
A Dead Reunion

Episode 2: A dead Reunion

"Thank you…thank you for coming!"

Tears were shed as the people clasped the hands of the ones who came, they were trapped inside a building made from disasters, a hefty amount of people were inside and were barely holding out on the onslaught of the dead.

"Shen, tend to the people, elderly and children first, give them just enough and tell them about our plan, I'll help with the clean up around the area"

"Got it, be careful boss, and we'll ask around for the one you're trying to find"

Hearing this, Daichi nodded and gave a small smile, he then moved outside while unsheathing his blade and going outside.



The alleys between the building and the supermarket were teeming with z's.

"We won't be able to get in….not without getting bitten"

"But we need the supplies, we can't feed everyone with just what we got, we can take them back to our base but we'll need more food for the way….not to mention moving a big group would attract more z's"

Several people were talking while overlooking an alley crawling with the dead, suddenly a man appeared holding a blade in his hands, and quickly cut a zombie's head in half.

He did it quietly and cleanly before more of the dead noticed he sliced and cut them in the head but after the 7th body fell he was seen by the dead and the rest charged at him.

"tsk…ready the silencers and shoot when I'm out"

Without a delay, he ran back quickly and after exiting the alley several people with guns readied and aimed at the charging horde.


"Good work, now let's clean up the inside and get something to eat"

With his help, they quickly took over the market, using silencers they picked off the z's one by one until the area was cleared, then they took the canned goods and anything useful inside the building.

Returning happily, the group fed the remaining people, several others joined up with the survivors as some were sent to check several parts of the town.

As Daichi walked in a man walked towards him.

"Ah Daichi you're back, I've got some news"

"Shen, what is it?"

"It's about the one you're trying to find"

Like a bolt, he quickly held the man by the shoulders as he pulled him close

"What? Where? tell me now!"

"Woah Woah calm down, I said I got news but….the one you're trying to find isn't here…."

To this Daichi let the one go with a dejected look

"But I found someone who does, it's a kid you should talk to him, he's by the corner along with some other middle schoolers"

Without a word, Daichi walked off and headed towards the place he pointed at and he couldn't believe what he saw, a kid with dark black hair saw him and quickly ran towards him, doing the same they hugged each other.

"Daichi-nii-san!, you're alive!"

"Hiro, I'm glad you're safe…."

Daichi hugged the boy tight as the boy cried onto him, the people who saw this couldn't help but feel warmth at the scene of two people finding each other.

"Your sister, if you're here then Chika, where is she?"

He looked around fervently and glanced around the area, but he couldn't see a glance of the one he was looking for, at his words the boy who was clutching to him sobbed, even more, he felt his gut twist as he saw this and his voice almost didn't leave his mouth as he asked.

"Hiro….C..Chika is here right? Where is she?"

The boy sobbed as he said the words that sent chills to Daichi.

"She…she's not here….sister protected me from getting bit but she….she got attacked by those things"

Chika is here right? Where is she?"

The boy sobbed as he said the words that sent chills to Daichi.

"She…she's not here….sister protected me from getting bit but she….she got attacked by those things"

"Daichi...where was the last place you saw her?"

He spoke clearly but his voice seemed to crack as he spoke.

"I'm so…sorry I couldn't protect her…I'm sorry"

The boy cried but a hand patted his head, he felt warmth at the man's hand patting him.

"You did nothing wrong Hiro….your sister loved you and protected you so don't cry, be strong...for her as well"

*sob* *sob*

"I..I will *sniff*"

To his words, the kid stopped crying and nodded.

"I'll go and find her, tell me where was the last place you last saw her"

The child slowly spoke and after hearing this Daichi quickly stood up.

"I'll be back and when I come back I'll be with Chika,so don't cry"

Before he could leave the building several people were blocking his way.

"Daichi, it's night and there's a horde out there….it's suicide to go"


"Cap, it's dan-"

Before his teammate could finish his words, Daichi was looming over him, they held their breath when they saw the look in his eyes.


Despite their protests and pleas, even if he was warned he gave an order for them to let him leave.

With a sigh, one of the guys blocking the way stood at his side, soon a couple more followed.

"Guess we can't stop you….then we'll tag along"

"Can't let our leader get killed before he meets her girlfriend"

"Even the Z's can't stop a love struck idiot, how can we stop you?"

Daichi seeing this had a smile, and then they left the building to the others that came with them. A total of five people moved through the night and towards the landmark from afar.

A giant Ferris wheel, they moved quietly and quickly but they couldn't stop getting blocked by the deads and had to fight through.

The moon illuminated the area along with the lights that flickered as they walked through the streets, soon enough they reached the fair, and they weren't the first to be there as it was crowded with z's.

"Tsk…we can't get in....there's just too much, plus we don't know where to look"

One of the guys with him spoke, yet he shook his head and stare at one spot.

"I know where she is…."


He smiled and turned around

"A hunch, follow me…there's a fenced area near the side, we can use it, the taps covering the sides so we can't be seen…but we can't see what's inside so let's use a flashlight"

The group nodded and moved, there was an area and inside the fenced tunnel, a few lingering deads where located but they were quickly taken care of, after moving through the end there seemed to be no dead near them and the Ferris wheel was near the end of the tunnel.

He nodded to the others and they stayed behind the tunnel while he alone went towards the Ferris wheel.

He didn't know why but he had a feeling dragging him towards the area, and he stopped as he saw bloodlines below him trailing towards the Ferris wheel.

He steeled his resolve and continued walking to one of the booths and there he saw someone sitting on the edge of the both, a girl dressed in school uniform, but her skin was white as snow.

He opened the door of the booth after confirming it was her.

"Chi…chika is that you?"

As he stepped inside the booth the girls head turned towards him and tow red gem-like eyes stared at him as the girl spoke.

"D…aichi? What are you doing here?"

Dun dun duuuuun!

Killer_Lookscreators' thoughts