

Kakarot a first class sayain lands on earth after the genocide of the sayan race,SMARTES SAYAN Words: 258,195

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Drones go into action

Location: West City

Time: 3 hours after Gero's Death

In West City, people were going about their daily lives, unaware of the dangerous androids on the loose, or that one of their world's greatest protector was fighting for his life against a disease. Inside capsule Corporation, Bulma and her father, went over the blue prints and data they had salvaged from the late dr. lab. Here two offspring's from the future went over the Data. While Yamcha and Hasky trained in one of the Gravity rooms. Vegeta was sparing with is daughter. Making sure she would be strong enough to survive and coming battles.

While around the world the Z-fighters were recuperating from their defeat the hands of android 17 and 18.

While at the Ox Kingdom it had been completely evacuated for their safety from the androids and Kakarrot had already been moved to Planet vegeta with the rest of his family and were now at Bardock and Gine's house. Chichi sat by her husband who was lying asleep on the bed, and continually prayed for his recovery. Well outside the room Bardock, Gine and Turles interacted with their time traveling relatives. Both Grandparents were impressed with how strong their grandchildren were, especially after enduring such a horrible future. While Turles was proud He was also a little jealous, seems his cousins were starting a family of their own. Even the Prince had his own. He was starting to feel a little jealous. He just had not found the right girl yet.

This helped the time traveling hybrids that are especially low since they had failed to stop the monsters that had turned their time into a nightmare.

Meanwhile back at West City, several blocks away from Capsule Corp, one of the busiest streets, in the city is currently packed because a red light. As the cars waited for it to change, there was an almighty thud and 200 android's descended into this street. The people would've started yelling and complaining having not noticed symbols on them. Even though the organization had been destroyed, still remember the fear and chaos they had created. As one the people began to run away from machines who either through or crushed their vehicles in their way. Some people who were unfortunate enough or too slow for either thrown or trampled by these ruthless automatons. Almost immediately the police arrive. They quickly formed a barricade, and drew their blasters and pistols. Seconds later the West city tank police and SWAT also joined them. The officer in charge held up a megaphone and began to yell at them.

"ALL RIGHT FREEZE TIN HEAD! We're all going to give you to account up three, to stop right where you are before we scrap yeah!" He warned.

The android's took no notice of him and continue to move forward. Although some of them began to power up some other authorities began to glow with others slowly raise their pay or open their mouth.

"One!" count to the officer. The doom droids continue to advance. "Two!" said the officer as the safeties came off. "THREE!" Yelled the officer

But the entire android battalion continued to advance.

"All right drop them!" yell the officer.

Almost immediately, the police force of West city opened fire. Every single one of their blasters both handgun and assault rifle shot. After one minute the officer called a cease-fire. When the smoke cleared the droids stood unharmed. While some did look what he taken a few dents and were covered for black from the scorching shots. They were still advancing. Almost immediately the officer once again ordered to fire all the tanks joined them. Almost immediately the entire street was choked with black smoke. As the tanks continued to shoot, people ran through the city trying to escape the destruction.

While this happened, the Earth Defense Forces were order to scramble and had to West city. Almost immediately reports throughout the world of raids on several factories and stores were reported by the same robots attacking West city. Immediately all forces were ordered some more mobilize to combat this threat. Little did they know two another forces was being ordered, to join the battle. One was to help the other to destroy.

Back at the northern bunker, that computer had just finished creating, another force of 300 android.

New mission: Eliminate the United Earth forces. Each group will be divided into 20 forces attack military installations throughout the world.

With that the second force of mechanical death took flight.

Back at West city, the barricade continued to fire at the advancing enemy. Just as a tank, was about to fire, a beam of yellow energy cut through and destroyed the tank. Then more blasts of energy flew through the smoke. That either destroyed, detonated, vaporized or cut through both vehicle and human. As one West city SWAT member was about to use a grenade and android left to this smoke, come and decapitated him. Before another member had chance to raise his gun, he was vaporized by a blast. As more troops fell to the oncoming fire. More androids appear through the smoke. Killing or injuring anyone in their way.

"Fall back! Fall back!" yelled the officer.

As they retreated they can continue to fire. At the oncoming enemy. When it looked like one Android had been destroyed because half of its face was blown off, it got up and continued to advance.


Back at Capsule Corp, Bulma felt the shockwaves; this caused her babies to cry. She quickly rushed over to them and began to soothe them.

"Shhh! It's okay," she said.

Suddenly a security guard rushed in. "Mrs. Bulma we need to evacuate, their are robots attacking the city!"

"Robots!" cried Dr. Breifs.

The TV was turned on. It showed a reporter, standing near a barricade, all around him, the police forces of West City, ran around shooting and yelling. Dragging wounded officers and civilians.

"I'm an joining you live from West City, where moments ago, a force of Killer Androids attacked. Reports, receive as led us to believe, that these are the remnants of the Notorious Red Ribbon Army, which was destroyed years ago by World Champion, and Prince of the Ox Kingdom Kakarot. Many people believe this is the work of the infamous Dr. Gero who is wanted on a number of crimes, which include murder, terrorism, robbery and the illegal experiments on humans."

Suddenly another explosion shocks the air, causing the camera to shake.

"Our police are trying to hold them." Then there was clinging noise. Both reporter and cameraman turned to see one of the androids coming out of the smoke.

The droid glared at them and it's eyes began to glow. Quickly, the both ran, dropping the camera. There was a cry as a eye beams shot out. The doom droid continued to advance, more followed crushing the camera. "That was enough to galvanize the people of Capsule Corp into action. The Security people began to take up positions around the buildings while the workers, scientists' engineers, tech and other personal headed for the transport gates. While this happened Vegeta and his offspring stood ready for battle. Hasky had grabbed her baby Linx headed for the teleporter as well. They all stood still ready for the attack. Then one of the building exploded, and the army of doom came trough perusing the remains of the West City Police force. At this Vegeta and his children charged forward. Almost instantly about half to them was reduced to scare metal.

This brought relief and morale back to the beleaguered police of West City. Vegeta, his children and Yamcha were among like a wolf among sheep each one exploded one after another.

"Come on you lousy trash cans I'll send you all to the scrap heap!" yelled Vegeta as he ripped one's head of and then smashed another into bits.

Trunks and Bulla landed in the middle of pack. Both drew their swords and then in a flash they were reduced to pieces. Vegeta took a quick look, at his children with pride. They would one day prove themselves of their heritage. He pushed himself back to reality. He then focused on the remaining androids. He got ready to power up a Big Bang to smash the remaining droids. Then suddenly the droids raised their hands and used a familiar move. "SOLOR FLARE!" they said at once. With that the force of 50 suns flashed in the eyes of the royal sayains and sissify force capsule corp. and the police of West city. The Droids did a quick scan.

"Bio scan completed! Kakarot is not here. Head for the Ox Kingdom!" said the Computer. While everyone on the ground trying to recover the droids left.

Once they're vision had finally cleared the Z-fighters saw that the droids were nowhere in sight and like the androids they could not sense their presence either

"What the heck were those things?" Bulla asked

"They must be more of Gero's creations we didn't really bother to look through the remains of the lab when it blew up" Trunks sighed

"Great this situation just keeps getting better and better doesn't it?" Yamcha shook his head

"Where do you think they went, they wouldn't have just caused all of this destruction for nothing right?" Bulla asked

"They have to be after Kakarrot too, they were probably looking for him here but now moved on since they didn't find him"

"Well the Ox Kingdom has already been evacuated so no one will get hurt if they show up there, but they're going to keep destroying things until they find him"

"What do we do there are hundreds of them" Yamcha asked

"We're thinking!"

Vegeta had talked with the Police chief that they would handle the drones situation from here and told them to go about their daily business because the drones were obviously gone now then went to join the other fighters

"We will have to even the odds between these droids and us"


"No, there still won't be enough of us and it'll weaken our power I'm saying we'll have to ask my father for reinforcement of the Saiyan army"

"Good idea they have been training a lot since we last saw them and are about at Gohan's and Chidori's level" Trunks agreed

"Yes we will head over to Planet Vegeta to inform them of the situation then come back to train for the androids"

"Got it!"


"King Furry! There has been an attack on West City" A soldier came into his office

"What?!" He was shocked by the news "What happened?"

"The News reports say that some metallic creatures attacked the city looking for the prince of the Ox Kingdom, they disappeared after they didn't find him there though"

"Prince Kakarrot?"

"Yes but the citizens fear that these creatures may attack again without the right protection, the police force had no effect on them"

King Furry thought back to a meeting he had with Prince Kakarrot over two years ago


"Good Afternoon, King furry thank you for coming here to meet with me"

"It was no problem you are the earth's savior after all but I am confused as to this urgent information you wished to tell me"

"Yes, you see I quite been honest with you about my heritage and I don't know how you'll take this but...surely you've noticed that I have a bit of weird features right?"

"I noticed your odd tail and gravity defying hair right when we met"

"Well where I come from these features are common because I am not from earth"

King furry's eyes widened he did know that kakarrot was odd looking for a human but he had always guessed that because he was a scientist he had somehow created these features by some accident "Wh-what?"

"I want to assure you that my race does not mean any harm to earth, I come from the Planet Vegeta it is very far from earth so I doubt any spaceship you built would get you there. My race does have royals as well and they have come here to meet with you to show they mean you no harm"

King Furry turned to meet King and Prince Vegeta they had similar features but he could easily tell them apart

"This is our King Vegeta and his son Prince Vegeta"

"It is a pleasure to meet the ruler of earth King Furry" King Vegeta shook his hand

King furry was a bit overwhelmed to be meeting royalty from another planet "I have to say I was not expecting this, but why did you wait this long to tell me kakarrot?"

"You see when I was only 4 years old Planet Vegeta was destroyed by a space tyrant named frieza and my own parents sent me to earth so that I could avenge them, over a year ago I defeated frieza ending his rule and my race was brought back"

"Is there a purpose you wished to meet with me" King furry asked King vegeta

"My race the Saiyans have developed an organization that is devoted to protecting the universe from ever experiencing something like frieza ever again. We patrol the universe stopping any sort of crime and have created a station on a far away deserted planet as a means to hold the criminals much like the police and prisons of earth"

"Ah I see that is a very good organization you have"

"Yes thank you but Kakarrot has called this meeting because we wanted to add earth to one of the planets we protect, we have been told about the Red Ribbon Army and the demon king piccolo so should you ever need us you may ask for our assistance in those kind of situations"

"Thank you for your help" he saw how strong kakarrot was and if his entire race were to help protect the citizens of earth then he was sure no harm could ever come to them again

"I don't think we should tell the people of earth about the saiyans though king furry" Kakarrot told him

"Why not?"

"The people of earth are not as advanced as other races of the galaxy so they may not be well prepared enough to know that they are not alone, or as accepting as the ones who know of us" Vegeta told him

"I see your point" He saw how freaked out humans were when king piccolo had begun his reign and they may have developed a fear of extra-terrestrials even if one of them was their savior

"If you ever do need the saiyans help a good explanation to the humans would be a secret task force of the military"

"Saiyans have already come to earth and some are even living among us, Planet Earth is a lot different from Planet Vegeta so they love some of the features"

"If the humans ever find out about you saiyans will you allow them to visit Vegeta as well?" King furry thought that was only fair

"That may not be a good idea" Vegeta shook his head and before Furry could ask why "The Planet Vegeta is not a suitable environment for Humans, it has ten times the gravity of earth so they could be crushed instantly if they were to step foot on our planet"

"I see thank you for the warning but how will I contact the saiyans if I ever need you?"

"Take this" Kakarrot handed him a capsule "Inside is a device the engineers of Vegeta have created to contact the king from earth, it's like a video phone"

"Thank you" Taking the capsule "Is there anyone I can tell about this?"

"As long as they can be trusted"


/End flashback/

"King Furry should we send our military force to search for these creatures?" the soldier asked but the king shook his head

"No I have other means of taking down these creatures" He opened his desk and got out a capsule "You are dismissed soldier" he soldier nodded and left the room as he opened the capsule setting the futuristic device on his desk


The Commander in Chief of the Saiyan army Bardock was called from his house to meet with King Vegeta, kakarrot was still in a coma but he had gotten into a better condition where he didn't have to have people hold him down

"We have a new problem on earth" Vegeta told him once he arrived with Trunks and Bulla

"More androids?" He asked

"No, but they are more of Gero's creations" Bulla crossed her arms

"There was an attack on West city and they seemed to be searching for kakarrot but after we began to fight back they disappeared" Trunks told them

"What do you plan to do about this son?" King vegeta asked

Before he could answer the transmission video link with Earth began buzzing so when he ordered one of them to answer it King Furry of earth appeared on the screen

"I assume you already know why I am contacting you King Vegeta?"

"Yes my son was just informing me of the situation"

"I have been told that these creatures that attacked West City were looking for kakarrot, what exactly is going on"

Vegeta turned to Trunks and Bulla since they were the best suited to explain "You see King Furry, my name is trunks and this is my sister bulla we and two of our friends have come from 17 years in the future, we also came back in time 3 years ago to warn kakarrot and the Z-fighter of a treat that would be happening this year. Two androids created by Dr. Gero were supposed to attack an island was what was supposed to happen but it seemed our travel to the past has disrupted the course of actions"

King furry was surprised by this 'why didn't kakarrot tell him about the situation during their meeting' probably thought they could handle the situation and didn't need to tell him about something that could be handled easily

Bulla took over "But now there are three androids on the loose and they are searching for Kakarrot but while we were looking for a way to defeat them these…..drones it appears have also been created and are attacking cities looking for him too, they plan to kill him"

King furry noticed that the leader of the Z-fighter was not meeting with his king "Where is Kakarrot shouldn't he be handling the situation?"

"No, Kakarrot is currently in a coma" Bardock stepped up shocking earth's king "I am his father and the chief of the saiyan army, Kakarrot is recovering from a heart virus at the moment and is unable to fight"

King Furry nodded now understanding why Prince vegeta was meeting with king vegeta instead, when kakarrot was unavailable the next person in charge was the prince "What do you plan to do on this drone situation?"

"I was getting to that" Vegeta crossed his arms "The Z-fighters are busy taking care of the androids situation at the moment, so I planned to sent some of the saiyan army to earth to take care of this drone situation, it should be easy considering they have improved their strength dramatically"

"Yes we have been using gravity training on them" Bardock nodded

"But how are we going to find these drones, we can't sense them either so how are the saiyans supposed to?" Bulla asked

"Well they're looking for kakarrot right?" Trunks asked "So they would obviously go and look at the Ox-kingdom for him so you can send the saiyans there to destroy them"

"Good idea trunks" Bardock nodded

"Thank you for your assistance" King furry nodded before cutting off the transmission

"Well we've found a solution for the drones but we still have to work on the android situation" Bulla sighed


Meanwhile on Earth at Kami sensed that his other half Piccolo was heading straight for the Lookout "So piccolo you've made your decision, it would seem that the time is drawing near for the two half's of our being should be made whole once again"

Piccolo flew up Korin's tower and when he came above the Lookout he materialized the rest of his uniform landing a few feet away from Mr. Popo before Kami teleported next to him, they stood in silence for a while before piccolo spoke

"Am I correct in assuming there's no need for me to explain why I've come to see you?"

"Yes you are. You and I were well that is to say your father and I were once a single being long ago so sufficed to say I know your mind well"

"That ought to save us some time then"

"Though I never thought the day would come when we would resolve our differences and merge back together into our first form"

"It's not a merger I simply intend to absorb you and your power to enhance my own abilities so I can defeat the androids, if the earth has to do without the dragon balls then so be it"

Kami gasped tightening his hold on his staff

"No you can't" argued "kami why would you?"

Kami was struggling to decide "I no longer serve a purpose alone, somewhere along the way the gulf between our powers widened as piccolo pitted himself against one foe after another my own strength diminished to nothing"

"Powerful or not I won't let you speak this way" Mr. Popo continued "Your still Kami wise and gentle guardian of the earth"

"Mr. Popo calm yourself please, Neither Trunks or Bulla who defeated Frieza and King cold, Nor Vegeta or Raditz who have more or less the same power as our time travelers could stand against the androids in battle. The presence suggest an outcome so dire that I fear not even Kakarrot could defeat these foes once his health is restored. Perhaps the only way to answer this treat is for piccolo to absorb me"

"Right you are what the earth needs it not a gentle guardian but a warrior, one with the strength and cunning to crush these bastards before it's too late"

"Yes but…" Kami turned to face him "Let things unfold a bit more"

"Unfold a-are you serious?!"

"Of course it would be foolish to merge before we can surmise that they are a threat to the earth"

"Waiting for things to play out would be foolish! You've seen how powerful they are!"

"I've seen that you were the ones to start the fight" Piccolo only grew more frustrated with him "And that they didn't try to kill you"

"You disgust me while you've been up here looking down on the world from the safety of your throne the rest of us have been risking our lives to save it, You heard trunks and bulla's warning the future is ruins because of these monsters!"

"Yes but they also said that the androids you face now are different from the ones they faced in the future the implications of this factor remain unclear"

Piccolo chuckled "Meaning what? You think they're all just misunderstood? That all they really want it to be our friends?"

"I'm not saying that I'm only suggesting that we assess the situation to greater detail before we resort to your radical proposal"

"Spineless coward!" Piccolo gritted before calming down and walking over to the edge of the lookout "As you wish" Sitting down "We wouldn't want to act rashly, let's just hope that when you come to your senses there will still be an earth left to save"

To be continued

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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