
A Ninja in the Marvel Universe

After a freak accident, Harry finds himself transmigrated into the world of Marvel with a mysterious system. The system grants him unique abilities to navigate and thrive in the dangerous and chaotic Marvel Universe. With the help of the system and his growing understanding of the Marvel Universe, Harry must tread carefully and make difficult choices as he embarks on a journey filled with adventure, danger, and the potential to leave an indelible mark on the world of Marvel. **The system is derived and based on the Naruto Anime which will help Harry in becoming the strongest ninja in the Marvel Universe** **The system does not have and will not have any form of consciousness.** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This will be an Alternate Universe i.e AU MCU. Well not much is going to change though. Most of the events will occur according to timeline of the original Marvel movies. Only the timeline of the webseries of 'Daredevil, Shang Chi, Jessica Jones and Punisher would change'. The events of these webseries would start earlier then what was shown. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I own nothing except the main character of the book. The Marvel world and it's characters belong to their respective creators. Also the cover page is not mine. If the owner of the cover page wants it to be taken down, then it can be done. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For 5+ advance chapters visit my patreon. patreon.com/StoryTeller229

Story_Teller_229 · Filem
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61 Chs

36. Escaping

'.....'= Thoughts 

"....."= Conversations 


"Tony, we need to hurry!" Harry called over his shoulder, his voice tense with urgency.

"I'm working on it!" Tony replied, his fingers flying over the keyboard as he hacked into the HYDRA mainframe. The seconds ticked by agonizingly slow, each one bringing the agents closer to their position.

Harry's bombs were running out. He switched to exploding kunais, expertly throwing them with pinpoint accuracy at the HYDRA agents who dared to get too close. The kunais embedded themselves into the walls and floor, detonating with powerful bursts that sent the agents sprawling. But for every agent Harry took down, more seemed to appear, relentless in their pursuit.

With a deep breath, Harry formed a series of hand signs, gathering his chakra for a more powerful attack. "Fire Release: Fireball Technique!" he shouted, expelling a massive ball of fire from his mouth. The fireball roared down the hallway, engulfing the agents in flames and buying them a few precious moments.

Tony's eyes finally lit up as he found the file they had been searching for. "Got it!" he exclaimed, initiating the download. The screen flickered and then displayed the recording. Tony watched, his heart pounding in his chest, as the footage began to play. The grainy video showed a dark road, a car, and then the brutal assault on his parents. The Winter Soldier moved with cold efficiency, executing the Starks with merciless precision.

Tony's breath caught in his throat. His hands trembled as he witnessed the horrific scene. The world around him seemed to fade away, replaced by the haunting images of his parents' murder. He felt a surge of emotions—rage, sorrow, and a deep, gnawing pain.

"Tony!" Harry shouted, trying to snap his friend out of his trance. He continued to fend off the agents, but their numbers were overwhelming. He glanced back at Tony, who was still frozen, staring at the screen.

The agents, realizing the futility of a direct assault, began throwing bombs into the room. The explosions shook the walls, sending debris flying. Harry knew they were out of time. He sprinted towards Tony, as he used the Earth Release Earth Wall technique in front of Tony as bomb exploded nearby him.

Fortunately Earth Wall crumbled absorbing the effects of the bomb, saving Tony's uncovered face from blowing up.

Harry's breath was ragged as he glanced around the chaotic room. The air was thick with smoke and dust, the acrid smell of explosives burning his nostrils. His ears rang from the relentless barrage of gunfire and explosions. He knew they were running out of options. If they didn't act quickly, both he and Tony would be dead within minutes.

"Tony!" Harry shouted again, louder this time, his voice tinged with desperation. He couldn't afford to lose this guy to shock. "We have to move, now!"

But Tony remained rooted to the spot, his eyes wide and unseeing, locked onto the horrific images playing out on the screen before him.

The agents outside the room were regrouping, and Harry could hear the ominous clank of a missile launcher being prepped. The sound sent a fresh wave of urgency through him. There was no more time to waste. He had to act.

With a final, determined look at Tony, Harry tapped into his chakra reserves and performed the Body Flicker Technique. In an instant, he vanished from his spot and reappeared right beside Tony. The world seemed to slow down for a moment as Harry grabbed Tony's arm, the movement so swift it felt like a blur.

"Tony, snap out of it!" Harry commanded, his voice cutting through the haze of Tony's mind. But there was no time to wait for a response. He pulled Tony close and leaped towards the tunnel they had used to enter the room. Just as they launched into the air, a deafening roar filled the room.

The missile hit its mark, detonating with a blinding flash of light and a searing wave of heat. Harry felt the explosion against his back as they sailed through the air, the force of it propelling them forward but also scorching his skin. Pain lanced through him, sharp and intense, but he gritted his teeth and focused on getting them to safety.

They crashed into the entrance of the tunnel, Harry's body taking the brunt of the impact to shield Tony. He felt the skin on his back blistering from the heat, the fabric of his shirt searing into his flesh. The pain was nearly unbearable, but he couldn't let it stop him. They had to keep moving.

"Go!" Harry shouted, shoving Tony further into the tunnel. The tunnel walls were close and suffocating, the air stale and filled with the scent of earth. But it was their only chance. Harry could hear the agents behind them, the sound of boots pounding against the ground, the clatter of weapons being prepared.

Harry quickly used the Earth Release to block the opening of the tunnel entirely and then purchased some explosive traps and placed them into the tunnel.

Then along with Tony he scrambled deeper into the tunnel, Harry's movements becoming more labored with each step. He could feel his strength waning, the pain and exhaustion threatening to overwhelm him. But he kept pushing, driven by the need to protect Tony.

"Kid, you're hurt!" Tony finally found his voice, his shock giving way to concern as he saw the state of his friend.

"I'm fine," Harry lied, his voice strained. "We need to keep moving."

After what felt like an eternity, they reached a junction in the tunnel. Harry paused, gasping for breath, his body trembling with the effort of staying upright.

"This way," Harry said, pointing to the left. He could barely manage more than a whisper, his throat raw and dry.

They continued down the left-hand path, the tunnel walls seeming to close in around them. The sounds of pursuit grew fainter, but Harry knew they couldn't let their guard down. They needed to find a place to hide, somewhere safe where they could tend to their wounds and figure out their next move.


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