

"What have you done?" Alavara glared up at her son. At her sides, her fists balled with rage. Did he truly not heed her warnings?

Sontar expected his mother's reaction to be something like this. He was going to tell her the full situation but Gelderel spoke before he could get a word out.

"He's not to blame, I am the one who seduced your son."

Alavara's eyes went to Gelderel, glaring at her with 100 times the fury compared to the anger she felt towards her son. "Excuse me, what did you say?"

"I seduced Sontar, he tried to warn me multiple times against it but I kept playing with fire until I ended up being burned in the end. Thankfully he had enough sense to think ahead and used several magic spells to prevent us from being discovered. After everything was finished, I asked if he would allow me to come with him." Gelderel explained.

"You're married to Rhildor in case you've forgotten, the same Rhildor that you own 3 orchards with. It's ludicrous to believe one would give up their perfectly fine livelihood so easily." Alavara scoffed.

"I love Sontar," Gelderel said. "You cannot deny me this, Alavara."

"I cannot? I am his mother, when it comes to situations such as this. I have every right to be involved. Especially when this situation has the potential to cause great backlash to my son if Rhildor suspects and reports him." Alavara took a deep breath and walked in the confined space, looping around Sontar and Gelderel again and again. She stopped directly behind the other she-elf, and rubbed her chin. "You only just met my son last night. How can you know that you love him? You don't even know anything about him." She ran her fingers along the buttons down the back of Gelderel's dress.

"He has given me something that I never-"

"Your special song? Yes, I can see it written all over your faces. You two humped like bunnies, didn't you?" Alavara sounded unimpressed as she began unbuttoning Gelderel's dress. "You buttoned this clumsily."

"Mother, I am sorry for ending up in such a predicament after your various warnings. Earlier when Rhildor found me wandering around, he offered me to come back to his home for breakfast. I knew that I probably should've declined, but I felt that would've been too rude at the moment since he seemed to genuinely want to help me out." Sontar apologized before explaining how it all started.

"And then sometime after the breakfast is when she seduces you? Either Rhildor was asleep or left the house if you weren't discovered by him." Alavara put the remaining pieces of the story together. "I apologize as well my emerald jewel, I was very cross with you unfairly. It was wrong of me to assume that you were the main one at fault. I was just very worried that you recklessly acted without thinking of your predicament." She opened the dress and slid it down Gelderel's curvaceous body.

Bewildered, Gelderel stepped out of her dress.

"It was my fault. I was curious after seeing the size of his…appendage through his trousers the night before. I meant to seduce your son, not fall in love." She looked down as Alavara removed her underthings. "What are you doing?"

"I am seeing what my son bought with his lustful indiscretions." Alavara leaned forward and whispered in her ear. "This is not love that you feel. You chase pleasure only. I love him. I raised him. Sontar is not yours." She will not deny that jealousy is playing a big part in her attitude right now.

"You're acting as if you're the only one who could love him. If I didn't know any better, I would say you're his wif-…oh…so that is why you're really acting this way. You're the other woman who he slept with, it's no wonder Sontar never referred to his first partner by their name when brought up. It's because you're that partner!" Everything was finally clicking to Gelderel. She covered her bare breasts with one arm, and her vagina with a hand. Standing naked before them, but felt none of the shame she would have expected. She was burning with fear and anxiety. She was about to lose Sontar, and she would do whatever she could to keep him. The bridges burned between her and Rhildor, Sontar was the only way forward. "I promise I will keep it a secret!"

"Is it to be blackmail then? You threaten me? I was only easing his pain. He is special. Any mother..." She shot her son a look. "You did well in keeping our affairs a secret, my sweet son. Truthfully, it's my fault because of my reaction and jealousy."

Sontar only nodded, part of him still feels like it's his fault. If only he would've denied having another partner.

"No... not blackmail. I would never. I love him! Please ..." Gelderel felt like a fool. She was desperate. She turned around and faced Alavara, uncovering herself. "This is what I have to offer. If ever there was an elf built for bearing orc babes, she is I."

"Orcs and elves cannot procreate." Alavara's lips pressed into a thin line. She would embarrass this elf so thoroughly, that she would run from the room. Sontar would see how little she cared for him. "If you truly think you suit my son, show me."

"Mother?" Sontar's penis lurched despite the somewhat hostile situation.

"You want me to mate with him here?" Gelderel looked at the walls. "We are in the middle of the castle. Someone might be listening."

"If I see you can please him, I might be inclined to let you travel with us. If you then treated him well on our travels, perhaps I would be inclined to approve of the marriage." Alavara could see the fear in Gelderel's eyes. "Also, do not be worried about being heard. Who do you think taught Sontar all of what he knows about magic?"

'We'll see just how committed she is. Let her run back to Rhildor and mend whatever fissures she had wrought in her marriage.' Alavara thought internally. "You need not have sex in front of me. I know my son, it'll be difficult to get him to stop after one climax if you two have sex right now. We don't have that kind of time to waste. Let me see you please him with your mouth or those enormous sow-sacks you possess. Then we can leave the castle."

Alavara can admit that Gelderel beats her in the breast department, while she herself has the bigger ass. She is quite surprised by how similar builds she and Gelderel have.

"If that is what it takes." Gelderel lowered Sontar's trousers. "Goodness, does it ever go down?" His cock was massive, standing straight out, and throbbing with his pulse. "Are you okay with this, my ...mmmmmpppphhhhhhhh." She didn't wait for his approbation before pushing the giant, domed head into her mouth. Her eyelids fluttered, and she rolled her tongue. "Mmmmpppppppphhhhhhhh."

"Ohhh…?…well I'll be…" Alavara's eyes widened. She stared at the elf, bent at the waist and bobbing her head on Sontar's cock. Elves were modest, enlightened creatures. Alavara had expected Gelderel to balk …to run... but not to fulfill her request. What would inspire the orchard mistress to debase herself so? Was Gelderel truly in love? Or was she doing it since this was her only chance at having some form of direction in her life now that she willingly left Rhildor? "I see you're quite determined."

Alavara let out a long, slow breath. Her rage slowly fading out of her, honestly there's no point in being angry anymore. What's done is done. When her vagina suddenly began weeping, it surprised her. The delicate elf was so much smaller than her rugged son, and Gelderel's pretty face was misshapen and distorted by her efforts. The sight moved something deep inside Alavara. She sat on the bed and stared at the sex act. "Does it feel good, Sontar? Does she please you?"

"She is skilled, Mother." Sontar nodded.

"Grasp her head and force more of your penis into her throat. A good wife should be able to swallow her husband's member." Alavara tried to keep a chill in her words.

"But Mother, she doesn't have your ex-" Sontar tried to protest yet his mother wasn't having it.

"Do it, my emerald jewel." Alavara crossed her legs so she wouldn't be tempted to touch herself.

"Very well." Sontar's hand spanned the entire back of Gelderel's head. He held her and pushed her further onto his cock.

"Aaaagggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Gelderel gagged and choked. Her eyes watered as she stared up at the creature she prayed would be her new husband.

"Can you take more?" Sontar looked down at Gelderel.

Gelderel nodded her head, a quarter of the shaft having disappeared past her lips. "Aaaaaaagggghhhhhhhhhhh."

Sontar's balls churned. He felt the now familiar feeling of victory building inside him. He glanced at his mother and recognized the expression on her face. He didn't know if she knew it or not, but his mother bore the visage of a conquering warrior. Together, mother and son were taming the orchard elf. Knowing that no sound can escape the room, he accepted his urges and roared. At the same time he eased the pressure on Gelderel's head and let her do work on his penis.

Alavara shook her head with a fond smile, she knew that if it weren't for her silencing spell the whole castle would be upon them in an instant. She'll have to remind her son that there will be times where he needs to be able to control his urge to roar during sexual activities.

Gelderel had never done anything like this before. But she knew her future hinged on how well she pleased the orc. She relaxed her throat, angled her head up, and stroked his cock with her mouth as best she could. Her nostrils whistled as they sucked in air. Her body nearly rebelled. But she quickly trained herself to take him deeply down her throat. She was an elf, and so she summoned up all the grace and dignity she could manage."Ggggaaaggg... gaaaaaggggggggg." She was able to reach halfway with each stroke. A trail of saliva hung from her chin. She grasped his massive balls and massaged them.

"Gods…look at her. She seems to be a natural at this." Alavara sat transfixed. Maybe she had been too hasty. Maybe Sontar really had found himself a wife. "Oh my...oh my." Alavara stared wide-eyed as Gelderel did what took she herself a couple sessions to do. She took most of Sontar's massive green cock down her throat.

Gelderel is impressive, the green eyed she-elf can admit that. She can't tell it'll be quite the competition to see who can pleasure Sontar the best using their mouth.

"Ggggggrrrrrr." Sontar's muscles flexed. What looked like rage spread across his face. The growl inside him built. Luckily it's currently not possible, but if it was possible, he wouldn't care if the castle heard him. He had taken this gorgeous she-elf from her husband. She was desperate to demonstrate her skill as a wife.

Alavara saw that her son was about to roar once more. She quickly moved over to him and hugged him from his side. "Yes my emerald jewel, scream out your satisfaction. Your mother wants to hear your roars of pleasure." She brought his head down to give him a kiss on his lips.

"Mother…" He growled, staring at her with the urge to impale her pink entrance.

"Listen to me, my emerald jewel." Alavara couldn't help but grin, she knew that look. Her sweet son wanted to plow her. 'What has my life become?' She listened to Gelderel's breath whistle through her nostrils. The debasing gagging sounds the once graceful cider elf made impressed Alavara. Whatever else Gelderel was, she was determined. "Normally I wouldn't want to deprive you of your desire for me unless it's necessary, Sontar. I know how your urges vex you. Unfortunately, this happens to be one of the necessary times. Please quickly fill her belly well, and then we can get about the rest of our day. With any luck, the three of us can leave the castle without much fuss. So finish my love…finish…finish."

She did not want to risk the chance of Rhildor nor the count searching for Sontar to question him.

"Yes…Mother." Sontar howled out his heavenly release.

"Gggggaaagggg..ggggaaggggg….ggggaaaaagggggg." Gelderel threw all of herself into the oral servicing.

An elf was equal to any task. Even swallowing orc cock, it seemed. "Gggggggpppppphhhhhhhhhhhh." When he erupted, she did her best to swallow, but that task eluded her. There was too much. Where Rhildor made a meandering brook, Sontar burst forth a mighty river of sperm. After only a moment, it was running down her chin and dripping to her breasts.

"That's good. That's my good Sontar." Alavara kissed his cheek and stepped back. Proud that he finished on her command essentially. "It was sagacious of me to remove your dress, Gelderel. Otherwise, it surely would have been ruined."

"Mmmmpppphhhhhh." Gelderel valiantly kept trying to swallow. When her new husband was done, she fell back to the stone floor on her butt, her legs splayed to either side. She watched his monstrous testicles and penis continue to twitch as he slowly calmed down. "My…gods." This was her life now. She would empty him whenever and however he desired. The thought of it thrilled her.

She looked forward to experiencing Sontar roughly pounding her pussy again.

"The two of you clean up. I..." Alavara paused when there was a knock on the door. "Quickly, both of you move out of sight...into the far corner." She pointed.

Sontar could see that Gelderel was too overwhelmed to move, so he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the corner. He did his best to shrink his hulking body out of sight.

Alavara opened the door a crack and looked out. The creature outside stood slender and tall, with a fox's face, wearing a perfectly tailored blue coat with shiny copper buttons and a richly colored sash. Alavara gave the creature a tight smile. "Good day to you, Caladdis. What can I do for you?"

"You asked me to alert you if I heard any disquieting talk of your son." Caladdis spoke hardly above a whisper. "It seems that a well-respected elf from across the river is with the count's seneschal, hurling wild accusations about Sontar being the reason his wife left him with a note. The note said that she's ending their centuries-long marriage and going on an adventure to learn more about the world."

"Oh, my." Alavara furrowed her brows. "I will confront the man right away and put down this nonsense.

Thank you, Caladdis." She nodded to him.

"Of course, Lady Alavara." He gave a shallow bow. "My debt is now paid?"

"Yes, thank you." Alavara quickly closed the door. She looked over at her son and his would-be wife. She could see that Gelderel was still dazed, but Sontar had returned to himself. "Get her cleaned and dressed as best you can, Sontar. Then prepare yourself. I will pack our things."

"Will we confront Rhildor?" Confusion filled Sontar's face.

"It's not a bad option since he truly has no idea what happened between you and Gelderel. However, it will most likely be a wasted effort. Rhildor may be ignorant of what truly took place, but he will not believe that you had nothing to do with her random decision of ending their marriage. It'll be all too easy for him to point the finger at you, my son." Alavara explained, a grim calm belly overtook her. It's been many years since she'd seen battle, and the moment conjured a similar feeling in her. "We'll run."