
Leave that out

"Mrs White" said Jameson as he walked into a little room along with Pete where Natasha was sitting down and waiting for them.

"Yes" said Natasha as she stood up and she looked at him.

"I am attorney James Jameson, nice to meet you" said Jameson as Natasha brought out her hand to shake him as he shook her hand and Pete closed the door behind them.

"I would have loved to say the same, if we were meeting under different conditions that did not require me to be arrested, but overall, it is nice to meet you too Mr. Jameson" said Natasha as she smiled and they broke their handshake.

"Humour Mrs. White humour, can't live without it" said Jameson as he laughed and Natasha laughed as well, she could not help it, at least it was better than her resorting to crying.

"I agree with you" said Natasha as she smiled she sat down as Jameson sat down across her.

"So let's get down to business shall we?" asked Jameson as Natasha nodded and Pete rested on the wall as he let them talk.

"Alright so Mrs. White, the commander here has already informed me on your situation, and the case on ground" said Jameson as Natasha nodded.

"You are being charged with hefty allegations, drug trafficking, very serious" said Jameson.

"I am not guilty" said Natasha.

"Yes Mrs. White, I know that, you know that, the commander knows that, but the judge doesn't and we have to prove it to him, which is why I am here to help you" said Jameson as Natasha nodded her head, she wanted this all cleared up as soon as possible, she had spent her new year's day in a cell, not a typical place to spend the first day of the year in.

"Alright, so what we need now is your statement, you said that the suitcase the drugs were found in was a gift?" asked Jameson as he opened up his briefcase.

"Yes, it was" said Natasha as she nodded her head.

"A gift from whom?" asked Jameson.

"Can I rather leave that out? I really do not want to mention the person?" asked Natasha.

"Mrs. White, that is fine by me, although that information would be essential, but at the end of the day, this is your case, and you will handle it the way you want to, but I may warn you that this omission of important information could lead to the opposition seeing that you do have something to hide" said Jameson.

"I do understand, and I doubt that things will come to that" said Natasha as she had been thinking, Romanoff was way too much of a criminal for her to mention him, he could not be trusted at all, if she was not implicated before, then she would be once she mentioned his name, and they looked into his case.

"Alright Mrs. White, you have made your decision" said Jameson.

"Now, I need to ask you a few questions, we need to build up our case" said Jameson as Natasha nodded.

"I need you to try to answer every question as honestly as you can" said Jameson.

"I will try to" said Natasha as she nodded her head.

"Alright Mrs. White, first question, why did you go to Russia? Was it for business, or for pleasure or for something more personal?" asked Jameson as he looked at a file in his hand.

"Ahh well I went to Russia to visit my uncle…" said Natasha as she looked at Pete who looked at her in surprise, he knew that she was lying right now, she did not have an uncle, she had no other distant family members, so where did this mystery uncle come from?

"I see, and your uncle, from which side, your mother's side or your Father's side?" asked Jameson.

"He is from my mother's side, he is my mother's uncle, and I went to visit, him, my mother was Russian, and I am part Russian" said Natasha as she looked at Jameson.

"I see, how old is this uncle of yours?" asked Jameson.

"He's 63, he lives alone, and that was my first time meeting him" said Natasha as Pete bit his tongue, he wanted to know why Natasha was lying so bad.

"I see" said Jameson.

"How long did you stay in Russia for?" asked Jameson.

"Well almost two months" said Natasha.

"You stayed in Russia for two months to see your uncle?" asked Jameson as he found that hard to believe.

"Yes I did, my uncle is old, and he needed someone to take care of him, so I had to stay back, and I only returned now, since he found someone else to take care of him, you see he has a mental disorder, that makes him a jerk, sorry, I mean he has memory lapses" said Natasha as she lied, she needed to build up a valid alibi in her favour.

"Interesting" said Jameson.

"So your uncle, did he drive you to the airport to see you off?" asked Jameson.

"No, he didn't I took a cab" said Natasha.

"I will need to see proof of the duration of time you spent in Russia, your first plane ticket to Russia, and the one to return back" said Jameson.

"I can provide you with that" said Natasha as she nodded her head.

"Alright Mrs. White, and one more thing, was your uncle the one who gave you the suitcase?" asked Jameson as Natasha paused.

"No, he did not" said Natasha.

"Then who did then?" asked Jameson.

"Mr. Jameson, I thought that we agreed that we wouldn't touch the subject of the suitcase" said Natasha.

"Sorry Mrs. White, but you cannot blame me for trying, I am your lawyer, and I need to know everything that you know" said Jameson.

"Well it is not important who gave me the suitcase, what is important it getting me out of here" said Natasha.

"I would love nothing more than to get you our of here Mrs. White, but your case is very serious, I cannot plead with the judge for bail for you, as far as he is concerned, you are guilty" said Jameson as Natasha sighed.

"I do not want to give you bad news but, in two days' time, you will be transferred to the women's prison, and I cannot stop that, until your hearing is granted" said Jameson as that did not sound good to Natasha at all, she was going to go to prison anyway.

"I am sorry to say Mrs. White" said Jameson.

"It Is alright Mr. Jameson" said Natasha.

"I do promise you that I will do my best to make the judge rule in your favour, to grant you parole, he has to consider that this is your first offence" said Jameson as Natasha just looked at him.

"Well Mrs. White, forgive me, but I have another appointment, I have to go now" said Jameson as he closed his briefcase.

"That is fine Mr. Jameson" said Natasha as she forced a smile and Jameson stood up.

"I will be back to share my progress with you" said Jameson.

"I will be waiting" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Commander" said Jameson as he looked at Pete.

"James, thank you a lot" said Pete as he smiled.

"Anytime commander, anytime" said Jameson as he smiled and he showed himself out of the room as he left Natasha and Pete alone.

"Nat, since when did you have a mentally disabled Uncle?" asked Pete as he looked at Natasha and Natasha sighed as she knew that he would ask her about this.

"That's not important Pete" said Natasha as she sighed.

"Natasha, you got yourself into something dangerous, and you better tell me" said Pete.

"I can't do this right now Pete, please… not here, not now, I want to get out of here" said Natasha as Pete sighed.

"Nat, you can never not stay out of trouble can you now?" asked Pete as Natasha sighed as he just looked at her.

"What do you want me to do?" asked Natasha as Pete sighed, he could not deal with this right now.

Two days later.

Pete was looking through some documents as he suddenly heard the door of his office open wide as he looked up.

"Boss, I am sorry for not knocking, but this is serious, you have to take a look at this" said Morales as he quickly handed Pete a folder as Pete looked at him.

"What's this?" asked Pete.

"Boss a direct order from above" said Morales as Pete opened the folder and he read it as his eyes went wide.

"Are you sure about this Morales?" asked Pete as he looked at Morales in surprise.

"Boss, I am just as surprised as you, but that is from the commissioner himself, I double checked it, triple even" said Morales as Pete just looked at him, he could not believe this, he could not believe what he was reading right now.

"Get me Frank on the line" said Pete.

"Yes Boss" said Morales as he nodded and he quickly rushed to do as Pete asked him.

Natasha sighed as she rubbed her hands, this was her third day in a cell, she had never been in a cell before, it was mostly dark, cold, and well she had been alone for a long time, Pete hadn't come to see her, and she did not blame him at all, he must have been very busy.

Natasha sighed deeply, so this was how it felt to be accused of something that you never did, and well today was the day that she would be officially transferred to the women's prison, she had never been to prison before.

In the midst of Natasha's thinking, she did not hear when Frank walked to the door of her cell and he hit on it with a baton as the sound snapped Natasha out of her thoughts as she looked at him and she stood up as Frank opened the cell door as Natasha felt her heart sink, if he was here, it meant that it was time for her to be transferred to the women's prison.

Natasha said nothing at all as she walked out of the cell, waiting for Frank to cuff her, but he did nothing at all, which made her confused as she looked at him as he looked rather annoyed to her.

"You…" said Frank as he paused and he sighed.

"You are free to go Mrs. White, orders from above" said Frank as Natasha had a confused loon on her face? She was?

"I am??" asked Natasha in confusion.

"Yes you are, do not rub it in, the commander is waiting for you outside, pass through the front desk to get your things" said Frank in annoyance as he walked away and he left Natasha as he murmured under his breath, rich people, always getting their way.

"I'm free??, I'm free!" said Natasha as she laughed to herself, she could not believe it, she was not going to prison after all, she felt so relieved.

Natasha did not waste time at all as she quickly followed after Frank who was long gone.

"Oh Pete, thank you, thank you" said Natasha as she ran to Pete and she hugged him as he took a black suitcase from her.

"In the car now!" said Pete in anger as Natasha paused, she knew that he was really angry this time, so she said nothing and she got into the passenger's seat of his car as he put her suitcase in the boot, and he walked to the driver's seat he put on his seatbelt and he started the car as he said nothing to Natasha at all, and they drove away.

Natasha glanced at Pete occasionally, as she could see the anger written all over his face as they drove in nothing but silence, as Pete parked in an empty parking lot as he stopped the car and he switched it off.

"Natasha, you are going to tell me just who the heck you got yourself involved with, and don't you dare tell me lies, because I will not take them at all Natasha" said Pete as he turned to look at Natasha as Natasha knew that she had no choice now but to tell him the entire truth.