
A Song For Darkness: When A Singer Transverse In A Novel

Shen Maoi was quite helpless when she found herself transverse in a strange place with a mission i.e 'SPREADING THE MODERN MUSIC' which was quite absurb so as to say. As absurb as it may sound Shen Maoi has no other choice but to comply so that she can unlock the prop which can help her in protecting herself from this strange world where fantasy magic was shrouded. As much as Shen Maoi tried not to interwine herself with the novel protagonist the word 'Man decides but God discard' really fit her entanglement with the male protagonist. Farfalla box: 'And then I hear her song, her song meant for darkness, meant for me. I have lost myself in her, falling as deep as an abyss, I thought there's no way for me to fall any deeper but than I realize I was completely wrong, I found out I can still fall deeper into her and than I did exactly that. She pave her way through the darkness that was me, singing her way to my heart and soul and capture me firmly. I don't want to break free of her shakle, I want it to hold me tighter and I will let her do that, I won't give her a chance to loose her hold on me for I will destroy the World. she must hold me on.. never letting go for infinity' ....................... ............ Please don't copy or post my work at other website or App!! If you want please kindly request and wait for an approval of affirmation

cosmos_owl_111 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

The auditorium was really huge, there was not much difference from the modern world broadway theatre and this ancient Moonlight theatre.

Ebony was fiddling with her finger nervously, she would sometime peek at ShenMaoi calm atitude towards the whole contest thing.

As her turn was approaching Ebony clutch at Shen Maoi at the hem of her hood.

At the time of her transmigiration Shen Maoi was wearing her hoody and loose jeans which also attract quite attention when she enter the Moonlight Kingdom.

(A/n: Not exactly but similar to the upper picture)

"You will be alright, your a good singer"

Shen Maoi comfort the nervous girl.

Shen Maoi right now looked much younger than her mental age which was 24. Right now she look to be about when she was 16 years old. She asked the system about it and the system reply was ' youth time is the best time to be popular as a singer '.


Shen Maoi can't deny that, yes there are a lot of famous 30+famous singer, but youth time is really a good time.

But understanding is one thing and accepting is another thing because according to the word of system, does that mean her 24 years age is old?? .....

She was consider very young in the modern world ok!

Ebony walk up the stage and looked towards the judges, she pull her guiter out and started strumming.

Shrn Maoi watch silently from the sideline.

Right after they reached Moonlight kingdom Ebony suggest participating in the upcoming festival and it happened to be the day for doing a contest to whom was going to participate so Ebony and her(SM) decide to joining the contest before settling down and the reason for the Osborne family traveling towards the Moonlight Kingdom was this festival.

It wasn't exactly a festival but more like a celebration. A celebration for the blooming of Moon Orchid.

Shen Maoi was really curious about this Moon Orchid. Ebony told her that during the blooming of Moon Orchid a spiritual power used to spread among the spectator which for ability user it can strengthen their crystal core giving them a boost in their ability and for non ability user it can give them a health and some ailment can also be cure giving them longeivity.

In this world ability user can live for on average term nearly 500 to 600 years and if their crystal core evolve they can live up to 1000 years and if the crystal core went under another evolution than they can live on par with the God, but that doesn't mean they are God unless they have a Goodhood who can become more powerful with the worship of a follower.

A non ability user can live for 200 to 300 years.

So Moon Orchid which can prolonged their life was very much sought after.

Ebony was singing her poem song 'Intoxicating Wine' the full version.

(SnB said: I'm particularly shy writing out the poem song again..... I'm not a good poetic or songwriter also the fact thaf I have to praise left me speechless ).

Ebony naturally was accepted, her song was good with a deep melancholy feelings. Her voice was also warm and mellow, the only thing that can be nitpicked about her was her lack of self confidence.

With a pass slip waving around Ebony ran towards Shen Maoi excitedly.

Ebony really do lack self confidence, she just came at the audition to give a try and never thought of being actually admitted and be able to perform in the festival.

She thought that even if she doesn't get a chance to perform she will accept it as her real reason of coming to Moonlight Kingdom was to be baptized by the Moon Orchid, but never in her dream did she thought of being able to perform.

Ebony was really happy, she felt like screaming, ran off to her parents and tell the good news!!

"Shen Maoi... *huff*...I.. I... *huff* I got admitted to perform on the Moon Orchid Festival, I... I'm so excited, Shen Maoi I really can't believe this!!"

Shen Maoi smiled at the excited girl who clutched her hand.

"You deserve it"

Ebony laughed.

"Its your turn, fighting"

Shen Maoi nod her head and walked towards the stage.

The three judges looked up the next participant.

First off they couldn't help looking at her dressing style. But the three judges had met different kind of eccentric people so they quickly pull their thought away from the dressing style and instead focus on her movement.

Her movement and the way she walk is full of confidence!!

Not overly confident!!

But A type of confidence that knows that everything is under wrap!

The overall evaluation on her aura and movement was,


The next was evaluating her appearance.

A black hair fair lady and a black eyes. Probably an Easterner but have some trait of a westerner not very obvious but still there.

A petite slim body and look rather lively with her short angle bob hair.

Her appearance can overall be said obviously as,


The last evaluation will be her voice and her song.

The black hair lady gently strum her guitar, occasionally knocking making a beating sound.

Almost heaven, West Virginia

Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River

Life is old there, older than the trees

Younger than the mountains, growing like a breeze


Country roads, take me home

To the place I belong

West Virginia, mountain mamma

Take me home, country roads

[Verse 2]

All my memories gather 'round her

Miner's lady, stranger to blue water

Dark and dusty, painted on the sky

Misty taste of moonshine, teardrops in my eyes


Country roads, take me home

To the place I belong

West Virginia, mountain mamma

Take me home, country roads


I hear her voice in the morning hour she calls me

The 'spirit' reminds me of my home far away

Driving down the road I get a feeling

That I should have been home yesterday, yesterday


Country roads, take me home

To the place I belong

West Virginia, mountain mamma

Take me home, country roads

Country roads, take me home

To the place I belong

West Virginia, mountain mamma

Take me home, country roads


Take me home, (Down) country roads

Take me home, (Down) country roads

All the noise or the working of the festival staff around the theatre stop , all listening to the Black hair lady singing ignoring all their current work.

They never thought that a song could be written like that, so simple yet really melancholy, no poetic feelings but contain a lot of soul.

The song depict a homesickness.

In the line 'life is old there, older than the trees' it shows respect to the land, because seniority is link to wisdom and sometimes we looked up to our elder for comfort and advice.

The song also mention being 'Younger than the mountains, growing like a breeze' showing of being younger than the mountains and be humbled by it and after he return to his homeland ,he finds himself growing like a breeze, both literally in age and spirituality.

(SnB Said: I used he to describe Man, Human Being Kk... No confusion kkk.... Dear Farfalla's)

The chorus is very straight-forward which is being want to return to 'Country road' the place where he belongs, in this case it is West Virginia among Blue Ridge mountains. However the song mention a 'mountain momma' which brings back the importance of mountains. In addition mothers are the symbol of comfort and nurture.

In the begining of the second verse he reference how all his good memories revolve around 'miner's lady' . Miner's work in mountain, so, again the song emphasize how important mountain is. The lines 'stranger to blue water dark and dusty, painted on the sky misty taste of moonshine, teardrops in my eyes' in verse two describe the hardwork he did. However the song is nostalgic of the moment of reward in between the hardwork where he was able to enjoy a nice country moonshine. The teardop represent this longing.

The whole third verse is about how he was regretful that he isn't back in the place that he loves and is constantly reminded of it. The line 'the spirit remind me of my home faraway' states that he used to listen to spirit memory stone that used to describe his home West Virginia.

Such a simple with no poetic intonation but full of spirit and soul lyrics, the listener couldn't help but marvel in amazement.

It was simply too 'Unique'.

Shen Maoi choose this song after careful consideration.

For instance if there was no West Virginia, Shenandoah river in this world she won't sing the song because even if she do sing it won't have any meaning.

West Virginia was in the Appalachean mountains where Shenandoah river and Potomac river meet. Which happened to be in Moonlight Kingdom. Which can also means that this Moonlight Kingdom geographical structure was in fact like the eastern US state but was changed to Moonlight Kingdom in this world.

Again this can be credit to the author of <<Infinite Darkness>> laziness of not caring to come up with a new name, new geographical structure. But just change country name to give off a kind of fantasy feelings.

At the times when Shen Maoi read Shenandoah river, the West Virginia on <<Infinite Darkness>> the song 'Country Road' came to her mind.

Shen Maoi also naturally change the word radio to Spirit. Because in this world there are no such thing as radio but there exist Spirit Memory stone which can be used as a recorder to record a voice or song or poem etc....

Shen Maoi also has a deep feelings for Appalachean mountains because that mountain is a place where the male lead happened to transport after being attacked and injured heavily by the Light God Knight.

Shen Maoi was confidence of her song choice and her voice.

She didn't dare say that she is the best singer because every singer is powerful and best on their own way and people's have different taste of voice they like to listen to, but Shen Maoi can say that she is the best singer at her own style and way.

The three judges eyes lit up, the way they stare at Shen Maoi was like akin to finding their tresure which they have been searching for a long time.

They couldn't sit still at their seat, they quickly got up and walk towards Shen Maoi.

The only woman among the three judges was the first to speak.

"What's your name? My child"

"Shen Maoi"

"As an Easterner you can sing such a wonderful meant to be westernal song"

The woman exclaim looking brightly at Shen Maoi.

"My Mom was a Westerner so I naturally am"

Shen Maoi reply, her tone not too prideful but not too humble either.

Vivien Leigh, a blue eyes blonde hair felt that the more she looked at Shen Maoi the more she look pleasing to the eyes.

"Who wrote that song?"

Derek Jewels, a rather tall and slender man asked straight to the point.

Shen Maoi looked around her sorrounding and doesn't plan on speaking the answer among the many people watchful eyes.

As a person who goes through first hand experience, she knows how much of a delicate the word God is, the word which can make people frenzy.

"Can I speak to you guys in private, the thing I'm about to say is not a good thing to say on an open place"

The three judges looked at each other after hearing Shen Maoi serious tone.

They nod at each other and brought Shen Maoi at the backstage private room.

As the three judges was a respectable figure, no one try to peek at their conversation, the whole festival staff proceed on continuing their pending work while the contestant just used it as an extra time to practice more.


After an hour Shen Maoi and the judges come back from the backstage.

Coming back after a long converstation, the three judges looked excited but their was an air of solemnity as well.

"Don't forget tomorrow you have to come early so that we can disc_"

Zen Yomado also an easterner with black hair and black eyes reminded Shen Maoi earnestly.

"I know"

Shen Maoi replied cutting his word while laughing lightly.

"If not because we still have to judge the contestant"

Vivien mumble to herself which Shen Maoi shook her head helplessly.

Really eager people. Shen Maoi felt that Vivien was just like Ruri.

And for the content of what they really discuss at the private room......


Farfalla box:

As expect, this olle song on my modern world can never be not liked, how can a song that contain a soul be not loved.


Hello Farfalla's, what was that they talk about at the private room, if you want to know stay tunes.....

But its not really that mysterical worthy...