
A Prison Of Amber

Renegade_Writer · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Prologue A Fallen Angel

The night was cold, snow drifted to the ground by the ancient trees,their leaves a dull orange. The ground seemed to glow in some areas, giving off a strange feeling of ease, like the warmth of a mothers arms.

"Follow me," an angelic man spoke. Flying behind him was a woman, half of her body seeming to match his in angelic features. Their wings flapping as feathers fell, the air seemed to make them ice over,sparkling like stars as they floated down.

"Where are you taking me?" She spoke suddenly,she'd zoned out during the flight,her wings angled down as she saw the orange amber sparkling below,her eyes becoming wide,"I thought you said we'd stay out of the Fallen's woods!" 

Her body came into view,the moonlight accenting the pale skin on her forearms. On the right side of her back was a feathered angelic wing, and on the opposite side was a leathery dragon wing. Her face was covered by a mask;a large smile plastered on it, as well as large black eye holes, and a triangular nose hole. It was a sky blue, while the teeth were a pearly white,and the woman's eyes shone through like stars in a void.

Suddenly the male plunged down onto her angelic wing, letting out a resounding crack, as her wing broke, she twirled to look him in the eyes as his kick forced her to fall into the liquid amber of a tree,he screamed at her,"Join your kind Merean!"

Her wings submitted to the orange liquid as it held her in place. She screamed for help, but no one answered. The male keeping himself afloat in the air, the wind almost making him glide, which caused him to have to lightly flap his wings.

"Take your place among the fallen! You know it's where you belong!" He smiled as her spoke, giving him a devilish look.

Merean's long black hair, as well as her pure white horns, sank further into the liquid. She reached out her black claw-like fingertips, amber seeping into her scales, making it hard to reach out towards him.

"Please, don't leave me here to die! I thought you loved me," Merean began to cry, her mind racing, she hadn't imagined this happening today.

It was too late now,and as the traitor flew off, she closed her eyes accepting her fate, there was nothing else she could do. She sobbed, her chest heaving as she sank further, she thought over her life, so much she had yet to do. 

"Angelica! We need to help this innocent one, " A scratchy, female voice rang in her head, almost like a dragon's growl.

"Demona... It's too late for this one... " A voice, like music, answered softly, as if angels sang hymns into her ears.

"We have to do something, we can't let her die like this!" The scratchy one screamed, Merean quickly deduced this to be Demona.

"Join your power with mine, we shall imbue her mask with our power," Angelica (as Merean assumed) spoke these words,her musical tone enchanting.

A deep calm fell over Merean as she felt her oxygen run low,the ambers movement slowed, and she became the frozen in the amber.

"You will awake again," The voices spoke in unison,contrasting in tone, "We will find another to break you out of this amber prison. No matter how long it takes. Merean, we will break the rules for you, we will bring you back, no matter how long it takes."

The young creature fell into a deep slumber,her beauty held in place by the amber.

A dragon circled overhead, it's scales shimmered in the moonlight,and it suddenly turned around, its body movements seemed to change, as though taken over by an unknown force. Its eyes filled with rage,as though it knew more than it let on.



The male soon returned to the village of which he and Merean had been from. Faking a worried expression, the man looked up at their chief, his acting skills seemed unrivalled.

"I'm sorry sir... I told her, I told Merean that we shouldn't have gone into the Fallen's woods... She wouldn't listen to reason and... A dragon dived down onto her wings. I couldn't save her." He spoke with such a convincing tone that they all seemed to believe him,his eyes even masked the lies he spread, "The amber, it claimed her."

The traitor looked up at the chief, as the leader opened his large golden wings in a sad manner, feathers falling onto the freshly laid snow. The gold contrasting with the pure white.

" Today we mourn the loss of Merean Amber, apprentice seer." The chief's voice was loud and commanding, but sad, as if he'd just lost someone close to him, like a daughter.

Many of the villagers gave the traitor sympathetic glances. He had been gaining a relationship with the Merean. He had planned all of this from the beginning, and now there was nothing proving he had killed her, nothing could get in his way. 

Or so he thought.


The dragon who had circled Merean before her slumber landed on the right side of the chief. The large creature looked into the traitor's eyes. The dragon's eyes were very strange, it's left a fiery red, and it's right an icy blue. It's voice was a scratchy growl that filled your head with musical hymns. A strange but soothing tone, that seemed alien for any creature.

"We know what you did, " The dragon looked down on the traitor; it moved its body as it did so, the black scales along its sides shimmered, catching the moonlight. "I do it for her."

Suddenly the dragon lunged forward, opening its mouth, large white fangs grabbing the traitor's wings,the villagers wincing at the sight of the blue liquid that dripped from the teeth of the creature. The white fur along the dragon's spine seemed to be stained a deep blue with the traitor's blood,causing the others to cower in fear. With its immense strength, the dragon realed back it's head, then flung the traitor towards the amber woman's woods,his blood dripping from the dragon's maw, staining the snow beneath him, as it looked at them all.


"A traitor amongst your ranks, you are weak! We have spared you from deceit for too long!" The musical tone left the dragon, it sounded like sandpaper, its deep scratchy tone seemed to hurt even the dragon. "An innocent one has died at the hands of the traitor."

The dragons wings opened to show the black fur on the inside, white specks littered the dark space. It looked like the night sky. The chief then realized the body of this creature was that of the dragon queens children. Fear overtook him, he could not move, let alone speak.

The voice of music and grace, like an angels hymn, alien and strange coming from the dragon's maw, spoke,"For this I shall put into motion what she could have prevented!"

The dragon let out an ear piercing roar, calling those of it's kind nearby. A large head poked above the trees, its piercing red eyes struck the village, as many more dragons appeared above the trees. The voices then spoke again in unison as a smile of only the most demented spread across its face.

"Run if you can."

Fire spewed from it's maw, the flames engulfing the ground as well as the golden winged man in front of it.

And so the dragon attack ensued. 


Over the period of thousands of years, a group of assassins roamed North America. This group called itself the Amber Assassins, each member having a past ancestor linked to the day of the dragon attack.

Merean had not yet been freed from her Amber prison, neither was she the last of her kind. They all hid from humans, they did so with such skill that no being, other than the dragons, knew of their existence.

Dragons are a rare sight but still exist and are a part of the world. Their long lifespan,as well as gained wisdom, showed why. Many dragons, in fact, worked in scientific facilities, as they had great memory and wished to know more about the world, their sense of discovery, leading to many advances in technology.

"A journal? What human was here? They must have been insane," The traitor spoke,"He met my kind... What did he learn, I wonder. "

"Today I learned of the Angelian species, these people are humanoid but have large angelic wings. They seemed scared, as if something had frightened them, they've taught me of their kind.

Angelians have blue blood, this blood can give those with a short lifespan, like humans, a life long enough for them to seem immoral." He continued,leaning on the rocky structure beside him,

"Mixed within these angelic beings were demonic ones, when questioned they told me they were Draconian. Many of them had horns, claw-like fingertips, and tails, though these seemed to vary in their species. For there were some who only had the wings of dragons.

Angelian and Draconian people can mix, mostly creating a child who looks like one parent. Rarely there will be a child born that looks in between. All mix breeds have red blood but those with mixed looks become seers of their tribe.

Well, I should leave soon, I need to find someone, she's closer than I thought, I can feel it. The voices, they tell me she's close. It's time to leave or else I may never do so," He laughed as he closed the journal,

"Humans can't survive here for long, and I guess he didn't either." He placed the journal beside a skeleton, a human skeleton.

"I will never let them find her," The traitor spoke, "Even if it's the last thing I do."