

Kakarot a first class sayain lands on earth after the genocide of the sayan race,SMARTES SAYAN Words: 258,195

God_Shinobi · Komik
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39 Chs


My name is Cell, I am an Android"

Piccolo's eyes widened "You, You're an android?"

"I am the single greatest achievement of my creator, Dr. Gero"

"Agh, as i should have known" He narrowed his eyes

"You see in his efforts to create a supreme warrior organism, Dr. Gero devised a means in which he could fuse the cells of the worlds greatest fighters into one and then cultivate that cell into a singular invincible entity" Cell recalled his deepest memories of the scientist watching over his larva form grow in the tank before he walked away and turned the light to his underground lab off "Unfortunately for the good doctor however he soon realized that his project was far too complex to be completed within his lifetime, as such he diverted his attention to more easy projects but only after he developed his computer to finish the enormous task which he had begun, the computer worked tirelessly to complete the fusion of cells that had been gathered from the mightiest warriors earth had to offer"

The scene changed to Nappa firing a energy blast "Warriors such as the saiyan Nappa, the young but powerful twin hybrids Gohan and Chidori, and of course cells were gathered from you Piccolo so that your great strength and determination could also be harnessed for our purposes. Most notably perhaps were the cells of Kakarrot were incorporated into my design, as were the cells of the mighty saiyan prince Vegeta, ultimately the cells from these mighty warriors and more were formed into one; and although the traits of some were chosen by the computer to be more dominate than others in the final design at least some element of each was retained"

Piccolo was at a lose for works after hearing the explanation for the creature that stood before him "Now i understand, you learned the Kamehameha Wave when you inherited Kakarrot's cells"

"That's right" Cell thought back to the last bit of cells that had been forged into his creation "Kakarrot's were not the last cells i would inherit however, in a most fortunate event, Frieza paid a brief visit to Earth and although he was mostly machine at the time it was possible to extract a few of his remaining cells before he met his end at the hands of Trunks, Trunks and Bulla's cells would have been collected but Dr. Gero's computer had determined that there was already a sufficient amount of saiyan DNA within my makeup"

"So tell me this how did Dr. Gero get these cells, i don't recall seeing him or anyone suspicious around"

"There is a simple explanation by now you should of learned of Dr. Gero's tracking devises" That got the namekians attention "The tracking device is very small, insect like, comparable to a common house fly" Cell pointed over his right shoulder "There do you see it, it's watching us at this very moment waiting for an opportunity to gather more cells"

Piccolo looked up and saw a small robotic insect with tiny pinchers for hands with blinking light for eyes "Quite remarkable don't you agree?" He growled then used his good arm to fire an energy blast destroying the robotic insect, Cell chuckled "Excellent work Piccolo but once again i'm afraid you've only managed to waste your efforts, the computer already has the sufficient amount of cells for my completion back at the lab"

"You're wrong we destroyed Dr. Gero's lab and all of his equipment!"

"Luckily the computer was hidden in a bunker below the laboratory"

He growled at the android "I see, it's not too late you know one of the others i bound to find that computer and destroy it"

"Don't be absurd the computer will work undisturbed for the next 24 years, at which time i'll be completed. Now then let's put an end to all this chit chat shall we?"

"Just one more question, Why are you here? Why did you come to this time?"

"My you are full of questions, well i suppose i'll answer this last one, it's quite simple really you see i cannot realize my full power from the strength of just humans alone, according to the computer i am looking for a specific source of energy" Cell took a moment for this to sink in for Piccolo "More to the point i require the energy of Android's 17 & 18"


"You see the powers of Vegeta, Kakarrot, Frieza and so many others have already been incorporated into my being but even these powers pale in comparison to the strength of the androids, it is this strength that i must possess for myself, unfortunately in the time from which i came androids 17 & 18 no longer existed they had somehow been destroyed at the hands of the four hybrids Trunks, Bulla, Rikun, and Kairi and along with them my hopes for reaching my final perfect state. Luckily for me i learned that they possessed a time capsule which i decided to borrow for myself" Cell remembered walking out of the shadows behind them surprising them and killing each one easily finishing by snapping Trunks's neck with his tail before walking up to the small time capsule "I dispensed of them easily enough but using the time machine itself proved to be a much more challenging task, as i mentioned before in order to fit inside the time capsule i was forced to regress to my larva state that being said i activated the machine and was instantly transported to another time and place a time in which i would hope to find androids 17 & 18 alive and well. I which i would be able to realize the true potential of my power, understandably i could not begin my search while still in larva form, i had to wait until i regained my fighting shape and so i burrowed into the ground where for the last 4 years i had been waiting gathering my strength growing into the superior being you see before you today"

"But why did you choose this particular time?"

"I didn't the coordinates had already been set i merely pushed a button the machine went where it was programmed to go"

"Now it's starting to become clear, Trunks and the others had set the coordinates to this time in order to tell us they had destroyed the androids in the future but instead this creep hijacked it" Piccolo glared at the android in front of him

"The computer told me one more thing, once i have absorbed the other androids i will be the single most powerful being who has ever lived!"

"But what for?! You were already the single most powerful being in your time?!"

"This is true but my design was meant to include the powers of Androids 17 & 18, without them i can never be complete i had to seek them out it was what i was created to do; though it could also be the the blood of Frieza coursing through my veins which fuels my desire for more power"

"I see"

"Now are we done talking?"

"Yes, You've said more than enough" Piccolo smirked then tore his dead left arm clean off his shoulder causing Cell's eyes to widen at the sight as he regenerated a new arm "I just needed a little time"

Cell stepped back "You tricked me! I should have known you were up to something!"

" I will never allow you to be completed Cell, i going to put an end to your diabolical sceems once and for all!"

Cell got into a fighting stance glaring at the namekian

"This storm seems to have come out of nowhere" Vegeta commented as they continued to fly toward Ginger Town

"I don't think this is a natural storm though, it has some sort of energy fueling it" Turlus narrowed his eyes at the dark clouds above them

"Have you heard anything from the soldier's you sent to Ginger Town father?" Raditz called over the scouter

"Piccolo wanted to be left alone to talk with the creature, he pretended to be defeated to get it to talk and now were just waiting for them to finish talking"

"That's a good way to find out what this thing is" Rikun thought

"I have a feeling it's gonna take all of us to defeat this thing" Trunks muttered

"We've just gotta hope we're not too late" Kairi nodded to the others before flying faster to the town

Piccolo and Cell stood across from each other staring in silence, Piccolo glanced at the android's stinger and saw a drop of acid fall to the ground from it creating a small crater in the ground below it

"You know Cell even with the energy you took from me my power is still far greater than your own and don't think i won't pay you back for taking my arm; Maybe i'll take yours"

"Very cunning faking weakness just long enough to regenerate your arm" Cell chuckled "Perhaps my superior mind came from you"

"Don't give me all the credit, the idea was Kami's"

Cell's eyes widened "Kami?" then narrowed them at the namekian "Ah yes, Kami so he's the namek you fused with to get your new power"

"Now you've got it, at least your not as dumb as i was"

"But Kami was the guardian of the earth that means there are no dragon balls to revive people after i've consumed them. My how convenient for me" He chuckled "Well Namek i say you've gone through a great deal of trouble for a minuscule power increase"

"I'm afraid you haven't even come close to seeing the true depths of my new abilities" He got into a fighting stance "But you will soon enough"

Cell jumped back onto the ledge of the broken piece of a small house and brought the stinger of his tail up beside his face, once again they stood at odds with one another before the sound of wind moving got their attention so they turned to see Vegeta and the others were finally arriving, they stopped just above the two to get a good look of what was going on

"Alright there's Piccolo we're not too late" Bulla sighed with relief

"Hey, look up there" Rikun gestured for everyone to look onto the ledge of the broken house and see the android standing on it

"I see it" Trunk's eyes widened

"Look at it, look at it's skin" Kairi's face cringed at the sight of it

"Is this the creature that the soldier's described to you?" Vegeta called over the scouter

"Yes, It's a perfect match" King Vegeta nodded

"Do you want us to call those soldiers back"

"Yes, i think we're going to need the extra help with this thing" Radtiz narrowed his eyes at the creature

Cell looked the group in the sky over seeing the time travelers with them"They're here too? Stupid kids as if being killed by me in their own time wasn't enough, i don't understand why creatures so defective are ever allowed to live" He watched as they landed beside Piccolo "Oh well it will soon be corrected"

"Is this the guy that's responsible for wiping out every resident in Ginger Town?" Turlus turned to Piccolo

"Yeah he's the one so be careful and stay clear of his tail" He advised them

"What's with the energy we're sensing it feels like Kakarrot and Tien are here" Rikun asked

"I'll explain all of that soon right after we destroy this thing"

"So you really think you can defeat me?" He chuckled at them "Don't flatter yourself"

"Freak!" Kairi glared

"Don't worry guys with all of us and the saiyan soldiers approaching he knows he can't take us all on at once and he knows it" Piccolo smirked at the android

"Namek once i become complete you won't be so cocky"

He growled up at it "Ugh face it your outnumbered and outmatched, you can't win! especially if the Kamehameha technique is the best you can do"

"Kamehameha! But the only way he would know that move is if he studied under Roshi right?" Raditz asked

"Not only do i know the Kamehameha Raditz but i also know every one of your brother's moves from Buster Cannon to Spirit bomb"

"That's impossible" His eyes widened

"This whole thing is getting freakier by the minute" Turlus shook his head

"But tell me how's your friend Kakarrot doing?" He asked

"You'll see soon enough!" Kairi yelled, he should already be waking up soon

"So he's still alive in this timeline, i will deal with him later" Cell glanced to the left to see another group approaching with closer inspection he could see it was the saiyan soldier's that had been sent away earlier so knew he had to move fast, glancing to his right he looked up to the sun "First i must deal with these idiots"

The saiyans soldiers landed behind the group with Rubata in the front "Did you get the information from it?" He asked

"Yes, i'll tell everyone once this thing is gone"

"You all should be honored soon every last one of you will be apart of the perfect being" They glared at him before he flew up into the sky in front of the sunlight "But as anxious as you are you will just have to be patient you see i have a date with a couple of friends and it will be rude of me to make them wait. But here's a parting gift from me!" He moved both his hands to the sides of his face

"What?!" Vegeta's eyes widened


The bright light from the attack blinded each one of them but they could hear Cell's laughter above them before he left flying off before they could recover

"Ugh i can't see!"

"He's gone!"

Each of them began trying to open their eyes but their vision was still too blurry to make anything out

"Father did you pick up where he went on the radar?!" Raditz yelled

Bardock and King Vegeta had been protected from the bright light due to the infrared vision of the scouter "Yes it appears that he was heading east before he dropped of the radius of the scouter"

"That was Tien's Solar Flare technique wasn't it?!" Vegeta yelled

"Yes, it's a great move if you're looking to make an escape like he just did" Trunks growled

"It's really easy to learn too" Bulla moaned

"That coward!" Piccolo growled before flying up into the air followed by everyone else

"Which way did you say he went?!" Kairi asked

"Just that he was going east" Turlus told her looking in their east direction but saw nothing

"We have to find him quickly or more innocent people are going to die!"

Cell ran through the forests with an accelerated speed jumping from cliff sides to further the distance he was heading in "Those fools were no match for my superior cunning as long as i keep my energy hidden they won't find me until it's too late"

He chuckled as he continued to run

Back at the house on Planet Vegeta Chi Chi and Gine came running down from the master bedroom to the living area where everyone was "Everyone hurry come see!" Chi Chi yelled getting all their attention

"You have to hurry!" Gine yelled

"Calm down, what's happening?" Yamcha asked standing up from his chair

"Is it Dad, is he ok?" Chidori asked

"You've all got to come see" Chi Chi told them before turning back to the stairs to head back to the room

"Come on move it!" Gine rushed all of them up

"We're coming" Leslie told her

As they got to the doors of the bedroom they saw Chi Chi standing beside the bed leaning over Kakarrot

"What's the big hurry?" Hasky asked

Chi Chi turned to them putting a finger up to her mouth "Sssh, quiet please"

They all liftened their eyebrows looking to Gine and she motioned for them to come forward so everyone could lean over the saiyan warrior and watch as he continued to sleep, Krillin was about to ask what they were looking for when Kakarrot suddenly smiled getting everyone else to smile too

"Everyone did you see that? Kakarrot actually smiled!" Gine put her hands together

"Yeah he smiled alright!" Krillin grinned

"He must be feeling better" Gohan looked to Chidori seeing her with a big smile on her face too

"Oh my i'm so happy!" Chi Chi wiped a small tear from her eye

"Wait, that's no ordinary smile" Everyone turned to Yamcha "I've seen that look on his face a few times before it the same peculiar smile he always gets before he's about to engage in a colossal battle"

Hasky lifted an eyebrow before looked down at the saiyan "Yeah it is yeah!"

The twin hybrids nodded in agreement

"I bet it's a premonition" Leslie suggested

Chi Chi and Gine frowned then began getting angry at the group glancing at everyone of them

"Yeah like he's getting ready to fight those androids" Krillin said "Even though he's still recovering i bet he's planning the big battle already"

Hasky felt some strange waves coming from the mother and wife of the recovering saiyan so turned to see they both had angered looks on their faces with waves of black coming off both of them cringing at the sight she glanced back and forth between them and Krillin

"Boy Kakarrot sure is something huh?"

"Umm Krillin maybe you should...?" Hasky muttered

"Well, what do you think am i right?" Krillin asked looking around

Yamcha chuckled "I wouldn't put it past Kakarrot"

"Krillin!" Hasky muttered louder to him

He frowned looked to her "Yeah what?" then saw the looks he was getting from Gine and Chi Chi so cringed "Did i say battle? No i meant battling his condition that's all!"

"If you think my Kar is going to fight anytime soon your sadly mistaken" Chi Chi growled

"Yeah but mom Krillin just meant when he get's better" Chidori tried saying but was interrupted

"That's enough Chidori" Gine put her hands on her hips "My poor son is suffering and all you can think about is how he can help you!"

"Sorry" Krillin muttered

"So he will not be fighting is that clear?" Chi Chi looked each one of them over "I can't hear you?"

"Yes Ma'am" Everyone said in unison

"Good, now please keep quiet" Gine yelled

"UGH I CAN'T STAND IT! HOW COULD I HAVE LET HIM ESCAPE!" Piccolo yelled in fury increasing his power along the way causing the aura around him to surge and the wing around them to pick up a bit

"He's lost it" Rikun muttered then got an elbow in the side from Kairi


"Calm him down!" King Vegeta yelled over the scouter

"Easier said than done" Turlus scoffed but none of them needed to do anything because Piccolo calmed down on his own after a few more minutes of letting out his frustrations

"Namek i demand to know what happened here!" Vegeta glared

"Alright i'll tell your but let's wait for Tien first he should be here shortly" He turned his back to the group

"Ok so while we wait for him why don't Rubata and the others go searching for Cell" Raditz asked

"That's a good i idea, Rubata you and others can go and try to pick up his trail and if you need back up i'll send the other's in your direction" Bardock ordered

"Understood" Rubata nodded then turned to his fellow soldiers "You heard him let's move out!" After powering up all of them flew into the air and headed east, the time travelers watched them fly off before turning back to the group

"You sure it's wise to send them after Cell?" Trunks asked

"They know to be cautious of the stinger" Vegeta assured him

Bulla glanced up seeing the three eyed Z- Fighter approaching "Hey, look i can see Tien"

"This situation seem's hopeless i'm not even sure i'm stronger enough to defeat Androids 17 & 18, never mind 16 and that still leaves Cell" Piccolo thought

Once Tien landed Rikun turned to the Namekian Z-Fighter "Hey Piccolo...Ugh..I mean Kami...No...I mean that is...ugh" Kairi smirked at him " Oh however you are now, I'm trying to say that Tien is here!"

Piccolo turned back to them "Just call me Piccolo, Now listen up what you're about to hear may determine weather we live or die, ever since i arrived in Ginger Town i have been fighting a creature from the future he is in fact an android created by Dr. Gero "

"As we figured" Radtiz gritted

Cell had come to a stop and absorbed a team of football players and the driver of the van before moving on by running into the forest along the cliffside "Just a brief stop in Nikki Town and then it's off to find those androids" he said to himself before running faster towards the next town

The androids were driving along in their pink delivery van over a brick bridge with a blue pond beneath it and flourishing gardens on the fields surrounding it surrounded by peaceful wildlife, 16 looked up and glanced out the window to see the beautiful sight outside and smiled

"I hope you know how much i hate this outfit" 18 complained to 17, she had been forced to wear an absurd looking cowgirl's outfit in the town they had stopped in hours ago to get out of her destroyed clothes "I look like a cowgirl do you think we'll have the time to find me something better?"

"I suppose"

The group stood in silence on both ends of the scouter after they heard Piccolo's explanation for the creature they had seen

"Are you serious?" Rikun's eyes widened

"You're saying he possess cells from Kakarrot and me?" Vegeta asked in shock

"Well we should have already gathered that much from the DNA results" Bardock advised them

"Great, just great so once again it's up to us to stop him isn't it?" Kairi asked

"What a mess" Bulla shook her head

"We have 2 choices we can either track down and destroy Cell or find androids 17 & 18 because if we destroy them then Cell cannot absorb them and reach his final form" Piccolo looked up to the group "I say we go for Cell since he'll be easier to find, whatever we do we must do it quickly because there will be no stopping Cell once he's complete" he let the shock of this sink in

"This cannot be happening every time we think we have vanquished the last threat to the world a new power rises to challenge the thought, it's as if fate is laughing at us with a big stupid grin!" Vegeta thought to Kakarrot sleeping through this situation

"But how do we find him? I mean if Cell knows that Piccolo is strong enough to beat him i doubt he's gonna be giving off much energy now that we can sense him if he does, and the scouter radars only pick things up within a 50 mile radius it's not gonna be easy to track him" Trunks reminded them

"Well we better do something fast before he finds those androids or else we're gonna be in big trouble" Tien thought

"It's not just the earth that we should be worried about now, remember this Frieza and King Cold are both a part of Cell now" King Vegeta evoked them further

Piccolo continued "The androids alone were more than we could handle right now and if Cell absorbs their power he'll be stronger then all of them combined"

"So does anyone have a plan?" Turlus asked

"I say that we should rise to this new challenge and face it like true warriors" Vegeta crossed his arms

"This isn't a game here, millions of lives are at stake. You should warn King Furry about Cell too father make sure none of his other armies are stupid enough to try and go up against Cell again" Raditz called over the scouter

"I still can't believe they did that" Bardock muttered as he told a technician to get King Furry on the line

"There are 7 saiyans able to transform at will right now, 8 if we count Turlus here" Vegeta nodded to him "But we shouldn't stop there we shall ascend past the transformation"

They all looked at him like he was crazy

"What?" Trunks lifted an eyebrow

"How can you be stronger than a Super Saiyan?" Bulla asked

"Is that even possible?" Radtiz eyes widened at the prospect

He smirked in response "I'm sure Kakarrot will try to do the same once he awakens" he thought back to the ill'd saiyan in his super saiyan form "I think i'll stick to training myself to go beyond the super saiyan state the rest of you can go ahead with whatever other plans you may come up with" He said before powering up and flying off into the distance

"Sometimes he really gets all my nerves" Piccolo starred at the direction the prince had left in

"Can you imagine something stronger than a super saiyan?" Turlus turned to his cousin

"I don't know but for our sake's let's hope he's right"

"If it's even possible" Bulla muttered

"Hey listen Trunks these rules with time travel you guys already told us that it wouldn't do anyone here any good if you went back to the past and destroyed the androids before they woke up right?" Tien asked

"Yeah" Trunks nodded "We could create a new timeline where the androids didn't exist but it wouldn't do anything for us here"

"Then i suppose it wouldn't help our situation if we went back to Gero's lab and destroyed the Cell being grown in the lab right now"

They all looked to each other

"No, you're right we should do it anyway that way we can prevent another Cell from being born in this time later on" Radtiz nodded in agreement

"Ok then it's settled you four can head to the lab the rest of us can try and pick up Cell's trail" Piccolo planned

"Right" Turlus nodded

"Hey, if you can't find him maybe you should head to Roshi's or Bulma's if nothing else you could find him by watching the news coverage" Rikun suggested

"That's a good idea, we'll keep a look out on this end too" Bardock added

"Ok" Trunks nodded then turned to his fellow time travelers "You ready?" They nodded to him before they all powered up and flew towards North City

"Dad thinks he can go beyond super saiyan" Bulla began the conversation "It sounds insane"

"Yeah i know i've never even thought to look that far" Trunks nodded to her

Kairi thought about it "I'm not even sure i believe it, it seems really far fetched to me"

"But if it is possible Vegeta and Kakarrot i wouldn't put it past them to be able to accomplish something like that" Rikun said

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

God_Shinobicreators' thoughts