
A New Tempest

Like most fan-fictions. This story is my take on the story from beginning to end. This is not a back in time story. No-Op Rimuru from the start. There will be new characters and new skills added into this. As well as I might take other characters from other Anime and turn them into a skill. There shall also be dark and non-friendly Rimuru of course. As well as NO HAREM. So please enjoy.

Astra178 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Meeting New Races

The Idiot trio has just left in return to a nation called "Blumund". To report about our town and the passing of Shizu. Me? Currently I am away from the village, as I just saw the Goblin Riders off.

I've been walking in my newly acquired human form, which is one of the things Shizu left behind for me. I have been walking away from the village in search of monsters to test my skills on. Mostly other of my magic eyes. The one im taking a liking to is this [Stone Stare]. Its kinda a medusa type skill. Except instead of completely turning the target into stone I can determine what to turn to stone.

'Man these skills are fun!'

As I just finished killing a hive of these ants, I heard what sounded like combat in the distance. Curious about it, of course I ran to the area to check it out. What I saw was what looked to be a three tailed fox that was injured while being protected by a what looked like a wolf beastman.

I looked to see who they were fighting. I don't know what race they were, If I had to say they resembled what looked like orcs from the video games I played before. But they were wearing full plated armor along with helmets. They numbered 2

The beastman looked exhausted. He is covered in cuts and bruises all while bleeding profusely. He looked as if he would drop dead. Ill help this guy out. Not wanting to prolong this I used my destructive eyes to just make the orcs explode. Due to my barrier It prevented any blood getting on me. The other two though not so much.

"Who's there! Show yourself!" He seems on edge I get it. But you saw how the orcs died, I could kill you with a passing glance. Well I guess I'll introduce myself.

"Calm down, I'm not here to harm you." I may have said that but they were still on guard. I know how to get them to trust me.

"Here take this."

"What is that?"

"It's a potion created by me. It will heal you both, so please trust me." He was staring at the potions on my hand, still not sure whether to trust me or not. It took a while but he did end up taking them and giving one to the fox. They noticed their wounds were healing and got surprised, or at least I think the fox was surprised.

"I am sorry to have doubted your words." Both of them were bowing with heads touching the ground. What is with people bowing so much to me?

"It's no big deal. Now if I may ask, what happened to the both of you?"

"Yes. Me and this one lived in the same village to the North of here. Recently we had gotten overrun by some orcs. This one and I are the only survivors of our village. We have been roaming here to hopefully find refuge." This was shocking information. They were overrun by orcs.

"Do either of you have names?" He looked at me with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Are we supposed to?"

"No, it just makes things easier for me, as well as benefits you if you have one. For now follow me to my village and we can talk mo-"

{Notice: Urgent request for aid has been sent by the individual known as Ranga.}

Uh-oh. If this is urgent, they must be in some sort of danger. Hopefully no orcs.

"Change of plans follow me, but were not headed to my village."

'Lead me there Great Sage.'


With that in place I bolted for Rangas location with the other two following behind me.

Getting closer to Rangas position, I began to lear the sounds of blades clashing, as well as loud howling. From Ranga I presume. Once we arrived to the area, I noticed there were many goblins on the ground. I checked one of their bodies for injuries, luckily there were none so they weren't dead.

One look in the direction of Ranga, he was off fighting two people, one big and one small both of which had horns.

"Ranga! Return!"

"Master!" As soon as heard my call he instantly returned to me.

"Master, i'm sorry I could not beat them." He lowered his head while saying this.

"It's alright Ranga, its better you weren't injured or killed. So thats a win in my book." He heard my praise and instantly felt better about himself, rather than depreciating himself.



To my left I heard more clashing. It was Rigur. He was fighting a big woman who like the others had a horn on her forehead.

"Rigur!" He heard me just in time and returned. If he hadn't he would have been squashed by that woman's mace.

"Rimuru-sama, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it, now get some rest." Leaving these words behind I walked forward towards this group. Honestly I am quite angry that they nearly killed my people.

"State your reasoning for attacking my people." I commanded in anger. Buy my order was met with silence. For what felt like hours but was mere seconds, this battlefield was enveloped in pure silence. Silent enough that you could hear a pin drop.

"Enough, Majin! You will pay for what you did to our village!"

Majin? Well yeah, I guess I can be considered a majin now. But they think I attacked their village. Guess I have to mediate rather than kill. I let out a big sigh before speaking to them

"Listen, I did nothing to your village. So why don't we talk this out, huh?"

"Liar! I will avenge my fallen comrades!" Looks like talking wont work. I guess force will have to do.

(3rd Person Perspective)

The red leader ogre ran towards Rimuru, sword in hand before raising it and swinging it down on Rimuru. Rimuru did not move, but stood comepletely still as he saw no need to dodge. He simply raised his hand and caught the sword.

"If you don't believe me fine. Then I'll make you."

He proceeded to grab the arm of the ogre and throw him along with his sword into a tree before moving to the next ogre.

His next target was the female who Rigur was fighting. He moved faster than she could process due to [Thought Acceleration] and punched her in the stomach causing her to fall to the ground.

A big ogre that towered over the others raised his hammer to bring it down on Rimuru. But that was futile as well. Rimuru used two magical eyes at once. [Decimate] to destroy his weapon and [Stone Stare] to keep him in place.

Another ogre one who looked dark blue used Rimuru fighting the big guy to his advantage. He snuck up on Rimuru aiming for his head. But he missed.... How could he miss as he was in appropriate range to deliver a fatal strike. Next thing he knew, he was already unconscious. Before he struck Rimuru used [Thought Acceleration] and appeared behind him.

In less than a minute almost all the ogres were down. The last standing was an old man.

"Do you not wish t-"

Before Rimuru could finish the old ogre appeared behind him, trying to take his head off. But he failed. As even at that moment Rimuru didn't drop his guard.

"[Ogre Flame]!!"

At that moment the red ogre came back and summoned a pillar of fire at Rimurus feet. Unlucky for him though. Rimuru walked out completely unscathed.

"Looks like I underestimated you guys. I apologize for that. Now I wont hold back."

The red ogre regrouped with the old ogre to combat Rimuru. The aura he was releasing now completely overpowered their own. In order to showcase his power and make them submit. Rimuru used one of his eyes.

"[Hellish Sight]"

Rimurus eyes turned black as to showcase the skill was used. Immediately the area behind the ogres were covered in black flames. Burning down trees and not even leaving ash behind. Whatever was in Rimurus sight would burst into flames if he wished. If Rimuru wanted they would be dead right now. This display of power made the red ogre grit his teeth in anger.

While behind him, Ranga, Rigur and the unnamed beastman and fox were all starstruck and amazed by Rimurus power. Their respect for him has increased beyond its limits.

"Young master, please take the princess and flee. I shall end him."

"Nonsense elder. I have to admit, you are strong. But I still have a job to avenge my people. Even if it costs me my life."

'Huh. I guess they have to die now. Too bad, you guys probably would have been fun to be around.' Rimuru thought. He honestly wanted to refrain from killing them. But due to their stubbornness, he had no choice. As he strengthened his resolve to kill them, the one they called princess ran over.

"Brother please stop this." She said, coming to Rimurus aid.

"Out of the way!"

"No! I may sound crazy, but I honestly believe he has nothing to do with the attack on the village."

"But he is a masked Majin. It even resembles the one at our village."

"You are correct. But the power he displayed here. It doesn't make any sense for why he would use orcs to attack us. He could kill us all if he wished." As he was listening to this, Rimuru let out a small smile and nodded his head, seemingly agreeing with the girl. And so he deactivated his eye which also freed the ogre whos leg he turned to stone.

"Could not have said it better myself." Rimuru said as he walked up to the ogres.

"What are you really?"

"Hm. I'm just a strong slime." The princess let out a small chuckle to this and the red ogre just gasped a bit seemingly in disbelief that he's a slime.

"Come again."

"Seriously. I am the slime Rimuru Tempest." He turned into his slime form to show that he is in fact, not lying.

"If you believe me now, why don't you come to our village and discuss this. Those two over there also had their village destroyed by orcs."

Once the ogre leader agree to this, Rimuru gave the ones he hurt a potion to heal them and woke them up aswell. With this encounter settled under good terms, they began to follow Rimuru to his village.