
A New Tempest

Like most fan-fictions. This story is my take on the story from beginning to end. This is not a back in time story. No-Op Rimuru from the start. There will be new characters and new skills added into this. As well as I might take other characters from other Anime and turn them into a skill. There shall also be dark and non-friendly Rimuru of course. As well as NO HAREM. So please enjoy.

Astra178 · Komik
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41 Chs

New Friends & New Skills

(Rimuru Perspective)

Once we arrived to the village, I told everyone to enjoy themselves for now while we have a little festival going and that we will talk later. Earlier I have already tested if I could taste food, so thats crossed of my checklist. To be honest I am more interested to see what will happen if I name them.

So I guess I'll let them enjoy themselves first.

(Rimuru Perspective End)

(3rd Person Perspective)

A few hours later, the village's festival is still going on. It was a celebration for the goblins and direwolves being named. At least that's what Rimuru said.

In the distance, away from the main party. We see a group sitting down and talking. That group consists of Rigurd, Rigur, Kaijin, the old ogre, the leader ogre and the dark blue ogre. Along with the wolf beastman and the fox.

"You mean the orcs attacked the ogres!" Kaijin shouted in surprise.

"Is that surprising?" Said Gobta, as he heard the commotion and decided to drop by.

"Not only is it surprising, its also unnatural. You see orcs are typically weaker than ogres." Kaijin answered Gobta's question.

"Anything else that was unnatural?" Rigurd had asked the ogres or beastman.

"You there how did they attack your village." Rigur had asked the beastman upfront. The beastman began to sweat, as he did not want to remember a single detail about his home's destruction.

"You don't have to say anything if you don't want to." Rigur noticed his behavior and began to basically retract his question.

"No! I'll tell you." The beastman swallowed his fears and began to speak.

"My story is similar to how the ogres got attack. But with one crucial difference. The number of orcs that did us in was far too few."

This info caused the surrounding crowd to become shocked among belief. The beastman race were on-par with if not greatly above the ogres in power. So for the village to be destroyed by fewer than what killed the ogres, was just absurd.

"Compared to your village that got overrun with them. It only took 8 of them to annihilate us." What the beastman said once again caught everyone off guard. 'How could less than 10 orcs decimate a village of beastmen?' Was the thought in everyone's heads.

"I think we should wait for Rimuru-sama to further discuss this crisis." Rigurd said. Everyone then nodded in agreement with Rigurd.

With Rimuru:

At the time when Rigurd and the others are discussing the orcs, Rimuru is out using his skills some more. Killing any non-sentient monsters in his path.

"Well, I have tested out all of my eyes. Each one has a definitive use. I wonder what else I can get."

Suddenly, further into the forest, Rimuru heard some voices. There were multiple, probably about 2 or 3 could be heard.

"Hoh, I wonder what this is. I'll check it out." And just like that Rimuru proceeded to approach the unknown voices. Hiding in the bushes, while approaching ever so slightly. After some seconds, Rimuru finall reached the location of the voices. What he saw couldn't have surprised him more. Standing there talking were 3 orcs.

'What are orcs doing here? Are they the ones that destroyed that beastmans village?" Rimuru thought.

"Where are the third and fifth generals?" One of the orcs asked the other 2.

"I don't know, he should be back by now."

"You think they were killed? It could be why they haven't returned.

"Seems plausible. For now lets return to the other three." Once the first orc said these words, the other two followed their superior. Rimuru on one hand wanted to let them go. But the greedy person he was would not let them walk away. He wanted more skills to use. More power so that he can back up his status as a future king and to protect his people.

With this in mind, Rimuru left from his hiding spot.

"Hi, there orcs." Upon hearing some words behind them, they quickly turned around in shock. Not once having the idea they were being watched.

"Attack!" The orc shouted. All three unhooked their axes, as they began to rush at Rimuru.

"No talking first? How rude." Rimuru wanted to play around at first. He unsheathed two daggers that Kaijin made for him as a temporary weapon. It was the first thing kaijin made out of the Magic Ore that Rimuru gave him.

Two of the orcs were now in-front of Rimuru, and brought their axes down on his head. But Rimuru used the twin daggers to redirect their strike and moving out of the way, sending their axes to the ground.

Rimuru skipped them and moved onto the leader orc. Instead of playing around with him, Rimuru swiftly killed him by stabbing him in both sides of his neck. He fell to the ground lifeless, profusely gushing blood.

The other two were surprised how easily their leader died. They wanted to run away in fear of this unknown person. But their pride didn't allow them to. They strengthened their resolve, as this fight is for their king. They strengthened their grip on their weapons, and once again faced Rimuru.

"You have not lost the will to fight me. Well done." Rimuru gave his honest praise to both of the orcs. But he knew even after this, he knew it wasn't enough for them to stop him. With the orcs earning his respect, Rimuru decided not to play around with them any further.

Instantly, Rimuru blitzed the orcs faster than they could perceive him and slit both of their throats. Killing them instantly.

"I wonder what I'll get out of eating you." Rimuru said aloud. Truly a greedy and gluttonous person.

"[Predator]" in less than a second, Rimuru engulfed both the orcs and devoured them in an attempt to get any kind of skill out of it.

<<Individual: Rimuru Tempest has gained Unique Skill [Ocean], Unique Skill [Heal]>>

'Hmm... this is surprising. Seems like 2 of them were in possession of unique skills. [Great Sage] what do the skills do.

{Firstly [Heal]

Area Heal - Allows the user to heal up to five designated targets in a limited area.

Medication - Can create a healing potion out of anything that possess a certain amount of magicules.

Passive Haki - Allows the target to infuse a healing property in their Aura. Heals target to a certain extent depending on damage taken.

Lastly [Ocean]

Water Manipulation- Allows the user to manipulate water to a certain extent.

Liquid Travel - Allows the user to travel through any nearby liquid.

Seer - The user can peer through any liquid from anywhere as if looking through a window.

Liquify - Allows the user to change the properties of almost anything they can comprehend into a liquid.

That is all of masters abilities.}

'These orcs had these kind of abilities? They aren't overpowered as I expected, but they still have their uses.' Rimuru thought. As well as he thought about how he could try to apply these to daily necessities.

"Well its fine for now. It's about to be day anyways, so I'll just head back to the village."

Rimuru turned his back on the area and proceeded to head back to the village.

By the time Rimuru returned, he saw the effects of this celebration. Hobgoblins were on the ground passed out from either exhaustion or passed out drunk.

'Is this really what happened while I was away?' Rimuru thought as he observed the drunken races before him. But one thing caught his eye. The ogres and beastmen were still awake.

'Well at least some of them aren't drunkards.' He thought happily as he approached the group.

"Hello there! Sorry for my disappearance last night." Rimuru said while scratching the back if his head.

"Anyway there is something I would like to talk to you all about." The ogres seemed confused. What was there to talk about with them.

"If you will please follow me to my home, we can get started."

The ogres and beastmen completely trusted Rimuru. He saved the beastmen and spared the ogres after attacking them. If anything the felt that they owe him their thanks. So they got up and followed Rimuru witthout any sort if reluctance.

Rimuru guided them inside his house before taking a seat.

Once everyone was situated, Rimuru began to speak.

"I think I have a firm grasp of the problem occuring in this forest. But first, I would like you to hear what I ran into last night." Rimuru said, which caused the group to become even more interested.

"I ran into a group of 3 exceptionally strong orc generals."

This tiny piece of info was a surprise to the ogres. But to the beastmen, to say it shocked them would be an understatement. But they also felt an indescribable rage. Rimuru might have ran into a few that caused their villages destruction.

"Before anyone says anything, let me continue." Said Rimuru before observing the group.

"I would like like you all to serve under me-"

Before Rimuru finished, the ogre leader was about to object in protest. Before he could say anything Rimuru quieted him down with a hand.

"Let me finish. I would like you all to serve under me temporarily, so you can help us fight against the orcs. A job from me means getting a place to stay, a base of operations and a name for each of you."

Everyone had their eyes set upon Rimuru. Staring at him in disbelief. He said he would assist them but the part they focused on the most was.... He said he would give them names.

"You can work under me for the time being. But after that you are free to do as you please. So what do you say?" Rimuru was looking upon the beastmen as he said this.

"I would like to accept this offer on behalf of both of us. You have already saved our lives. That was enough. We shall serve you even after this war, should we win."

This response was enough for Rimuru to let out a little smirk. He was one step closer to his goal once more. Now he cast his gaze upon the ogres. Waiting for their response.

"As I was supposed to be the successor to our tribes chief. I still have my pride as the leader here. Should we win, I will consider working under you. Until then I accept your offer."

"Great! So lets get you some names shall we." Rimuru said, getting up from his seat and now standing in front of ogre leader.

"Your name shall be Benimaru. Princess your name will be Shuna. Old man is Hakarou. Big guy you are Kurobe. Ninja you are Souei. Lady, you are Shion."

Upon naming them they began to glow brightly.

"I shall give you your roles in the village later. So please go assist the hobgoblins and goblinas to see what you would prefer to do. You are dismissed." The ogres left the tent to select what village job they would like to do.

"Now onto you two. Beastman I will give you Sakame." Rimuru said while kneeling at eye level with the beastman.

"Thank you for this wonderful name."

"Now onto you. Are they a boy or a girl?"

"They are a girl. Why do you ask?" Sakame asked curiously.

"So I can know what name suits them best. How about Kiyoko, that sounds goo-" Rimuru abruptly passed out from the naming exhaustion.

<<Individual: Rimuru Tempest has acquired the Unique Skill [Monster Ruler]>>