
Chapter 1 In Dreams

The warmth of day had subsided into the cool crisp air of night. There was tension in the air, defusing as the snow fell onto the grass of the hill, some plastered red. An old, stone path, with vines and grass patches, lay in front of a woman.

Their long brown hair flowed down her back, it's ends reaching for her hips, and curving around them. She wore a large purple sweater, as if awoken from her slumber that morning, the sleeves reaching a few inches above her knees. She had on cat stockings, the faces at her knees, their ears covered by the sweater.

The woman was shaking.

"Mother, " Her voice wavered as she sobbed, "How could you?"

Another woman lay on the ground, the same pale skin as the younger woman, she wasn't breathing anymore. Her face showed a likeness to the girl as well, they even had the same proportions. Freckles adorned the arms of both, they called them angel kisses. Though for this young woman, it was about to become very apparent why hers were called so.

"I did it for you," A scratch voice of a third woman rang out, "Lilac, this was all for you. You, you're destined for greatness."

The scratched voiced woman revealed herself, her body was slender, covered in cuts, blood dripping down her pale arms, the red liquid splattered on her. Though the blood that dripped from her cuts wasn't red, it was black, like something from a science fiction movie. A mask covered her face, blood dripped from the neck of it, as if merged to her face over hundred of years of use.

The black blood was like poison to the eyes on their deathly pale skin. In contradiction with her hair, it looked chopped in many directions, almost as though a child cut it.

Though after seeing the woman's hands, it seemed more like from claws, jagged black claws with diamond shaped scales.

Blood dripped from her hands,seeping in between the cracks of the scales, almost blending in.

"Mother, I'm sorry." The girl spoke.

"Lilac, she isn't your mother."

Lilac spun around, her long hair exposing her ears, pointed, "Yes she is! Shut up!"

The movement from her body made her step back, causing her foot to touch the edge of a cliff, rocks falling and after a moment she heard the clack of them hitting the bottom.

The fall alone would kill any human who wandered off its edge.

Two large, demon-like wings emerged from behind the masked one, the leathery material almost shimmered,"Please! Listen to me!"

The sudden appearance of the wings startled the young one, her foot slipping and a sudden feeling of weightlessness hit her. Her mind thought it was over, that this was the end.

In a flurry of feathered wings, another woman lifted her from her fall, placing her on the ground. This one had the same hair color and outfit, though where one had wounds, the other had golden tattoos. As well as the mask that adorned one, the others only covered her eyes. Gold, ivory, and obsidian lined her mask, making it seem priceless. Her long hair reaching down her back.

"Watch out young one," The voice of this one filled her head with what sounded like a soft hymn,"Please listen, we don't have much time."

"I did it for her..." The scratchy voice spoke,as if reminding herself of something,"Lilac, we're doing this for the innocent, just listen."

"Demona," The musical voice rang,its tone alluring,"Do not pressure her, she's innocent to, it's not her fault that-"

"Shut up,Angelica!" The scratch voice of Demona screamed,cutting Angelica off,"I will not tolerate you putting up for them! It is time we did something! It is time we free the amber one!"

"Fine," Angelica looked down,understanding and anger filled her eyes as she turned to Lilac,"Soon you will wake, we will send two young dragons, born in dragon fires. You will join them, tell them Demona has sent you."

Demona closed her wings, taking off her mask to show a kind face, pieces of amber stuck to some of it,eyes of a dragon,"The woman in amber, is the one we will save, and we will guide you."

"Do not fear the voices you will hear in your head," Angelica smiled,"or the apparitions of dragons, for that is us. "

Angelica took LIlacs hands, looking into the young woman's eyes. There was confusion clouding them, a familiar feeling to the apperision.

Before she could ask anything else, she felt a weightless sensation, everything went dark.

Light clawed at the walls in the small room, escaping from the small spaces left by the blinds. Beside the window was an open dresser, a television sitting on top of it. The floor, while covered in clothes, was carpeted brown.

"My head," Lilac groaned as she looked around her familiar space,"That was a strange dream."

Papers were scattered on top of her black comforter, sketches of dragons, as well as winged humans. Two women were sketched on the paper beside her. A woman with short hair and a mask, her back had black, demon like wings. The other had a mask covering her eyes, long hair, and angel wings,which were lightly shaded purple and blue.

Names were scrawled along the top of the pages, Demona and Angelica.

A creak was heard from her poorly painted door, and two contradicting sets of eyes peered in, one set blue, the other red.

"Are you Lilac?," A young female voice rang out, it had the slight makings of a growl.

"Yes," Lilac sputtered, hoping her dream was really just that, a dream.

A small red dragon walked into the room, it's scales a ruby red, sharp spines trailed down it's back. As the bright male shook his neck, spines shook with it, and his wings opened. The light from the blinds caught his scales,causing red to cascade around the room, like a real gem.

A female followed behind, instead of sharp spines, like much of her kind had, she had fur that looked like sea foam clouds. Her scales shone a sapphire blue as she looked into the young ones eyes. The light caught her scales as well, causing the room to be painted with blues, reds, and purples where the two met.

"I am Sapphire,and that is my brother, Ruby." Her voice was light, it almost reminded her of Angelica.

"What are you two doing?!" Another voice was at the door, an adult male, it reminded Lilac of an old war veteran. As he spoke he opened the door completely and his light blue eyes scanned the room. The look of disgust almost made the dragons growl.

"Let's get this over with," He looked at Lilac, his expression unchanged,"I'm Haven, we're in a bit of a hurry, so let's get going."

Haven, whose hair was curly and fluffy, almost like clouds. It's color seemed gold in a way, although the light of the blinds was hitting it directly. Two wings opened from his back, almost seeming to angelic for the man.

"Get some clothes together, actually, you'll get new ones later, just get your shoes on," Haven seemed rushed, his eyes looking back at the door, "Do you have wings? What am I saying, you're a human."

Lilac was in shock as she began to sputter, "What's going on?"

The male rolled his eyes, as if it were obvious, "If it were up to me, you'd be dead right now, but those two would kill me the instant I tried."

Lilac could hear a musical voice in the back of her head as a word echoed in her head.


Haven looked around the room again, his eyes got wide when the girl pushed back her hair, showing her elf like ears.

"You, you're a-," He was cut off by a scream causing his face to go pale, "No shoes then!"

Suddenly he grabbed her arm, pulling her out of the bed, then put his arms around her waist, his skin was cold, like ice. Suddenly the glass window was shattered by the escape of the two dragon twins, they instantly took flight once outside.

"We're not getting caught for some mutt!" Haven seemed to spit venom,"Especially not one of human blood. "

From the back of her mind, Lilac heard the voice again, except this time it echoed a song. She fell asleep within seconds. Though this time it was a deep, dreamless sleep.

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