
A student in the midst of Pandemic

Igotami_fictions · Masa Muda
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4 Chs

What the hell, is this even about?!

March 2020, as this pandemic came and spread in the entire globe, I started to worry everyday for myself, for my family, my dreams and my plans. "What would happen to me?!" "What if I caught this virus?!" "Until when will this last?!" Those were some of the thoughts and questions I have asked myself and maybe asked yourselves too. May 2020, nearing the month of June or should I say the supposed start of the classes in our country, I asked myself, "how could we study in this shituation- I mean situation?" I was curious and thought "Oh maybe this pandemic will last until, I don't know.. June this year?" But here we are , 5 months later, the pandemic is still here! Its a prank! Just kidding. But yeah months later, Expected start of classes were moved, however, teachers and school heads found a way to continue the education of students in the midst of this condition. That's when we are introduced to the modular and the online classes. At first I was so happy! Why? Hello! I'm just at home, I could sleep late and wake up late because the classes are only at home so no need to worry! I can be lazy since I'm just inside and I don't need to go out to do school works but then..... I went through some encounters I did not know that will be a part of this journey.

Hi! I am your author or you can call me Author-nim. I'm a 7th grade student here in Asia yes, in Asia and I will not say which country . Anyways, being a young student I am, you might wonder why am I writing this novel/book/story whatever you wanna call it. Well, I want to show to my fellow students or to others whom are going through tough times the fact that there are people whom are experiencing what they are possibly going through right now. I want to show to others that there are people whom understands your hardships. I want be a brave voice to tell to everyone the words "We all screwed up and made tons of mistakes but its ok to be not ok". Yeah we fail but we also succeed. So yeah! That's why I wrote this book! But I know there are some negative nancy around here and might say I am just a 7th grader and I am not yet in the collage life and here I am, publishing a book about my journey in this online platform. Yes, a 1st year high school student is talking to you in a form of this book. A 1st year high school student struggling in the midst of this uncontrollable situation. And is also telling you that this book is not made to show that I am great at all things or to tell everyone that I am perfect whatsoever. Instead I want to share the reality "no. one. is perfect. " I want to let everyone see that whatever we do, we can only make ourselves better and improve the situation but we cannot make anything perfect. There is no such thing as perfect.( Well, except food but hey! You get it right? ) But still, if your a negative nancy and still don't like the vision and mission of this book, well, either read the whole damn book or ignore (with respect thank you). Jokes aside! Everyone is welcome to read this book and I hope I can help in making you smile today. Ok enough for that! Lets get on Chapter 1. Lets get it!