
A Song For Darkness: When A Singer Transverse In A Novel

Shen Maoi was quite helpless when she found herself transverse in a strange place with a mission i.e 'SPREADING THE MODERN MUSIC' which was quite absurb so as to say. As absurb as it may sound Shen Maoi has no other choice but to comply so that she can unlock the prop which can help her in protecting herself from this strange world where fantasy magic was shrouded. As much as Shen Maoi tried not to interwine herself with the novel protagonist the word 'Man decides but God discard' really fit her entanglement with the male protagonist. Farfalla box: 'And then I hear her song, her song meant for darkness, meant for me. I have lost myself in her, falling as deep as an abyss, I thought there's no way for me to fall any deeper but than I realize I was completely wrong, I found out I can still fall deeper into her and than I did exactly that. She pave her way through the darkness that was me, singing her way to my heart and soul and capture me firmly. I don't want to break free of her shakle, I want it to hold me tighter and I will let her do that, I won't give her a chance to loose her hold on me for I will destroy the World. she must hold me on.. never letting go for infinity' ....................... ............ Please don't copy or post my work at other website or App!! If you want please kindly request and wait for an approval of affirmation

cosmos_owl_111 · Fantasi
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

The Osborne family and Shen Maoi was travelling by an Ox Cart.

Shen Maoi was glad that she doesn't have to travel on foot again.

Zero rejuvenating doesn't mean all her sensory nerve and musle that can stimulate physical exhaustion doesn't exist anymore, everything exist except her ability to die.

There was a strange silence inside the cart.

Shen Maoi also doesn't try to alleviate the atmosphere. As a petty person she used to hold grudges for a long time.

Shen Maoi was also not the type to bootlick people, so, if the Osborne family doesn't want to travel with her anymore she won't insist on staying with them, she has her own share of pride but as the Osborne family didn't say anything than Shen Maoi will continue to stick with them until she reach where she need to reach, in this aspect she is quite thick skin.

Mr Osborne who was driving the cart was miracally the person who spoke first, slightly thinning the solemn atmosphere.

"We will be able to reach Moonlight Kingdom tomorrow at noon if there are nothing unexpected happening"

ShenMaoi hum slightly, she know that the sentence was directed to her. She wasn't too willful to ignore the Osborne family who she rely to travel to reach her destination but also wasn't open to have a harmonous chat either.

The Cart was stop for around two times for filling up the stomach. They can't travel on with empty stomack right!?

Through the whole day the atmosphere also ease up a lot. The Osborne family was also enthusiast in providing Shen Maoi need. Like providing the ration they have and Shen Maoi doesn't deny it either. Because of this Shen Maoi downright mood towards the Osborne family also ease up a little.

When the other party try hard sincerely to amend the relationship Shen Maoi wasn't cold hearted to ignore the other party effort.

The Osborne family also felt rather guilty with their intense interrogation, they understand what feelings they would have when putting themselves on Shen Maoi shoes, Imagine people interrogating and questioning about your God and your mission where you yourself doesn't know it clearly but know that it is real and carried out sincerely as it is the will of the heaven but can't divulge the reason clearly but people kept questioning your reliabilty and truthfullness of your word. It was like Questioning your sincerity towards the work given by God. No believer would want their credibility of devotion to their God being questioned.

The Osborne family felt that they would react much worse than Shen Maoi so they were a little thankful for Shen Maoi still deciding to travel with them and doesn't severe ties with them.

Well Shen Maoi not intense reaction was because what she said was not true but her rather downcast emotion was because of the questioning and inquiring tone making her struggle to think of an immediate answer to keep her life leave Shen Maoi in a rather bad mood.

The Osborne family was actually a peace loving family and if they can have a friendly relationship, they are very much willing to, also it was their way of accumulating merits.

The Osborne family as a devotee of the light God who teaches benevolence and humility, making a friend and helping people in need, the Osborne family think it as a way of accumulating merits and felt that it was a way of receiving The Light God blessing, it was not only their thinking but was what it was taught on the light God Temple.

This was also the reason why they accept to help Shen Maoi on travelling together to Moonlight Kingdom, this was one of the reason but the main factor was that Shen Maoi doesn't have any malicious intention towards them, if she have they will never agree towards her request as even helping people who harbours malicious intention towards them was an act of foolishness.

The Osborne family also felt that they should not have a bad relationship with Shen Maoi because they know ( rather scam by Shen Maoi lies) that Shen Maoi has a mission bestowed by God and also a person who carried the will of the heaven so they must not have a bad ties with Shen Maoi.

Shen Maoi also knows that their good attitude and enthusiasm was her so-called ties with the God and the so called guidance of the will of the heaven hehe~ she do live through with her lies alright.

Shen Maoi doesn't feel any dissatisfactory towards the Osborne family who was good to her for their benefit because she too was a person who mingle in the entertainment circle who also have a lot of 'friends'  who take a mutual benefit from each other.

Its people nature and Shen Maoi understand this well too.

It maybe a little hypocrite but Shen Maoi felt that her modern hypocrite people was rather aware of their hypocrisy but the fantasy ancient people are not really aware of their hypocrisy or rather won't accept which Shen Maoi found it rather funny.

For instance right now Shen Maoi know that they are good to her because of their religious teaching of how to collect merits, they carry out the teaching, they remember and calculate their good deed in which an equivalent blessing they will receive.

They all put a thought that their action was in accordance to their teaching but doesn't know how hypocrite it was, if anyone point out the hypocrisy they would sure be drown in people saliva and be executed to death.

Who would want their religious belief teaching point out as hypocrite.

As Shen Maoi has read <<Infinite Darkness>> she knew a fair share about collecting merits, the religious teaching and the all so hypocrite act of the believer.

Well how can she not know, the male lead suffer in the hand of hypocrisy since an infant.

Thinking of the male lead Shen Maoi suddenly thought about what happen to him now, whether he is still bullied or already walk in towards his blackened road, stopping her thinking at this point Shen Maoi suddenly remember something imporatant which she forget to ask the system.

"System will I meet the Male Lead of this novel and also will I also suffer when he start his road of destroying the world??(○゚ε゚○)"

"You may or may not! It depends on how you meet him, I am a guide system not a future prediction system, the male lead is now on the third phase of blackening, its still a long way to go to the final blackening where he destroyed the world, I assume you will be able to finished your mission by then, if you still didn't finished your mission at that time you still have to continue until you complete it so it all depend on whether you are quick enough or not"

The system replied with its usual cold monotone voice.

Shen Maoi has an illusion that the system seem to be sarcastic with its reply day by day.

It must be an illusion

Yeah it must be.

Shen Maoi mull over the system reply. The male lead Blackening phase can be classified into ten phase.

The first phase is he being bullied and a secret torture on the Sun Kingdom Palace. Which gradually brought out his sadist tendency.

The Second blackening will be when the male lead accidentally lost control of his darkness power which have bottle up for a long time with no place of venting and in return burst out creating a small black hole which accidentally suck all the living creature around the vicinity about three metres, this lead to being terrified and being labelled as a devil, the king at long last instructed by the seer pass an order of execution of the sixth prince as the black hole also happen to suck in three servant, this was used as a justification for executing him.

Shen Maoi rather found it really funny when she read that part, who with ability can swear they never kill anyone, especially the king , for him to sit in the throne it was obvious that he will not acquire the throne purely without any bloodshed. See..... This is the unscientific and hyprocrisy self righteous Shen Maoi refer to. Shen Maoi found this level of hypocrisy disgusting.

The sixth prince was only twelve years old at that time. However as a mother how can she let her son be executed, she than escape with her son but things don't always go smoothly for the sixth prince power which has been suppressed for twelve years gradually go out of control which the sixth prince found hard to control as he never learn to control for twelve years as his power was in the form of darkness which wasn't like the colour of fire like his other brother and father, he dare not use it and also as it was the source of his hardship life he never use it ,so, he has no control of his power, sometimes his power will suck in the creature nearby or sometimes producing black gas creating an illusion and traping people inside the illusion never to escaping again or sometimes sucking out the light energy or the crystal core which every ability user have even his mother started to be afraid of him and slowly but gradually see him as if he was a monster, his mother was driven insane not to mention a queen who have been pampered through the whole life how can she bear the hardship of the life of a refugee.

At the end she poison herself and died, the sixth prince witnessed all about her mother being frightened of him, her sometimes trying to kill him but stopping herself at the last moment, her being gradually going insane, Shen Maoi also found a justifiable reason why the male lead blackened.

How can a twelve years old child burden such mental trauma??

Shen Maoi even read that the male lead than live in the mountain hunting for his own living and also because of being frightened of being captured. At that time a vague idea of wanting to destroy the world brew in his mind as he found himself being hate, feared and shunned by the whole world.

If the world isolate and hate him, why not just destroy it?

The third phase of The male lead blackening was when he was being chased by the light God devotee because after a year of searching they track him down by the guidance of the God of Light to destroy the devil who harness the power of darkness.

Huh... Shen Maoi found it rather funny here because the male lead till now has never kill anyone but they still try to kill him just because he has darkness ability, this must be the greatest joke of all time!!

Such hypocrite and they even say they are the children of light and it is their responsibility to destroy the darkness.

Shen Maoi felt she can only take her hats off for them, that level of hypocrisy, that level of self righteousness.

Trying to destroy just because of different ability but not because of doing immoral conduct haha~

The male lead was bombarded with a ferocious attack, even a treasure artifact which could destroy a whole city was used on the male lead leading to him seriously injured and if not for his last used of power to create a trasportation vortex he will be killed.

Even the God abandoned me so why not destroying them as well??

As a protagonist he do survive but through fighting over the death door.

The fourth phase of his blackening will be when the friends he thought he have, who help him getting better after fighting through death door and decide to travel the world with him betray him and sold his whereabout to the Light God devotee knight.

Witnessing the friends he thought he have, who treat him with kindness and sympathy look at him with disgust and frightened expression as if he was a devil after learning about his darkness power, the male lead learned never to trust or have hope on anyone, he is all alone, he was again awakened that he was abandoned.

What was I dreaming I only need myself to destroy this world, yes, to destroy this world where I don't belong!

The fifth phase of his blackening was when he sign a contract with the Evil God, serving him as his God, than he started doing a mass massacre for the Evil God to replenished with the sacrificial Blood.

On the sixth phase he started conquering country with his skeleton army.

The seventh phase was when he kill the God of War and snatch his Godhood.

The eight phase was when he forced the masses to worship him, their fear was his greatest replenishment for his power.

As Shen Maoi doesn't finished reading the novel, she don't know what the ending will be like but she still make a speculation that a ninth and ten phase will be there, maybe on the ninth phase a war broke out between the Male Lead and the Gods.

And on the tenth phase maybe ruling over the world and destroying the peace and prosperity replacing with endless darkness.

Shen Maoi obviously doesn't have any will to help the male lead, be a samaritan and save the world by leading the male lead on the right path.

Her only goal was to complete her mission as fast as possible and go back to her original world.

One of the reason is that the male lead road of being the strongest being is too ardous and there are too many danger and countless obstacle.

Shen Maoi doesn't have the time or courage to face those obstacle especially doesn't want to face the evil God the Male Lead worshipped who live on blood sacrifice.

Right now might be on the process of the third phase, but Shen Maoi still want to avoid the Male Lead, plus Shen Maoi was not a psychology expert who could help the Male Lead from his blackened and crazy mind who took pleasure in people suffer.


Shen Maoi couldn't help marvel the ancient western theme country.

People were bustling everwhere, and a row of house stood in a straight line.

The female were dressed in a neat and tidy western dress. 👗.

And almost all the male carry a sword.

Shen Maoi head towards the theatre auditorium with Ebony to register themselves as a singer for the upcoming Moonlight Kingdom festival.


Serene_in_butterfly said: I will stop here for now Farfallas(instead of saying readers I prefer calling my readers Farfallas which means 'Butterflies'.....I really love butterfly, really really really love them

Stay tune for the next chap.

'Lost in the world of books;

I do not have time for things that does not have a soul;

Seeking for Cosmos