns into eh?" yamcha said lookingfrom behind a bolder

"That's what's gonna make it harder to steal" paur said

"We'll just wait until the girl's alone then draw her away" yamcha said then sneaked forward "surveillance first"

Yamcha and paur got below a window of the RV then yamchaa peeked inside to see bulma showering; he was completely shocked at the sight until he heard oolong and kakarrot talked through another window

"You're pulling my leg" oolong said

"The brats are awake" yamcha whispered moving to the other window

"Sounds like it" paur whispered

"So if you collect all seven dragon balls then the dragon will grant you a wish" oolong said

"Cool right?" kakarrot said putting the ball back in his bag

"ANY wish at all" oolong asked

"That's what bulma said" kakarrot said trying to figure out how to input DNA samples into the liquid tapping his pencil on the paper

"How many of these balls do you have now" oolong asked

"Five and the sixth is supposed to be around the mountain" kakarrot said erasing some stuff realizing he made a mistake and rewriting it

"I'm starting to get it now so that radar she was looking at in the boast tells you where the dragon balls are?" oolong said

"Yeah it tracks the electromagnetic signal they give off" kakarrot said

"Paur!" yamcha whispered in a high tone signaling for them to leave once they were a far distance away yamcha yelled happily

"Did you HEAR that!" he yelled

"I sure did" paur smiled

"'any wish will be granted'" Yamcha said

"S'what they said"

"I wish never to be afraid of girls again" yamcha yelled happily

"No disrespect intended sir….but shouldn't you wish to rule the work or for boundless wealth? Paur asked hesitantly

"what are you talking about I can steal all the money I want…I've got no use for the world but this business of getting weak whenever I see a girl is ridiculous….ESPECIALLY since I dream of getting married"


"Well it's not the kind of thing I care about" oolong said

"You seemed pretty excited a minute ago" kakarrot looked at him suspiciously

"You mean you're in this just to see a dragon" oolong asked

"Sure should be an amazing sight and also for the thrill of adventure" kakarrot working on the timing for the liquid to be put in then drained

Bulma then came in finished with her shower wrapped in a towel complaining that she didn't have anything to sleep in because oolong's pajamas were too small.

"You'd better have my clothes clean by tomorrow then!" bulma yelled

"Yes ma'am" oolong mumbled 'why do I let them treat me like this'

Oolong then brought out a tray with two glasses of orange juice

"would you care for some juice to cool you down after that shower" oolong offered

"Huh, I guess you're not bad at all" bulma said drinking her glass

"No thanks I don't drink juice" kakarrot said still working on his notes

"Come on its nice and sweet" oolong persuaded handing him the glass

"That's the reason I don't drink it, it's not good for your body" kakarrot said knowing sugar could really mess up a saiyan's metabolism

"Really don't you ever lighten up" oolong said angry that he wouldn't drink it

"Then why don't you drink it" kakarrot narrowing his eyes at oolong

"No I'm allergic" oolong said giving up 'guess I'll have to think of something else

"All right..so where's the bed?" bulma asked

"Its right up those stairs" oolong said pointing to them

"And you two sleep down here got it! And if you try anything oolong I swear I'll give you a big case of the…

"OKAY OKAY" oolong yelled as bulma went upstairs' to bad her personality isn't as good as her body'

Kakarrot sensed something coming toward the RV but decided to wait and see what would happen


"Looks like the girl is up and the boys are down" yamcha whispered to paur "Perfect now transform into a key

Paur did as instructed and yamcha opened the door to the RV and he rushed in ready to fight only to see it was empty

"Where are they?" yamcha whispered "Maybe they went upstairs alright you take the shape of the boy and distracted them while I find the dragon balls"

Paur turned into a pathetic version of kakarrot then asked if it was good yamcha was about to respond when he was attacked by the real kakarrot from the ceiling

"That looks absolutely nothing like me" kakarrot yelled to paur who transform back into a cat then turned to yamcha who had crashed into the kitchen

"I Knew you were coming so I told oolong to hide in the bathroom while I found out what you were doing here" kakarrot said who had been floating near the ceiling

"Guess I underestimated you but I guess it's time for a rematch" yamcha said getting into a fighting stance

"You actually think you can beat me after our first match" kakarrot frowned

"It was because of the girl you won now she not here so let's do this" yamcha said rushing forward but kakarrot made ki rings and wrapped both yamcha and paur in them so they couldn't move

Yamcha fumed at the boy for making a mockery out of him as he and paur struggled to get free but the rings would not budge

"Now I can make those explode at anytime so are you going to surrender or not" kakarrot warned sick of him already

"Wait a minute!" yamcha said thinking of an idea he knew he still wanted the dragon balls but with kakarrot knowing when he was around and using force wouldn't do anything " Why don't I help you and your friend on your quest for the dragon balls"

"And how are you going to do that" kakarrot lifted an eyebrow

"I can't help protect the other two with you and show you a bit of my techniques" yamcha said

Kakarrot snorted at the second statement but was quite interested in the first offer

"Alright you can help protect them but I don't need to learn anything from a weakling" kakarrot said making the rings disappear "oolong you can come out now"

"Are they gone?" oolong said coming out

"No I made a deal with them I promised not to kill them if they join us In our little adventure" kakarrot said

/the next morning/

Everyone woke up from a good night sleep though oolong was already awake since he wanted to keep an eye on yamcha and paur to they wouldn't try anything

"Good morning" kakarrot said

"What's good about it I haven't slept at all" oolong said

"Why not?" he asked

"Wanted to make sure our additional members didn't try anything while we were asleep" oolong said

"Hey like I would actually risk getting caught then getting killed" Yamcha yelled

"yeah yeah" oolong said turning on the sink to brush his teeth

Bulma then came down wrapped in a cover then she noticed yamcha and got excited to see a cute boy her age with them

"Yamcha what are you doing here" bulma asked

"I-I-I uh" yamcha stuttered forgetting about her when they made their deal

Kakarrot smirked then informed bulma about the deal they made the night before

"Cool you're going to be my knight in shining armor then" bulma said happily

"What armor" paur muttered

"Hey oolong did you get my clothes cleaned?" bulma asked

"As if I had nothing else to do" oolong said brushing his teeth

"What do you mean 'nothing else to do'? So you think I'm going to spend the whole day wearing a sheet!" bulma yelled

"Oolong was worried yamcha would try something in the middle of the night so he stayed up on guard" kakarrot said

"I'm sure yamcha would never do something like that when a helpless girl was around" bulma said lovingly

"I guess ignorance is a bliss" oolong muttered while wiping his mouth" There is one thing you could wear..in the chest on the second floor."

"Why didn't you say so already?!" bulma yelled then headed upstairs

"We should eat breakfast so we can get going" kakarrot said and everyone got around the table to eat though kakarrot was mostly the one eating

"How can you eat so much and yet stay so in shape" yamcha said with a cup of coffe in his hands

"You're up to a month's rations already" oolong said

"Already!" Paur said

"OOLONG! THIS BETTER BE A JOKE!" bulma said having come down wearing a bunny suit shocking yamcha and getting a weird look from kakarrot

"Forgive me if I don't feel like the heroine of a quest dressed like this!" bulma yelled

"That didn't seem to stop you from putting it on did it?" oolong said

"Yeesh what does a parent have to do to end up with a kid like you" bulma said then ordered oolong to start driving toward fire mountain

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

God_Shinobicreators' thoughts