
Chapter Two

I packed my bag in less than a day. I didn't pack any clothes and only took necessities so it all fit into a small satchel.

Telling Atlas goodbye was the hardest, and something I hated doing. He continuously cawed and pecked me when I told him he couldn't come but eventually gave up when I said, multiple times, he could come to the school anytime he wanted. I took a single branch, from the forest I loved so much, and promised myself to hold onto it until I returned.

Rhona and my father waited for me at the front of the castle, standing in front of a black and silver carriage. Seeing Rhona's bruised wrist gave me satisfaction in how soon I'm leaving. Rhona looked somewhat happy, while my father's expression was unreadable. I was so tempted to kick them both in the chin but knew I had to control myself. I chuckled at the thought as I entered the carriage I was to leave in.

My father approached the carriage and said softly, "Goodbye Jasira. I know you don't believe me but I will miss you."

"You wouldn't be sending me away if that were the case, dad." I didn't look at my frowning father and commanded the coachman to advance.

The ride took half a day but I slept most of it. I dreamed of the pine tree forests and the peaceful sound of a rushing river, and how Atlas would listen and take part in my adventuring nearly every day. The best part about having a crow as my best friend is being able to speak and do whatever I want without being judged. My new preppy school is going to be a living nightmare with all the gossip and judging.

We arrived at the school within minutes of my waking from a nap. The building was huge and had windows on every tower and wall. It was brighter than I was used to and prettier than I expected. It seemed like a mini castle. The walls were a mixture of dark brown bricks and the top of each tower was a cool grey.

There was a woman who stood at the top of the stairs that led to big grey doors. Her hair was brown and her skin dark. She was on the chubbier side and wore her hair in a big bun. Whoever she was I could tell she wasn't happy about meeting me.

My carriage left as I walked across the field of grass towards the staircase. I could tell the lady was bothered by it, from the way her jaw clenched, since I didn't take the gravel path around the field instead.


The woman was as tall as me and sounded bored when she spoke. "Hi. Welcome to Mythezin Boarding School, I'm Ms. Cozynlor, and I'll be showing you to your dorm room and explaining the rules."

Ms. Cozynlor turned and opened the grey door, revealing a huge hallway with more doors on each side of the slate blue walls. The size wasn't what surprised me, but how bright and beautiful it looked instead.

There was a hanging candle stand at each door and paintings on every wall. I was stunned and had no words for how much I loved the brightness of the hallway.

Ms. Cozynlor lead me through the entire building while saying things I didn't hear since I was busy looking through every door and every painting. We reached the end of the building where another set of grey doors were. A vast garden and field were revealed when the doors opened. A second building was at the back, being nearly a twin to the main building I just walked through.

I immediately assumed the building was the dorms. And I was right.

My docent led me up to the fourth floor, room number 444, and handed my room keys to me. Ms. Cozynlor left without a word or smile, but I didn't mind.

The dorm room was bigger than expected. The ceiling was tall and from it hung a gold chandelier in the center. The room had a fireplace already lit and a single couch on one side of it.

Two doors were leading elsewhere; one led to a mighty bathroom, the other to a bedroom with a Queen sized bed that looked older than me. There was also a walk-in closet that was bigger than the one at my palace, it had six of the same hideous uniforms hanging on a rack.

I quickly got over my disgust and amusement and thought of things I would buy from the small market, Solewyr, to decorate the dorm. I was too lazy to paint the white walls for now, so I would just buy some sheets and furniture to fill the space I didn't need.

It took about thirty minutes for me to find my way to the entrance of the building where I originally came from, the school was huge and had too many turns and similar halls. Solewyr was closer to the school than I expected and was beyond beautiful; with labeled signs and hanging lights from every brick shop, tables scattered in front of restaurants, and a mixture of gravel and brick roads. There were teenagers everywhere, all of them probably going to the same school.

I peeked through every storefront window I passed, trying to decide what color scheme I was going to choose for my dorm when I saw the most luxurious and comfortable bed I've ever seen.

I entered the shop called 'Royal Bedding' and kept my eyes on the bed as a woman approached me.

"Welcome to Royal Beddings, how may I help you?"

I looked down, meeting the eyes of a small lady wearing a pink suit and skirt, "Oh hello, I just wanted to purchase that bed over there."

I pointed to the bed I saw in the window. The sheets were blood red with a black lace design, a black silk undersheet and another fluffy soft dark red blanket at the end folded neatly. The pillows matched the silk undersheet but had a red lace design over. The entire bed frame was black.

The lady looked as I pointed and smiled at me when she turned, "Of course, right this way" She led me to the cash register and told me the price options; one for only the bedding, and another for the bedding, bed, and mattress. The amount of money was a lot but I didn't care since it was my father's coin I was using, instead of mine. I mean he did tell me I could use however much I wanted...

When I told her I wanted the whole thing her eyes went wide and she smiled while asking for my personal information to ship it.

"Oh, and your name please?"

I hesitated, "It's Jasira... Jasira Beckzmor."

The lady looked up at me, her face turned white as Rhona's at the realization of who I was. "M-my lady-" she bowed into a deep curtsy and I could tell she was exceedingly afraid. "I'm s-so sorry I didn't recognize you."

"You don't need to do that, I'm just another person shopping."

She got up from her curtsy and I could see some of the colors in her face coming back, so I smiled.

Once I was done with my order I left the shop with only a receipt and went about shopping in more stores buying red and black furniture to match my bed, and clothes since I hadn't brought any from my home. I bought more than I was supposed to, but shopping like this is so much more fun than I expected that I couldn't stop myself from buying it all. All the furniture I bought was being delivered, but things like the candles, clothes, and books I purchased came home with me in bags. I ended up buying red and black wall paint in case I got bored or felt like painting a wall. I encountered the same situations as I did in the Royal Beddings shop but everyone reacted differently. Some reactions were bad while others were decent enough.

The sun was setting when I finished and I had stuffed myself with a bunch of food and sweets that I wasn't the slightest bit hungry, so I went home without dinner.

I tried to navigate my way through the halls of the school when I bumped into a tall figure.

"Oh, sorry about tha-'' I looked up to see red eyes glowing at me. I backed up a step, dropping a bag from my hand while darkness began surrounding me, and immediately thought of the demon from my nightmare. I held my breath until I realized it was only a cute guy with red eyes and not some demon from my dreams, I dropped the shadows instantly.

"You ok there?" The guy just looked at me weirdly as I continued to stare.

I flashed back to reality and picked my bag up, "Sorry about that, wasn't paying attention to where I was going." His red eyes were locked on me as I rose from the floor.

I was about to walk away when he asked a question, "What's your name?" I paused for a moment to take in his appearance. His curled hair was black, matching the color of his pants and a buttoned shirt that fit tight around his upper body revealing muscle. There was a long earring with a cross on his left ear, and his hands had tattoos and rings on nearly every finger.

"Why do you need to know?" I looked at his eyes and knew I could stare at them all day long.

"Just a question. Why? Is it a secret?" He raised a brow and smirked while stepping closer. I rolled my eyes and began leaving. "Aren't you going to answer the question?"

"My bags are heavy. Goodbye now." There was stepping behind me and before I could stop them, my shadows moved without my command. I sighed when I turned and saw the guy trapped with shadows wrapping around him tightly. Now he would run away, telling everyone about my stupid powers. I quickly let him go. "Really? You wanted to know my name that bad?"

Shockingly the guy didn't bolt away as soon as I let him go.

"Just wanted to help you with your bags, like the gentleman I am." Hslightly smiling at me, he looked me up and down as he rubbed his now bruised wrists. "Your...Princess Jasira, right?"

"Yes, unfortunately..." I squinted my eyes at him, "You're not afraid of me?"

He chuckled and walked closer, "Why would I be afraid of you?"

"Because of the way I just used my power?"

"Some people are just used to the darkness, plus you didn't hurt me terribly so there's no need for me to be afraid. Although I'm sure most people would run in the opposite direction of you when they got the chance." He was afoot in front of me now, looking into my eyes. Something about the way his eyes glowed like fire warmed me.

"What's your name?" I said now curious. He reached for my bags but I pulled away. He met my eyes again and I smirked.

Placing his hands behind his back, I raised my brow as he bowed to me and spoke softly, "My name, gorgeous-" he winked, turned his back towards me, and yelled, "is Sorin Blaeorr," he turned to me again and spoke softly once more. "Prince of the Ruby Queendom."

The Queendom of fire, and the most mysterious royals of all. There wasn't much I knew about those royals, except the fact that they never attend annual gatherings.

My bags were now on the ground as I clapped for him, he bowed to me again and I laughed. Actually laughed. "Bravo, now all of Mythezin knows your name."

"As they should." Looking at me he smiled. He was a Prince and a charming one at that.

"Well, now that we know each other I guess I'll see you around."

"Still won't let me help you with your bags?"

"I think my shadows and I are strong enough." I released some shadows and let them carry my bags. Sorin laughed in the background as I walked away.

Smiling I made my way to my room and thought this school year wouldn't be so bad if there was at least one person who didn't mind my power.

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