
A path to Godhood

A newly dead soul discovers that he has a chance at godhood

ironpriest · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Odarr finding his first warrior

As I sat in the training ground practicing my new technique which I have been tentatively calling the Oni Smash. I could not help but wonder back to the question Orena asked me after I absorbed my coins. Afterward, I had made my way to the library and was surprised that I was supposed to fight illusions of the people I had killed trying to stop me from getting the power that the coins were meant to give me.

I could not help but wonder why Orena had not told me immediately, but I quickly had figured it out she was not sure if this was a me thing only or a War God thing. I had also read up on domains and was surprised that the moment I had picked out my domains it had started changing me to fit those domains. I am glad I did not pick domains that did not fit my personality from what I had read it sounded bad when you picked bad domains.

I was kind of curious why we were not informed about this immediately after we decided to become a soul warrior, but I had quickly realized that there was no one to hold your hand later in godhood and it was to teach you how to think and find information for yourself, and not everyone is going to become a god. A soul warrior can swear themselves to a god to be fed faith and allowed to go past where their KARMA says they can reach.

I wonder why some do not attempt a second life before thinking they could have been like me and did not want a second life one that could be different from my first.

I slowly moved to sit down and take a break from practice and let my energy refill just from jumping 5 ranks my energy tanks had grown from let's say 50 points to 175 points that meant every rank gave me 25 more energy points so when I hit level 1 ill have 300 points of energy.

I see an Oni with horns showing that he will not be able to break into godhood, coming towards me. I sat there and waited for him to make the first move.

"hello sir" he bowed to me

I was surprised I thought he was from the bureaucracy but from what it is looking like he is a free agent "nice to meet you, you can call me Od"

"My name is Delic KARMA score of 34 and Free agent Oni and currently level 1," he told me promptly and quickly

"Why inform me of this," I asked him straight up

"I know Oni horns tell how much KARMA an Oni has, and I know I will never be a god, so I looked for a god I could follow I first looked in the Bureaucracy but quickly saw how bad it is there but then I saw you here in the training ground and I saw none of the markings of the Bureaucracy" he informed me of his reasons for approaching me quite quickly almost nervously "I wish to swear myself to you and become your first soul warrior"

I leaned back in thought I knew he couldn't truly swear himself to me until I hit level 7 so anything I could tell him before that he could take and run with but at the same time he would be known as a spy in the future if he did break his oath but I had nothing which I could truly give away expect for my name but even then I would need to say it myself and write it in the Book of names of the bureaucracy.

"I see I am willing to accept your oath" I informed him promptly "come I am returning to a friend of mine"

"understood" he replied and followed behind me as I lead him out of the training ground. I was genuinely curious as to why he would swear himself to me I mean he gains nothing if he goes back to the Bureaucracy but at the same time he could be telling the whole truth. I was curious if there was anything, he could gain from me that I did not know about me.

I mean I could ask him but there is a chance he could lie to me but if I make it to level 7 then he must have been telling the truth because from what I saw those soul warrior oaths are truly binding and when they say to the death, they mean to the death the only way out is to reincarnate and when you reincarnate at a higher level then you lose your memories permanently. Gain nothing back when you die again because you use up all your KARMA to unlock your levels.

As I saw her, I heard him gasp behind me I heard him ask me a question "who is she, my lord?"

"She is my partner Ore" I informed him before calling out to Orena "hey Ore meet Delic he wants to become a soul warrior and swear himself to me"

I could see her scan him from head to toe I was surprised to see him bow to Orena "greetings my lady"

"well welcome but I wish to talk to Odarr alone" she informed and watched him walk away quickly

I wondered what he could be thinking I quickly asked Orena "What do you think he wants from me"

"Well, I can tell you from the way he bowed to me he comes from a very traditional house and that his oath might be genuine" she informed me quickly "what did you tell him that made him bow to me so quickly"

"I am not one hundred percent sure, but I informed him that we were partners," I told her and was surprised to see her start blushing and then she hit me in the side

"When were you going to tell me that I was your partner Od," she asked me quite testy, I was confused about what she meant about that

"Of course, we are partners I thought that was obvious" I informed her straight to her face

"What do partners mean to you Od," she asked me quickly

"allies of course" I answered as if that was obvious

"Of course, and let me guess you still haven't read up on Oni have you Od," she said to me

"No I have not had the time to read up on Oni I was too busy looking up coins and domains and practicing my new technique" I informed and was surprised when she started stomping away and I decided that I needed to look up Oni information because partners mean something more to Onis.