
A Second Chance : I Will not waste it

After 10 years of a Loveless Marriage, Natasha Was Mysteriously killed by an unknown murderer, she is given a second chance at life, and she goes back to 5 years before it all happened, will she be able to change her fate and protect the ones she loves or will she succumb just like her previous life? Natasha White, she was wrongly accused of committing an unforgivable sin, with no one ready to fight for her innocence and believe her, she ends up dying in the worst possible way, now with her given a second chance, she is ready to stand up for herself. Dominic White, he hates his wife with Passion, after what she did to him, he never thought that he could forgive her, he had trusted her, and she took that trust and broke it, now with his Wife Slowly changing, would he give her a second chance? or not even care at all. Dive into the past, present and future with A Second Chance; I will not waste it.

Dan_does_it_all · Urban
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558 Chs

By Accident

"… And that's everything… that's all that happened…" said Natasha as she sighed and she looked at Pete as she finished explaining to him, she knew better than to lie to him, or else it would make him even more angry that he already was, so she decided to tell him the whole truth.

"That's the entire truth" said Natasha as she kept on looking at Pete and he looked ahead as he made no eye contact with her at all, as silence reigned between them, the silence was so killing and Natasha could not take it, she knew that Pete was thinking right now, and she wanted to know what he was thinking about.

"Don't be like that Pete, come on say something…" said Natasha.

"Oh for the love of my sanity Natasha, what do you want me to say? Just what?" asked Pete as he looked at Natasha.

"What?? What do you want me to say? Should I say congratulations for getting yourself involved in some kind of Russian spy mafia organization? Or should I scold you and say that I am done with helping you, or should I say that I am relieved that you are still okay after all that nonsense??" asked Pete as this made no sense at all to him.

He could not make sense of everything Natasha had told him right now, with Romanoff, and everything, he just didn't know, it all sounded crazy, like it was straight out of a movie script, but this was real life, and he knew that was Natasha was telling him was not made up at all.

"I want you to tell me that you are not angry with me, that you won't scold me, that you trust me" said Natasha as she looked at him.

"Oh Nat, you know that I do feel all those things that you mentioned, but you have to understand, I'm not angry with you, I am angry with what you did, the choices that you made, because they were not wise at all, and I do trust you Nat, you know that I do, but right now… I don't know myself, what you told me sound crazy" said Pete as he was trying to take it in little by little.

"But it's the truth, the absolute truth" said Natasha.

"Okay, wait, so your mother, was a Russian spy?" asked Pete as Natasha nodded her head.

"She worked for this White viper organisation, she met your father, left that kind of life, not before they both screwed them over, and then they came back years later to kill her for revenge, and then you go tracking the killer like that, it turns out, he's your mother's brother, even though they are not related, you have this idea in your mind, you go to Russia, and you meet him, a killer, and then you join the organization to become one of their agents?" asked Pete as he relayed all the information that she had told him back to her.

"Yes Pete, yes, exactly like that" said Natasha as she nodded her head.

"Great, but what I don't get is why you would want to get yourself involved in that illegal organization?" asked Pete.

"They killed my mother, and my father as well, do you really expect me to know who did that, and do nothing at all?" asked Natasha as Pete wondered if he could talk sense into her, she wanted revenge at the expense of getting herself in trouble, what kind of logic was that??

"That was not the right way to handle things Natasha, let the law take it's full course" said Pete.

"Oh no Pete, don't you dare say that, the law never gets justice 85% of the time, you know that, crack the numbers, how many unsolved cases do you have on your desk?" asked Natasha as Pete just looked at her, he hated that she was right.

"Besides, I have no solid proof, if I opened a formal case, I would have been shunned, the next best thing was for me to find out the truth on my own" said Natasha as Pete sighed.

"Nat, the next best thing was for you to follow a criminal to Russia?" asked Pete as Natasha nodded.

"That was a bad call Natasha, a very bad call, do you know what that man could have done to you over there? He's not even related to you; how can you trust him?" asked Pete as Natasha said nothing at all, she had learnt her lesson never to ever trust Romanoff again, he was not to be trusted at all.

"Nat, why didn't you tell me when all of this started happening?" asked Pete.

"Well I know that you are busy, and I didn't want to bother you before I got something tangible, and well, I forgot that you existed, besides, I know you, you would have stopped me from the start, and I would not have listened to you at all" said Natasha as Pete sighed.

"Does Dom know?" asked Pete.

"About all this?" asked Pete as Natasha nodded her head and he sighed, of course that man knew, and he didn't how was that fair at all?

"He found out by accident, I was tracking down Romanoff, and well he and I happened to be in the same warehouse where Romanoff was receiving a shipment, and he got shot, and well I couldn't leave him there, so I got stuck with him" said Natasha.

"He knows about that Romanoff guy? Has he met him before?" asked Pete.

"He has seen him once, but I doubt that he knows who he is, besides Pete, you are the only one who knows what I actually did in Russia, he doesn't know, and I would rather keep it that way" said Natasha as she did not need Dom in her business right now.

"Okay, so this Romanoff guy, he's the one who gifted you the drug filled suitcase , correct?" asked Pete.

"Yes he did" said Natasha.

"Alright Nat, listen to me, and listen to me good, that man, is dangerous, extremely dangerous, you need to be careful, don't even you dare meet him again" said Pete as he warned Natasha.

"He got you into jail, and he got you out of jail" said Pete.

"How do you mean?" asked Natasha as this made no sense to her at all.

"Nat, I didn't get your out of there, Jameson didn't get you out of there he did…" said Pete as Natasha was confused.

"Look, your case was sealed, you were going to be transferred to the women's prison until your hearing, but that was until I suddenly received a letter from above, direct from the commissioner, ordering your release, and dropping all charges against you" said Pete.

"I don't know who that Romanoff guy is, but he is very powerful, he must have pushed some buttons on the top, and the only reason I didn't say anything, is because I know that you are innocent, so Nat, please I beg you, for your own safety, and my own sanity, don't try to contact that man ever again, he's dangerous" said Pete as he pleaded with Natasha, he could not take another episode like this, he had not slept in three days all because he had been worried about her.

"You don't have to tell me twice Pete, I learn my lesson, that man is scum, to think that he kept on saying something about loyalty, and he turns around and does this to me?" asked Natasha as he scoffed.

"Nat, can I trust you not to get involved with him ever again?" asked Pete.

"Of course" said Natasha.

"You were too quick to reply Nat" said Pete.

"What are you trying to say Pete?" asked Natasha as she eyes him.

"I mean, I know you Nat, and just because this happened, does not mean that you will put a stop to all your plans" said Pete as Natasha kept quiet, she was caught red handed, he did know her too well.

"Oh Pete, don't go there" said Natasha as she sighed.

"Just know Nat, if you dare get arrested on the count of murder, I am not going to rescue you, no, not at all, you are not agent 007 who has the license to kill, you are just Natasha, who should stop thinking about revenge" said Pete.

"That's easy for you to say Pete, both your parents are still alive, and you have them with you" said Natasha as she scoffed.

"I am doing this for your own good Nat, for your own good, I don't want to see you suffer, you know that" said Pete as he sighed and he held Natasha's hand in his.

"I know Pete, I know" said Natasha as she sighed.

"So you won't go on with your plans?" asked Pete as Natasha went silent and he sighed, she was just so stubborn, too stubborn.

"Alright fine Nat, fine, you know what it's fine, I know you are probably tired, let's get you home now" said Pete as he let go of her hand and he started the car.

"You know I love and appreciate you Pete… I really do… thank you" said Natasha.

"Nat, you know that you don't need to thank me" said Pete as he smiled at her and he drove off.

"Here we are" said Pete as he stopped in front of Natasha's house.

"What's wrong?" asked Pete as he saw that Natasha was thinking.

"I'm wondering how my baby would react to seeing me after so long" said Natasha as she looked at Pete and he smiled.

"Well my wonderful niece would be ecstatic, she would give you many hugs and kisses" said Pete as he laughed and Natasha laughed.

"Thank you Pete, thank you, I don't know what I would have done without you" said Pete.

"You would have probably been arrested multiple times and have a growing criminal record" said Pete as Natasha hit him.

"Hey we both know that I am right" said Pete as he laughed.

"You know what, I think that I have overstayed my welcome here, let me go to my own house, where no one can insult me" said Natasha as she got out of the car.

"You know I am joking Nat" said Pete as Natasha walked to the boot to get the suitcase that she was so nicely given at the police station.

"Mhmm" said Natasha as she scoffed and she closed the boot.

"Now I know why you are still a bachelor in your thirties, you better go learn how to properly talk to women Pete" said Natasha as she looked at Pete through the open window of the passenger seat.

"And you should learn how to stay out of trouble Nat" said Pete as he smiled at her.

"Peter" said Natasha.

"Natasha" said Pete as she rolled her eyes at him.

"I love you too you jerk" said Natasha as she walked away.

"I love you as well thorn in my flesh" shouted Pete back as Natasha just ignored him and she walked to the front door as Pete chuckled and he drove away, even though he knew that Natasha would never change, not at all.

Natasha walked into the house as the front door was open, and she had to say that it felt so good to finally be home after such a long time, she did not realize how much she had missed home.

Natasha was about to walk up the stairs when she heard familiar voices and giggles that made her stop right in her tracks as she turned around to walk in the direction of the living room.

"Princess, that's not how you control it, come on, you do it like this" said Dom as he showed Joy which buttons to press on the controller as the remote control car moved across the carpet.

"Daddy, I was doing just like that, you just like my car daddy" said Joy as she giggled and Dom chuckled.

"Well princess, it takes years of mastery to get as good as I am" said Dom as he smiled.

"Daddy no fair, you said that it would be my turn to drive the car now" said Joy as she pouted.

"Princess, wait a minute, watch the master at work first" said Dom as Joy climbed on top of him as he was sitting down on the carpet as he was controlling the remote control car.

"Daddy no fair" said Joy as she giggled.

Natasha smiled seeing the warm sight, she had missed her baby so much, so very much.

Natasha placed her suitcase to rest on the wall as she carefully opened the slightly ajar door and she slowly walked into the living room as Dom saw her, but he kept quiet.

"Princess, you know what is even better than driving this car?" asked Dom as he smiled and he looked at Joy.

"What daddy?" asked Joy as before Dom could reply Natasha spoke.

"Hello my baby" said Natasha as she smiled and Joy turned slowly to look at her as she could not believe her ears.

"Mommy!!! Mommy!!!Mommy!!" said Joy as she quickly ran to Natasha and Natasha carried her as she hugged her.