
A lord of Mysteries wandering with a Sword

At the end of the Lord of Mysteries' life of many years of watching the world die out, it had finally ended and so he sought a different end to his own powers. He would leave it to chance. For another soul he would see the end of his life ended in a more, horrific fashion, to most. A final destination-esk ending one would even say. as his soul wandered its way a flash of light and he is no longer aware of where his soul is moving shifting colors and bright streaks of light and he finds himself in front of a fiery blaze. A new story for one who was to become the wrought iron hero, and a new beginning for the current one. —————————////—————————— planned worlds include but not in any order; Tamriel: oblivion and skyrim (different visits) JJK Universe all artwork is owned by their respective owners and all characters from their various franchises are owned by their respective companies. I’m just using it to entertain.

KilljoyCats · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
68 Chs

The Emyias do what they do best! (part 1)

As I began to deink/ eat the soup I realized just how hungry I was. Also realized again I missed modern cooking! Hunger first though, worry about fixing culinary issues latter I want my SWEET ROLL! Shirou was remarkably more calm than me while eating. Momma Sarah dropped off a bottle of mead, from the looks of it, next to Shirou while I got some kinda juice. She had to keep moving though because she was waiting tables along with her daughter, Alva. Also Nord women are scary. One stupid drunk attempted to touch the young girl but then again I say attempted. He was dragged out of his chair, stomped on his chest, and left to wail in said stupidity. The rest of the patrons? They cheered! Respect given there, I did a bit where I raised my arms but quickly went back to my soup and wooden spoon.

It wasn't too bad; very simple cooked chopped leeks with a milky broth thickened with a bit of flour and salt to finish. At least that's what my taste buds were telling me, my pallet is really good all of a sudden. Oh, right, Househusband Shirou. "Oww" a swift knock on my head. Looking up, questions on my tongue. "Figured you thought something rude.

"I may have been but I wasn't going to say it. By the way why not offer to help out here in the evenings for a bit of money? We both know you're a better cook. I'd do it but I couldn't easily reach the stove."

"Big words you got there kid, you sure you could whip up something better?" And momma Sarah was behind me all of a sudden. Like I said Nord women are scary, but momma didn't raise no bitch! "I could, but like I said I got to be able to reach the stove and still be able to move around a kitchen." A thoughtful look on her face that screamed she was scheming something. "Hmm point taken, your big bother seems to be able to mover around fine though." And my brother, who happened to be trying to make himself small and unnoticeable at the table and taking a swig of the mead, did a spit take at that. Now he's glaring at me. So I decided then and there to call dibs, "I'll be the head!" "Brat you're a couple hundreds years to early to call that." "I called it, so it shall be!" Puffing my chest and standing on my chair in righteousness. So I quickly sat back down grabbed my bowl and chugged the rest. Clasping my hands saying in English for the scary momma behind me, "Thanks for the meal." Then looking to Shirou, I'll check the ingredients and when your done eating I'll have figured out something." And ran off to the kitchen before he could refuse. The chuckles and laughter playing out behind me.

Walking into the back area with the kitchen I saw another woman looking about the same age as momma Sarah, blonde hair though. "What are you doing back here brat go back" with a shooing motion. And momma Sarah came in behind me to explain. Laughing a bit she said, "Boy here says he can cook better than us and I want a laugh Greta, see what the boy can do an all." "Ha, this is where you will find some of the best Nord cooking outside of Skyrim little one. What days you can cook better." Now do I criticize the soup in front of her or just go with actions… I shall be a critic! "The flour you added to the soup wasn't all the way cooked out, the leeks seemed a tad bit under before they were out into the soup, adding the salt at the end was nice but with the soup base could have used it sooner to give the time for the salt to go throughout the dish. (Deep breath) also could have used other vegetables chopped really tiny like to add a bit more to it." And now both are looking at me stunned. With an inoffensive smile I ask, "Can I see the pantry now?" "Right through the door behind me little one." And so I make my way inside. There's a pig hanging the pantry's left wall along with some vegetables spread among some baskets on the other side. Potatoes and rice off to the side of that. Being mindful not to touch anything since I haven't washed my hands I shift around looking and checking out what's here. What's great is a few herbs in the corner. Grabbing a leaf off one and sticking it on my tongue and chewing it seems like a hybrid of lemon and coriander. Odd plant not gonna lie, but helpful. There's also a chicken already butchered so I have decided the dish!

Walking out I see Shirou with the two ladies and he turns to me, "What have we got?" Sounding almost resigned at this point. "Not many hard herbs, a fancy one that tastes like lemon and coriander. A chicken, various vegg, and a pig carcass. Thinking a bit of fat from the pig to render for some cooking oil. We're gonna make a stir fry; chicken for the meat, carrot and leek for the vegg. We can use the herb to flavor the oil, also saw some garlic so that can be minced and added once we add the chicken." "I take it there's rice then?" "It's not cooked or cold so we'll have to make due." Turning to the two ladies I ask, "do you have a bowl we can wash our hands hands please?" I think we stunned them with how fast we were moving. Not to mention how Shirou also started to organize and wipe down stuff after I turned from him. Sarah took it in stride, with a giggle she brought me over to a sink where they had soap! It was primitive but it was soap! Quickly washing my hands with Shirou comming up behind me soon after we went into the pantry again to grab what we needed. He projected a few things to help out while I grabbed a stool and a knife from the projected items and proceeded to trim some fat from the pig. Placing it into a bowl we were on the move as Shirou grabbed everything else. He also grabbed a leaf from the plant and chewed on it. "You weren't really lying about the taste." "Right? It's weird but oddly satisfying." Setting the bowl on the counter next to the stoves and running back to grab the stool. We were ready. "Alright, you've got the chicken prep, I'll start on veggies. While that's going on get a pan on for the fat to render out." Doing what I asked without hesitation we were on our way, with me regretting cutting onions first. Getting through that while Shirou was making quick work on the chicken I chucked the onions in there for good measure. The sizzling sound and smell of fried onion wafting about. Shirou walked away for a moment and came back with a bucket of water for the rice. Looking over I saw he was done with the chicken already! What a mad lad, but haste makes waste so I chucked on with dicing the carrots small so they could be cooked quickly but still keep that crunch. Shaking the pan of onions every now and again the pot of rice was put on next.

Shirou having done the work of washing it whilst I'm stuck on the stool. I grabbed a pinch of salt from a jar on the counter and added a bit to the rice along with the herb (which I'm tempted to call lacoriander or something stupid) but no matter we move on! Holding out a hand I say, "tongs" which Shirou not even questioning it at this point hands over. Fishing out the onion and placing them in a bowl. Next comes cooking the chicken. Moving the pan slightly in Shirou's direction he placed the chicken inside. But a twist, Shirou also has a bottle in his hand! Popping the cork he holds it up to my nose. Trusting him I take a sniff and unlike the more sweet meads this seems almost like a dry one. "Juniper berry mead, similar to a dry white, only more herby." That was his assessment and so trust it is, a nod and a splash went in. It had been about 7ish minutes since we started so I had a few minutes for the rice and such. "You got the chicken, I'll cut the leeks." And back to the chopping board I went. As I finished up the leeks diving them into rings, he opens the lid on the rice. Decently cooked for what we got. To work with. Wood stoves are great but not as consistent compared to a gas stove. He grabbed the herb from the pot and proceeded to mince it. I moved around and grabbing a nearby spoon tasted the rice. It did get that bit of a zing from the lemony taste but not a lot of the coriander taste. Odd considering how coriander already was supposed to have that but whatever it was good and that what mattered. Shuffling around again my stool to the bit of giggles from a crowd, which were ignored I was back in front of the stove.

Asking our now crowd of people peaking over each other into the doorway of the kitchen, "anyone know a very basic frost spell?" And my surprise when Greta spoke up, "what you need little one." Didn't let it get to me as Shirou was already projecting a new cooking sheet to spread the rice on. "Need the rice to be gently cooled for a bit. Don't need ice forming on it but sooner the better." "How come?" Trying to find the words to answer I was beaten by Shirou who answered, "helps when it hits the hot oil to not over cook it, it's even better if it's had a day to dry out in a colder place." And so I went back to chucking in the veggies into the pan. Shirou having taken the chicken out while I was having a think. When I looked over at him I noticed the smug expression, seeing how he one upped me a bit there. Reaching over and grabbing a piece I tasted it. It had all the right flavors with a bit of zing form the mead, some flavor of the pork fat, and a bit of onion parting from the oil.

"Thank you madam" and damn I missed the frost spell. With that he set tray on the counter, particularly far enough away from me I noticed. After shifting the veggies once more in the pan I also noticed how much heavier it was now. Then it hit me, this guy new what was happening! Turning a stunned look at him I saw him with that punchable smirk on his face. "Fine you can finish it. Getting petty with an eight year old, humph!"