

Prince comes from a very rich home, but chooses to stay through to himself. He falls in love and ends up in a lot triangle. will he be able to find his perfect match or end up making the wrong match. Follow prince on this Short but exciting journey

Mochi_Godwin · perkotaan
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19 Chs


<The bell rings for break>

Evelyn: Prince Can we have lunch together, then i can tell you my story

Prince: sure let us go

<They stood up to leave, Angela was about coming to meet Prince so they could have lunch and catch up but it seems she was late as she could see both of them leaving. She stumps her foot angrily as she turns around and leaves>

Evelyn: Are you ready to hear my story?

Prince: yeah

Evelyn: <laughs> try not to get bored and no interruption

Prince: <laughs> i will do my best

Evenly: <solemn tone> Ever since i was a little girl i knew i was different in the sense that i developed really fast as you can see, I was more matured than my age. Due to my early development my parents decided to enrol me in an all Girls school to protect me but i couldn't just fit in. Many of them were jealous of me even as we were young back then, i could see it in their eyes. I never had friends because Non of them wished to be my friend. I complained several times to my parents to change my school but they didn't listen and only said that i should try to mingle with them and not always keep to myself. I tried taking their advice but it was all to no avail, i was always bullied by the girls. It was then my mum decided to change me because the bulling was affecting my academics as my grade dropped drastically. So by junior secondary school 3 i finally got my wish and i was enrolled into a new school with the mixture of male and female. By that time i was 15 and already developed more like a girl in 18 or 19. I noticed the boys were most of the times looking at me with weird gazes, i complained to my mum and she told me it was lust and i should ignore: them. She said that was the reason she didn't want to put me in this school. I ignored the boy's advances and got back to keeping good grades, i wrote the promotional exams and passed well. I got promoted to the next class which is senior secondary school 1 SS1. I was 16 by then i fully developed in all places, this caused the gazes of lust along with jealousy to only increase. A boy i don't want to mention his name; was particularly over doing it, tried a lot of times to get close to me but i rejected. It seems he had enough and one day he found me at the back of the school building where was trying to keep to myself. He forced himself on me and tried to rape me, fortunately or unfortunately for my hand found a stick and i used it to hit him hard on the head. He screamed and fainted with blood flowing out of his head. I was shocked but i knew i had to leave, in ran to my class and took my bag, everyone was asking me what happened because i was stained with blood and my clothes were torn. I ran out of the school without saying anything and when i got home i told my mum everything. She says i should stay home and the next day she will go and complain to the school authorities. On getting to school the next day we were told that the boy parents came to complain to school that i nearly killed their son all because he asked me to be his friend. I cried and said that i was just a lie that he wanted to rape me but nobody believed me except my mum. You see the boy's parent were rich so they wanted to get me arrested but due to a lot of pleadings from my mum and the school authorities which didn't want to spoil their reputation i was free to go but not before i was expelled from the school. I cried so much but my mum told me not to worry that we will see a better school, that's how i arrived here.

<She finished as she looked at Prince and could see a lot of emotions written on his face, Anger, sorrow and pain>

Prince: <signs> I never knew you went through all this, am really sorry for making you remember all this things

Evelyn: <smiles> no problem, i just wanted to tell someone my story and you came along. You are the only boy apart from my dad that hasn't looked at me with lustful eyes. I could say you are the first friend i have truly made

Prince: <laughs> should i take that as a compliment

Evelyn: yes you should and for making me talk for so long you are going to pay for my lunch, ha my poor throat

<she pouted and said as she rubs her neck>

Prince: ok then i will pay for your lunch, can we go now

Evelyn: much better, you are acting like a man now, and yes we can go

<She laughs as she sees his embarrassed face; she took his arm as she drags him along. Angela sees them and she is really mad at Prince upon all her warnings he choose not to listen to her>

The books Is going to get more interesting keep following and please don't mind the slow update

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