

Kakarot a first class sayain lands on earth after the genocide of the sayan race,SMARTES SAYAN Words: 258,195

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39 Chs


When Piccolo arrived in Ginger Town he could already tell that the entire population was gone, he didn't sense a single human sole anywhere within the city, piles of clothes and abandoned cars lay across the streets and a couple of shot guns by the arms of the shirts, he continued to scan the area from his place on the roof of one of the buildings before moving to the streets walking along the sidewalk to see if he could find any clues to where the creature had gone. In the alleyway that he had just passed the shadow of a figure began following him discretely while dragging something along with it

Piccolo turned to the alley, his advanced Namekian hearing had picked up something being dragged across the concrete but it stopped when he turned to it, a pink umbrella with flowers on it came blowing past him out of the alleyway, the sound began continuing once again along with water dripping from pipes. He continued walking until he heard the sound of a branch breaking and turned to that direction finally coming face to face with the creature Kami had seen from the lookout

"At last we meet face to face" Piccolo turned to face it completely

It was a green bug looking creature with pink eyes, a orange mouth, wings, and a long tail coming out of it's back with a stinger, It also had a man in it's hand that appeared to be unconscious but began waking up after he felt the thing stopped dragging him, he immediately became frightened in his current situation and turned to see Piccolo "Hey! You gotta help me please! Help me!"

Piccolo barely heard the man's pleas when he began sensing the creature's energy and felt multiple familiar energies "What am i sensing from that thing! It's power i've sensed it somewhere before" He muttered to himself

"Please i beg of you, you have to help me please!" The man continued to plead for the Z- Fighter's help "Please i'm in more than a little pain here!"

Piccolo continued to only stare at the creature in front of him

"Come on what are you waiting for? Help me! Listen i'm the richest guy i town i'll give you whatever you want" He reached into his jacket pocket and took out a stack of zeni "Here take this and there's more where that came from"

Of course he had no use for any kind of money put glanced up at the creature "You would be wise to let him go, You've done enough already. It's time you picked on someone your own size"

The creature only starred at him for a moment before releasing it's hold on the man's jacket making him fall to the concrete ground, Piccolo was surprised it had actually listened to him "Oh thank you, here take my money all of it. You saved my life i'll give you everything i have" the man began to crawl away from the creature before it raised it's stringer and stabbed it straight into the man's back causing him to scream and Piccolo's eyes widened at the sight before him, the stinger seemed to be sucking the life out of the man as he began rapidly aging before him before he was reduced to nothing but another pile of clothes on the street

"Now that we've gotten that vermin out of the way" The creature finally spoke turning Piccolo's attention to it "You're next Piccolo"

His eyes widened seeing that the creature knew his name "What did you say?" The creature got into a fighting stance and began raising it's power level making the wind around them begin to surge and the ground below them turn into a small crater "This can't be"

Bulla stopped where she was flying with everyone when she sensed something wasn't right, The others stopped next to her when they saw she had stopped moving

"What's wrong?" Raditz asked

"I know this is weird but i can sense two Piccolo's"

"Huh?" Rikun lifted an eyebrow at her

"Two Piccolo's?" Kairi asked

They began sensing for it and could instantly feel the same power in two places

"Do you sense it?" Bardock asked over the scouters

"Yes, She's right" Vegeta confirmed

"How can that be, even Kami is not an exact match to Piccolo's energy" Trunks asked

Bardock turned to the room of technicians in front of him "I want a satellite view of Ginger Town now!" He ordered

"It's gonna be awhile sir, the connections to the town have been disrupted ever since that creature began attacking it"

"Where is the closest soldier?"

"They're about 30 miles from the location sir"

""Then they should get there faster than us" Bulla nodded

"Hopefully they'll be able to help Piccolo out for the time being" Rikun agreed

"Why haven't we given some kind of communication to Piccolo yet?" Trunks asked

"You should already know how old fashioned he is" Raditz rolled his eyes before they continued to fly towards Ginger Town

Back on Planet Vegeta in the genetics laboratory Dr. Glanthor and Dr. Malaca had been overseeing the analysis of the slime and skin samples they had received from Commander Bardock close to an hour ago, the scientists that had been working on trying to compare the DNA they had found within the two components to all known insects within the universe but so far had come up with no matches to any animal, so Dr. Malaca had told them to try to find a match to people on every planet

"Why?" A scientist turned from his microscope he had been looking at a piece of the skin sample

"Perhaps this creature may look like an insect but is really a humanoid person" He told them

"Good thinking" Another nodded knowing how strangle alien life could be

The doors to the lab slid open and in walked Dr. Glanthor, he had been called to Commander Bardock's residence by his wife to check up on their son, the saiyan lord Kakarrot, he had only been notified a few hours earlier that the man had been fighting a earth virus that had attacked his heart, Glanthor had been the very same Doctor to help birth the man when he was a baby and had helped the Lady Gine name the boy, right from the moment he was born he could sense a great power within the small saiyan and had told everyone he would grow up to be something great of course no one had believed him since Bardock had been a third class saiyan at the time and Gine wasn't even a warrior but he had proven them all right when they had heard that Kakarrot had grown to accomplish the legendary Super Saiyan in over 1000 years and had saved their entire race and countless others by defeating the space tyrant Frieza

His colleague Dr. Malaca couldn't live down how he had denied that the boy would be anything great and would just be another third class warrior so now that they heard he had gotten a virus from the planet earth he had rushed to the home to make sure that lord Kakarrot would be perfectly fine, while he was checking Kakarrot over in the room he could hear from the television that earth was facing another threat and knew that the man that was currently in a deep coma would be needed soon. He could hear through his stethoscope that his heart was still in a bit of distress because it was still fighting off the last of the virus and couldn't give an exact time that he would be waking up so promised to come by later to check him again

"How is the analysis coming along?" He asked once he set his medical supplies down on his desk

"There are no matches to any form of insect or animal on any known planet in the cosmos so i have switched the identification procedure to humanoid life"

"I see" This creature was certainly unique, it had greatly resembled an insect from the pictures they were shown but apparently it wasn't

"Um sir" one of the scientist's sitting at a computer called over to them and he seemed to be in complete shock from something he had seen " You might want to take a look at this"

"What is it?" Both of them walked over to see two sets of DNA strands on the computer saying a match, but the match to the species had completely shocked them

"This is impossible"

The wind stopped surging once the creature had finished powering up and when Piccolo regained his composure he saw that they were now standing in a small crater the creature had made with it's power, It began chuckling at him "What's the matter you seem afraid, Piccolo"

He glared at it "No, far from it in fact, now tell me how you know that name"

"Well, one might say that we're brothers"


It laughed

The grouped stopped flying to Ginger Town once again

"Bulla are you sensing what i'm sensing?" Kairi turned over to the other female

"I-It's frieza and his father King Cold" She stuttered in shock

"What?!" Both Bardock and King Vegeta yelled over the scouter, The king had returned to the center after having a conference with King Furry to discuss the situation on earth

"That's ridiculous!" Raditz gritted his teeth

They all paused once again when they felt a new energy coming from the town as well, but that was impossible too because the energy that should have been coming from was floating right beside them

"Vegeta's energy is coming from there too" Rikun's eyes widened seeing Vegeta's growling in frustration

"This is madness" He growled

"Wait a minute we're beginning to sense it too!" Bardock stood back in shock seeing everyone else in the room had paused in shock along with him

"What? But Planet Vegeta is at least 5 lightyears away from Earth" Raditz yelled

"This creature is obviously powerful!" King Vegeta pursed his lips

The group turned when they felt another energy coming their way and could see it was Turlus "Just what the heck is going on in that city!" He demanded once he stopped in front of them

"That's exactly what we're trying to figure out" Trunks told him as they began flying once again

"I thought you and your brother destroyed Frieza and King Cold 3 years ago" He turned to Bulla

"We did"

"But it feels like they're both alive and in Ginger Town"

Everyone on both ends all paused in shock once again when they felt the most impossible energy of all

"Holy cow" Rikun muttered

"Do you sense what i sense guys" Trunks asked

"It's Kakarrot" King Vegeta's eyes widened

"Yes he's in Ginger Town as well" Vegeta glared

"What? But i just left the house and he was still in that coma" Turlus gasped

Back at the house Chi Chi had tried to advise everyone to try and relax saying that the Z- Fighters and Saiyan soldiers could handle the situation on earth, so they had all gone to the backyard in the pool area that was rarely used to try and calm down while she and Gine watched over Kakarrot in the master bedroom, while Hasky and Leslie began to cook some food to try and distract themselves from the crisis while their children continued to sleep in their cribs

They had been swimming in the pool when they began sensing something powerful coming from Earth's direction making all the energy masters pause where they were when they felt all the sudden familiar power levels coming from Earth in one place, in one energy source instead of separate ones

"T-This is impossible" Krillin stuttered looking around to the other people that were walking the streets to see most of them pause once they sensed the same thing

"Frieza and his father they're both on earth" Chidori's eyes widened

"But Trunks and Bulla killed them both 3 years ago" Yamcha gasped

"Yamcha!" They turned to see Hasky run out from the house with her eyes wide seeing she had sensed the same thing

Before any of them could do anything they sensed the most impossible energy that could have been coming from Earth at all

"I-It's Dad" Gohan's eyes widened

"Yeah, He's on earth too" Yamcha's eyes widened

Gohan and Chidori turned to earth other before flying out of the pool and into the house heading for the Master Bedroom

Inside the room Gine and Chi Chi we're still tending to Kakarrot's illness, Chi Chi helped him swallow some of the last of the medicine before setting him back down

"He still feels a little warm" Gine felt his forehead with the palm of her hand

"But it looks like he's finally getting better" Chi Chi smiled"

The house phone began ringing interrupting they're line of thought, Gine turned to the phone she had on her bedside table and picked it up "Hello?"

"Gine? Are you with Kakarrot?!" Bardock frantically asked over the phone

"What?" She turned back to her comatose son "Yes, he's still sleeping. Why?"

"She says he's still at the house sleeping" He called over the scouter communicater hearing gasps over it

The master bedroom doors burst open, Chi Chi and Gine turned to see Gohan and Chidori looking to their father in complete shock

"What are you two doing?" Chi Chi frowned

Gohan ran over to the open window and looked out to side seeing the others "He's still sleeping guys!" causing them all to gasp

"What is going on Bardock?" Gine asked over the phone

"We're all feeling Kakarrot's energy coming from earth, Ginger Town"

"B-But that's impossible" Her eyes widened turning to her son

"We know" Chidori moaned

"Ginger town is in section 10-51 right?" Leslie asked

"Yeah, all this weird energy must be coming from that creature" Krillin nodded

"Sir, We have the results of the lab tests" A technician called over to Bardock and King Vegeta

"Send it over!" King Vegeta ordered

The results began loading up on the computer screen in front of them both and what they saw had to be the most shocking of everything they had been seeing and feeling all day

"What is it?!" Vegeta asked

"The slime's DNA has several matches to Saiyan, Acrosian, Namekian, and Human DNA. There are also direct matches to Kakarrot, Vegeta, Raditz, Turlus, Nappa, Gohan, Chidori, Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha, Frieza, and King Cold"

"How is any of this even possible" King Vegeta growled

"I'm starting to get the feeling this has some connection to Dr. Gero again" Raditz growled

"Now, if you think you've finished showing off, i want answers" Piccolo growled at the creature "Who are you?!"

The creature remained silent for a moment "Silly, Piccolo my secrets will not be unlocked so easily"

He growled "No matter i'll still destroy you. Whoever you are"

It smirked "You're even more amusing than i imagined"

"Well we'll see if you still feel that way after i've beaten you"

"Such a fighter's spirit, i will enjoy absorbing you Piccolo"

"You keep using that name, it seems you've mistaken me for someone else" He got into a fighting stance and grinned at the creature "So allow me to introduce myself" He growled before powering up causing an immediate giant crater to begin forming beneath them and the creature to widen it's eyes as it tried to stand it's ground but the wind was blowing it backwards. Piccolo's sudden burst of energy began to overcome both of them and consume the entire city

When the light finally cleared the creature could see that the entire city had been destroyed by Piccolo's power and it could see Piccolo was still grinning at him causing it to glare

"The Piccolo that you know is gone, I am the Namek; and as for you well you're history"

"I'm impressed Namek, your power is astounding, i'm sure you will prove to be a most satisfying meal" It grinned

"Don't count on it"

"How close are the nearest Saiyan soldiers" Vegeta called over the scouter

"Let me check" Bardock began typing away on the computer in front of him locating the GPS coordinates of the soldiers he had ordered to head for Ginger Town finding them now 25 miles from the location "They're still pretty far, but I'm sure Piccolo can handle this situation better than they could together anyway"

"I'm sensing something new coming from that direction now" King Vegeta announced

"What?" Turlus asked so the group began sensing toward Ginger Town and felt a powerful energy coming from it

"I can feel it" Kairi muttered

Raditz's eyes widened when he felt the familiarity of the power level "It's Piccolo, He must have gone through with it after all"

"What did he do? It must have been something to completely heighten his power to this extant" Trunks asked

"He's united with Kami"

"United?" King Vegeta asked

"Wait i think i remember Kakarrot telling me something about this, he had told me Piccolo and the guardian of earth Kami had once been a single being and if they were ever to unite once again they're power would rise to even past the power of a Super Saiyan" Bardock explained

"What?!" Vegeta's eyes widened at the prospect

"That's right, Piccolo has become a Super Namek!" Rikun cheered

Electricity surged around Piccolo as he worked to get his new found power under his control "You know you made one critical mistake, you should have never emptied this city of it's entire population"

The creature looked smug "Why is that?"

"Because as long as there are no innocent bystanders to get in the way, I'm free to fight you with the best of my abilities"

"So what's stopping you?"

"You know that's a real good question" He grinned before raising his hand and beginning to form an energy blast, the creature crossed it's arms in front of it's chest to block the blast that was coming, when he finally fired the force of his blast knocked it off it's feet surprising it and destroyed what had been left of the city's remains

"Would you look at that?" Kairi gasped as they all stopped seeing the gigantic blast of energy even from the tens of miles they were from the location

"Sick" Rikun muttered

"Look's like the battle has started" Trunks stared as the light began fading

"I sure hope Piccolo wasn't on the wrong end of that blast" Bulla stated

The smoke from the blast began clearing but the electric volts still surged around Piccolo's body, the creature that had been standing right in front of him must have been blown away from the force of it because he didn't see it anywhere. Underneath some rubble of concrete the creature blasted out from it and saw Piccolo flying towards it so it got up and tried to punch him but he dodged by flying around him then kicking it in the back. When it regained it's footing it turned back just in time to dodge another one of the namekian's kicks and beginning to fly backwards away from him but with Piccolo's increased speed he was able to flew behind it and kick it once again in the back sending it flying into the air

He flew forward where the creature was about to land when it stopped mid-flight right in front of him then flew backwards into the sky where they merely starred at one another from ground to sky before it raised it's fingertips to it's forehead chuckling, Piccolo narrowed his eyes at it before he gasped recognizing the move as his own "Special Beam Cannon!" It fired directly at him. Piccolo was able to swat the blast away destroying the remains of a skyscraper

"He's good" He growled before looking back up to see the creature heading for him and began fighting with him, it tried to kick him but he flew upward to dodge it as it followed and began swinging punches with each other as they flew further into the sky, Piccolo landed a powerful kick sending it into the ground, he landed just as it was getting back up "I must admit you're a lot stronger than i gave you credit for but don't let that go to your head"

It chuckled "You have yet to see my true strength, i was not able to gather enough energy in this city to reach my full power"

"Your full power?"

It grinned "Uh-Huh"

"Monster, That's why you absorbed all those innocent people"

"Yes, it is their living energy that gives me my power"

Piccolo growled "Who are you! What kind of a twisted mind would think to send you hear in the time machine" The creature frowned with shock "Answer me!"

It chuckled once again "I came here of my own accord, the time capsule was much to small for me to fit inside while in my present state, i was forced to regress to my larva form and in close myself within an egg, pretty in genius don't you think?" Piccolo merely blinked "Yes, you seem to know much Piccolo, but there is still much for you to learn"

His eyes widened when he recognized the stance the creature had gotten into, it was the Kamehameha wave

Bardock, Raditz, and Turlus gasped when they felt the energy coming from Ginger Town

"Aw man what is going on over there" Rikun asked

"I'm sensing Kakarrot again" Trunks muttered

The creature grinned at the horrified look on Piccolo's face "Ka...Me..."

"It can't be" Piccolo stuttered "It's impossible"


"Where did he learn that move? Who taught him?!"

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" It yelled as it fired the wave and consumed piccolo in a blast covering the area in smoke

Piccolo reappeared in the sky above the impact zone glaring down it it, he didn't notice the creature come up behind him and grab him with it's arms and legs around him keeping him in place, he glared behind him at the creature

"I've got you now" It moved it's stinger towards him, Piccolo tried fighting out of it's grasp but the stinger ended up stabbing him in the arm causing him to scream "Resistance is useless my friend in no time your energy will be mine

"Do we have any idea what this creature may be now?" Vegeta asked his father over the scouter

"I don't think there is a species anywhere in the cosmos that can mimic the energy of others so perfectly" King Vegeta explained

"It had to have been cooked up in some kind of lab to have a DNA match to every known Z-Fighter and Frieza" Bardock reasoned

"This creature is causing us to sense Kakarrot, Vegeta, Piccolo and Frieza" Turlus added

"We're gonna have one heck of a fight on our hands" Trunks gritted

Back at the house on Planet Vegeta Dr. Glanthor had come by to check Kakarrot's condition once again with his earth wife Chi Chi, his mother Gine, and his two children hybrids Gohan and Chidori by the bedside. After he did a full check-up he could see that Kakarrot's heart virus had finally passed

"YAY!" Gohan and Chidori cheered that their dad was going to be just fine

"Is he going to be alright now, there are no damage left?" Chi Chi asked

"I don't think so, based on the tests i ran on his systems he'll be perfectly normal once he wakes up"

"Do you have any idea when that'll be?" Gine asked, Kakarrot had been in a coma for over a week

"For now he seems to just be recovering from the ordeal he faced fighting off the virus. You should let him rest for now"

"Do you think he'll wake up soon?" Chidori asked

"Possibly" He thought since he was merely resting now, in a way it was just being asleep instead of being comatose now

"We're gonna go tell everyone the good news!" Gohan stood up with Chidori and ran out the door but they could year them yelling to the group downstairs announcing Kakarrot would be waking up soon

"They are certainly energetic" Glanthor smiled "They remind me much of how Raditz and Kakarrot were at that age"

"I miss it too" Gine smiled at the memory

When Gohan and Chidori came into the living room however they could see everyone's faces filled with horror as they watched the earth news broadcast

"Once again local units of the armed forces have been mobilized in responce to the mass destruction in the west city suburbs of Ginger Town earlier today"

"They don't have a chance do they?" Chidori turned to her brother

"It's crazy"

"Sir" A technician called up to King Vegeta and Commander Bardock "You need to see this" He turned on earth's news broadcast to the front wall screen

"A spokes person for the army tells us that the situation is under control and the crisis will be resolved very shortly"

"Huh?" Bardock's eyes widened seeing that Earth's army were heading into the battle zone

"What's going on?" Vegeta called

"Get me King Furry on the line!" King Vegeta yelled to the technicians

The host was handed a piece of paper "This just in we are now able to take you live to Ginger Town where our correspondent has just arrived on the scene"

Both the king and the commander in cheif glared at the stupidity of the earth's army

Bardock got on the line with the leader of the group of soldiers he was sending to Ginger Town "You need to get there now! Fly at the fastest speed you can!" he ordered

A woman standing behind some large rubble appeared on the screen "I'm standing on the outskirts of Ginger Town, behind me you can see the dust rising as a column of tanks make their way into the heart of the city, the army has made no comment regarding it's tactics but we'll have all the details as they become available"

"Your majesty we have King Furry on the line"

"Put him through" King Vegeta ordered looking at the computer screen in front of both him and Bardock, Once he saw the dog's face appear he wasted no time

"What is the meaning of this?!"

"I have just heard of this myself, i gave no order for my armies to deploy into that city"

"You need to call them back now, this creature has the same level of power as both our son's combined!" Bardock growled

"It'll take me a while to get in touch with them, are you sending your troops as well?"

"Yes, it appears that they are close now"


Piccolo continued to struggle against the creature as it began sucking his power out of his arm, his arm little by little began shriveling to the point it was a yellowish color instead of it's usual green and pink color, because the Z-fighter was in so much pain he didn't see the number of tanks beginning to pull up on the ground below them. A man standing on the tank in the middle pulled up his binoculars to look at the two in the sky


The creature pulled Piccolo out of it's line of sight "What can't the fools see i'm busy?" it's eyes began glowing red before firing lasers at the general's tank and completely destroying it in the process but luckily the general and the soldier inside were able to get away in time

"Open fire!" The General ordered causing the tanks to begin shooting up at the creature even with Piccolo still in it's clutches, they fired all the weapons they had at the two until the sky was filled with smoke and the blast of all of it caused a bright light, the general waited until the smoke cleared and saw that the creature was gone so thought it had been blown to pieces so grinned at his victory "Bingo!"

"General! Look!" A soldier yelled causing him to look to the left and see the creature was still alive and well

The General growled "Hit him with everything you've got men!" The tanks turned their missile launchers to the creature and began firing once again, the creature sent out a wave of energy causing the missiles to turn around and aim back at the soldiers so they began running away

Right at the moment the missiles should have hit the soldiers, they heard the swifts of several winds before they heard the explosions of the missiles exploding but none of the earth soldiers had felt anything. When all of them looked up they saw they had been protected by a dome of light caused by several men and women wearing strange armor

"Huh? What's this?" It gasped down when it saw the soldiers were all alive then looked to the new appearance "Hmm. I see the Saiyans are all alive and well here too. i'll deal with them later;Now where were we? Oh yes, how could i have forgotten?" it began sucking the last of the energy within Piccolo's arm causing it to die all together and for Piccolo to scream in pain before he head butted the creature causing it to release him and letting him fly back down to the ground

He was panting from the amount of energy he had just lost as it landed a few feet in front of him

"Commander we've arrived in Ginger Town, we have a visual of the creature and Z-Fighter Piccolo"

"It's about time" King Vegeta muttered

"Good now make sure he's alright, and follow his lead. Earth's king is calling back his soldiers so they won't be a problem" Bardock ordered

"Piccolo looks to be heavily injured sir"

"What do you mean?" Bardock frowned, from the energy he had felt coming from Piccolo he should have been able to hold his own against that creature

"Well, it look's like his entire left arm has died"

"But he should be able to regenerate yes?" King Vegeta asked

"Warrior Namekians are. But maybe since Kami wasn't a warrior it might have decreased his power to regenerate"

Piccolo looked behind him to see a group of Saiyan soldiers had protected the earth soldiers and were now coming up behind him

"I see the others didn't waste anytime calling in backup"

"Commander Bardock sent us to help you with this creature" Rubata had been the saiyan chosen as leader for this group of saiyan soldiers

"Lucky for me there are so many saiyans on earth, they will be a far more greater source of life energy than these humans" It grinned towards the warrior race causing them to glare at it

"You need to warn every saiyan on this planet to be on alert of this creature, it get's it's power by sucking the life energy out of people with it's stinger" Piccolo warned Rubata

He put a hand to his ear "Did you hear that sir?"

"Loud and clear, i'll put out the message"

The creature turned back to Piccolo "You may have escaped for the moment but i'm afraid that with only one arm you won't be able to hold out much longer, even with these saiyans they can't hold me back forever, face it Piccolo your time is up"

Piccolo gritted at the creature "Yes, You're right" The saiyans looked to the Z-Fighter in shock, he was said to be almost as stubborn as Prince Vegeta when it came to battle and now he was just giving up "It's clear that i'm no match for you, i can't fight without my arm, i have no choice but to surrender"

The creature laughed at it's victory "So you have finally realized the futility of your efforts but don't worry Piccolo you will soon be apart of something far far greater than anything you could have ever imagined"

"What do you mean?"

"You will be absorbed into perfection"

"Alright but before i submit to you, i ask that you answer my final request, tell me; Who are you? Why can i sense Kakarrot's energy in you and Frieza's and Vegeta's" The creature starred for a moment before standing upright

"Very well, Since you're literally dying to know i'll tell you" It glanced toward the soldiers behind Piccolo "But have them leave, i don't want any of my enemies knowing to much about me just yet"

"Leave" Piccolo turned to Rubata


"Do it!"

"Do as he says Rubata" Bardock commanded, both he and King Vegeta already figured out what Piccolo was planning "Just out of earshot though you'll still be needed if things get rough"

"Yes sir" He nodded signaling to the soldiers then flying up into the sky and appearing the creature as if they were flying away from the city

Piccolo turned back to see the satisfied face on the creature

"My name is Cell, I am an Android"

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

God_Shinobicreators' thoughts