
A New Tempest

Like most fan-fictions. This story is my take on the story from beginning to end. This is not a back in time story. No-Op Rimuru from the start. There will be new characters and new skills added into this. As well as I might take other characters from other Anime and turn them into a skill. There shall also be dark and non-friendly Rimuru of course. As well as NO HAREM. So please enjoy.

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41 Chs

The Conquerors Demise

Back at the village, everything is just as I left it. Currently the dwarves are helping teach the goblins how to build houses properly as well as teaching how to make clothing and the art of forging weapons. Meanwhile some other goblins with their direwolf partners were out on patrol collecting food.

"Rimuru-sama!" Rigurd was running up to me in a frenzy.

"Yes, what is it Rigurd?"

"While the others were gathering food, some spotted humans running through the forest."

"Well tell no one to engage. I'll deal with it."

"Yes my lord."

Humans, huh? Lets see if they can assist me here. Anyways I began hopping in the direction Rigurd had pointed. I had been doing so for about 5 minutes until I could hear the sound of combat. As I was getting closer the sound grew louder. Until I finally arrived at the area.

Once there I could see, two women and two men. Three of them looked like those idiots I passed by when leaving the cave. While the other was wearing all white clothes with a cape. If I had to guess she would be a hero.

Currently that woman is fighting the giant ants that were chasing them. She drew her sword and coated it in flames. Quickly she rushed at one of the ants splitting it in half with her flaming sword. Another ant tried to pounce on her from above. But that failed too as she met it midair and sliced its head off immediately landing on another and piercing it. That was a job done.

She began to walk back over to her group, until.... The last ant she failed to kill rose back up. She readied herself once more, but something happened because she fell to the ground in pain. I guess I'll help.

"[Black Lightning]" immediately a black lightning bolt came down from the sky, striking the ant. Frying it quickly as some damage came to the area as well.

"Damn. Black Lightning is strong. I want to practice with it more though." They readied their weapons again. Seemingly prepared for another fight. All until they noticed I was a lovable little slime.

"A slime?" They all questioned.

"What? You got a problem with me and my fellow slimes?"

"No. Just never heard one talk." The blonde woman said.

"Sorry about catching you up in that blast, miss. You aren't hurt are you?" I said as I handed back her mask which flew off when I attacked.

"No. I'm alright."

Wow! I met my soulmate faster than I thought I would.

(A/N: We all know how this part goes so lets leave it at that and go to where she gets taken over.)

It's the next day with these human visitors. We are waiting for the women to finish getting ready so we can show them around the village.

"Here they come." Kabal said in a tired tone. Probably tired of waiting for them.

"Sorry for taking so long!" Yelled Eren. But something felt wrong, suddenly Shizu stopped dead in her tracks.

"Shizu? Is something wrong?" I asked out of concern. Suddenly the sky began to change color from its usual blue to grey as what looked like ash clouds started to appear over us.

Shizu as well began to float in the air as a pillar of flames began to surround her. The pillar was creating even more flames as it was burning everything in our vicinity down.

"Rigurd! Evacuate everyone!"

"But lord Rimuru, don't you need assistance?"

"Just evacuate. If I need anyone I'll call, now go!" Although reluctant to leave my side, Rigurd followed my orders and evacuated our people.

"The three of you should go as well." I told the idiot trio.

"No way. Shes our friend." Said Kabal.

"Thats right! We wont abandon her!" Said Eren.

"Once we save her, lets head back to Blumund a grab a proper meal together." Said Gido.

While they certainly seem heroic in this moment. I don't want them getting in my way and I want to use some more of my magical eyes. So I apologize idiot trio.

"Just know that Im sorry. Though I do admire your determination." I said to them without a care in the world. I used [Sticky Steel Thread] to wrap them up and sent them farther into the forest. They let out some detestable noises but I just ignored it.

Soon after the pillar of flames dissipated. Now revealing a shirtless demon thing?

{The individual is question is the Greater Fire Spirit Ifrit.}

So its a spirit. I wonder what benefits will come out of this.

"Alright! Lets end this spirit. Release Shizu this instant."

Instead of listening to me. The dumb fire spirit threw a fire ball at me. It landed the attack but it was pointless as I have [Thermal Fluctuation Resistance].

"Alright. So thats how you wanna play. Fine by me." If I had a mouth I would be grinning right now. I used [Destruction] to destroy the surrounding magicules so he would be unable to cast his magic. Upon noticing what I did Ifrit seemed to get worried.

Not letting this chance slip away. I cast my thread on him rendering him immobile.

"Well, I'm curious what benefits I'll get if I eat you soooo. Lets do that, shall we. [Predator]."

In an instant I wrapped myself around him and isolated him in the same space as Veldora.

(A/N: Once again 🥱 we all know Shizus story. But rewritting everything till I get up to my changes is something I cannot do. So we skip to the next day after the trio left. This is the last skip, I promise🙂)