
A Mew Adventure

A Shiny female Mew in a brand new world, will she survive with her sanity intact? Or will she Snap? . . A Self Insert fic where a woman wakes up in the body of a shiny level 100 Mew with the twelve moves they can naturally learn by leveling up. Now, how to escape this desert? At least Transform works. Painful as heck, true, but it works. A little too well, even. . . . Female protagonist that can change into any Pokémon. No Yuri. This will be straight romance, though more focused in the adventure/action. . . This is the fic I use to recharge from other fics so updates won't be constant. Though I've got eight more chapters already written in my p_treon, so you know where to go if you feeling curious.

JorieDS · Filem
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54 Chs

Chapter 50

She wakes up with a slight headache because of all the meticulous work she had to do the night before. Going on by the surrounding sound, it must be six in the morning. Despite wanting to feel sorry for herself and remain inside the cocoon she's made with the sheets longer, she knows she has to tough it out. Not only because the weather is getting colder, but also because she knows others are feeling worse. She can feel their despair after all.

So, with a yawn, she dresses, makes her bed, and goes out, ready for some food and to see what she can do to help. Only to find Bucky standing near, reading some files, and clearly waiting for her.

"Bucky?" she asks, making the man look up from what he's reading. She's getting an idea of what's going on and feels slightly embarrassed to make someone wait for her. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

She's so going to kick Steve.

°Well, Steve said that you worked late yesterday and to leave you sleeping."

She groans. "You could still have woken me up."

"Sorry, ma'am. No can do. Though I'm surprised you woke up so early, even with what little you must have slept."

With a sigh, she motions Bucky to get going.

He chuckles, and with a slight bow towards her, they walk.

"It's really weird not seeing you as that different creature."

She slaps his arm, annoyed. "That didn't happen, remember? After all, I've spent the entire night trying to change those memories, so don't start."

"Sorry, sorry. Though expect lots of questions when we meet with the team. We were all very curious when Steve mentioned what you were doing," he says lightly, with a smile, but she can easily feel the discomfort coming from his emotions.

She rubs her arm and sighs, her voice coming hoarse. "First time doing that, to be honest. I—I didn't like it."

She clears her throat as she says that truth out loud. It felt weird as she invaded their privacy. She felt powerful as she had these people at her mercy and that was really frightening and a wake-up call for her.

"Yeah, well. Considering we're in war, you'll probably have to do it more," he says with a shrug as he looks at her. She doesn't know what he sees in her expression, but his eyes soften as he speaks in a gentle tone. "We will try our hardest to not put you into that position, though."

It's not as comforting as he tries to be, but she understands.

Shaking her head, she tilts her head high and tries to ignore the dread attempting to engulf her. She concentrates on the minds of those in worse conditions than her until her worries feel like a speck in comparison.

She knows it's not healthy, but she can't help it. Maybe she will talk with the Ancient One later about it.

With a sigh, she turns to Bucky. Only to find him staring at her. "Er, how long until we reach the place?"

He tilts his head to the front, where there's a bar called 'The Whip & Fiddle'. She raises an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, I know it's a pub, but they also serve breakfast," he says as he opens the door for her. "Also, what were you thinking about before? You looked… weird."

"Weird, how?" she asks as he sees Steve's head in the back of the pub. He seems to notice her immediately and gives her a small wave. She smiles and goes to them. She sees Dum Dum, James, Jacques, Morita, Gabe, and someone who looks exactly like Hugh Jackman in the first X-Men film. That must be Wolverine.

She sits and beams at everyone, ignoring the weird look on Bucky's face as he follows suit, before turning to look at Logan. "You're James, right?"

"Yeah, and you are?" he asks in his gruff voice, giving her a look-over, analyzing her.

Giving the other smiling men a raised eyebrow. "You didn't tell him?"

Steve is sheepish as he says. "You've got to admit it's a bit crazy, so we wanted you to be here with us when we told him."

"Surely wanting him to accept first before he had any chance to run," she says sarcastically.

"Okay, bub, you've got my curiosity," Logan says as he leans forward. "So, what's your deal, then?"

She rolls her eyes as she turns around to look for someone working here to serve her some food. "Yeah, better to clarify everything in a more secure place. For the moment, you just need to know I'll be the medic of this team."

Then she looks at the other James. "By the way, Montgomery. How do I distinguish you and Mr. Howlett here?"

Logan and James exchange a look before Wolverine says, "Honestly, I don't mind how you call me. You can call me by Wolverine or by any other name. I don't care."

"Logan, then!"

He looks at her weirdly. "That was quick."

"You've got a Logan face."

"If you say so."

It's then when a woman comes and starts taking their orders. When she goes away, they can finally talk. Though they can't really say anything too serious, it's easy to banter with them.

"I still find it weird that a bar serves real food," mutters Gabe as he nurses a beer. "Aren't they supposed to just give nuts or something?"

Jaques rolls his eyes and says something in French. She doesn't know what he means but still says, "Is that how is it in America? I know this is not Italy, but it's really close so I think it must be the same as the bars over there."

"What do you mean?" asks James.

"Well, in Italy, bars are not a place to drink alcohol, or at least not entirely. Usually is more to drink coffee or eat something light. If you drink alcohol, usually they offer this, uh, aperitivo?"

Everyone but Jaques is giving her an odd look. She feels herself blushing as Jacques sighs and says, "An appetizer, dumbasses. 'aperitivo' is the same word but in Italian."

"Ohh," everybody else says as if discovering something world-breaking.

She rolls her eyes, wanting to add an insult or two, but Steve is quick to interrupt her, "You did say you were living in Italy for a while."

Smiling, she says, "It's a beautiful country. And the pizza and other types of pasta are to kill for."

"Not literally, I hope," Morita says with a deadpan which makes her giggle. The sound makes most look at her weirdly.

"What, now?"

They look between each other, Logan being the only one not in the loop.

"Nothing," says Gabe with a shrug. "It's just weird to see you all emotional, when we've seen you being all… er, alien-like.

"Ouch," she says without any heat in her tone.

"What he means," Steve starts to say.

She raises a hand. "Don't worry, Steve. I know what he means."

Logan is relaxing on his seat, his posture lazy, but she can sense the sharp attention he's paying on all of them. She turns to him and gives her a reassuring smile before turning to the others as she senses the waitress coming with their food. "Boys, let's eat. Don't confuse more the guy. Let's finish quickly and move on to a more secure place, okay?"

With a chorus of 'yes, ma'am', they start eating.



Next chapter done :D

And if you wanna support me and read 10 chapters in advance, you can go to my p@treon: jorieds