
A Tale of Flame and Swords : DxD

A few years ago Seijuro Akashi perished on an advanced assassin task orchestrated by under an organization. As he took his last breath, reflections on the state of his life flooded his mind. Bleeding with a tattered body, marked by sword cuts and a sizable hole in his chest, he pondered, "Is this how it all ends? Am I destined to die like this on a familiar site? Does the fate of strongest assasin die a nameless death " He sighed, expressing regret and longing for the excitement of a world with bloody battles and wars. To his dismay, he suddenly found himself reincarnated into the body of Riser Phoenix, a villain from an Demon high school . Faced with this unexpected twist, he wondered if it was yet another dead end in the chronicles of his existence.

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8 Chs

The viel of shadow

The Ashburn Country ,Underworld

Under the lonely dark red sky which was shawdowing an endless vibrant aura of lonilessnes and demonice surging aura intermixed in this lands existense .

On a vast land with a distant,crimson horizon and a surface bathed in red hues —a realm where no sun dare to dawn,shrouded in perpetual darkness.

Its the land housing the current demon king and the reimains of the Greater 72 Noble demon house known as Underworld

Their are little of the last remaining members of the pure blooded devil liniage left from noble clans after the Great War few hundreds year aback.

One of such being the house of phonix clan known as the richest and influencal Noble demon clan house know for its Fire Magic and Phoniex tears .

During the last great war between three main bible fractions purged the entire three race to brink of destruction leaveing only some clan with a handfull members while rest dead or missing

"War is fortune's favor,that deals within the currency of conflicts."as someone has once said

As the once land full of demons holding thier desiries were now know where to be found leaving the enitre underworld nearly more than half vaccant without enough demons to manage and use the land.

The Kingdom of ashburn was an land of magic and weapon creation leading to the entrance of to an closed territory in the enitre underworld under the house of phoneix .

Few years ago an magic acedamy was settle in this country which settles and trains the members of lower noble clan and hybrids between demons and human or other way around .

With a numbers of diffrent roles weather it be swordsmanship,lancers or other weapons including Fire ,wind and thunder spells which includes a vast number of new magic spells and seals.

Which causing an entrie series of riots and earning disapproval among higher devil and demon Council socity but what could they do to stop the phoniex clan

Nobody dares to take a gamble as it might comes with heavy bombing as not only the First son of phoneix has became a ultimate class devil not long ago

The clan family to have control over the vast majorities of broadcasts and demon newspaper agencies

Atlast nobody can say no to the ultimate treasure of phoneix tears which can save war casulaties so even the current demon kings must maintain an polite realtions with this family

"We are close to the castle from the northern region crossing fron the valley we can arrive it makes we wonder that Riser pulled it of "

As to literally create an entire country from a baren wasteland to one of most desired land in underworld not an easy task at all thought the lord of phonex clan.

"Oo hmm it's sight to behold on this childs growth might make more wonder than accept having finally grown up to an adult demon of Noble family"

As thinking of this an unguided blessing in miafortune of that year he was confused and regreted a little .

"Hmm i will make the guy feel good no contact for last three years he even message and forget to call lately"

The lady phonex, with long blonde hair and blue eyes, had her hair done up high with ornate decorations said to an blonde man in sweat voice .

The mature womem radiated a strong motherly yet elegant aura around her yet her tone was also little sad thinking about someones action.

As the couple journeyed through towns brimming with affection and honour there chariot guidedd by graceful white horses adorned by the citizen glide with evoking a sense of awe on passerby

All this in eyes of the lord phonex was seen by lord which made him wonder for the method that this good son must have used leaving his worry aside as he smiled with satisfaction and pride.

On a certain devil traning arena sitting on bunch of wounded Elite demon soldiors a white haired swordsman with handsome gesture suddenly sneezed and felt a life cries and chill down the spin"Damn which bastard is cursing me behind my back."

"No it was not me i cannot think of such foolish act on my young master.."before the soldior can humble and lick he was kicked away

'Tch nima lao tzu is also a demon not a damn paper plane you can throw like that' the soldior cursed with a helpless sigh making a carter of few meter long in ground .

The first land marking the start of ambitions of the current demon generation within the land of the underworld

The only land which can bear the warmth and love of the sunlight and as blazing domian of its bearers at current underworld with its new sealing and advanced magice formations.

Inside an majestic and elevated knight castle mounted above hundreds of meter high in the sky.

"Raval dear you should get ready and prepare your brother as we are nearing our tour to you humble castle "

As if in response to sudden call record the blonde hair princess with cute face was dumbfolded 'shit you can please be more serious you are telling it now'

"N No you should't mother and Father its to sudden nn"raval started panicing and a little hesitant you her words

"The marraige contract of Riser has been advanced forward an year ahead of shedule from due date so inform him"informed the lady phonex clan .

"Seriously that cold heart son does not call his dear mother and father any long is this what happen when children became adult sigh "

Raval remebered as last family convetsation between them was few years ago making her stare bankly and comparing the changes.

She was also a little lost on her own without being able to say anything right a whole of seven years has passed .

But can she really do anything to change it now seem an unuseful attempt .

Brother Riser seem to be changed after the devil council decsion on neko youkai incident he seem to be getting distant with each passing days .

"The location for pre engagement has been located at your own country but you should soon vist human realm"

As she thought of the unmatched childhood friends together she can feel that Riser future might not be all well easygoing.

Can a tsunadra person like Rias could handle this current riser she can litral smell gunpowder leaking with black line on face.

'So be it what can we say he deserves to suffer it a little 'from frustration and panic to amused and eagerly anticipating the next situation.

As the *beep* beep* call concluded, silence enveloped the castle chamber adorned with antique swords, blades, halberds, and twelve thrones in the hall.

The blonde girls seemed on the verge of complaining, but it came to an end.

"Lao Tzu had something to say, a say about the bastards' deeds you might not want to prepare yourself to hear. So be it," Raval huffed, flames escaping her nose like an angry bull.

"Ah, come see! Raval's going crazy again," two kids with cat ears and tails exclaimed. "Yubelluna, Raval is spitting fire," they added, their tails trembling with chills.

They ran for their lives, tails trailing behind, seeking reinforcements and recalling the consequences of the devil's training regimen imposed by the white haired guy.

"You brat, I must throw you into the devil's hand for a section of the battle," the blonde declared, face covered in black lines.

"Devote your mind to finding a solution, causing minimal shock to Lord and Lady Phoenix, my king princess," urged with concern.

"What can I say? Let the bastard flinch on his own. I'm not his servant. He can manage himself. Maybe it's for the best," Raval grinned, imagining the embarrassed face of the bastard's brother with an evil smirk

As the Constant banging explosions echoed through the castle, forming an irritating melody with their continuous resonance.

'This guy still was still in the mood to fight when he's was going to be in big trouble.' Everyone were silently feeling like to pray for unlucky guy

With a light step, a maid entered the throne room.

As Raval was about to reframe, the palace maid, without consent, blurted in panic, "My Highness, Lord Phoenix and Lady have arrived! They demand your presence, and the young master..."

As the entire tourage tilted their heads in confusion, each wearing a black question mark above them, directing their gaze towards the battle arena and the eastern mountain range.

Finaly they exchanged few pitying stares, which were directed at the unfortunate person who was presumably enjoying themselves elsewhere but was push to edge sudden .