
A snake in an apocalypse

I have always admired snakes and thought them stunning creatures so when I walked up to one to help it out from under a rock. The last thing I ever expected was for not just my Race to change but also the whole world as I new it.

Set63773628 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

A snakes first slither

I did not expect my first day of the apocalypse to go like this at all. First off I am now a snake and because I am a snake I cant even fricking move. I mean you are probably thinking "oh Raven how hard can it be to slither forward." Well I am here to so pretty godamn hard I mean I have been swaying my body back and forth on the ground for the past 30 minutes and all i have to show for my efforts is a meager meters worth of progress.

I stop moving and just lie still on the ground as I try to figure out what I am doing wrong I mean it shouldnt be this hard right. I decide that I am going to try again except this time I am going to go for a different approach.

I stretch my head out in front of me before putting all my weight on my front half and then contracting my side muscles to pull my bottom half forwards in an S shape I then stretch my head out again and repeat the pattern which seems to be miraculously working as I am now rapidly moving towards the road. It is finally time to try and get my first kill and the zombies seem like the perfect targets.

I quietly sneak up on a lone zombie that seems to half wondered of to the side of a flag pole. I stop just as I near the zombie and peer out from behind a small rock trying to figure out if there is anything special about the zombie. I mean this world does have a system after all. Now that I am closer I wonder if it is possible to appraise it or something like what happens in all of the novels I have read.

I start staring at the zombie intently hoping that it will work just like what I have read about and give me the appraisal skill. I wait like this for a while just staring at the zombie and hoping that something will happen and that I will get the skill. But once the zombie starts to move away again I decide that I must be missing something or that maybe it isnt even possible to learn skills like that.

Having decided that I have waisted enough time already, I sneak up behind the zombie and wrap my body around a flag pole which i then climb to the top.

I curl tightly around the top of the flag pole so that I dont fall off while I work up the courage to jump of and attack the zombie because it seems a lot more daunting now that I am actually supposed to do it.

Finished gathering up my courage I tighten up my muscles and body like a spring and leap forward towards the zombies neck with my mouth wide open and my fangs bared.

I feel my fangs sink deep into the zombies neck when I strike but that is not all as the disgusting taste of rotten meat fills my mouth almost causing me to let go in disgust. Thankfully I manage to hang on though despite the taste and wrap the rest of my body tightly around the zombies neck.

The zombie starts lifting its hands to try and kill me but before that happens I start tightening even more around its neck until the sounds of bone crackling and popping can be heard coming from its neck. That is not all I do though as I start desperately ripping out chunks of flesh from its neck using my mouth.

Eventually once the zombie has lost half of its neck muscles and what is left is all crushed it stops struggling and a notification appears before my eyes.

[Congratulations on leveling up!]

Seeing this I cant help but be happy as this is my first ever level up and proper achievement that proves that I might be able to live in this new disastrous world.

I also realise though that if that had popped up and I wasn't finished with the fight it could have been a disaster that causes me to die. 'Can you turn off all notifications until I decide to view them.' I ask the system in my thoughts.

[All notifications disabled]

That's much better as at least now I shoudnt get surprised during a fight. With that over it is time to decide if i should eat the corpse or not. Because on one hand it should help me because of my skill but on the other hand it is rotten flesh which is seriously disgusting.