
A Magical Turn

Ansi_Always · Teen
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6 Chs

The Winningston Literature College - 1

Now there was utter silence in the car. Eric was driving as fast as possible, not following the rules, Lisa wanted to stop him, but they were really getting late so she decided to keep quiet.

Crensy was somehow keeping up with the book even in that speed which truly amazed Lisa.

Lisa broke the silence and asked Crensy " What are you reading ? " " Some nonsense " Erisa cut off and replied annoyingly.

Crensy got pissed and said rudely " Stop replying nonsense for others Erisa, don't you have some manners ...."

" Stop you two " Eric shouted .

Crensy turned towards Lisa and said smiling

" It's a magical fairy tale book "

" Oh great " Lisa said smiling nervously as she got a little tensed when the fight started .

"""So, Crensy and Erisa don't get along with each other very well, and they are tolerating Erisa only because she is their neighbour or she must be their close family friend. Erisa is not rude to Eric at all...."""" Lisa was thinking all these but her thoughts were cut off by all of a sudden the car stopped and she along with everyone moved forward forcefully.

" We're here " Eric said , while parked the car into the Parking lot. They reached The Winningston Literature College.

" We arrived" Lisa said surprisingly, as she didn't expected they will be arriving this fast.

" That's really fast, thanks again Eric." Lisa said smiling.

" Not to mention Lisa , now let's get going everyone " Eric said while getting off the car.

The Winningston Literature College was huge with perfectly arranged and clean.

" It's perfect " Lisa said to herself.

" Yes it is " Eric listened and answered.

" Now we will have to just think for an excuse for getting a little bit late" Eric said.

" How about Crensy was packing all her books for the last one hour...." Erisa said annoyingly with a smirk.

Crensy got pissed again and said " how about Erisa was packing extra unnecessary fancy dresses.... " she said with a taunting smirk.

" Stop you two ,again, this is the first day of College and don't want to ruin it so just keep quiet if you guys don't have any ideas. "

Erisa and Crensy both became quiet. Crensy folded her book and put it into her bag.

" How about some car issue , like it got punctured.." Lisa said with concern .

" Perfect ,thanks Lisa" Eric said smiling.

Erisa just rolled her eyes.

" Yes that would be perfect " said Crensy.

After this they all moved together to enter the main entrance of the College leaving the Parking lot.