
A Multiverse Cinematic Adventure

Have you ever dreamed of being able to travel through your favourite movie worlds? Well, that's exactly what happens to Jack, an ordinary dude who suddenly finds himself getting isekaied. He has a system that allows him to travel to different worlds inspired by popular movies. In each world he will have a new profession. He will have to reach the peak of that profession to get stronger and be able to unlock new worlds. In the "Fast and Furious", Jack becomes a master mechanic who can fix any car and outdrive even Toretto. In the "Mission Impossible", he is an IRS officer with a knack for catching tax evaders like Tom Cruise. In the "Flash", he is an ordinary courier delivery boy who can run circles around the Flash and deliver packages with lightning speed. In "DC", he is a gym coach who can bench press the moon and Bruce's esteemed magic teacher. In the "Harry Potter", he is a staff maker with magical powers that would make Dumbledore jealous. And so on.... Join Jack on his epic journey as he becomes the ultimate god of the multiverse and through the most epic, action-packed, and hilarious multiverse journey ever... ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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The Major

"Hello." The major saluted as he entered, his eyes falling upon his target—Jack.

"Your response is quicker than I anticipated, both in terms of speed and setting," Jack remarked casually.

"We never hesitate to address such trivial matters," the major replied with a smile, extending his hand.

He was well aware of Jack's abilities. "I'm Major Alfred."

"Do you happen to know someone named Bruce Wane?" Jack asked with a teasing grin, shaking Alfred's hand.

"Huh..." Alfred's expression faltered.

Jack chuckled inwardly, maintaining his smile outwardly. "Just a passing memory. I'm Jack."

"I see," Alfred mused, filing away the tidbit about Jack possibly knowing Bruce Wane for future reference before getting down to business.

"Blah blah..."

"The general plan is this: I'll escort you to the military base airport, and from there, we'll transport you to the Headquarters using alternate means," Alfred explained. "We'll ensure your safety, and as for other perks, we'll provide the best. If you have any specific requests, feel free to voice them, and we'll do our utmost to accommodate."

"It does sound a bit peculiar," Jack remarked with a smile. "Speaking of requests, can I bring someone along?"

"Who?" Alfred inquired.

"That would be Stephan," Jack gestured towards Stephan, who looked on with anticipation. "He used to be a reserve Jaeger pilot. I believe he should be fully recovered by now, and it appears he's been keeping up with his training in recent years. If he hasn't missed out on any training sessions, he should only require a brief refresher to become an official Jaeger pilot."

Alfred's expression turned serious in an instant.

A qualified Jaeger pilot was a rare find indeed!

However, even if Stephan didn't measure up, since Jack had proposed it, Alfred had little choice but to agree. After all, he had just pledged to do his best to fulfill requests, and Jack's rationale for bringing Stephan along was impeccable... It would be impossible to refuse!

Furthermore, even if Stephan accompanied them, it wouldn't pose a significant issue. They were simply bringing him along; Jack hadn't stipulated that Stephan must become a Jaeger pilot. If Stephan failed to pass the subsequent tests and training, it would be his own concern.

"In that case, it's only right for us to accommodate your request. It's quite reasonable. He can join us on the journey," Alfred declared after pondering the matter, then turned to Sebastian beside him. "Mr Sebastian , we'll reissue the paperwork to you following the transfer process."

"Sure, sure..." Sebastian nodded repeatedly, though he still wasn't entirely clear on the situation...


Sitting in the helicopter, Stephan couldn't shake off the feeling of incredulity.

Did he really just... leave?

Just like that, heading to headquarters, gearing up to take the training test, and potentially becoming a mecha pilot?

Stephan never doubted for a moment that he could ace the test. He'd done it years ago, and he knew he could do it again, even more effortlessly. It was his unwavering confidence in his own progress.

All this time, what had held him back were missed opportunities and his own hesitations.

The opportunity came in the form of his medical report... The previous examination revealed "permanent" neurological damage, dashing any hopes he had of becoming a mecha pilot.

Unless he could somehow convince the Shatterdome's mecha pilot department to conduct another neurological assessment, but such tests were prohibitively expensive and typically reserved for confirmed recruits. With Stephan's limited connections, there was little hope, let alone the chance to sign up.

Of course, if he were willing to stir up trouble, he might have had a shot, but he balked at the idea because of his inherent kindness.

His hesitation stemmed from his own empathy.

The betrayal by his so-called "best friend" had cut him deep, leaving him unwilling to open up to others again, especially after that friend became a martyr.

Now that everyone involved was gone, Stephan feared that reconnecting with others and sharing memories would only dredge up painful reminders, especially if there were any posthumous accusations...

But then, Jack appeared, strutting into his life cutting through the niceties with razor-sharp wit, and getting to know him on a deeper level... From their first encounter at the barbecue stand, Jack had a knack for uncovering the secrets hidden in Stephan's heart.

And then came the "ideological education," a masterful deception.

Jack's tactics had hoodwinked agents, tycoons, IRS bigwigs, gangsters—you name it. If he could dupe someone as pure and kind-hearted as Stephan, it was child's play.

In short, after that, Stephan's mind was consumed with the desire to become a mecha pilot once more.

What he hadn't anticipated was Jack simply mentioning it and being granted permission to board the helicopter and travel to the Shatterdome alongside Jack!

How influential must one be to garner such attention?

Recalling Jack's performance, Stephan's doubts automatically dissipated.


Meanwhile, Jack closed his eyes, seeking rest while contemplating the next steps. Though he had already formulated his plans beforehand, revisiting them a few more times wouldn't hurt. Perhaps it would help to iron out any potential loopholes?

The helicopter's noise drowned out any chance of conversation, causing him to forget his intention to chat with Alfred, who had a protagonist-like aura.

Before long, the helicopter touched down at a military base and parked on the apron. Subsequently, Alfred escorted Jack and Stephan onto a transport plane.

This time, the noise was more manageable, prompting Alfred to initiate conversation. "Mr. Jack..."

"Just call me Jack," Jack interjected.

"Alright, Jack...you're twenty-one years old, correct?" Alfred inquired with evident curiosity.

"Yes," Jack replied unabashedly, suppressing the urge to smirk.

Truth be told, if one were to delve into it, he might even be older than Alfred!

Alfred was deeply intrigued by Jack.

As a major tasked with retrieving someone, he had naturally obtained some top-secret information from Robert's secretary.

This included Jack's exploits.

Initially, Alfred had harbored doubts upon hearing the news, but he trusted his integrity and knew he wouldn't jest about such matters.

Thus, he accepted it and made his way over.

Logic insisted, "This can't be true!"

Yet reality countered, "But it is!"

"Reality is often more brutal than novels or movies," Alfred mused during his interaction with Jack, reflecting on the stark contrast between fiction and reality.


"Has the individual arrived?"

"They're en route. They've already boarded the plane."

"Why are they taking a plane? What if something goes wrong?"

"Planes are the safest mode of transportation!"

"But they also have the highest casualty rate in the event of an accident!"

"Did I say you couldn't speak? Do you have to be difficult?"

"Who's being difficult? Am I not speaking the truth?"


In a conference room, a diverse group of individuals, some impeccably dressed while others more casually attired, engaged in heated arguments. Most were men and women with graying hair and unshaven beards, some even in their seventies or eighties, yet their energy was palpable.

Meanwhile, soldiers stood nearby, not to guard against them, but rather to ensure they didn't come to blows. The tension was thick, as this gathering involved influential figures in the country's defense sector.

Could anyone look away from such a spectacle? The stakes were high, and the outcome uncertain.

Also present were soldiers marked with red crosses, ready with emergency medical supplies. An ambulance stood by, prepared to intervene in case the argument escalated into a physical altercation or health emergency.

"Why are they even allowed here?" Robertl asked his secretary incredulously outside the conference room.

"There's no stopping them... Who would dare?" Jasmine's attempt at a composed expression belied his helplessness. "Initially, they insisted on waiting directly on the apron. I tried every excuse, citing health concerns like rheumatism, but it was futile!"

"And how did you manage to convince them?"

"I appealed to their emotions, then followed up with reason.... Essentially, a lot of talking. Eventually, they relented, fearing Jack might not handle it well and misunderstanding our intentions to empower him. So, they reluctantly agreed to return."

"It's remarkable how much attention this person commands, even before arriving..."

"Well, aren't you precious too? How many fighter jets have you requested Air Force coordination for?"

"That's different!" Robert retorted confidently.

Jasmine simply raised an eyebrow in response.


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