

"Are we not departing by the same road we originally used?" Sontar was relieved to be out of the castle. Their pack and Gelderel's bags were in his inventory. They moved in the opposite direction of home, quickly sliding into the nearby wood.

"We cannot go home ... for now." Alavara's pace was quick enough to make Gelderel huff and puff behind her.

"But father...and my sisters..." A pit formed in Sontar's stomach. "We could have Gelderel explain to them-"

"That she bound herself to an orc after centuries of peaceful marriage in an orchard?" Alavara shook her head and snorted in derision. "Your sisters adore and spoil you rotten, so they would probably understand. I cannot say the same for your father or the rest of the people back in the village."

"Will we see our family again?" Sontar stopped at a stream. He helped Gelderel cross by picking her up. While his mother waded up to her waist. Her rage unnerved him earlier, he'd never seen her like that and was glad she was much calmer now.

"We will find a way to put this behind us." Alavara climbed out of the stream and runged out her skirts. "We don't yet know what the reaction at the castle will be." She saw a hint of worry in her son's eyes. "Do not worry for yourself, you are strong enough to protect yourself in a battle. I will not allow them to harm you, let alone hang you." A thin layer of green colored magical aura surrounded her as she said this.

"I am not worried for myself." Sontar put down Gelderel. "I worry for you, for our family. No matter how hard I tried to avoid trouble, trouble still found its way to me."

"The fault lies with me." Gelderel lifted a hand. "My urges...surprised me."

"You're both right." Alavara nodded grimly. "Regardless, you are my son, Sontar. I won't let anything happen to you. And..." She turned her gaze on Gelderel. "I may be your mother-in-law someday. I suppose I'll protect you, too."


The sky glowed like burning embers to the west as they made camp. Gelderel massaged Sontar's sore muscles as he built the fire.

Alavara paused her work pitching the tent and looked over at them. "You should be preparing our meal, Gelderel. There are tubers near the stream that you can harvest."

"My husband needs me." Gelderel barely glanced at the other she-elf. "Take off your shirt, Sontar. I brought some meadowsweet oil in my bags. I would burnish your skin."

"I can do that myself or use my magic to heal his skin. You will prepare us supper, Gelderel." Alavara put her fists on her hips. 'My whole life is going sideways because of this inconsequential cider elf.' She thought. "Now."

"Who are you to give me orders, Alavara?" Gelderel mimicked Alavara's body posture, using her fists on her own slightly smaller hips.

"I am his mother and...and... and..." Alavara's face turned crimson with wrath. This orchard elf was going to make her say it out loud. She needed to learn her place. "I am Sontar's mother and his surrogate wife. I love him more deeply than you love even yourself, Gelderel. You are only here because I allow it. You have a chance to prove yourself worthy of marriage. This is your audition to be...um..." They were in uncharted waters. Alavara wasn't sure what to call her. "This is your chance to prove yourself worthy of being his deputy wife. Second to me. You will work hard as we travel, making meals, mending clothes, and whatever else we need. After Sontar and I have... um..had our congress, you will be there for any excess urges he may have. Think of yourself as a vessel to carry his surplus seed. And most importantly... you do as I say." She pointed at her son. "You will both do as I say. Understood?"

"Yes, Mother." Sontar nodded. The kindled fire crackled next to him. He knew it was best that he not get involved in their back and forth. Plus his mother being in charge makes perfect sense to him.

Gelderel could see she'd put herself on tenuous ground again. She averted Alavara's gaze. "I am his deputy wife."

"You are auditioning to be his deputy wife. I am impressed with the way you handled his bludgeon. I am not impressed with any other aspect of your wifely duties." Alavara pointed toward the stream. "Go search for tubers while there is still light. I see that Sontar has been riled up by this discussion." She nodded to the outline of his mighty erection under his clothes. "I will see to his needs while you cook."

"Right now?" Sontar grinned broadly, he desired his mother immensely right now.

"Well, first help me finish setting up the tent." Alavara waved him over. Amused by his obvious joy to mate with her.

Gelderel did as she was told. She scampered down to the stream and indeed found the tubers as instructed.

When she returned to camp, the full moon was lighting up the dark sky. She could see that both mother and son were inside the tent. The canvas of the tent shook, and its poles rattled. She could see the rhythmic outline of the orc's butt through the thick canvas. His growls were low and frightening. They thrilled Gelderel to no end. She found her legs trembling and her vagina gushing as she peeled tubers. Alavara's moans were much more animalistic than she would have expected from the haughty elf. Gelderel wondered if she'd hear another elf's sacred song that night. She tried and failed to ignore their copulation and went about preparing supper.

In the tent, a naked Alavara spread her legs as wide as she could and let him plunge his cock deep into her soul. With a twisted face, she looked into his strange but familiar eyes. She loved having Sontar's naked body pressed against her. "We will...ugh..ugh….make the best...of this... my sweet emerald jewel. I…have a…strong feeling…that…we will…be away…from home for years. While we're away...from home...in the wilds...I will no longer need to be...a surrogate." She wants to be much more than a surrogate.

If she's being one hundred percent honest with herself, this little incident with Gelderel provided the perfect opportunity for Alavara. She truly has no real interest going back to Ruyvin. There's absolutely no way she can or will give up being mates with Sontar to go back to her husband. Ruyvin can easily find another she-elf to replace her as his new wife. He simply can't compare to her sweet son.

The only true attachment she has back in the village is her two daughters, while she'll miss them dearly, she knows they can take care of themselves. They'll likely be more upset that she didn't come back to bring them along. Barring something tragic and out of their control, Alavara is very confident that she and Sontar will reunite with her daughters eventually. It just may take some a few years or so, which is nothing to the elf race who are born and blessed with extremely long lifespans. Both she and Gelderel can still be considered very young elves even though both have lived for centuries.

"Gggggrrrrrrrr." Sontar wanted to ask her to elaborate, but her wet, warm sleeve gripped his cock too tightly. It squeezed the civilization out of him. His elf family had raised him to be a good member of society, but he cared for none of that at that moment. Only conquest and satisfaction.

"We…were essentially…already true mates…who conquered each other…by mating like…wild beasts in the heat… I...uuuggghhhhhhhh…will…officially be your prime...wife...your main wife…and you will come first to me…for all…wifely duties." Alavara's orgasm was close. Oh god she loves what Sontar is doing to her gushing insides. She pressed her hands against the massive, flexing muscles of his chest. Unlike with her husband Ruyvin, she couldn't simply overpower Sontar when she wanted to switch positions unless she used her magic to enhance her physical strength.

So that's exactly what she did, the green eyed she-elf utilized her magic to boost her strength with only enough to allow her to move her son.

Sontar was surprised when Alavara suddenly switched their positions. Now she was on top with his cock still deep inside of her pussy. "M...m...mother." To Sontar's eyes, his mother looked like a queen riding her steed into battle. He tried to judge her expression. He decided it was equal parts ecstasy, determination, and love.

The orc could feel himself about to unleash his first climax of the night.

His mother felt it too, her son is about to fill her up with his thick hot seed.

"Yes ...I am still ... your mother ... too." Alavara's boobs bounced widely as her hips lurched with each long thrust. "I... am both to you...and those roles are...oooohhhhhhhhh...not so … aaahhhhhhhhhh. dissimilar..." She thought of finding him when he was a baby, raising him up eighteen years, completely unaware of the new mantle she would don once his needs grew. The old Alavara, who had been so naive about orcs, was gone. She was a new elf now. A wild elf...lost in the wilds. The thought brought both terror and ecstasy. Her eyes glassed over, and her sacred song rose from her lips.

She kept riding him all the way until he finally shot his essence into her womb. Which led to herself having another orgasm. Her toes curled up from the sweet pleasure of feeling Sontar paint her insides with his seed. Her hips continued bouncing fervently on his penis. She loved taking care of his urges.

"Yes...Mother...yes...Mother...sing…gggrir...sing...aaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh!!" Sontar flipped them around again, pinning her under him. He moved his hips in rhythm as he plowed her in this position nonstop until he felt his peak again. He lifted his head and bellowed out his victorious battle cry as he emptied his balls inside his prime wife and mother.

Both Alavara and Gelderel shuddered in pure arousal hearing his roar.

"Oh…yesss….oh gods…oh…gods!….yes Sontar my love….take me…give it to me hard and rough…take your prime wife…take me…as much as you desire…take me..take…take me ... .oh yes! Keep pounding me, Sontar!"

This is Alavara moaning loudly as an wild elf who has lost in the throes of passion. She doesn't care who can hear her. Currently she's on all fours being fucked from behind by her mate. She's creaming and squirting all over his huge green member. All the while moving her hips vigorously to meet his deep thrusts.

Sontar is mesmerized by the way his mother is moving her ass.

The orc and his prime wife kept constantly bringing each other to incredible orgasms. Two hours went by without them stopping, it wasn't until Sontar pumped his mother with his latest release by taking her from the side, while holding her leg up that Alavara finally called in Gelderel.

Of course, the prime wife is not even close to being exhausted and neither is her emerald jewel.

Gelderel nearly tripped over herself rushing into the tent. When she got in, her eyes caught the sight of Alavara sucking off her husband like a master of the art. She also saw a huge amount of Sontar's thick release leaking out of her vagina steadily.

Alavara deepthroated her mate, drawing a loud growl from him, before pulling her mouth away and stroking him with her hand roughly. She turned her head to look at Gelderel.

"Yes…um...what do you need, my prime wife?" The blue eyed she-elf's eager face could be seen.

"You've made supper?" Alavara thought it odd giving an elf other than her distant husband a view of her exposed vagina. But if they were to make this work, more barriers would need to fall. When Gelderel nodded, Alavara smiled. "Good, Gelderel. Now undress, you will help me as Sontar is not yet fully satisfied. Attending to his urges is more important than supper at the moment."

"Yes ... of course." Gelderel squealed with excitement and began undressing.

"But first, I would like you to drain my vagina of Sontar's seed." Turning onto her back and elbows, Alavara spread her legs a little wider. "It is uncomfortable to move about while it slides down the inside of my thighs." She lied, she loved having his semen inside of her.

Gelderel's smile faded. "You want me to drink from you like a mare at a trough?"

"Show me that you can be a good deputy wife or head back to your orchard." Alavara shrugged.

"Mother, perhaps you should-" Sontar began.

"Stay out of this, Sontar." Alavara patted his arm like she would a puppy.

"Um...I've never... with a vagina." Gelderel crawled across the tent floor and stopped between Alavara's legs. She lowered her face to inspect the leaking gash before her.

"I'm guessing you never copulated with an ore before Sontar either. Think of this as a year for new things." Alavara put her hand on the back of the she-elf's head and pulled her face down to her task. "Yes...that's good. Slurp it up... like a good mare. Aaaahhhhhh...yes...use your tongue to get it all out." The tent filled with Gelderel's humming and slurping as she cleaned out a vagina for the first time.

Sontar's cock stood tall and rigid. He was mesmerized by what his mother was doing to his new wife.

"Mother, when I fill Gelderel, will you drain her, too?"

"Of course not. I am your mother and prime wife. To service a second wife would make no sense." Alavara grasped Gelderel's hair. "Okay, that's enough now. I think you've gotten most of it." She pulled Gelderel off her vagina and moved over to the side. "As a reward, I'll let you see to handling Sontar's urges for some time before we switch."

She has been hogging him all to herself for the last couple of hours.

"Yes, thank you!" Gelderel wiped her lips with the back of her hand. She had slurped out a good deal of salty orc sperm. She could also taste Alavara's excitement on her lips. Gelderel shuddered and mounted her new husband. "Rhildor always said I was good in the kitchen. I think you will...aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh...enjoy…oohhhhhhhhhhhh…the meal…whenever you….uuuuggghhh…get to it…!…" She skewered herself on the enormous cock and slid down its great length. "Oh...gods...such a thing...has no business...in an elf...but it feels…right at home."

"It certainly does feel that way, it also makes she-elves such as ourselves become addicted to my sweet son. I hope you're ready to be able to receive Sontar's love and desires multiple times throughout the day every day. I can heal you with my magic if you get too sore." Alavara replied.

"If…my husband…desires me…I'll always…be…aahhhhhh…ready to…..uuuuggghhhh..!…take care…of him…as…his deputy wife..!" Gelderel bounced wildly and joyfully on the orc's huge cock. Loud skin-slapping sounds could be heard echoing. She absolutely loved the way Sontar is using his hands to knead her butt cheeks.

She'll make sure to become the perfect wife to Sontar.

Alavara watched the violent mating between her son and Gelderel in amusement. Gelderel had greatly complicated their lives, but at least she was eager to be a good wife. Alavara knows she can handle Sontar's urges on her own now that she's adapted to him. However, having Gelderel here will be very useful, she already has a few ideas on how they can both pleasure Sontar at the same time. Her son deserves the best from his prime wife and deputy wife after all.

The green-eyed she elf nodded in approval when she saw Gelderel brought Sontar to his climax by riding him to the best of her ability without stopping.

At least with Alavara's magic, neither she-elf will have to worry about being constantly bow-legged from the orc's lust.