
A Lady and A Freak

[ Book is on hold, the author lost the draft and planning because of a car accident ] Young and talented witch Xiao wants to kill herself to escape a future arranged marriage, so she offers herself as a sacrifice to a demon. The charming demon gives her a counter offer: release him from his prison, and he'll make all her dreams come true. Any sane person would not make a deal with a demon, but Xiao is not sane, and the Demon Trix is in this for the long run. As the years went by, Xiao grew to be the strongest magic user in the kingdom, and she started to see the demon as more than just a mentor. Meanwhile, time traveller Prince Alexander is trying to save the love of his life from death and his best friend Xiao from falling into the hands of a demon. Said love of his love is also stuck in a time loop.

Twelve_Cats · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
59 Chs

Chapter 31: The King III


Alexander was about to combust from the young witch's voice. She sounded so scared, so small. She's someone who should be protected, and the prince should've done that before it's too late.

But this is his second chance to do that, and he will. However, he's not sure how to do that when it comes to Isaac Devinsky. The advisor was one of the first court members that Alexander murdered right after he became king. He could've murdered the fucker right after the announcement of Xiao's death, her father's lack of reaction alone was devastating.

His green eyes landed the boy who's standing in between the court advisor and his wife. Shiny dark eyes moved from the prince to his sister, and his face morphed into excitement.

By choice. Over the years, Alexander learned that Gideon's innocence was a facade. At the age of thirteen, he's already mastered it.

"Xiao Lan!" The boy stumbled towards the group. "That was amazing! You set the record once again! Three seconds!"

Gideon Devinsky was the next court advisor after his father. Also, he's the only Devinsky who was visibly affected by his sister's sudden death. Yin Hong grieved for three days, and the twins were out of the equation at that point. And Raxithak... Raxithak didn't let go until Alexander drove his sword into the demon.

Thinking of his friend's death made him angry, so he tried to push those thoughts and memories into a corner so he can focus on what's happening now.

The advisor's wife smiled softly at all of them as her son buzzed around. If the once-king remembered correctly, the child in her belly will be the end of her. A pang of guilt smashed his face when Alexander realized he never bothered to learn her name.

"I know, right!" Jacob squeezed Gideon into his arms, both acting oblivious of the tension in the air.

Jin Qiu, living proof that twins are telepathic to each other to some degree, decided to join in. "Can't beat that now that we're graduating, but you can beat her record, right Gideon?"

"Yep!" The boy nodded with a vigor too obvious that he's faking it. "I'm coming for you, sister!"

In response, Xiao's smile was more shaky than sincere. "Yes. Yes, you will."

He won't. Even with training from his sister, he won't be as fast as her, but it's enough to grant him first ranks.

Yin Hong was almost sweating from the tension in the air, so she gently nudged her younger cousin. Xiao didn't say anything in response, instead she tapped the person next to her. Raxithak moved under his arms after two taps from Xiao, and Alexander adjusted it a little bit so they're more comfortable. Instead of lingering, his beloved finally pushed his arm off.

"Your highness," Issac Devinsky's voice got everyone's attention again even though it's directly addressing Alexander. "I would like to have a private talk with you."

"Sure, sure." Alexander flashed a smile, more out of courtesy. "Where exactly?"

The court advisor's honey brown eyes moved to the door. "Children, Eric is waiting for you."

"Xiao is coming with us, right?" Gideon moved from his cousins to his sister, his hand gripped her sleeve.

With a single nod from Issac, the teens left the hall. Xiao was pulled along by her brother, and her mother gave Alexander a soft smile. The prince has no idea what that smile meant, does she pity him or is she worried about him? He can't tell.

The advisor's wife led her children into a different direction from the rest of the Devinskies. As soon as the door closed behind them, Issac immediately put his spell in effect.

A silencer, to avoid others listening to their conversation.

If Issac put up a silencer, then why the hell did he choose to talk in a hallway? People can walk in and question them anytime. People of rank maybe, such as the Cassius family, but normal people would avoid the hallway where the King's favorite advisor stood in front of one of the seven princes.

"Spill the beans, Advisor." Alexander kept up his nonchalant disguise. "I'm hungry, too, you know."

"Why did you surrender?"

The question was to be expected, but Issac was throwing daggers with his stare. They say brown eyes are soft and caring. There's nothing soft and caring about this man, his eyes gleam gold when the sun hits just right, and those same passion for answers also presented when Raxithak found his new favorite notebooks. The prince hates the fact that they're related.

"Isn't my declaration in the arena enough?" Alexander snorted. "I can't defeat your daughter, Advisor. Plus, I messed up a surprise gift which Raxithak, Yin Hong and the twins planned for two weeks. Hell, her birthday passed and I didn't even get her anything. Such a friend, am I?"

Issac Devinsky's eyes were dissecting him piece by piece, but the prince kept his cool even when those cursed lips started talking. "That cannot be the reason, your highness."

"Alright, you got me." A dry laugh escaped the prince's lips. "I can't beat Harvey Cassius either, but I know your daughter can. Why waste my time fighting an enemy I can't win when I can encourage her to beat down our mutual enemy?"

"Encourage her?" Golden eyes met Alexander's own. "Your surrender is a form of encouragement is what you mean? Your highness, you have a reputation to maintain. You will request an audience with your father about this. His majesty was already unhappy that you did not try your best in the ranks."

"What I do with my reputation is none of your business." The prince clicked his tongue, which he knows for sure annoyed the advisor. "Besides, I love Xiao Lan—"

"Would you marry her?"

"— as a sister." Alexander finished his sentence, and with a smile he took slow steps towards the man. "Nice, small and cute, powerful and easy to manipulate. You created a weapon, Advisor Devinsky, and she's mine to wield."

"Pray tell, how?" The advisor's glaze didn't leave him.

"You only need a son as an heir." The prince's grin didn't drop. "I am not interested in marrying your daughter, but she's a powerful ally to have. I am keeping her by my side whether you like it or not. I surrendered to her now, she'll surrender to me in the future. That daughter of yours can wipe out an army if you direct her right, but you let her slip."

It hurts to talk about a friend as if she's an object, but the prince couldn't afford to be weak towards this advisor. Issac Devinsky is one of the few who has the power to influence the king, which just so happens to be Alexander's own father, so he's not taking any risks.

Alexander chuckled at the perplexed face that looked back at him. "You're a strange one, your highness. Xiao Lan is powerful, yes, but she's nothing but a doll. A stubborn coward, if you will. No amount of punishment would set her straight."

"Punishment won't set her straight, but encouragement would lead her into a direction I want her to go." The prince resisted the urge to punch the advisor. "There's a reason she listens to my words and not yours. When I am king, she'll be my sword."

With a chuckle, Alexander snapped his finger to shatter the spell. The advisor's eyes twitched a little. Issac will definitely report his rude behavior to the king.

As he walked past the Advisor, the prince put a hand on the older man's shoulder. "Your daughter is capable of killing you. What's stopping me from sending her to get your head?"