
A New Leaf: Rebirth in the Shinobi World

When an Anime fan, unexpectedly passes away in a tragic accident, he wakes up to find himself in the body of none other than Boruto Uzumaki. With the knowledge of the original series and a deep understanding of the characters, he decides to rewrite his destiny and the fate of the Shinobi world. Now, as Boruto, he has the chance to live the adventures he's always dreamed of. But it's not all fun and games. He must navigate through the complex relationships, political intrigue, and epic battles that come with being a ninja. With the memories of Boruto and his own, he struggles to find a balance between his two identities. As he delves deeper into the ninja world, he realizes that changing the future isn't as easy as he thought. Every decision he makes ripples through the world, affecting everyone around him. Will he be able to prevent the tragedies he knows are coming, or will he cause new ones? Join him on his journey as he tries to reshape the world, armed with the power of friendship, determination, and a unique perspective. Will he succeed in creating a better future for the Shinobi world, or will he lose himself in the process? This is a story of second chances, of friendship, and of a fan's love for a world that is now his reality. (The picture is not mine if the creator want me to not use it. I understand)

Taidanotsumi · Komik
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77 Chs

Chapter 11: A Little Lesson

Time has flown by, and now two years have come and gone.

As a bird gracefully soared through the sky, its cheerful chirping filled the air. Meanwhile, a figure caught the attention of onlookers on the ground. It was Boruto, now two years older, his signature blonde hair cascading over his casual hoodie. His sleeves were rolled up, revealing his well-defined forearms, a testament to his training. Standing slightly taller than his peers, Boruto exuded an air of maturity beyond his years.

[Image Here]

On this particular day, Boruto had decided to take a break from his rigorous training regime. While he rested, his six clones diligently continued their training in various disciplines such as Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, and Ninjutsu. Yawning, Boruto made his way towards the Academy, his steps filled with a sense of nonchalant determination.

"I can't stand this new rule that Naruto implemented. Apparently, Sakura's research on Shinobi mental health led to the decision that we have to be at least 12 to graduate. It's absolute bullshit," Boruto grumbled, his frustration evident in his voice. "I just found out about it, what a pain."

Upon his arrival at the Academy, the new students couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and trepidation upon seeing Boruto. His imposing stature and serious expression left an indelible impression on their minds.

The teachers began their debriefing for the new students, while the Hokage delivered a speech on the importance of the Will of Fire. However, Boruto paid little attention, his mind preoccupied with other thoughts. He simply couldn't be bothered to engage with the words being spoken.

When the time came for attendance, all of the students were present, their anticipation palpable. With the roll call complete, they made their way to their assigned classrooms, ready to embark on their educational journey as future shinobi.

As Boruto and Shikadai strolled side by side on their way to class, Shikadai couldn't help but notice the serious expression etched on Boruto's face. Intrigued, he couldn't resist asking, "What's with that face?"

Boruto, pointing to his face, replied nonchalantly, "This? It's just my resting bitch face. I'm tired, man."

Shikadai chuckled, understanding the toll that Boruto's intense training regimen must have on him. "Well, with the insane amount of training you put yourself through every day, it's no wonder you're exhausted. You're a crazy bastard, you know that?"

A mischievous grin spread across Boruto's face as he replied, "Yeah, I know. But it's worth it."

Shikadai nodded in agreement, acknowledging the dedication and drive that Boruto possessed. "By the way, you should know that most people, including our classmates, might be a bit intimidated to approach you."

A sense of satisfaction flickered in Boruto's eyes as he responded, "Good. Less people to talk to."

Shikadai let out a sigh, understanding Boruto's sentiment. "Yeah, that's true. Sometimes, talking to people can be such a drag."

Boruto couldn't help but chuckle at Shikadai's response. "Your mom would definitely beat your ass if she heard you say 'what a drag.' You know how she feels about that phrase."

Shikadai sighed, a hint of resignation in his voice. "Yeah, I know. And thanks to you, my training amount has increased too. Your crazy determination is contagious."

Boruto's laughter echoed through the air as he playfully teased his friend. "Haha, you can thank me later for pushing you to new limits."

As Boruto and Shikadai entered their classroom, Boruto made a beeline for the second-to-last table, taking a seat at the very end. Shikadai followed suit, knowing that it was unlikely anyone would dare to sit next to Boruto.

However, to their surprise, a student dressed in full green confidently took the seat next to Shikadai, showing no signs of fear towards Boruto. It was none other than Metal Lee, the son of Rock Lee.

"Good to see you, rival," Metal greeted, his voice filled with a mixture of respect and determination.

Boruto returned the greeting with a warm smile. "Yeah, good to see you too, Metal."

Shikadai, puzzled by their interaction, couldn't help but ask, "Wait, you two know each other?"

Boruto nodded, explaining the connection. "Metal's father is one of the sub-teachers for my Taijutsu training. We've been training together for a while now."

Metal chimed in, confirming Boruto's words. "That's right. We've been pushing each other to improve."

It was evident that this version of Metal was different from the one in the original timeline. He exuded confidence and determination, driven to surpass Boruto in their respective journeys as shinobi.

Curiosity sparked in Metal's eyes as he asked, "Boruto, do you think you'll graduate early?"

Boruto's expression shifted, a hint of frustration evident. "I wish, but with the new rule my father implemented, it's not possible. Apparently, it's recommended for academy students to be at least 12 years old before becoming Genin. I just found out about it recently."

As the trio engaged in their conversation, their attention was abruptly drawn towards the entrance of the classroom. A teacher had arrived, breaking the chatter with his authoritative presence. It was none other than Aburame Shino, their new homeroom teacher.

"Silence," Shino commanded, his voice firm yet composed. "I will be your homeroom teacher. My name is Aburame Shino. Nice to meet you all."

Boruto couldn't help but smirk as he observed Shino. "This is one of those examples of falling from grace," he muttered, his gaze fixed on their new teacher.

Curiosity piqued, Shikadai turned to Boruto, his eyes questioning. "What do you mean by that?"

Boruto's gaze remained fixed on Shino as he explained, "I came across a picture of him with my mother when they were younger. He looks worse here than he did back then."

Shikadai nodded in understanding, recognizing the impact that time had on individuals. "I guess that's what time does to people. It changes them."

The class began with Shino selecting the class representative. After a vote, the majority of students chose Kakei Sumire, a girl with purple hair.

The class proceeded as usual, with no new material to learn since Boruto had already covered most of it.

During break time, some students cheered while others headed to the cafeteria. The only ones left in the classroom were the boys, including Boruto, who took out a bento box prepared by his mother.

Metal also brought his own bento, but Shikadai didn't. Feeling a twinge of jealousy, Shikadai said, "I'll buy some food. I'll be back," and quickly left the room.

At that moment, someone stood up and said, "Leave this room and go somewhere else."

It was Yuino Iwabe, a student who had repeated a grade. Some students tried to stand up against him, but they were no match for his strength. Seeing one of their friends being knocked to the ground, they attempted to gang up on Iwabe, but they were all defeated.

"Huh? Do you want to try again?" Iwabe taunted.

Fearing further confrontation, the other students quickly left the classroom.

"Ah, this kind of guy," Boruto muttered, observing the situation unfold.

Iwabe turned around and locked eyes with Boruto and Metal. "Go elsewhere," he demanded.

Boruto and Metal simply ignored his command and continued preparing to eat their food. Veins started to bulge on Iwabe's forehead as he approached the two boys, stomping his way up the stairs. "Don't ignore me!" he shouted.

Before Iwabe could slam his leg on the desk, Boruto swiftly grabbed his ankle and pushed him, causing Iwabe to lose his balance and crash into a nearby desk, rendering him unconscious.

"He's knocked out, Boruto," Metal remarked.

"Who cares? They were interrupting our mealtime," Boruto replied nonchalantly.

Just as Shikadai returned to the classroom, he asked, "What did I miss?"

"Boruto just knocked someone out," Metal informed him.

"What?!" Shikadai exclaimed, turning to Boruto and then to the unconscious Iwabe on the ground.

"Forget about him and let's continue enjoying our food," Boruto suggested.

"Yeah," Shikadai agreed.

The trio resumed eating, and as they finished their meal, a few students began to enter the classroom, wondering why Iwabe was unconscious.

When Iwabe eventually regained consciousness, he found most of the students already back in the classroom. He noticed Boruto smirking with his eyes closed.

Iwabe stood up, but before he could react, a teacher entered the classroom. "Iwabe-kun, please take your seat. I'm about to start teaching," the teacher instructed.

Iwabe reluctantly complied, taking his seat while maintaining a hostile glare towards Boruto, who remained unfazed and indifferent to Iwabe's animosity.

After school ended, Iwabe stood up from his spot and walked up the stairs, stopping at the line of desks where Boruto was seated. Resting his bo staff on Boruto's desk, he called out, "Oi."

Boruto turned his head towards Iwabe and replied, "Huh? What? Do you want to pick a fight? Go find someone else."

Boruto stood up, wearing his backpack, and attempted to leave the classroom. However, Iwabe reached out and touched Boruto's shoulder, stopping him in his tracks.

"Let it go, or you won't like what will happen," Boruto warned.

"Hah?! Try it th–" Before Iwabe could finish his sentence, he was thrown to the ground, landing on his back. He was completely taken aback by what had just transpired.

Boruto's swift actions involved grabbing Iwabe's wrist with his right hand and pulling it forward. He then swiftly turned towards Iwabe and delivered a low kick to his left leg, causing Iwabe to lose his balance and fall.

The entire classroom was filled with astonishment at the sudden turn of events, except for Metal, who had witnessed what had unfolded.

"What just happened?" Chocho asked, bewildered.

Sarada responded, "Boruto is moving too fast for our eyes to see."

Boruto briskly ascended the stairs, signaling for Metal and Shikadai to follow him. "Come on, let's get out of here," he urged.

Metal couldn't help but smile, impressed by how flawlessly Boruto executed his moves. He quickly joined Boruto, while Shikadai followed suit, calling out, "Hey, wait for me!"

Iwabe swiftly stood up, pointing his bo staff at Boruto. "Where do you think you're going, you coward?" he taunted.

Boruto calmly retorted, "To train, unlike you, wasting your entire life as a repeater."

This comment enraged Iwabe, causing him to lunge at Boruto with a powerful swing attack. Concern washed over everyone in the room, but Boruto simply smirked, recognizing the numerous openings in Iwabe's attack.

In a flash, Boruto flickered and appeared in front of Iwabe, grabbing him by the neck and delivering a devastating knee strike directly to his face. Blood spurted from Iwabe's nose as he collapsed to the ground, unconscious once again.

Metal and Shikadai shut their eyes, well aware of the brutal fighting skills Boruto possessed. They knew firsthand just how formidable he could be in combat.

Cracking his neck and exhaling, Boruto muttered, "What a waste of time. The Academy has already wasted enough of my time."

With that, Boruto descended from the desk and made his way up the stairs, turning to Shikadai and Metal. "Let's go," he said, urging them to join him.

Sumire, the class representative, was taken aback by the brutality she had just witnessed. She never expected such a violent altercation to unfold before her eyes.

Just as Boruto was about to leave, Sarada spoke up, voicing her concern. "Boruto, isn't that going too far?" she questioned.

"Hah? Too far? The strike that guy was about to deliver could have caused a concussion, so I simply traded it with a regular knee strike," Boruto explained. "I thought the Uchiha clan was known for its brutality, but I guess you're just an inferior Uchiha since your Uchiha blood has been diluted."

Sarada's anger surged, and she attempted to rush towards Boruto. However, Chocho managed to grab Sarada's wrist and leaned in to whisper in her ear, "Don't do it. Boruto is waiting for your reaction."

Sarada then noticed a mischievous smirk on Boruto's face.

"Seems like you have no self-control, huh?" Boruto said. "Haha, sorry, but you look pretty cute when you're that mad."

Sarada's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. 'This guy!' she thought, clenching her fist.

"Sarada, are you blushing?" Chocho teased, noticing Sarada's reaction.

"I'm not!" Sarada denied, trying to hide her blush.

With that, Boruto, Shikadai, and Metal left the classroom, heading out together.

"Do you really have to go that far?" Shikadai questioned, his tone filled with exasperation.

"Nah, I just wanted to teach our 'senior' a little lesson," Boruto replied nonchalantly.

Shikadai let out a sigh, muttering, "What a drag."

"I'm going to tell your mom about this," Boruto teased, starting to run away.

"No, you won't!" Shikadai exclaimed, chasing after Boruto.

"Hey, wait up!" Metal called out, joining in the chase.

The three of them continued running, their smiles widening as they engaged in their playful pursuit.

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