

Kakarot a first class sayain lands on earth after the genocide of the sayan race,SMARTES SAYAN Words: 258,195

God_Shinobi · Komik
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39 Chs

Avenge the saiyans

This ends here! Frieza!" kakarrot powered up and flew at frieza punching him in the face sending him flying, he flew at him again grabbing his arms and legs then pushing him against his knee making him scream before double-punching him to the ground below.

The ground exploded sending debris flying but kakarrot didn't seem to care about that as the rocks hit against his hair like it was made of metal. "You act so high and might….as if you believe the saiyans have never killed any innocent people"

"You forced us to do those things" he glared "But you still killed them in the end"

Frieza grinned "I was never able to stomach the saiyans"

"It's your turn frieza you knew this day would come"

"Me? The mighty frieza?! Heh…I think you've pushed your luck far enough, there's no way you can defeat me…..even if you are the fabled super saiyan" he laughed but kakarrot just floated there so he got angry and fired a blast at him one after another

Once the smoke cleared he saw the blast did nothing to him. "Your not going to get any sympathy form me" he glared and raised his hand at him then a force of energy sent frieza flying back until he stopped himself catching his breath

Kakarrot flew at him elbowing him in the face and before he could fully recover punched him in the jaw sending him flying again and head butting him in the back making him yell. Frieza flipped around to see kakarrot was smirking and he growled and tried to kick him but he blocked it with his arm the then a punch with his hand.

Frieza sent a variety of punched and kicks at him but each time kakarrot was able to either dodge them or block them as they flew up into the air. They moved apart to stand on multiple rock formations so frieza sent a ray out of his finger at him but kakarrot phased out of the way "You dodged it…But no one can move that fast!"

Kakarrot kept a blank face as frieza jumped up and started firing more rays at him but each time he phased out of the way then started appearing in different places around frieza as he continued to try and hit him.

"D-damn you! …..if I could just land a single shot.." frieza growled

He heard this and smirked "Go ahead give me your best shot"

"Wh-what did you say?!...you….dare to mock me!" he gritted then fired "You'll regret those words!"

He didn't even bother to move this time letting it hit him dead in the face arching his head back. Frieza looked closer to see the damage but when he lifted his head back up there wasn't even a scratch on his face shocking him

"you can destroy planets…but you can't seem to destroy me, a single person, can you?"

"Wh-what are you?!"

"You've know all along haven't you? I am a saiyan who came here from earth to defeat you….a warrior from legend possessing a serene heart, and awakened by rage…..I am kakarrot the super saiyan!" he yelled

Friza was baffled by the sudden realization but then smirked "T-true enough you really do appear to be a super saiyan" he laughed "A serene heart awakened by rage was it? I suppose that would explain why no other saiyan was ever able to accomplish it" he looked to see kakarrot's expression still hadn't changed "Damn you…Damn it all!"

'How mortifying that I, frieza should be bested by HIM—a simian saiyan bastard!' he shook in place at his frustration

"You're finished…it's over frieza"


"There's the ship!" chidori called out pointing to the ship on the ground

"Yes that's it!" gohan agreed

They landed at the open door and saw tien, yamcha, and krillin sitting around inside

"Hey guys what happened?" yamcha came over to them

"We sensed what's been happening did the other saiyans surpress their energies or something?" krillin asked

"No all of them except for kakarrot were killed" piccolo confessed as he put down raditz's body

"What! Killed1' tien yelled

"Yes vegeta and nappa were killed before any of us got involved, raditz was killed by a blast through his heart, and turles was killed when frieza made him explode"

"What about kakarrot?! You just left him to fight alone!" krillin yelled

"Yes but something's happened to him he now has the power to bring down frieza once and for all"

"What do you mean?" yamcha lifted an eyebrow

"Dad became a super saiyan! He fulfilled the legend of the saiyan race!" gohan cheered with his sister


Kakarrot got into the position to make a Kamehameha wave

"If I am to be killed by the likes of you…then I choose to die by my own hand" frieza grinned

"Suit yourself then"

Frieza made a blast above his head "But you won't be able to kill me….because you're the one who's going to die! I can survive in the total vacuum of space…bit will you be able to?! Can a saiyan make the same kind of claim!" he laughed as kakarrot's eyes widened "This planet is finished!" he yelled as he threw the blast down to the ground as it went into the ocean to the ground

"No! damn it!"

Huge wins began picking up and soon the entire planet was consumed in a bright light


King kai was horried by what he just saw "No he had the strength to beat him! Frieza just had to take the coward's way out!" he growled "Once again!"

~King kai! Are you able to hear me king kai? It is kami from earth~

"Oh yes..I can hear you"

~I have mister popo out gathering the dragon balls as I speak….I believe he will have all seven soon. I would like to ask if you would like to make a wish to help our friend on namek~

King kai then realized something "W-wait a minute! You're alive?!"

~Huh? Why yes I have been feeling a bit weak but nothing serious. That would also mean piccolo is still alive on namek while facing frieza~

"C-could it be?!" king kai was getting hopeful using his antenna to check on namek to see piccolo and the others were shocked by what had just happened wondering what could have caused it he then switched over to see kakarrot with an angry expression looking down to where the blast had hit

"Planet namek is still there! Kakarrot, gohan, chidori, piccolo, and the others are still alive!" he cheered


"Rgg! I must have held back to much power" frieza growled in frustration

"You were afraid of getting caught in the planet's explosion. You blew it. And as a result I'm still alive"

"You think you've escaped death? Heh…you have no idea what's going on do you?" kakarrot frowned "While the planet may not have instantaneously exploded it's precious core has been utterly disintegrated! Do you have any idea what that entitles " he knew but decided to play dumb "Within five minutes time planet namek will violently explode, leaving nothing behind but cosmic dust"

Kakarrot growled at first but then smirked "Five minutes will be plenty of time….to defeat you and escape in my spaceship with my friends"

"How deluded….unfortunately for you, I'm the only one who stands a chance at getting out alive. From this point on I will fight you at 100% full power! There will be no way for you to defeat me! Brace yourself!"

"Why have you waited so long to use your full power? I think it's because your body can't withstand that much power for very long. I won' t allow you to stall for more time! We're going to end this right now!"

Frieza sent a force of energy at kakarrot sending him flying into the ocean making a large skid on the ground. A few minutes later he came back up but some of his armor was destroyed and rocks in his aura "You've underestimated me…..and that wasn't even my full strength only a mere 70%"

Kakarrot flew at him

"And starting right now….I'll show you 100% of my power!"

Kakarrot stopped when he felt the amount of power frieza was building up "Amazing his ki is shooting up like a rocket…I'm finally going to see him at maximum power"


King kai decided to contact kakarrot "What the heck are you doing! Can you hear me kakarrot?! This is your chance to attack now, while frieza is busy powering up!"

Kakarrot was ignoring him "Kakarrot! Don't even think of ignoring me! I know you can hear me down there! K-kakarrot this is it! It's now or never! "

"I can hear you king kai" he finally answered


"You're right it's just that…I might never get a chance like this again….a chance to see the most powerful guy in the universe at his best"

"W-what did you say?! Kakarrot…do you have any idea what you're saying?! Are you out of your MIND?!"

"I will fight frieza at full power…and beat him!"

"T-this isn't a game! ….kakarrot?...kakarrot?!"

"I am going to avenge every single saiyan that has ever died at the hands of frieza especially my family!" remembering the looks on raditz's and turles's faces when they died "They never deserved to die! We were victims just like everyone else who has ever faced frieza!"

"Even so there's no reason to wait for him to reach full power! Think of your friends! Think of your children gohan and chidori!"

"They'll be fine..I know that"

Frieza was still powering up "85%...90%"

"I'll let you reach full power frieza! So I can take you down at your absolute best, and have no regrets as a warrior. This is what you wanted all along, isn't it? To try out your maximum power. Otherwise you could have hit the planet with another blast and be done with it!"

Frieza grinned as he finally reached full power and his muscles grew to their fullest "Sorry to keep you waiting you wanted me at full power, and now here I am.."

"There isn't any time. Let's hurry up and settle this"


"You poor fool" king kai mumbled

~King kai? King kai it's kami of earth~

"Yes I hear you what is it this time?"

~I've received word from mister popo that he has found the last remaining dragon ball. I would like to ask if you wanted a wish to help our friends on namek~

"Hang on kami? Can your dragon balls bring numerous people back to life?"

~Yes if they share common circumstances~

"Are they capable of granting wishes for namek"

~Uhh perhaps…but why would you ask such a thing? Are you planning to resurrect everyone in the entire universe killed by frieza? I suppose that would be possible, but it would only be effective for those who have died in the past year~

"One more thing can they bring back someone who has died of old age"

~No, sadly that isn't possible. Death's by natural causes cannot be reversed~

"But what if they were confronted by an evil person? And indirectly though it may be their death was hastened even a little bit"

~Hmm….I'm not certain, it would be a first time case….I believe they would remain alive for the duration of time their life was shortened by…..but there's no sure answer~

"Alright! That settles it! Kami wish 'bring back to life all those killed by frieza or his men on namek'!"


"There isn't much time so I'll need to make this brief. First we'll use the earth's dragon balls to wish back all those killed by frieza or his men….namely the ones on namek, in all likelihood should include the grand elder himself however briefly. From this point on, I'm not too sure about everything myself, but the three wished of namek's dragon balls were never used with those we can wish for the saiyan coloney of survivers to be brought to namek, then wish for everyone on namek to be moved to earth except for frieza! The dragon balls should follow them to earth as well"

~I see…but it's such a gamble~

"There you have it now if you'll forgive me please hurry! Planet namek is about to be destroyed!"

~Huh?! Is that so?! I'll get on it right away!~


Frieza sent a punch into kakarrot's stomach taking his breath away then kneed him in the face and then sending a variety of punches at him before moving back to catch his breath "What did you think of that one? Let's call that a warm-up for the final attack"

Kakarrot began laughing surprising him then lifted his head "What a relief….I'd be disappointed if that was the best you could do"

"Before you die I really have to hand it do you….you are remarkable. Your strength is magnificent, super saiyan. In fact, I'd wager that you be the strongest being in the universe, that is to say, if it weren't for myself"

They stared at each other for a minute before he spoke up again "This planet's end is drawing near. It's can't have more than two or three minutes left. ….don't believe me huh? Super saiyan?" kakarrot didn't respond "Oh, I get it now you're buying time for those brats to escape the planet. Heh..well no matter…..as soon as were finished here, I'll make earth my next target. Their escape only delays the inevitable"

"You think that I'm buying time? I don't need to you're going to die. Right here, right now"

"Heheheh…..That's enough of your insolence! I'm shutting you up right now!"

Kakarrot got into a fighting stance 'what's taking the others so long?! Hurry up guys!' frieza rushed at him so he prepared to defend himself when frieza flew above him and blasted him. Kakarrot glared to look up at him and caught the punch from behind when he felt frieza behind him then head butted him in the face. He grabbed his arm and began spinning him around fast before sending him to the hole where he had fired his deathball and got into a buster cannon form

Frieza stopped himself and flew above kakarrot watching him turn his head slowly to see hee was above him now. He powered up an aura around himself and flew at kakarrot

Kakarrot fired his buster canon at him


had finally summoned shenron

Now speak thy wish. I shall grant thee any wish

"I want to bring back everyone who has been killed by frieza or his men on planet namek. Can you grant this wish?"

I don't know but I shall try

"How can you not know that is very bad this wish must be granted!"


"See you in hell frieza!" kakarrot yelled as he fired his blast and it stopped frieza from charging down at him, he struggled to make it through the blast until he grinned and moved out of the way then around to kakarrot charging at him from the side

Kakarrot was shocked when frieza hit him and collided him into the ground. Frieza pushed him until he flew out just as lava came erupting out of the hole

"Haha take that…did you think you could actually win! You defeat me?!" he laughed


"Dad's energy faded! It's just suddenly gone" chidori cried

"What how could that have happened!" krillin asked

The twins looked at each other before getting up and waling to the door. Gohan turned to them "Get going go back to earth without us we're staying here"

"Whoa whoa what?!" tien yelled

Piccolo had just left a few minutes ago on a request from king kai asking to make the wishes for the dragon balls he would tell him when he got the next message.

Chidori pressed the button to open the door making huge gusts of wind blow inside

"Don't do this your father wouldn't want you too" yamcha yelled

"Dad fought frieza cause he had too because it was him or us" chidori smiled

"We have to finish what he started" gohan finished

"You'll be killed!" tien yelled

"We can try dad would understand it's what all the saiyans would have done"

"Bye guys be safe" they called before flying off

"There's only one thing we can do just hope it'll work" gohan looked to see his sister nod

The sky began darkening and in a nearby village namekians were starting to get up

"What's going on? This doesn't make any sense"

A namek looked to his hands "It's impossible have we come back to life?"

"What's happening why is the ground shaking like this?"

"Whatever it is it's bad the whole sky is pitch black"

Dende began waking up where he had been killed as well "Where in the world am i? how did I end up here" he stood up and looked around

Vegeta, nappa, and nail were getting up as well on the island they had landed on

Raditz woke up too shocking the group as he stood up

Turles's body reformed in mid air and he was quite surprised that he was back as well

Guru's hand began twitching and far away the dragon balls began lighting up into their magical forms


It is done. All those on planet namek who were slain by frieza or his men have been restored to life

"That's great news"

Until we meet again


"Yes haha! They did it! Shenron has brought everyone back" king kai cheered then checked for the next step in their plan "Yes the sky has gone completely dark which must mean…"


Frieza looked to see the sky had darkened "What is this? The sky…..this must be a sign the planet is weakening…I've got to get off this miserable rock while I still have time…..I've already sustained a large amount of damage I cannot get caught in an explosion that size" he turned around then noticed a faint glow in the distance "No what now!"


"What has happened to me?" guru asked "What's this? Why have I been returned to this world?"

Far way piccolo had finally summoned the dragon using the namekian language as porunga finally appeared in a bright light "What are the wishes kai!" piccolo asked

"Wonderful it's all going according to plan!" king kai cheered telling him the first wish while he did that he decided to inform the grand elder about what was going on

"Grand elder of the namekian race this is king kai of the northern quadrant can you hear me?"

"Go on king kai" he answered

"I need you to listen closely it's very important"


Frieza looked at the bright light to see it turn into gohan and chidori right in front of him

"Remember us?!" gohan growled

"The kids who's dad you killed!" chidori growled

Frieza began laughing and reduced his muscles "It seems foolishness runs in your family, you don't stand a chance against me runts….sad really you can't help it even when you're out matched saiyans just don't know when to quit" the twins didn't respond "Well last of your race? This is your chance" he held his arms apart

The twins growled and began powering up and flew at frieza but at the last second flew up and started flying away, frieza growled and followed them reappearing in front of them making them stop "Where do you think you're going?" they tried to fly away again but were hit back down until they recovered and flew away. Frieza growled "Slow down!" he hit them hard sending them into the ground below them

"That's better now would you like to die quickly or slowly?"

They struggled to get up and began crawling away

~just gotta hold on for a few more minutes~ chidori mentally communicated

~right the only way to beat him is to make sure he's still on the planet when it explodes~ they both got to their feet but were still try to catch their breaths as lava erupted out from behind them

"Hold on" frieza called "I just had an excellent idea, because I'm generous I'll bury you with your father" the twin's eyes widened "Go on you can thank me I've been more than merciful it's only polite" he laughed

The twins growled and yelled as they powered up to their fullest

"Good you still have some fight left in you" frieza smirked

The twins flew away as fast as they could shocking frieza

~just a little more~ gohan called they looked behind them to see frieza following ~come on~

"Those brats what are they trying to pull?" frieza gritted then realized it "Ah no!" he powered up and flew to the front of them making them stop as he crossed his arms and smirked "I've finally figured out your little scream…you've been stalling for time"

The twins growled and looked down

"Hahaha I see that I'm right. You want to let an exploding planet do your dirty work"

"Please dad help" gohan muttered

"Your still there please dad help us" chidori muttered too before they both looked up and glared at frieza

"Were gonna make you pay for what you've done!" they yelled as they powered up and both flew at him sending their own punch into his face then sending multiple attacks to his stomach before hitting him down to the ground and combing their strength the send their most powerful ki blast down at him. But once the smoke cleared they saw frieza smirking up at them completely unharmed making them growl and look away

"About time you showed some back bone rather impressive for maggots" he floated back up to their level "But enough fun and games it's time I let you in on a little secret…I'm not fighting at full power not yet..not like I did with your late father" he powered back up letting his muscles grow

The twins looked to him seeing he was preparing to kill them 'Dad'

Frieza smirked "It's over"

Suddenly a golden light shined up to them from the ocean making them turn their attention to it


"What?" frieza gritted

When the light dies down kakarrot came out of the water with the golden light shining around him. He had a few injuries but nothing to major, his clothes had been torn apart though the armor on his chest was completely gone and there were major tears in his pants. Everyone was shocked to see him as he floated back up between frieza and his children

"Dad you're back!" chidori cheered

"And you're alive!" gohan cheered

"Get out of here!" he didn't turn around to look at them


"I told you get to the ship and go"

"B-but dad"


"Yes sir" gohan grabbed chidori's hand and flew away looking back at their father "Win dad" they nodded before flying off into the distance

"You really are a pesky one aren't you? You could have stayed out of sight and accepted your fate, a deck hand going down with his ship. Foolishness must be a virtue on earth, you all seem to value it so highly it almost unbelievable you would choose to face someone like me"

"What's unbelievable is how you can still be so arrogant"

"What!" he growled before smirking "Fine have it your way I'll just blast you into oblivion like I did that other saiyan" he laughed

"That other saiyan was my cousin! And my brother too!" he thought back to their murders and to planet vegeta's destruction making him grit his teeth before powering up "YOU"LL PAY FOR THAT!" he powered up more making lava erupt around them


"Namek could be annihilated any moment from now! But were going to wish for everyone to be taken to earth except for frieza"

"I understand king kai, thank you for your concern"

"No don't do that! Change the wish!" they heard a voice in their communication

"kakarrot have you been listening in?" king kai asked

"I want you to make it everyone on namek except for frieza and myself"

"I know how you feel kakarrot but you have to go back to.."

"If you even think about taking me out of this fight! I'll never forgive you!" he growled

"Kakarrot raditz and turles are back they've been wished back to life so you don't have to avenge them"

"I know that already. But this isn't just for them it's for everyone who has ever been hurt by this monster!" he growled

"But kakarrot"

"Please king kai!"

"Ugh umm I'm not sure kakarrot"

"Just do it and fast this whole place is gonna blow any second"

King kai thought about it more "Fine kakarrot I can see your minds made up if you want it that badly I won't stop you"


The saiyan colony had been wished to namek and were shocked by what had just happened they were looking around to see the chaotic scene before them

"Where are we?"

"What happened we just suddenly appeared here out of no where"

Piccolo smirked when he saw the saiyans had all appeared on an island nearby "What's the next wish kai!" he yelled

"Right don't argue with this one! Wish for everyone on namek except for frieza and kakarrot to be moved to planet earth immediately!"

"What?! Kakarrot too!"

"Just do it! It's his decision to stay"

Piccolo didn't think he wanted to make that wish he kept think about what gohan and chidori would think if their father died in the explosion


~Be sure you get back to earth safely kakarrot~ king kai told him

~You've got your own world to take care of king kai I'll handle this one~ he smirked drawing frieza's attention. He looked to his right to see porunga glowing in the distance ~So that's namek's enteral dragon huh?~

He looked back to frieza "Alright then now I can fight you without holding back"

Frieza narrowed his eyes and looked to his left to see porunga as well 'The dragon!' he smirked "This is my chance" he phased away flying toward porunga

Kakarrot's eyes widened and followed him and appeared in front of him stopping him from going further. He sent his elbow as they began fighting again in mid-air

"Stay out of my way!" frieza yelled


"We've all come back to life somehow" vegeta announced to his fellow comrades nappa, raditz, and turles

"Then that means kakarrot must have" raditz said before they heard an explosion in the air and they all looked up to see kakarrot was fighting with frieza

"Look at them go" turles looked on

"Astounding" nappa muttered

Vegeta flew off toward them and soon after the rest joined him and as they begun to fly closer they could see how fast they were moving then looked over to see porunga

"Is that the dragon" vegeta yelled


~Piccolo make the wish now! Frieza's headed straight for you!" king kai yelled

Piccolo's eyes widened and he looked over to see frieza and kakarrot were fighting close by

Speak your wish now

"Right our wish is…"

"Grant immortality to the mighty frieza!" frieza yelled as he approached managing to subdue kakarrot for the time being and flew up to porunga's face "I wish that I frieza be granted eternal life!"

Piccolo knew it wouldn't be granted so said his "poporuga frieza por kakarrot poperito lanla nag yo porunga papa!"

Kakarrot smirked down at piccolo thankful to him as frieza glanced down at him as well

I have heard your wish and I shall fulfill it gladly. All living beings save the ones known as kakarrot and frieza shall be transported to planet earth

Kakarrot sighed in relief as frieza became shocked and turned down to piccolo "Why you !" he powered up a blast and fired it but before it could hit piccolo was teleported away making him twitch

"FRIEZA!" they heard from behind and saw Vegeta, Nappa, Raditz, and Turles approaching them coming to stop just in front of them

"You really are back" kakarrot smirked turning around to face them

"Kakarrot you dog you did it didn't you" raditz smiled seeing his brother's new form

"You've become a super saiyan haven't you" vegat smirked

"You actually did something right for once cuz" turles laughed

Kakarrot let out a weak laugh

"You saiyans this can't be ….I killed you all already!" frieza yelled

"Sorry you did tak….." vegeta powered up a blast before he and the others were teleported away

Next were the namekians, saiyans, guru, the twins, and finally the earthlings

I shall take my leave

Porunga was consumed in light and the dragon balls shot up into the sky toward space

"No come back" Frieza yelled before they flew off and slumped when they were gone

"That was pretty close frieza it's a shame you don't speak namekian huh? It's kind of ironic when you think about it isn't it"

Frieza glared at him "What the hell did he wish for just now"

"Weren't you listening? We used the dragon balls on earth to bring everyone you killed back to life then with these dragon balls teleport everyone except you and me to earth. I've been waiting for this moment" he grinned

"This planet has started to collapse. There are probably only two minutes remaining before it explodes. Only one question remains…will I be the one to finish you or will the explosion do it for me? Or will you survive both only to suffocate in the vacuum of space"

"Only one way to find out"

"I suppose I should feel flattered…you want to settle the score with me so badly that you're willing to throw your life away to accomplish it"

Kakarrot smirked as he descended to the ground below them

"Hand-to-hand combat eh?" frieza smirked "Very well then" he descended as well a few feet away from kakarrot


"Oh come on again!" a saiyan yelled

"Where are we this time?"

"Wh-where exactly are we?" yamcha asked

"Wh-what's going on?" gohan asked

"Grand elder!" a namekian yelled getting everyone's attention

"The grand elder?" chidori asked

"This everyone is a planet named earth" guru announced

"Earth?" krillin asked

"So were home?" tien asked

"Never heard of this place" A saiyan crosses his arms

"But how did we get here?" piccolo asked

"My time is short and soon I will be called away again….but before that time comes, I would like to relate to you the events that have just transpired" guru explained

A few yard away the main saiyans came walking through

"So that explains where we are but what about frieza and kakarrot?" vegeta gritted


Frieza elbowed kakarrot in the face before he kneed him in the jaw. Kakarrot ducked a punch from frieza and punched him in the stomach hard making him spit out a lot of blood, frieza hit kakarrot on the chest then kicked him sending him flying before he recovered bouncing off the cliff and flying back at frieza sending a kick at him. Frieza dodged it but didn't realize it had been a afterimage making the real kick land on his face skidding him across the ground

He struggled to get up but before he could kakarrot elbowed him back down before kicking him up and then punching him sending him flying. Freiza recovered and flipped around to face kakarrot .

Kakarrot seemed to be studying him for a bit before he stood up "I quit"

"Y-you what?! What do you mean you quit?!"

"You've been coming at me with 100% of your power but it's finally caught up with you, and your ki is dropping fast . I just don't see any point in fighting anymore" He grinned "I'm satisfied your pride's been completely shredded someone came along and he was stronger than you; something you never dreamed was possible" he huffed before he continued "And to top it off he was a saiyan"

Frieza fidgeted while wiping some blood from his mouth

"Now that you know what fear feels like there's no sense in defeating you. Go and live with the shame, go find a hole to cower into I don't care. I'm going back to earth if I leave now I should make it off"

"Wh-wha!" frieza growled

"I never want to see your face again frieza" kakarrot powered down into his regular form

"How dare you…play games …with me" frieza gritted as he approached him before kakarrot flew off "I am not beaten!" he yelled throwing a destructo disk at him

Kakarrot saw it at the last moment and managed to dodge it but as he turned he felt the cut it had left on his cheek as it bleed down his face "You really are an utter fool!" I gave you a chance!" he growled as he began powering up again "FRIEZA!" he growled as his hair stood up, his eyes changed color and he was consumed in golden light "I'm through with you!"

He turned around just as the disk came flying at him again and threw a blast at him destroying it then flew at frieza grabbing his wrist as hard as he could making him scream in pain as it broke then slammed his other fist into his stomach making him spit out blood before spinning him around and sending him to the ground making him skid "I realize it was a mistake to even give you a chance to live!"

He grabbed frieza's ankle and and brought him up sending a strong punch into his face sending him crashing into the cliff behind him


King kai had contacted the group once they ad learned about the situation and was filling them in on what he was seeing on namek

"Who's winning?" gohan asked

"Kakarrot is dominating him it's incredible but he's running out of time. If he doesn't stop fighting like this he's gonna die!"

The twins began getting worried for their father hoping he'll have time to escape


Frieza tried to send his own blast at him but kakarrot just swatted it away as he came flying at him and punched him in the jaw "That was for my race you killed!" he then kneed him in the stomach making him spit out more blood "That was for the namekians!" then grabbed the top of his head sending him up into the air before hitting him down to the ground in a crater

"You stupid monkey…you'll pay for this!"

Kakarrot raised up above the crater "You've finally met your match frieza!" he growled before powering up his highest ki blast and firing it down at frieza in the crater making a huge explosion below him leaving only a hole in the middle of the ocean

Kakarrot sighed to let out a breath then looked around at the chaotic scene of planet namek "It's only a matter of time now" he thought before bring two fingers up to his forehead to teleport back to earth but something was wrong he felt a shock at his finger tips moving them away from his head "What in the" he thought it shock

He then heard the static and lighting that were forming around planet namek as it was preparing to explode 'those must be why my instant transmission isn't working' he growled 'great' he quickly thought up a plan B and flew toward frieza's ship he knew he wouldn't have enough time to make it back to his ship


"What's going on Kai has anything happened!" raditz yelled

"Yes something's happened frieza is dead"

Everyone was shocked by the news

"Not even frieza was a match for kakarrot in his super saiyan form the universe is now free from his rule"

"Yay he won!" gohan cheered

"Dad's a hero!" chidori and gohan grabbed dende and they all skipped in a circle cheering how their dad was a hero

'He did it he actually did it' piccolo smirked

"This whole super saiyan thing is serious business huh" turles smirked

"Now I want a taste of that kind of power" vegeta smirked

"We'd have to find out how kakarrot accomplished it in the first place" nappa told him

"Hold on there's more!" king kai called getting their attention "Frieza may be out of the picture but kakarrot's still not out of the woods yet"

"How do you figure?" raditz asked

"Because he still on planet namek and it can explode any second now"

"Why doesn't he just teleport off I'm sure that's why he didn't come with the rest of us" turles shrugged

"He can't he already tried!" everyone got shocked by the sudden news


"The electromagnetic waves coursing through the planet is affecting the power of his instant transmission so teleporting isn't an option he's on his way to frieza's ship but it's been damaged by the destruction and may not be able to fly"

"Hey guys cheer up this is kakarrot were talking about he's pulled out way worse than this before" yamcha assured them

"Uh yeah" tien agreed

"HE's like the great Houdini or something no way he's not gonna make it out" krillin added

"Do whatever you have to kakarrot just hurry!"


Kakarrot was flying as fast as he could toward frieza's ship avoiding all the lava tornados and water twisters but once he got there the ship was already falling into the lava pit below it and it was consumed in an explosion "Dammit!" he growled


"No that ship was his only hope! He'll never make it now!" king kai yelled

"What just happened what's going on!" piccolo yelled

"Frieza's ship kakarrot's last hope of getting off namek…Is now completely destroyed in the lava!" he yelled shocking everyone

"So what's he supposed to do now!" yamcha yelled

"Nothing…I'm afraid there's nothing he can do"

The twins began crying that their dad was going to die and everyone else was wide eyed


Planet namek that was once a green healthy planet with green waters, blue grass, and tall trees was now a lava filled planet with lighting stricking all over the place as lava continue dot shoot up into the sky and the water was now mostly lava as well as explosions could be heard in the distance.

Kakarrot was staring off into space while he floated in the air looking at the scene around him 'Can't believe this….th-this is not happening !' the planet began erupting as more lava began shooting in the air making him growl before screaming as he powered up


"I can't bear to watch anymore…it's happening…" king kai yelled

The twins were now shaking as they were crying as everyone else had horrified expressions


"Kakarrot" yamcha muttered" please kakarrot! You can't die!"


Kakarrot screamed before he was consumed in light and the planet finally exploded leaving nothing behind


everything was quite for a long while before someone finally spoke up

"King kai?"

"He didn't make it" king kai confessed

They all knew that already but they just couldn't take the truth being said they had held hope that maybe at the last second he had been able to teleport but guess not

Krillin then realized something "Hey wait a minute" getting everyone's attention "Why don't we just wish kakarrot back to life he's never died before remember so he can just be brought back like everyone else did on namek"

"hey that's right" gohan smiled

"Great idea" chidori cheered

"I'm afaid you're wrong krillin" king kai called

"Why it made perfect sense to me" yamcha aksed

"The dragon can only resurrect someone back to the place they died but kakarrot died on namek….and namek's been turned into space dust…if you even try doing it the cold vacuum of space will be waiting to swallow him back up"

Shocking everyone out of their last hope

"Dammit! You're king kai for goodness sake there must be something you can do!" tien yelled

"I would if I could that part of the cosmos isn't in my jurisdiction. I'm sorry guys"

"Why don't you try using your heads for once" vegeta called over getting their attention "Ask for his soul to be brought back here to planet earth and the rest should be simple…..at least it should be"

"Huh of course!" yamcha smiled

"Wow I didn't know you cared that much" turles smirked

"Don't get me wrong I'm doing this for myself I want to know how he became a super saiyan so we can do it as well"

"You never do change" raditz sighed

Moorie came up to yamcha "Pardon me my earthling friend"


"Once the dragon balls regain their luster my people and I plan to relocate to another planet…..but until that happens do you know of a place we can stay in the meantime?"

Yamcha thought about it "I know you can all stay at capsule corp it's huge enough to fit everyone I'm sure our friend bulma won't mind. Not to mention if so many of you are seen walking around it'll cause uproar"

"I doubt capsule corp is big enough to hold all the namekians and the saiyans" piccolo looked at the two large groups of alien races

"Well the saiyans can come to the ox-kingdom we have plenty of room there too" raditz offered

"Alright everyone sit tight! I'm gonna go look for a phone to call bulma and chichi to come and pick us up" krillin yelled before flying off

And the so the Namekians along with vegeta and nappa left to stay at capsule corporation while the saiyans went to stay in the Ox-kingdom palace. The namekian dragon balls regenerate quickly and after 130 days they are able to summon porunga once again, the people of west city were initially startled at the sight of the dragon but after realizing that it originated from capsule corporation they believed it to be one of their inventions

Along with the ox-kingdom royals came the saiyan colony as well mostly because they wanted to meet the legendary super saiyan as well.

"Wow it's huge isn't it. So that's namek's dragon" bulma looked up at porunga

"Whoa that thing sure is something else" was shocked

Now state your first wish

"Summon the soul of the saiyan kakarrot who died on planet namek to earth" bulma yelled and dende translated it to the dragon

I cannot call forth the soul of the saiyan kakarrot


"Oh no!"

"Why not?!"

I am unable to call forth the souls of the living

Kakarrot's family were initially shocked the most "H-he's alive?"


King kai was surprised as well "You mean he's alive?! B-but he couldn't be! How?!"


Everyone was now cheering that their hero hadn't died on namek and was alive all this time

"But if he's alive why hasn't he come home?" Leslie asked her boyfriend raditz

"Maybe his spaceship's damaged or something" chidori answered

"if that's the case why not have porunga summon him here directly" moori offered

"Aw yeah!" oolong cheered

"Pick up kakarrot and bring him here" bulma asked and dende translated it to the dragon

The dragon's eyes glowed for a minute and it seemed he was having a conversation mentally as they all waited in anticipation

Kakarrot refuses

Everyone was shocked by that getting the wrong idea

He says there is a problem he needs to deal with and will return in his own time

"Problem?" chichi asked

"Maybe the super saiyan form is affecting him somehow or something" hasky offered

"That could be but he seemed fine when I saw him" turles thought about it

He did make a request for a wish he would like vegeta to fulfill the wish that you have wanted if frieza was ever killed

They all turned to vegeta wondering what the wish was

"Kakarrot wants us to wish planet vegeta back along with the saiyan race" he confessed

"Is that possible?" nappa asked

"We could do that but how will the saiyans know what to do when they're wished back it would take forever to get there in a spaceship" turles asked

"Maybe we can wish for a teleporter that will take us to and from planet vegeta so you can go and come back like that" bulma snapped her fingers

"Right good idea so do you want to do it?" yamcha asked

The saiyan colony looked at each other they did miss their home planet and would like to see the family and friends that hadn't escape in time so they nodded in agreement

"Alright for our first wish bring back the the home world of the saiyans planet vegeta!" bulma aksed and dende translated

Porunga's eyes glowed red and far away in space a white shape form out of nowhere and rocks began floating toward it until a light shined and soon the red jewel of vegeta was back

It is done the planet vegeta has been restored

The saiyans cheered in excitement along with some of the earthlings

"Ok our next wish is to bring back the saiyans who died to their home world" dende translated again

Porunga's eyes glowed again and on the deserted planet vegeta all at once the saiyans reappeared utterly confused to what had happened one minute they were training in other world now they were standing on what looked like they're home

You wish is granted the saiyans have been restored to life

"And for our last wish make teleporters here and on vegeta to take us back and forth as we please"

Once porunga's eyes glowed again they couldn't really tell the difference until they had a few domes appear out of nowhere in the yard that looked very futuristic

Your three wishes have been granted I shall take my leave

Porunga was consumed in a bright light and the dragon balls lifted up into the sky before flying off

Bulma turned to the saiyan colony "So you ready to go home"

To be continued

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