

Kakarot a first class sayain lands on earth after the genocide of the sayan race,SMARTES SAYAN Words: 258,195

God_Shinobi · Komik
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39 Chs

A horrible future

Everyone from earth had come to planet vegeta to help with the rebuilding process. Turles and nappa had decided to stay on vegeta but Raditz and vegeta decided to stay on earth, Raditz because he had leslie and vegeta because he wanted to be there when kakarrot returned.

Bardock and Gine were surprised to know that kakarrot had had children twins at that making them feel a bit old. Every saiyan was especially shocked to know that frieza had been defeated by a super saiyan of legend known as kakarrot.

"You must be our daughter in law" gine greeted Chichi

"It's very nice to meet my in laws as well" she blushed

"I take it your our grandchildren then?" bardock looked down at the two kids by her feet

"Yeah my name's gohan"

"And my name's chidori"

"You two really take after your parents I can see the resemblance" Bardock smiled

"Thank you" they said at the same time

"So how's our son been since he's not here" gine asked

"Oh he's fine last I saw him he was perfectly healthy, strong fighter, and still had that gigantic appetite" chichi answered

"How have you been raditz I see you found yourself a lady as well" bardock asked

"Same I lived with kakarrot at his palace on earth and that's where I met leslie"

"Palace?" gine asked

"Yeah dad's a prince he became one when he married mom who was a princess" chidori answered

"Wow that's pretty neat"

Suddenly over a speaker system from earth called them all to the palace to meet with king vegeta and the prince

"You wished to see us my king?" bardock asked

"Yes I wished to see the family of the super saiyan that avenged our race" king vegeta got off his throne and walked down to stand next to prince tarble and prince vegeta "Do you know when we will be able to meet him in person?"

Prince vegeta decided to answer that "No he said he would return in his own time none of us know where he is"

"But once he comes back we'll be sure to give you the word" raditz answered

"Sure. I would like to show my gratitude to kakarrot's family both here and on earth by giving you a better home than you already did" he said mostly to bardock and gine handing them a pass card "This is to a key of one of the homes in the elite quadrant I'm sure you will like it"

"Thank you your majesty" gine thanked

"IF you don't mind me asking but what are you planning to do now that frieza has been defeated and you still have all this space equipment?" leslie spoke up

"We hadn't really thought of that were still finishing up with rebuilding our planet" tarble answered

"You aren't planning to purge planets anymore right?" chichi asked

"Oh no we only did that because frieza ordered us to" bardock informed her

"I have an idea on what you can do" gohan spoke up getting everyone's attention "Why don't you be like the universe's police you have the skill to fight enemies and technology to help other planets"

They all turned to the king to see his answer. Prince vegeta spoke up next "That would be another way to keep fighting without merciless intent father"

King vegeta crossed his arms "Yes that would be fine but we have to make the system first and have a prison for the criminals"

"You can have the prison be on some abandoned planet" chidori offered

"Well we'll get to that in time once we have everything set up we'll begin"


Six months later the saiyans had been able to establish their intergalactic police business, as for the saiyans who couldn't fight they were able to establish an earth related businesses such as restaurants, teaching at the academy, making shopping centers so they wouldn't have to be dressed in armor all the time anymore, and had brought capsules from earth to make on vegeta as well.

The saiyans had invaded all of frieza's old command centers on different planets to make as bases for their police business to be able to get to planets faster if they were too far away. And bardock had become one of the chiefs for a section of officers while gine had become a chef for a restaurant. Some saiyans visited earth in disguise so that they could travel without spaceships and go to beaches or amusement parks there

And in gratitude to their savior kakarrot they had made a memorial to him in the city's center from a picture they had seen of him from earth clad in saiyan armor while. He was made of pure marble with his fists on his hips and looking up into the sky and his name was engraved into the platform it was standing on.

Back on earth chichi had been able to help run the kingdom with her father in kakarrot's absence and the head advisor run saiyan tech. the twin had been able to keep up their studies and their training with their uncle raditz

Vegeta would train as well at capsule corp. getting stronger in the gravity room to be able to transform into a legendary super saiyan.

The one day while everyone was going about their business they all felt a powerful energy heading toward earth with merciless intent

The twins had been studying in the living room under leslie's and raditz's watch when they felt it

"Unlce raditz do you feel that" chidori asked

"Yes" raditz slowly got out of his chair

The phone began ringing so gohan went over and picked it up "Krillin"

"Do you guys feel it too? That incredible energy?"

"Y-yeah, it doesn't feel like a good energy though"

"That ki belongs to frieza doesn't it you all recognize it don't you"


"N-no that impossible it can't be frieza" king kai stuttered


"H-how can this be?" piccolo growled


"Kakarrot that imbecile he must not have checked for frieza's body!" vegeta growled

"The planet was exploding remember" yamcha yelled

"Wait are you sure this is frieza?" hasky asked

"What's going on?" bulma asked

"Bulma call planet vegeta and have them stand by for back up" vegeta yelled before flying off


"And it's not just one there's another ridiculously huge ki with it" tien observed

"Oh no" chiotzu said


Out in space a large disk shaped spaceship was flying straight for earth already seeing it in the distance

"That's earth father" frieza smirked "It seems were due to arrive earlier than the super saiyan who put me through all of this"

King cold was sitting on a chair with his hand on his chin "Such a small planet, we could wipe it out with a single shot"

"No, that would not leave me satisfied, I want to show him something-my powered up form" frieza looked at their radar to see a dot moving fast toward earth "Heheh I can see you on our radar, you're flying toward earth as well, soon I will show you which of us is truly the strongest in the universe"


"Tell the other's what's going on we need to go" raditz told leslie before flying off with the twins

"Alright be careful!" she yelled

"How can this be happening" gohan growled

"This is terrible…..Where are you dad?" chidori yelled

"That's krillin's ki" gohan looked to their left to see him flying toward them "Are you feeling that other energy as well?"

"It's pretty hard to miss a ki as large as that"

"What does this mean?" chidori asked raditz

"I don't know….none of this is making any sense"


Vegeta and yamcha ahd landed in a rocky landscape

"They'll probably touchdown somewhere around here" vegeta growled

Yamcha noticed a hover jet coming toward them "Ah"

"Hey" bulma waved as she landed and hasky with paur came out with her

"Are you two insane!" yamcha yelled

"We came to get a good look at frieza we've never even seen what he looks like" bulma smirked

"Don't you realize how dangerous he is?" yamcha yelled

"I tried talking her out of it" hasky shrugged

"I do realize it which is why I came, frieza could destroy this planet with a flick of his wrist so it wouldn't matter where we are might as well have a front row seat"

Vegeta smirked before turning away 'she bold and quite possibly colorblind but the woman does have guts'

"Tien! Chiotzu" yamcha yelled seeing them land

"This is quite a mess isn't it? It's frieza right?" tien asked

"Y-yeah apparently so" yamcha answered

"Mask you power levels! They're going to have scouters" vegeta yelled "Unsurprisingly the namekian has already done so"

"Namekian?" yamcha asked before turning "Piccolo!"

"How long has he been there"

"Look guys everyone's over there" krillin pointed before landing with everyone

"Piccolo too" gohan saw

"Looks like everyone sensed it" raditz said

Yamcha didn't see kakarrot with them "So that means kakarrot….? He still hasn't come back?"

"Here they come!" piccolo yelled

Everyone turned to see the spaceship come floating down through the clouds making them all quiver from the amount of energy they were sensing from inside as it passed over them and landed miles away from them

"T-they landed over there!" Chidori announced

"N-no doubt about it. That's frieza! H-he's still alive" gohan stuttered

"And to make it worse there's defiantly someone more powerful with him" krillin growled

"Listen up everyone! Do not fly!" vegeta yelled "We'll approach on foot. So that their scouters don't pick up on us"

"Hold on frieza has a ki that's that unbelievably huge!" yamcha stuttered

"I hate to say it yamcha but this is just the tip of the iceberg" chidori confessed

"You guys actually faught that kind of power?" tien gasped even though they had been on the planet they hadn't really sensed for frieza's energy past the 2nd state

"You've got to be kidding me! Then shouldn't we call for the saiyans to come and fight instead! There's nothing we could possible do against them" yamcha yelled

"We did call and told them to stand by because we were sensing an enormous power coming" bulma told them

"Even if the entire saiyan army came there's not much they could so against that kind of power" piccolo told him

"The earth is finished" vegeta announced


"Earth was it? Not a bad little planet" frieza observed

King cold crossed his arms "We have three hours until this super saiyan arrives! Shall we wait for him?"

"Of course we will father. I want to see his mortified expression by the time he arrives so while we wait for him I'm going to slaughter all the earthlings. There seems to be a considerable amount of people here but three hours should be plenty of time" frieza laughed "Serves him right!"

"I could care less about the earthlings I'm going to make sure that we choke the life out of this super saiyan no matter what methods it may require…our clan must always be the strongest in the universe!"

"If we work together we're sure to defeat him father, thought now that I've powered up I could literally take care of him by myself"


Vegeta, piccolo, and raditz were at the head of the group climbing up a cliff with their bare hands. Everyone one else was close behind while the twins were helping the girls up a steam hill. Yamcha was close behind them looking down "What's the point of this if we're all gonna die anyway" he muttered making them looked to him with concern


"Alright men fan out kill every last earthling you can find!" frieza yelled

"Yes sir!" the flew up but not long after they heard the sound of slashes making them all fall back down to the ground getting kind cold and frieza's attention

Two pairs of feet landed on the ground as some wind blew. They both put their swords back into their sleets on their backs before blaring at the two tyrants.

"Do you need something earthlings?" frieza asked

The boy had lavender hair cut down the middle going ways, blue eyes, a purple jacket, black shirt, a brown furry belt, black cargo pants, and yellow boots.

The girl had lavender hair as well but most of it was covered by a dark red bandana she had on her head. Her hair was cut through the side and it was as long as just below her shoulders. She had blue eyes, a dark blue jacket with no sleeves, a mini black shirt, a brown furry belt, black cargo pants, and red boots. She also had arm bands coming from her hands to her upper arm.

"We're here to kill you two" the boy answered

"You came to kill us? Hehehe it must be nice to be so oblivious" frieza laughed

"We're not the ones who are oblivious. You are…frieza" the girl smirked

Frieza was surprised they knew his name "Oh, I feel honored to think that my name has spread so far throughout the galaxy that I'm even known on such a remote planet. Thought unfortunately no one seems to have told you that I am the strongest being in the universe"

"Oh we know frieza" the boy answered "And trust me were not worried"

"Suit you" frieza turned to one of his men "take care of them"

"Yes sir"

"And the rest of you hurry up and finish off the earthlings"

The soldier checked his scouder for their power levels "Their power levels are only five. How pathetic" he shot a blast at the boy first but he flicked it away he then shot one at the girl but she flicked in away as well and before he could blast anymore the boy rushed at him punching him sending him flying into the ship

Frieza smirked

"Why you little!" the soldier yelled and all rushed at them

The two got out their swords and ran at them as well and with a few slashes all of them were killed before they turned back to the tyrants


All the z-fighters sensed what had just happened

"huh?" hasky lifted an eyebrow at their expressions

"What's going on guys?" bulma asked

"Two other ki's just appeared and some of the enrgy that was there just vanished" krillin answered

"Wh-what in the world is going on" yamcha asked

"Something big is about to go on I can feel it" raditz told them


"Hmph not to shabby are they?" king cold smirked

"For earthlings that is" frieza smirked

"Now it's your turn" the girl told them

"This is a surprise did you hear that frieza? It sound like they plan to kill us next"

"Let me give you two a piece of advice" frieza held up a finger "Those who overestimate their own abilities have already sealed their own fate"

The boy smirked "you mean like you"

"Ah! What was that!" frieza growled

"You look like you've seen better days metal face if you were smart you would have stayed home but now that you're here were gonna do this" he continued

"Curse your insolent tongue!" frieza growled "Daddy these primates require discipline"

"No one talks t my son that way finish them"

"Make sure to come at us with everything you've got. We're not holding back like kakarrot did" the girl announced

"Kakarrot? That's the name of the super saiyan if I remember correctly…..is see so you're friends with him are you?"

"We've never met. We only know him by reputation" the boy told him

"What you said earlier remember? You were going to kill all the earthlings before the super saiyan arrived so that he would be mortified" the girl asked

"That is what I said wipe out humanity. Although since you've killed all my men I will have to take care of it personally"

"Quite a miscalculation on your part" the boy smirked

"What was that? I could wipe out earth's garbage in no time"

"That's not what he meant…..the miscalculation he was referring to is that kakarrot isn't the only super saiyan….there are two more standing right here" the girl grinned

"What!" frieza yelled seeing the boy grin as well but then figured they were bluffing "You almost had me there good one" he began laughing along with his father

The two looked at each other before turning back to the tyrants and began raising their power levels getting their attention again once the rocks began floating

"No not again" frieza stuttered

The two began yelling making larger rocks crack and the bodies of the soldiers fly off


the others felt the enormous powers rising and the earth began shaking

"Whatever it is it's getting stronger" yamcha yelled

"It's gotta be dad right?" gohan asked

"But it can't be" raditz got confused

"Back on namek that's just how dad's power felt remember" chidori encouraged

"But I'm sensing two of them"

"Maybe another saiyan is with him and became a super saiyan to with his help or something I don't know"


The two fighters were almost finished with their transformations. They were already glowing with golden energy, and their hair was sticking up.

Frieza was shaking in fright and had a vision of kakarrot

"Frieza!" kakarrot whispered as lighting striked making his eyes widen and begin stepping backward away from the two super saiyans. King cold noticed this and looked at the two teens "So this is a super saiyan"

The boy's hair had shot up on both sides and the girls bangs coming out of the bandana where sharper and the hair out the back was spiking up as well. Their hair began glowing golden as their eyes finished turning teal and their tails whisked around behind them

Frieza's eyes widened "It's those eyes" he looked at the glare the two were looking at him with "They have the same eyes" he thought back to kakarrot again having a vision of lighting shooting down while kakarrot watched him struggle to get up with his intense stare making him quiver before he growled at them

"You look like you've seen a ghost frieza" the boy smirked

"I am not scared of you!" he yelled shooting a blast at them causing an explosion


"it has begun" vegeta yelled as they saw the explosion from where they were

"If that's kakarrot then.." krillin ran before trying to fly but vegeta grabbed him

"What did I day you think you can just fly past their scouters they'd blast you right out of the sky go wherever you want but you damn well better walk!" he yelled before throwing him to the ground

"Are you hurt" gohan asked

"Just my pride. Come on guys there's gotta be some way to contact kakarrot" krillin asked everyone but they all shook their heads "Ok then I guess there really is nothing we can do kakarrot's gonna get back here and wonder why there's nothing but a bunch of rocks where the earth used to be" he yelled before driving his fist into the ground

"Hey even if kakarrot's running late we still have the saiyan's on standby and vegeta and raditz here" bulma tried to assure them but they all knew that this wouldn't be enough


"They sure didn't last long did they" king cold smirked

"Of course they didn't they were only monke…." Frieza's eyes widened when he saw throguth the smoke the two were standing there as if nothing had happened making him growl

"If that's the best you've got you better give up now" the girl yelled

"You better come at us with everything you've got trust me your gonna need to" the boys told him "Now let's get this over with"

"No one tells frieza how to fight!" frieza brought both his hands up forming two blast "No one!" before firing at them

The two yelled as they held the blast back and splitting them making the blasts go in all sorts of directions. They smirked at the tyrants once they stood back up "Fine then don't listen i just told you what you have to do if you want to defeat us"

"Come on what part of everything you've got didn't you understand" the girl encouraged

"Hmph you're in such a hurry to meet your doom so be it" frieza lifted up into the air and began forming a death ball at his finger tip before holding it up above his head

"Frieza no the planet can't handle that" king cold told him

"They said everything we'll find kakarrot in space!" frieza yelled before throwing it down at the two. They made no move to avoid it as it crashed down on top of them

"It'll cut through the core frieza to the ship!" king cold yelled making him come down and land on the ship until they felt a shake and the death ball began rising back up shocking them both. "Wait what in the.."

He looked to the bottom to see the two saiyans were holding the death ball with one hand "H-how" they both began walking up above the crater as he jumped down to their level "Will you just die!"

"What's wrong is that all you got?" the boy smirked

Frieza frowned at them then shot a blast at the ball and soon making it explode on top of them leaving only a large crater where they stood before

King cold smiled as he floated down to his sons side "Excellenty work my son, those yammering fools were all bark and no bite"

"It was a nice warm up before the real super saiyan arrives"

Behind them standing on a large cliff was the girl super saiyan staring down at them before she moved her hands a bit and formed a club shape with her hands "Hey frieza!" she yelled getting their attention and shot a ki blast down at them

They both dodged it flying up into the sky. Frieza growled down at her "Fool you missed by a mile" he then heard a yell coming from above and saw the boy coming at him with his sword making him freeze up unable to move letting the boy slice him right down the middle

The group had finally reached a place where they could see the area

"What in the" raditz started

"Hey gohan up there!" chidori pointed to the sky making everyone look up

Kind cold was to shocked by what he saw to notice the girl come at him with her sword and stab him right through the chest before kicking him down to the ground as he slid down a cliff leaving blood on his trial

The boy finished up with frieza slicing him up into pieces before blasting him into ashes

The group was shocked by seeing frieza killed then heard another blast and saw the girl had finished off king cold as well

"That was frieza" raditz started

"And king cold, they got rid of them like they were nothing" piccolo finished

"Right and in no time flat they weren't even trying" krillin added

"How can you tell what's going on up there I must need glasses or something anyway it looks like kakarrot managed to make it back in time all that training out in space must have really paid off" bulma observed

"Whoever they are neither of them are kakarrot" raditz told her "But they're defiantly super saiyans"

Vegeta growled before flying off, next was raditz, piccolo, krillin, the twins, tien and chitzu and last was yamcha and hasky

"Since when can you fly" bulma asked her

"Yamcha's been teaching me a little bit of ki stuff"

"Well I'm not being left behind" bulma grabbed yamcha and he looked to hasky. She shrugged before flying off with them fight behind her and paur right behind them

"This beats the heck out of walking" bulma laughed as they caught up with the rest

The boy landed right next to the girl on the cliff and both of them turned and blew up the spaceship making another explosion

"that really happened right? Who are these two" krillin asked

The two put their swords back in their places and rewrapped their tails around their waists before powering down into their normal forms. The boy looked to the watch he had on but the girl looked behind him seeing the group floating there

The group got on edge now that she noticed them

She smiled and the boy looked at her raising an eyebrow so she motioned for him to turn around so he did and saw the group as well making him smile too "Hey were heading over to where kakarrot's gonna land in a little bit. You guys wanna come with us?"

The group was shocked by this making all of their eyes widen

"Where he'll land?" chidori asked

"How do they know dad?" gohan asked

The girl pointed to the right "Yeah it's this way kakarrot should be arriving in a little while"

'What game are these kids playing?' piccolo thought

"How can these two be saiyans?" raditz asked

"They have the tails" krillin spoke up

"So anyway kakarrot gonna be here in three hours" the boy turned away from them

"Let's get a move on!" the girl turned as well and took off with him

"if they knew where dad's gonna be then we're going with them" gohan answered for him and chidori

"Easy there" krillin told them "We don't know the first thing about these two"

"Count me in" tien smiled "They just saved us all from frieza right they can't be all bad"

"They don't really know where kakarrot's gonna be do they?" yamcha asked

"Don't you wonder where they met? Small universe isn't it?" bulma asked

"I shall go as well" vegeta announced

The twins were the first to take off, then piccolo

"Hold on a sec" krillin said but the others took off after them "Ahhh wait up!"

The two fighters smiled when they saw the group was following them. The girl turned to the boy motioning to his watch "it should be around point 573…..18220"

"So right around here" the girl floated down with him and they turned as each of the group landed as well. The girl got a case out of her pocket and let a capsule turn onto a small box with a tub on it

"Be cafeful they're up to something" yamcha warned

She bent down and opened into to revile it was a fridge with drinks in it and both of them grabbed one for each of them "We still have about three hours until kakarrot arrives"

"We have plenty of drinks here so if you like help yourselfs" the boy added

"I'll have something" hasky smiled

"Me too" bulma smiled and walked forward with her

"Us too!" the twins right behind them as they reached the fridge. Gohan looked "I'll take this one" chidori looked "I'll have this one"

"Huh? Do we have a fridge like this on our company line?" bulma asked hasky

"Not that I know of" she answered

"So got any grape?" krillin asked

While bulma was drinking her soda she got a better look at the two strangers "Have we ever met before?"

"Huh? No n-not really" the boy stuttered

"Miss" chidori tugged on the girls pants "where so you know my dad from anyway?"

"We've only heard stories about him. We've never met him" she confessed

"Then how do you know kakarrot's gonna be here in three hours?" krillin asked

"W-well….I'm sorry but we can't tell you" he confessed

"What do you mean you can't tell us?" raditz asked

"I'd like to know something starting with who you are where do a couple of kids like you get that kind of power?" vegeta asked

"I'm sorry we can't tell you that either" the girl apologized

"Umm when you defeated frieza and that big guy you were super saiyans weren't you?" gohan asked

"Y-yes we were" he answered

"That's a lie!" vegeta yelled getting their attention " look my friends all full blooded saiyans are born with black hair the only exception would be if they were hybrids…..and other then these two no hybrids exist"

Bulma noticed the symbols on the boy's sleeve and the girls pocket on her breast jacket "Hey that's our capsule corp logo, isn't it? How come? Are you one of our employees?"

"N-no it's nothing like that" the boy answered

"That's a secret too huh? So what about your names or ages are those secrets too?" bulma asked

"We can't tell you our names but we're both 17 years old" the girl answered

"Strange that they won't even give us names" tien said

"Yeah what are they hiding?" yamcha asked

"Alright let's stop with the questions. They're starting to get flustered, after all these two just saved us and the earth remember" bulma told everyone then turned and winked at them causing the boy to blush and girl to snicker at him

While they were waiting all of them decided to spread out and sit on rocks littered around them. The twins came up to piccolo to ask a question

"Um Mr. Piccolo theres something we've wanted to know for a long time" gohan asked

"What is it?"

"Well how come you didn't go with the other namekians to their new home I mean they are your people aren't they?" chidori asked

"No major reason I couldn't stand to live such a dull boring life"

"Oh so that's why you spend everyday training so you don't get bored?" gohan asked

"More or less"

"Vegeta's the same way he trains in his gravity room or goes to planet vegeta to train everyday all day" bulma told krillin

"Yeah I bet even now he thinks about how he's going to beat kakarrot. That guy has an incredible amount of pride. Even the king doesn't have that much" krillin looked to vegeta sitting on a small bolder

"Don't you think they look alike?"

"Who?" krillin asked

"The mystery boy and vegeta….I'm not kidding just look"

"I don't know maybe a little…..the girl look a bit familiar too but they're personalities are completely different"

The boy glanced over to where vegeta was sitting "Why do you keep staring at me like that? If youre truly a saiyan I shouldn't be such an unusual sight"

The girl elbowed him with a frown making him turn away "I-I'm sorry"

"Maybe they met kakarrot on some other planet out in space. Think that's too much of a stretch?" tien asked

"I don't know they look like they belong here on earth"

"But if they're saiyans they would have been born on planet vegeta wouldn't they?" tien asked

They waited a little longer until the boy pulled up his sleeve to see the time and motioned for the girl to get up "He should arrive any moment now"



Everyone looked up and they began sensing a large amount of ki heading straight for them

"He-he's right!" tien yelled

"I sense something" chiotzu looked up

"Something is defiantly coming" yamcha added

"The time and place where right on the spot" bulma covered her eyes from the light as she looked up

"It dad it's his energy!" gohan cheered

"He's finally home!" chidori cheered

A dot formed in the sky and as it got closer they saw a spacepod coming toward them then land a little ways away from them "over there!"

They all ran to the crater and as they watched they saw the spacepod settle down and with suspense the door began opening. The twins held they're breath as a hand came out and kakarrot began stepping out making them both smile

Kakarrot looked up to see everyone "What in the?"




"What are you all doing out here?"

"Welcome home dad!"

Kakarrot floated up above the crater over to them "Seriously guys how'd you know I was going to be here it's not like I called ahead"

"It was because of these two" bulma motioned to the two strangers " they told us where you would be"

"Yeah dad they're friends of yours aren't they?" gohan asked

Kakarrot looked down at the two "No, who are you?"

"Huh?" everyone looked at each other getting confused

"Wait a minute you don't know who they are?" raditz asked

"Sorry never met the kids" kakarrot shrugged

"But if they're not your friends then how'd they know where you were going to be?" bulma asked

"I have no idea; then again frieza was able to pinpoint my location on his radar so he must have had some idea of when I was going to land" he put his hand on his chin "By the way who defeated frieza I felt some amazing energy from the battle"

"These two did it, faster than you can blink" kakarrot eyes widened and turned back to the two "And they transform into super saiyans just like you"

"Super saiyan?!" kakarrot was surprised "Wow that's amazing and you're so young too! Congratulations on that!"

"Fool! Kakarrot don't you know saiyans are always born with black hair!" vegeta yelled

"Well earth has this thing called hair dye perhaps you've heard of it…" kakarrot smirked when he turned away "I don't think it really matters they have saiyans blood and that's that"

"Of course it matters! You're as carefree as always aren't you" bulma put her hands on her hips

"Actually kakarrot we need to have a word with you could you come with us?" the boy asked

"With me?"

"Yes but just the three of us" the girl added

"Alright then" he began walking away with them

"You can't say it in front of us?" yamcha asked

"Don't worry yamcha I'll be right back" kakarrot assured him before taking off with the two and landing on the other side of the large crater

"This should be far enough" the boy smiled

" I should probably thanks you…..thanks for defeating frieza….i guess I went a little easy on him back on namek. I should have been more perceive"

"You were actually supposed to be the one who defeated frieza and the others but there was some discrepancy time-wise and for whatever reason you weren't going to make it…..so we decided to take care of him" the girl told him

"Yeah frieza's spaceship was a lot faster than mine, he got a bit ahead of me he didn't learn his lesson last time I was about to make my move when you two came along"

"And how exactly where you going to make a move when you were three hours away in space" the boy asked

" Well that wasn't a problem I have a technique called instant transmission"

"Instant transmission?!"

"Yeah I learned it a long time ago and it lets me teleport to wherever I want to go as long as I know a ki and I could have pinpointed on frieza"

"So that means we've needlessly changed the course of history….and as a result we've ran into the others when our intention was to only meet with you" the boys looked down along with the girl

"History? What do you mean?" kakarrot asked

"Before we get into that, we want to know something? Can you transform into a super saiyan at will?" the girl asked

"Yeah. I couldn't do it at first but I worked hard at it until I was able to control it"

"Could you become one right now?" for us?" the boy asked making him raise an eyebrow "Please"


"I wonder what they're talking about" bulma asked

Kakarrot began raising his power level getting everyone's attention until he fully transformed into a super saiyan like they had seen on namek or on the statue on planet vegeta "IS this good enough?"

"Yes thank you" the girl smiled

"Wow you look just like us when we go super saiyan" the boy observed

"What's going on guys kakarrot has blond hair" bulma asked since the statue was marble

"He turned into a super saiyan" gohan answered

"What a huge ki and he's not even fighting" raditz stuttered

"No wonder he beat frieza" vegeta gritted

"So what do we do now? Kakarrot asked

"I guess we should return the favor" both of them turned into super saiyans as well having the golden glow form around them

"We really do look alike" kakarrot observed

"They turned super saiyan too" tien saw

"What are they gonna do?" yamcha asked

"Please excuse us" the boy asked


Both of them got their swords out and came at kakarrot with them until they stopped seeing kakarrot make no move to dodge it. "Why didn't you try to dodge?"

"Because I didn't sense any malicious intent. I knew you would stop" he smirked

"I see" the boy smirked

"Well this time were not gonna stop got it" the girl asked

"Go right ahead" kakarrot held up one finger from both hands and powered up his hands. The two rushed at him again swinging their swords at him but each time he used his fingers to block them until they moved away and placed their sword back

"Amazing just like the stories we heard" the boy smiled

"No he's better than the stories" the girl argued

"These sword cut through frieza and king cold like they were butter"

"That's just because you weren't trying very hard"

"Now we know we can trust you"

"D-did you see that?" tien asked

"Y-yeah that was incredible" yamcha stuttered

"So that's a super saiyan" vegeta concluded

"Please keep everything were about to tell you kept locked away within your own mind" the boy asked

"Alright, relax and speak I can keep a secret"

"This will be hard to believe for someone of your era, but….we came here in a time machine from roughly twenty years in the future" the girl began

Kakarrot's eyes widened "Twenty years?! From the future?!"

"Yes, and my name is trunks, this is my sister bulla. We have saiyan blood because vegeta is our father"

"What?! Vegeta's children!" he got a better look at them then looked to vegeta "Now that you mention it I can see a resemblance not as much in bulla as there is in you trunks"

"We were both born two years from now" bulla told him

"Wait so your twins" kakarrot frowned "But my kids were twins too I doubt that's a coincidence"

"Yes you though the same thing when mom was pregnant and came up with a good explanation. You found out that because our parents were from completely different races that they Dna would be split in two from both of them and the two half's from each would form together and form two babies. As for the boy and girl thing we haven't figured out" trunk explained

"That does make a bit more sense"

"But we didn't come here to tell you that. There is something very important we have to tell you" bulla got his attention "In three years time, on may 12th approximately ten in the morning on an island 9 miles southwest of south city a fearsome duo is going to appear…they will be monsters possessing power unimaginable of anything of this world"

"Who are they? Aliens?"

"No they are artificial humans born right here on earth otherwise known as androids. And the one who created them was none other than the red ribbon army's doctor gero"

"The red ribbon army?!"

"Yes. The army itself was destroyed by you a long time ago but doctor gero survived and continued with his research" trunks finished

"For what reason? Was it the usual world domination thing?"

"We don't know but that's what we suspect he was after. He created those two monsters but they ended up killing him instead so now that their creator is gone no one knows how to defeat them"

"Wow….if a couple of super saiyans like you who killed frieza in the blink of an eye call these things monsters, they must really be something"

"Yes they are….we tried to take them on ourselves and we would have died but by some miracle we're alive" bulla sighed

"Hold on what about everyone else why did you go alone?"

"They're dead all of them. Twenty years from now were the only Z-fighters left" trunks gritted shocking him "Our father vegeta, raditz, turles, krillin, yamcha, tien, chiotzu, piccolo they're all going to lose their lives against the andrioid in a horrible battle. Gohan and chidori managed to survive and they became our teachers and what it meant to be a warrior until 4 years ago they finally got them too" trunks growled

"As you are aware with piccolo dead the dragon balls are gone and we can't wish anyone back to life" bulla growled

"They're too strong! Were the only ones left and we can't do it!" trunk yelled

"Hold on a sec what about the saiyans we wished them all back aren't they helping you?"

"Yes they have we but the androids destroyed all of our teleporters. And the saiyans that arrive by spaceship are blown up in the sky or killed when they help earthlings escape an attack. Your parents bardock and gine were one of the first to die when they came to help along with nappa. King vegeta came as well but he died in battle"

Kakarrot growled but then realized something "Wait a minute what about me why aren't I helping you out did the androids get to me too?"

"No you never fight" he raised an eyebrow "A short time from now you will come down with an illness….its going to be the death of you" trunk told him making him gasp

"It's a virus that attacks your heart not even a super saiyan can defeat this disease" kakarrot's eyes widened when they said that

"Wait a heart virus?"

"Yes why?" bulla asked

"Gohan the old man I lived with when I was a child died from that"

"The virus is contagious but the symptoms begin years after you catch it" trunks told him "You weren't able to make a cure for it since you went into a coma soon after you got sick"

Kakarrot groaned he had most likely caught it from gohan "Dammit! I'm going to die then! Aw man I really wanted to fight these guys!"

They're eyes widened "The part that upsets you the most is that you won't get to fight?"

"You mean you aren't scared at all?"

"Sure I'm a little afraid but they're so strong I really want to know if I can beat them"

"You're truly a genuine saiyan warrior, exactly the man our mother and your kids told us. You give us hope I'm glad we came" trunks smiled as he got something out of his jacket pocket and handed it to kakarrot "When the symptoms appear take this"

"What is it?" kakarrot took the small bottle and inspected the label

"Your medicine the disease may be incurable now but in twenty years we pretty much have it liked" bulla smiled

"Really that great thanks! Geez why didn't you say this from the start?"

"The truth is it's wrong for us to do this. Changing history, but with the past as it is now…" trunks began " I have faith that you will be able to do something to help. That's all our mother hoped for that's why she worked so hard on the time machine"

"Hold on your mom knows me?"

"Yes very well" bulla nodded

"A-and she made your time machine? D-don't tell me y-your mom is…" kakarrot began laughing a bit

"Yes she's standing right over there" trunks pointed to bulma

Kakarrot burst out laughing making him fall "So vegeta and bulma!"

"How long are they going to keep us waiting I don't like being in the dark here" vegeta growled

"It looks like kakarrot fell over by surprise" bulma assumed

"Wow that's the most surprising thing of all I thought vegeta would marry a saiyan woman or something"

"Mom told us how she saw vegeta looked so lonesome here on earth and well it happened. They never married since the androids came"

"Wow now that you mention it, it does sound like something she's do" kakarrot remembered the conversation when they had found out he was a saiyan

"And bulla here is dating raditz's son!" trunks smiled when bulla blushed

"What?!" kakarrot laughed this was just too funny "Raditz has kids too"

"Yes his son is rikun and his daughter is kairi"

"You're not dating kairi are you?"

"No but we are good friends"

"So this must mean that raditz and vegeta are in-laws or are going to be"

"Were just dating were not getting married" bulla blushed

"Our father died before we were old enough to remember him so it was thrilling to meet him for the first time earlier" trunk smiled

"Please keep that part especially a secret, okay? If you say anything and things get awkward between them then our entire existence could be wiped out" bulla pleaded

"Ok I got it! I got it" he assured them

"We should take our leave now; we'd like to hurry back to the future and reassure mom that everything went fine" trunks began turning away

"Ok tell her I said thanks…I hope that the future does change"

"Right knowing you're strength kakarrot we can finally hope again" bulla smiled

"So is this goodbye?"

"I'm not sure it takes a long time to power up the time machine for a round trip. If we're still alive we'll defiantly come back to help in three years" trunks assured him

"Stay alive. You have something to work towards. In the meantime I'll be training good and hard for the next three years"

They held a thumps-up and took off

"Hey where are those two going?" yamcha yelled

Kakarrot frowned and crossed his arms "Hmm. This is a problem what the heck am I supposed to tell everyone?"

"Dad hey dad!" he heard looked up to see the group approaching

"Come on spill it! What did you talk about?" krillin asked

"Ah-er….well…..nothing important really"

"Really it all sounded very important to me" piccolo stared down at him

"Piccolo? So you heard all of it"

"My sense of hearing is quite greater than the rest of yours"

"In that case what's so important?" hasky asked


"If you're not feeling up to the task I'll fill them in myself" piccolo turned to the group

"But what about tr—"

"Calm down I'm not going to say anything that will threaten anyone's existence but the rest of shouldn't have to end up on the chopping block because we didn't know to commit to our training"

"W-what?" raditz stuttered

And so, piccolo explained everything while keeping the future hybrids origins a secret. However as might be expected no one could conceal their shock

"It sounds a bit far-fetched doesn't it? I mean not even saiyans can perform time travel" yamcha shrugged

"A time machine huh?" bulma asked

"If you don't want to believe it then fine. Go ahead and slack off, I'm going to train I don't want to die after all"

"Huh?" the twins looked up

"W-what in the?" everyone looked up to see a machine hovering high above them

"Do you think they can really do it?" bulla asked her brother

"I'm sure of it we just have to hope for the best and this tie around kakarrot is going to live" she nodded and looked down at them "Father really is everything mom described him as strong, proud, stern."

"Yeah hope he survives too. And mom hang in there" they waved before the machine disappeared

"I-I'm going to train" tien stuttered

"Me too" krillin agreed

'Damn it all….i refuse to die in this battle I will survive three years from now" vegeta thought

To be continued

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God_Shinobicreators' thoughts