
A Magical Turn

Ansi_Always · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

On Her Way

Lisa was sitting very calmly at the backseat beside the book reading girl, who kept smiling at her midtimes.

Eric was driving as fast as possible , for which she was concerned a bit. But the music was too loud for her, which was concerning her the most.

Lisa wanted them to ask to turn off the music, but she didn't want to be rude, afterall it's their car not her own car.

But Lisa was really getting uncomfortable with that loud music and super speed, she was not used to all these.

No matter how hard she tried she was not able to keep herself together .

Eric whilst driving, kept watching Lisa from the back view mirror, which Lisa didn't noticed at first , but she was getting uneasy about that now when she noticed it.

Eric noticed Lisa getting uncomfortable, broke the silence.

" So what's your name ?" Eric asked Lisa without turning.

" Oh ! " Lisa said shyly that she totally forgot to introduce herself.

" It's Lisa " she said smiling.

Eric answered " Nice to meet you Lisa . I am Eric and this is Erisa" he said pointing towards the girl sitting next to him " my neighbour".

Lisa looked at her, she was not even looking at her while Eric was introducing her, Lisa clearly understood that she doesn't like her, which Eric also noticed.

"And that is Crensy my sister , always reading something ." He said laughing at the last part.

Crensy waved a "Hello" at Lisa and smiled .

" We are your seniors but we decided to join this year, so we are at same batch now " Eric said.

" Nice to meet all of you too " Lisa said with a warm smile.

Now after being introduced Lisa gathered some courage and decided to ask them to turn off the music .

Lisa turned towards Eric and was about to say , but all of a sudden Crensy shouted " WILL SOMEONE PLEASE TURN OFF THE MUSIC, It's hard to read here ...!! "

" Ok!! Relax Book Crazy calm down " Erisa said and turned the music off.

Lisa was sighed and relaxed and was happy that she found someone thinking like her .

" Thanks Crensy " she said slowly and smiled at her .

"You're welcome". Crensy replied smiling.

They both just found a friend .