
A Reincarnator's Journey

David Valor, a normal sophomore student, dies in a cliche 'truck-kun' accident just to get sent to another world by the system! Using the 'true' system, he slowly rises to the top of the food chain before truly begining his adventure! (David may not be a "Good" Mc as I want to write it in a way of what I would do if I was in this situation myself. Of course there will also be some things different than what I think as well.) *** Note: I have no real plans for this story, it was made on a whim, so it may lose quality on the way, please read with caution! Schedule: I'm still in school so updates will also be somewhat slow, also, english is not my first language so please comment if I wrote something wrong! Thank you for reading!

Solstice_Guardian · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
120 Chs

I Reincarnated Into A What?

(A/N: Some Info dumping in this chapter, be prepared!)




[Please enjoy your new life, Host!]

As he lost consciousness, that was the last thing David heard.

Instead of just waking up, he felt some changes, as if he was flying around and had just entered something...permanently.

Due to the fact that he only died a few hours ago, though, for David, it only felt like a couple of minutes, entering a new body with mostly human features made him feel comfortable...

Feeling how he was slowly integrating himself into the so-called body, he could begin to feel. His hands, arms, toes, feet, muscles, the air brushing against his skin, it all came rushing back at him.

As he felt that he could somewhat move his limbs, he began to touch the other 'body parts' on him.

He slowly opened his eyes, only to see darkness, before his surroundings magically began lighting up.

'Huh? Where the heck am I?' he looked around him, only to see that instead of being in the hospital bed, he was in some sort of dark cave.

Before he could question anymore, he heard a ring in his head and slightly moaned in pain, feeling something rush into his head and body.



[Host Has successfully integrated into {Iforia}!

[Due to the error in the system, numerous updates have been made...


'Wait...wait a moment...Iforia? Where in the hell is that?' David clutched his head in pain as he suddenly started to feel something rush into his head.

(A/N: It's just the history and other info stuff in the auxiliary chapters that filled his head. I'm too lazy to paste it, so please look at it yourself...)

Taking a moment to remember all the basic world information, David was still clutching his head until he felt something hard on it.

'Cold...' he instinctively taking his hand off his forehead.

Slowly reaching again, he felt a pair of cold objects extending out of his forehead. Then he touched his back, only to find a pair of wings, and his tail right behind his waist.

'I'm...not human...anymore...?'


[Correct Host, due to your death, you have been reincarnated into a new world with a new identity...to find out where you are, please explore your surroundings yourself.]

[The system is here to 'help', no to 'babysit' as you humans say...]


'Fair enough...looking at my surroundings, screaming would probably get me killed instead.' David took a couple of deep breaths to calm himself down.

Looking around, David also found out that his vision had fully cleared, confirming that he was indeed in a cave. Taking in all of his new characteristics, David found a small space he could hide in for now.

'System...open status...' he ordered.


[Opening Status...]



[Name: David Valor

[Race: Lessor Paragon Chimera Hybrid

[Class: None (History: None)

[Job: None (History: None)

[State: Slightly Hungry & Thirsty]

[Rank: 1

[Level: 1/10


Health Points: 30/30

Mana Points: 25/25

Stamina: 10/10


Strength: 4

Magic Strength: 5

Agility: 3

Vitality: 6

Defense: 6

Dexterity: 3

Spirit: 5

Luck: 1

Attribute Points: 5



Passive Skills: [Mini-Map], [Photographic Memory]

Active Skills: [Apprasial: Level 1], [Transformation: Level 1]

Life Skills: [Cooking: Level 3], [Language: Level 1]

Unique Skill: [Skill Enchancer & Refiner], [Correction], [Inventory]


'Eh? But doesn't everyone have a magic affinity? Why doesn't it even say it on my status page? Looking at my race, I should be a beastman, so why do I have a class as well as a job? System?' he screamed in his mind.


[Explaining to Host...]

[Due to the error in the system, that currently is made from the will from all the Originals and beyond, the Host is now a 'perfect' hybrid between the paragons of the races. Because the Host had gained a new body, the Host will need to get used to it quickly to survive and evolve.]

[Would Host like a rundown of the system?]



Because of the pressure of life and death weighed on his own shoulders, David started sweating.

'Yes! Please give me a rundown of the system!' he said with no hesitation, still looking around, trying to move to different places to spread his scent everywhere in case a beast came in.


[Beginning Tutorial]

[Scanning the Host...]


[Before beginning the tutorial, the system will answer some of your deepest questions currently...]

[The system has chosen you, primarily due to the system master being bored, needing to choose a candidate where one would have no parents, a calm, realistic, and slightly pessimistic outlook on life, and a person that would last long. Because you have no real family to be taken care of by the system, and the fact that you are a calm and decently adaptable human, you have been chosen. In other words, anyone that fits these criteria may be picked, though you 'won' the lucky draw.]

[Yes, like some of the novels you've read, there will be similarities, magic, arts, power, beauty, etc.]

[This is not a dream, you will not be taken out as you have already died and cannot be taken back anyway, and by this error, your race has changed, meaning you are now ageless.]

[You are not the only person with the system, others will also have it, some have more features than the other. You, however, will have the 'True System', as you have been chosen by the {System Master}.]

[Other information is now locked...please discover more to unlock more information...]


[Beginning Explanation...]

[Due to the Host's race including the paragons, the Host has gained a massive boost in stat multiplication. For example, 1 Vit=2Hp=>5Hp, 1 Spirit=2Mp=>5Mp.]

[Due to realistic reasons, there are still critical hits that can happen 100% if a weak point is hit, like the neck, torso, head, etc. Certain conditions can also weaken the Host, like poison, weakness spell, etc.]

[The attributes in your status page will also increase your overall prowess depending on the number of points in each attribute. Do be careful though, as this also represents your body, meaning that if you go one attribute all the way, your body might not be able to handle it. For example, too much strength=too much muscle, or too much mana/spirit=body exploding due to excess mana.]

[Strength increases the overall muscle strength in the body, Vitality increases the overall health/durability and stamina of the body. Magic strength increases the strength of overall magic spells, while spirit increases the mana pool and regeneration of mana. Agility increases movement speed, attack speed, reaction speed, etc. Defense increases the body's toughness, giving it an easier time to resist certain effects like poison, acid, slashes, etc. Dexterity increases control over one's body, including flexibility, precision, perception, dodging, etc. Lastly, luck increases the chances of gaining any item!]

[For skills, they are special means for certain actions. For example, sword arts is a part of a skill, giving said move made to be stronger than normal.]

[The system has multiple functions, like the inventory, status, quest, and shop sections. There will be a few more sections unlocked as the Host progresses in this world.]

[As someone who reads novels, I'm sure you know what they do...]


[Host has received a quest!]


[Introduction: As the Host has just been reborn into a new world, the Host must survive in it as well.

[Quest: Survive the dangers of your surroundings, and exit the area to safety!

[Rewards: 1 Instant Level up, Unlock Shop feature!

[Bonus Quest: Reach a certain level before leaving the area...

[Bonus Rewards: ???


'That's quite a lot to take in, but I guess I understand? Still quite surprised that I got picked though...' he thought, though his face was completely emotionless.

David swore that he saw a message from the system, saying something like [Act like it then, Host!], though the message was never in the notification history.

'...Fuck...I kinda need to live now, so I guess I'll train...might be a pain in the ass though.' he released his real thoughts.




Chapter 1 End...

Sorry for the info dump, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I tried making a realistic character, but...now that I read it, it doesn't seem too good, please forgive me. (;-;)

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