
A Queens Betrayal

Septentia is a world of Queendoms and women overpowering the men. Jasira Beckzmor is forced into Mythezin Boarding school after she's been homeschooled her whole life. Jasira isn't a huge fan of people and doesn't plan on making friends and definitely not a lover, so when she's thrown into Mythezin and finds real friendship, as well as a possible lover, Jasira's world is turned upside down. But with friendship comes betrayal. And with Love comes Heartbreak. Jasira Beckzmor will come to the reality of how much a betrayal or broken heart can change someone, and how that will affect the rest of the world.

UnknownBookz0013 · Fantasi
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3 Chs

Chapter One


Everywhere I turned there was blood.

Blood on my hands. Blood on the silver-blue dress I wore. Blood everywhere.

Fear overcame me as I looked up from my bloody hands and the pool of blood on the floor, I only then realized I was sitting in it and immediately stood up. The walls were red and blurred faces looked at me; they were all smiling. Standing next to me was a red-eyed man who seemed like a demon. He was the only one frowning. I met his blood-red eyes and stepped back in confusion. "Wh-who...What are you?"

The demon smiled at me cunningly and reached a hand towards me, I flinched and looked at his hand seeing that it was stained in blood like mine. When I looked back up at him, everyone around us vanished and we were the only ones left in the red room standing in a puddle of blood.

I turned my head in all directions, confused, "Wh-where did everyone go?"

"Take my hand." His voice was deep and firm, I met his eyes seeing that his hands were still reached out in front of me. Confused but left with no other choice I took his hand, the blood that covered both our hands mixed and darkness overcame me like a suffocating blanket. I screamed and screamed and-

I jumped up realizing that it was only a nightmare. I looked around trying to find the red-eyed demon from my dream but only saw the dark forest I was napping in. My breathing was heavy and I was sweating, the cool breeze cooled me down.

A cawing noise came from beside me and I saw Atlas's small black eyes looking at me, his head tilting constantly. Atlas was a crow and the only friend I've ever had, he's been joining me in the forest ever since I was seven, trying to escape my annoying stepmother. "Sorry Atlas, it was only a nightmare." I let out a breath of relief and laid back down, staring at the cloudy sky. Atlas cawed again and flew into the air making circles over my head. I again got up immediately, and nearly fell back onto the ground. "Already?! What the hell, why didn't you tell me sooner!"

I began running towards my castle with Atlas following above me. When he flies in circles, Atlas is telling me that my family dinner is going to be starting soon. And this isn't the first time I'm late…

Although it's still daytime, the forest is dark and mostly filled with dead plants and crows. A long time ago this forest was lively and bright, filled with animals and colorful birds, but ever since my ancestor claimed her power the forest has been dead and dark with more and more people abandoning this Queendom--that's what I was told at least.

In Septentia there are seven different realms or Queendoms. The realm I live in is the Silver Queendom or what some people call it; the Queendom of Nightmares. I'm the Princess of the Silver Queendom and have been ignored by everyone because of the power I hold, leaving me with no one to befriend. Not even my parents.

The castle's back door was a couple of feet in front of me when my step-mother slammed the door open, her name is Rhona. She's twenty-seven making her twelve years younger than my father and nine years older than me. Her rusty red hair became duller the older I got and her skin was greatly pale, making her look ghostly. I rolled my eyes and walked right past her, into the small kitchen, not giving her the satisfaction of a glance. "Who the heck do you think you are little girl?" I looked back at the door and saw Rhona with crossed arms and a raised brow. "Your father and I waited for an entire hour in that dining room, for you to never show up."

"Maybe if I stayed out longer you would've starved." I turned back around slow enough to see Rhona's jaw drop. She did that often.

"That is no way for a future Queen to act young lady"

"Would you shut up with the 'young lady' and 'little girl' names? I'm seventeen." I grabbed an apple from the kitchen island and walked out, laughing when I heard Rhona curse me.

I ate the juicy apple while making my way up the stairs to my room. My room was girly and big, I hated the pink and white colors Rhona forced, and how spacious it was. Who needs so much space for one person?

When I entered through the door of my room I threw the core of my eaten apple in the nearby trash and saw the mess it was in. I didn't allow maids since there was no need for them if I was just going to mess up my room again anyway. I made my way to the bathroom and started the shower. My sun-kissed skin was covered in freckles of dirt that covered the actual freckles across my arms. I undressed and got into the tub. The water was nice and hot, I felt my skin getting cleaner the longer I soaked.

An hour later I was all ready to eat dinner. I wore a tight off-the-shoulder blouse and black pants. My dark grey hair was tied in a ponytail, and the long strands that fell loose itched my face.

Walking through the halls I passed working maids and big beautiful paintings of my ancestors and landscapes. Every wall was lined with a painting and I stopped to look at every single one as if I haven't seen them my whole life.

I eventually found my way to the dining room doors. Two guards opened the big wooden doors and bowed. I smiled at them and entered the massive room. The dining room table was huge and could fit at least 40 people, there are two massive chandeliers on each side of the table and candles all around.

Although there was so much light the dining room was dark and empty. My father sat next to my stepmother, who was at the head of the table, farthest from the door. Of course, they chose the far end. I sighed and walked towards them. Whatever conversation they were having stopped, and the only sound was the clicking of my shoes.

Without a word, I sat down and began eating the cold meal that sat in front of me. It was steak, potatoes and green beans. My father looked at me, but all I could see of him was the long brown beard, with strands of grey, attached to his chin. I could feel both their eyes on me, and I knew they wanted to say something.

I took a sip from my water and said, "Is there something you want dad?"

My father coughed and cleared his throat, "O-oh yes, there is actually."

I continued eating and still felt Rhona's eyes on me, "It's rude to stare y'know." I smirked at her and continued eating.

My father continued, "I want you to know that Rhona and I have decided to send you to school in the Mythical Lands." The Mythical Lands is one of the seven realms and neutral territory where highschool students with enough money can attend. The only buildings on that territory are the boarding school and a small market. Students live there and only return home if an emergency happens or they graduate.

It's also where all of the princes and princesses go.

I froze and slowly turned my gaze away from my food, I steadied my voice and tried to sound as calm as possible "What's wrong with how I do school now?" I dropped the fork in my hands on the plate, making a loud noise. I've always done schooling from home and refused to go to actual school since no one likes me and I wouldn't have any friends.

My father flinched and continued, "There's nothing wrong...I just think you need to get away from the forest you're always escaping to and focus on your studies instead."

I turned to see Rhona smirking evilly while grabbing my father's hand in support. I smiled, crossed my arms, and laid back in my chair. Seeing her smile like that made my blood boil. "So I'm guessing this bitch put that idea in your head."

Rhona's jaw dropped as her head immediately turned to me. My father clenched his fists, looking at me with disappointed eyes. "What did you just call me!"

Rhona stood and I could tell she was ticked off. I chuckled softly, letting my voice come out smooth and calm. "You heard me. Don't act as deaf as you are fake."

I didn't think her jaw could get any lower but it did, I stood as my father did the same. "Jasira, I've put up with your attitude for far too long-"

"Really? You're going to act like my father now?" I looked him dead in the eyes as darkness circled me. "Do not ever act as you know me, because you and I both know damn well who dealt with who." I looked over to Rhona in disgust, "Even this bitch paid more attention to me than you." I began walking to the doors of the dining room, the darkness following, when rushed footsteps came from behind me.

Hearing her heels on the checkered tile, it was Rhona. I knew what she was about to do, so before she could strike me I turned and trapped her wrist in my shadows, tight enough to bruise. The shadows and I were connected and the wrist they were trapping felt like nothing more than a bone, I could snap it in an instant if I wanted. My shadows were tempted.

"Stop that this instant! I am the Queen of this Queendom and you will obey." Rhona was trying to sound strong, but the way her mouth quivered showed no such thing.

I smirked but met her eyes and became deadly serious when coming close enough to her face to where I could smell the lavender scent from her neck, "Don't you ever try to hit me. Let this be a reminder that my power will always overpower your puny Light. In less than a year, I'll send you back to the dump you came from." I threw her wrists away, causing her to nearly trip on her heels.

Rhona had real fear in her eyes and began tearing up. I chuckled as my father stormed towards us, "That is enough Jasira!"

Rolling my eyes I turned and continued to the exit, "I guess I'll start packing then!"

I heard Rhona sobbing and dropping to the floor, like the drama queen she is.

Thanks for Reading!

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