
A Kryptonian in the Marvel Universe

Imagine a Kryptonian with an incredible array of superpowers—super strength, endurance, speed, enhanced senses, the ability to fly, a steel-like body, thermal vision, freezing breath, and rapid healing—entering a Marvel universe devoid of kryptonite and red suns. What happens in this clash of titans? Hulk? Just a warm-up. Thor? Merely a minor challenge. Iron Man? His suit might as well be made of cardboard. Thanos? Even with all the Infinity Gems and the Infinity Gauntlet, he's not a match. And the Sentinels? Perfect—let's soak up some more sun! This is a translation, the original novel is titled: Marvel’s Kryptonian The Author is Tiandaojing The cover art is AI generated.

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Chapter 18: Material Revolution

Zod, born as a scientific researcher on Krypton, excelled in weaponry and material science. On Krypton, the birth of children was unique—when two Kryptonians in love decided to have a child, they set and nurtured the life through the Life Codex, bypassing traditional childbirth. Zod's expertise, however, lay in the development of advanced materials and weapons.

Zod's creations were remarkable. His God of War armor was equipped with a High-Frequency Hand Knife, which transformed his entire arm into a high-frequency weapon. The armor was coated with vibranium, providing exceptional shock absorption. Additionally, Zod installed two plasma shoulder cannons, mimicking the design of the Predator's weaponry. These cannons were powerful enough to obliterate a tank with a single shot, and were far from their full potential.

Moreover, the armor featured the "Thunder Angel" floating cannon system, four floating laser cannons on the back designed to assist in combat. Equipped with automatic enemy detection and lock-on systems, these cannons also functioned as a defense mechanism, intercepting any incoming flying objects.

For now, these two suits satisfied Zod, and he chose to focus on a more critical project: the development of animalized soldiers.

By studying human genes, Zod discovered intriguing anomalies in the genetic structure of Marvel's Earth. He even identified the presence of something akin to the X-gene but refrained from experimenting with it, suspecting it could trigger widespread mutation across the world. With mutants already being a force to reckon with, Zod abandoned the idea and redirected his efforts toward animal gene modifications.

Acquiring animal genes was expensive, but the profits from selling animalized soldiers quickly offset the costs. With conflicts erupting daily across the world, mercenaries and local warlords in regions like the Middle East had a constant demand for enhanced soldiers.

Simultaneously, Zod was planning the creation of a new company, Blade Technology Industries, which would eventually take over Stark Industries' industrial weapons division. Establishing this arms company required considerable capital, and even with the assistance of the Midnight Hotel, Zod had to dip into his and the animalized soldiers' gold reserves to navigate the bureaucratic restrictions.

The arms market was already dominated by two major players: Stark Industries and Hammer Industries. Hammer Industries primarily dealt with light weapons, which Stark Industries had little interest in. But with Zod entering the market, a new competitor had emerged—one that would soon disrupt the industry.

Zod chose Washington D.C. as the headquarters for Blade Industry, deliberately avoiding New York City due to its frequent catastrophes. His foresight paid off, as the U.S. capital provided a stable environment for the company's growth.

Despite his best efforts, Blade Industry was still financially strapped at the outset. Unable to go public, and with investors skeptical, Zod turned to his most valuable asset: secondary Krypton gold, a unique alloy he developed.

Although secondary Krypton gold lacked the exotic minerals from Krypton and was inferior to materials like vibranium and adamantium, it surpassed most alloys on Earth. Its strength, versatility, and cost-efficiency had the potential to advance human scientific progress by decades.

Zod priced the alloy at $8,000 per gram, and it quickly attracted attention. Initially, the U.S. military was skeptical of Blade Industry's new "century alloy" material, but once Zod showcased its potential at a high-profile exhibition, military researchers were astounded.

The international community soon took notice as well. Zod's Blade Industry sent samples of secondary Krypton gold to both China and Russia, sparking global interest. Although orders didn't flood in immediately, within a month, Blade Industry was swamped with requests.

The properties of secondary Krypton gold were revolutionary. For example, a 1mm layer of the alloy could provide the same bullet resistance as a 10mm steel alloy, making it invaluable for tanks, missiles, aircraft, and even military body armor. The material's lightweight strength promised a major leap in defense technology.

Despite this, Zod refrained from accepting the title of "father of new materials," preferring to focus on accumulating wealth.

As word of secondary Krypton gold spread, even Stark Industries became interested. Tony Stark, preoccupied with his personal affairs, learned of the alloy through Jarvis. At the military's request, Tony attempted to replicate the material, only to realize its exceptional qualities. Unlike most alloys, secondary Krypton gold's adaptability made it useful across multiple industries.

Tony, recognizing its potential for creating advanced weapons, refused to replicate the material, instead opting to purchase it directly from Blade Industry.

As the market value of Blade Industry skyrocketed, investors rushed in. Wall Street tycoons, the U.S. military, and even Stark Industries, Osborne Industries, and Hammer Industries expressed interest in acquiring shares. Zod also received offers from American families and international corporations, eager to partner with the emerging industry giant.

With secondary Krypton gold revolutionizing the material sciences, Zod's Blade Industry was poised to become a global powerhouse, transforming not only the arms industry but the entire technological landscape.