
A Saiyan Owl

(DB) A 'normal' teenager was watching Mumei, until an ad popped on his screen, now trying to get rid of the ad ask ''Want to have an adventure?'' (A/N: Doing for fun, And this one turned one of my favorites to work on, if you don't like a Protagonist who likes to make joke out of everything, well, not for ya, The story itself will remain serious, like real dangers and everything, but the mc is going around joking and being seriously whatever it calls the need, and that's what you should expect. And I love DB, so I am gonna try and keep the fidelity to the OG's) A 《 Hololive EN x Dragon Ball 》Fanfiction. So if you don't know neither, this is going to be so confusing lol.

ReyKale · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
99 Chs

Chap 23- Well, Ciao Again

Chap 23- Well, Ciao Again:


(A/N: Small fix.)


{Mountains close to Central City: 05:52 a.m}

Things have been very peaceful these past days. It has been a week since Mumei returned, but she already had plans on going back, so she could do another time skip, since right now she couldn't do much, besides training, and she had plans that would be put to use only after Raditz shows up.

Right now we look at a mountain that's very high in altitude, almost reaching the clouds.

Most of it being rock formations that make forms towards the top, where there's the cold snow.

Looking at the edge of the mountain top we see three people.

They look at the horizon, and see the sun going up in another mountain formation far away from there.

"Sooo Mumei, will you stay for a little longer? Or will you go back to that travel of yours?"- A black spiked hair men asks, his clothes being only a blue shirt that has a lot of holes in it, indicating that something pretty heavy had hit him, his legs covered in an orange loose pants, that like his shirt is pretty messed up, his feet being naked, touching the snow like he's not even bothered by it.

"Uhhh,*puts hand beneath chin*, I think I will go back, you guys are pretty strong right now, so you should be fine if anything happens, *look at her left*, But I need you two to know, something will happen in the next five years, I don't have any idea when or what, but, some shit is going down, so be attentive."- Saying so while looking at her left, where a green bald man with antennas in a meditating position while levitating, his clothes being purple with a cyan belt on his hips.

Opening his eyes, he looks at the Owl face.-" What you mean bird? Something that even us as right now can't handle it? Huff, that's impossible."

He says confidently, right now they're above any other this planet has ever reached, so he has his reasons to doubt it.

Smiling a little at how confident the green man is.-" Ooh, don't misunderstand what I said, What I meant was, it is going to be a threat, but if it's weak or strong I don't know, it has to do with my Owl racial part. But be sure, I will be around, so if you ever need me, fire a Ki ball with a format of two feathers to the sky, I will come with my Owl-mobile pffff, *mutters* fuck..... bad joke....."- The other two look at her confused, but just shrug at it being one of her jokes that they don't understand.

Goku looking at the sun that is already above the mountain top in the horizon, smiles excited.-" So someone strong is going to show up! I really wish they're at least a little bit like Mumei! It would be such an excitement fight!*jumps up*"- Jumping from his sitting position, to one with both his arms up like his commemorating something.

Piccolo just side eyes him a smiles a little while grunting.-" You don't think too much, do you Son? If someone like that shows up, we would be pretty screwed, the Owl here *motions with head*, Can take the both of us like it's nothing, now imagine someone like her, we would have to team up to stand a chance, and it would be still a hard fought battle.*closes eyes*"- Ending his speech and going back to meditating, Piccolo does so.

Goku is left there, thinking about it, but his excitement to fight someone who would push him past his limits still shines.

Muun looks at Piccolo with wide eyes.-'For him to have developed so much already...*smiles lightly*, looks like my tests weren't necessary, being him alone with Gohan was already a huge proof for it, he and Chi-Chi doesn't have a great friendship, but at least she acknowledges he changed, that's something.'- Mumei watches the horizon, for her, it's funny how she's sitting with two great legends besides her.

Her face being Stoic for a second, while she contemplates if she's doing the right thing, something that rarely happens, it propels a certain blue headed to finally enter the scene.- [{ Muun, I settled everything, but are you sure? Two years? Didn't you want to go back each year to see Gohan?}]

Kro felt the vibe that was around Muun, so she tried making her forget about it a little, Mumei at the moment can't be left alone with her own deep thoughts, having two minds fused into one body like her, could lead to other problems if she's not distracting herself, and if she somehow touched that problems, our Mumei would probably not be there anymore.

'*Nods*, Ye, Gohan will start to create some sorts of personality around two years old, there I can give him a hand, and with Piccolo around, I think he will be pretty brave, so as of right now, I am not needed.'- The freezing breeze hits her face, her hair wildly flying behind herself.

Probably running out of ideas of what to do right now, she just wants to chill, and Kro is more than happy to obliged.-[{ When you want to come, just say, two months and sixteen days, is how much you'll stay around here this time.*grins*}]

'Did.... I just felt her smiling, what the fuck was that feeling just now?'- Mumei looks confused at the system screen, she can promise she felt something.


Sighing and getting up, she walks even more to the edge of the tall mountain, and snow falls beneath her footsteps.

She walks slowly to the edge.-" You two... Get stronger, the future may be waiting with lots of fun things to do, that even I can't predict, and even I, myself can't face, who knows.*smiles a little creepily*, But I know you two will go through it with an iron chest, so *looks back at them*, Cyall later!*jumps back*"

"WHAAAA-"- *FUUUUSH!!* Goku runs to the edge looking down, just to see a... Owl flying away at speeds he can't even see properly, leaving a trace of clouds being cut as it goes, before disappearing for complete.

"What was that.... *looks back* Hey Piccolo! Did you know she could do that! Wow she really is a bird!!"- Goku being himself, stays super excited.

The one meditating just sweat drops.-' I knew it... she's faster in that form... it would be impossible to touch her if she goes into that form then...'- He opens his eyes and looks at the Saiyan that is jumping excited with what the Owl can do.

"Look Son, she transformed a lot of times around us... or you didn't see?"- Piccolo deadpans Goku stupidity.

Like a switch of light was turned on, Goku realizes it.-" WHAAA? So that bird that appeared everything time Mumei disappeared? WAS HER? WOOOOOO!"- ... Not wanting to get any more of this, since it could be contagious, he floats up and flies away, probably to a calmer place.

The monkey boy stay there, until his excitement goes away, which took a whole five minutes.

He takes a deep breath, and smiling looks where the Owl disappeared.


He aims his hand to that location, and closes it in a fist.-" Just you wait Mumei! I am not gonna fall behind! One day, we are going to go head to head again!"- And that was the promise Son Goku made to himself that day, that one day in the future, he would fight the bird as an equal.

And what is the one herself doing right now?


{Kro's home; Void}

We see a scene that gives us a pretty big déjà vu. Mumei again was teleported on top of Kro's chair.

And now both of them are staring and each other.-" Can't you choose where I will teleport to?"- The Owl deadpans the one she's on the lap of.

Kro just blushes and looks away.-"I... I can't... It's... ahhhh.... something that's needed to enter the void! Yeah!"- Finding her excuse and brightening up she smiles, but not buying, Muun just sighs and gets off her lap, walking to the door.

She looks back with her hand on the door handle.

"I am going to eat some cake and watch something, later, I will need you TP me back to there, you teleported me here without waiting for to buy anything, geez.*creeaak* *BAM!*"- She goes out with and closes the door behind her.

Leaving a very taken back Kro sitting on her chair.

She leans down and puts both hands on her face.-" Muun... what I am gonna do to you... soooo dense ahhggg...*leans back on the chair*, I thought my plan was good, but that little bird head of hers probably must be just think about food, fighting and having fun, will be way harder than I had expected huh."- She looks at the ceiling, contemplating what she does now, knowing how dense the bird is with these types of things.

Not even knowing where to start, she just stays there, she's trying her best here, but a Muun probably never considered her more than a friend.-" Could it be that the original mindset of the warden is messing with her mind? If that's so, I need to show her that we're not the gosh dammed copies of them! We may have the same appearance, but she'll need to hear herself to know how much different she is from that mass killing Owl.... okay I exaggerated a little..."

Now with an idea that she needs to show that they're not just copies, or better, that Kro herself is not the damn warden.-" But, I might be more perfect than her though..."- Ahem... anyway, she needs to get that thinking out of the little Owls head, that A and B, are not the same.

Taking a deep breath she stretches both arms to her front together.-" Uuuugh, well, let's try and work something here, I have two months to try..."


The moment she gets up.-" KRO!! ARE YOU FINISHED?"- Talking about the devil, Muun asks her if she's done with the teleporting program.

"*Sigh*... This will be hard.... YES Muun, YOU CAN GO THERE BUY THE STUFF YOU WANT!"

And that's how the blue headed started her own journey, one to make the one she came to like, stop treating her like someone she isn't.

Kro uses lap!

Mumei is immune to that!

Kro lost HP.


ReyKalecreators' thoughts