
A path to Godhood

A newly dead soul discovers that he has a chance at godhood

ironpriest · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Orena breaking through

As Odarr sat down and showed me how many coins he had collected, I was surprised to see a level 1 coin and I thought about what it meant that he had dropped six other soul warriors in his first battle. I knew he would do well I just did not think he would do this well in his first soul battle, I had died 3 times before I had even killed another first soul warrior, and it took me a total of 10 battles before I had even gotten a level up. It starting to look like Odarr is going to pass by me even quicker than I expected.

"Odarr how did you do this well" I held the level one coin and what it truly represented, Odarr had killed a level one without absorbing a single coin. That meant that he had discovered a technique of his own a technique that could kill a person completely above his level. That technique was going to be his bread and butter I could tell by the way he was reacting.

"it was like I was in a different body the moment the battle had truly started" Odarr explained in a sort of awed tone of voice almost as if he could not believe that he had done exactly as he was meant to as a war god, he did not get that domains had a real effect on him, and he was just not understanding what that meant. "I also have an offer; I know I should absorb that level 1 coin, but it won't be great for me, I did a little reading on my way back I will only get 1.5 energy from that coin instead of the 2 that I would get from the 2 level 0 coins"

I am surprised he went and did some research on his own "I was planning to tell you after your first battle you know"

"I figured as much, so what I am offering you is this level 1 coin to help with your cultivation" Odarr gave me a true gift a level 1 coin would break me into the second level and giving me a great power-up because I have not used any coins that were above my level like he is planning to.

"D-do you know what this coin is worth Odarr" he made to reply, and I interrupted him "no I mean really what this coin is truly worth"

"No, I don't" Odarr replied and I could already see his question

"This coin could get you two level 0 coins at the exchange center" I informed him it could take him to the 7th stage of level 0

"yeah, but then I couldn't help you like you have been helping me Orena," he told me, and he had this dumb sappy smile on his face, so I hit him and took the coin from him quickly.

"don't ask for this back because you are not getting it back" I informed him quite promptly while hiding my face from him

I watched him rub his head and move off to go absorb his coins and I could not believe he did this for me. He might not realize how much this is truly helping me, but I do, and I will only be able to pay this back when he catches up to me which it looks like he is going to soon. I cannot wait for the day that we can fight together on the same battlefields because then I can see him at his best.

As I sat there looking at the coin, I put it in my mouth as that is the easiest method of absorbing for most soul warriors. I felt Odarr very technique as he hit the level 1 this coin came from and wasn't that a surprise the first time, I had absorbed a coin. The man's surprise from the hit and the sheer frustration he felt trying to hit Odarr so he could kill him was extremely powerful.

What most new soul warriors do not know is that it's hard to absorb coins from people that you have killed yourself and from what I have read it stems from the fact that the coins themselves made right after the soul warriors' death make it, so the coins remember their killers. Thus, making it easier to absorb coins that do not belong to people you killed, I felt the last of the energy enter my body, and then I felt it the wall that everyone feels when they are about to level up. The wall itself will slowly shrink if you have the KARMA to allow you to break past it.

From what it sounds like no matter how hard you try you will never break the wall if you do not have enough KARMA. The only way you can without KARMA is FAITH which people generate when they believe in you and pray to you in your various domains. I know that is how a god could grow but it sounded like soul warriors could do this as well I just was not sure how as they did not have a domain like a god did. Then I felt it the power swelled up and I felt the wall start to break apart, then I felt the wall get weak enough that I could breakthrough.

I smiled as I felt my power solidify at the beginning of level 2. I smiled as I could sense Odarr solidifying his newly acquired power leaving him at rank 5 level 0 I was surprised that he had done it even faster than me because I knew he had killed every single one of them.

"Odarr any problems absorbing those coins," I asked him deliberately not mentioning that he should be having problems absorbing them

"none at all but what I was surprised by were the memories from when I killed them" he informed me

I wonder if because he was a War God, he would have no problems absorbing the coins of people he had slain. If so, that would explain why it seemed war gods leveled faster than anyone else.

"Why should I have?" Odarr asked me while I was distracted

"of course, not" I informed him because I wanted to see if this was a War God only thing or if this was an Odarr thing maybe from his past as a soldier. something about that making it so he could absorb and take their hatred extremely easy.