
A snake in an apocalypse

I have always admired snakes and thought them stunning creatures so when I walked up to one to help it out from under a rock. The last thing I ever expected was for not just my Race to change but also the whole world as I new it.

Set63773628 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Friendly humans?

I ended up deciding not to eat the corpse because even though it would most likely make me stronger I am still a human on the inside and there is no way I am going to eat a bunch of rotten meat.

I do think it is time I checked my status though to see what has changed after the level up.


[Name: Raven Miracle]

[Gender: Female]

[Race: Ouroboros]

[level: 2]

[Strength: 5 ]

[Constitution: 8 ]

[Regeneration: 15 ]

[Agility: 20 ]

[Mana: 5 ]

[Status Points: 10]

[Racial Skills]

[Gluttonous Growth]



Well not much has really changed except for me gaining a couple stat points that I can allocate as I wish. I split them evenly between Constitution and strength. Those seem to be my lacking attributes at the moment so I feel I should help raise them a bit. I would raise my mana but at the moment I dont have any spells or skills that use mana so it would be a bit of a waste.

I slither away from the corpse of the zombie to look out for anything that could be useful to me and to see if I can find any survivors around the place as I am starting to get a bit lonely.

I slither cautiously into a building to check what is inside as there seems to be a lot of thudding noises coming from inside the place. Once inside I am surprised to see a bunch of humans that have also somehow survived so far. It seems that the building I am in is actually a grocery store and what I was hearing was these survivors looting the place.

I try to shout out a greeting but all that comes out is a loud hiss because I had forgotten that I was a snake.

"Ahhh, A monster! kill it!"

The reaction I got was not very expected either though I probably should have expected it as I am now a snake. I just barely managed to dodge to the side when a rock got thrown me. I quickly start slithering away towards the stairs I see at the back of the shop when I the rest of the group start brandishing their baseball bats and kitchen knives at me. This was not at all how I expected my first human encounter to go after the apocalypse.

Most of my body had just made it down the stairs when I felt a sharp searing pain coming from the end of my tail. I instinctively looked back to see what had happened, only to wish I hadn't when I saw one of the kitchen knives sticking out of the floor having severed the tip of my tail. Unexpectedly the bleeding stopped and scabbed over right before my eyes. This was not where the surprises ended though because just when I had finished making it down the stairs everything vanished.

[Welcome Raven to the Rabbit warren]

'What the hell is this!'

[The Rabbit Warren is an instant dungeon that will appear randomly and only for a limited amount of time.]

[Congratulations Raven for making it into one of these limited edition dungeons]

'If I am being honest I dont feel very lucky for making it into this dungeon at the moment.' I think in frustration.

I look around myself as my vision slowly comes back into focus from what I can only assume was a form of teleportation. What I see makes me wish that my vision hadn't come back because everything for miles around is an open field covered in groups of rabbits hopping around. I know what you are thinking, 'Raven what is so dangerous about a bunch of cute, fluffy rabbits.' Well normally I would agree with you. Except just recently something has happened that makes me doubt that they are really harmless. It also doesnt help their case that they all have a horn on their heads and blood red eyes.