
A Kryptonian in the Marvel Universe

Imagine a Kryptonian with an incredible array of superpowers—super strength, endurance, speed, enhanced senses, the ability to fly, a steel-like body, thermal vision, freezing breath, and rapid healing—entering a Marvel universe devoid of kryptonite and red suns. What happens in this clash of titans? Hulk? Just a warm-up. Thor? Merely a minor challenge. Iron Man? His suit might as well be made of cardboard. Thanos? Even with all the Infinity Gems and the Infinity Gauntlet, he's not a match. And the Sentinels? Perfect—let's soak up some more sun! This is a translation, the original novel is titled: Marvel’s Kryptonian The Author is Tiandaojing The cover art is AI generated.

Shunsuke_Uchiha · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 19: Blade Technology Industry

For a while, Zod had become the focus of many, though he was indifferent to public attention. Listing Blade Technology Industry on the stock market didn't interest him—he no longer needed the money.

While $10,000 per gram for vibranium would've made headlines, secondary Krypton gold was something else entirely. The production process had a stable base, making it readily available for orders, unlike Wakanda's tightly controlled vibranium. And the demand was enormous.

The secretary Zod had hired, a sharp blonde woman with an Ivy League education and an impressive business acumen, informed him that orders for secondary Krypton gold alloys were already booked two years in advance.

"Continue production on the secondary Krypton gold," Zod instructed, "but we need to move beyond materials. Start finding talent for weapons manufacturing. Blade Technology Industry will expand into military hardware."

"Yes, BOSS," she replied without hesitation.

Her name was Ould, a professional with a confident demeanor and sharp intellect. Although Zod could appreciate her striking appearance—she had a smoky allure with curves to match—it was her capability that earned her the position. Ould, for her part, remained strictly business. While she had her personal thoughts about her charismatic boss, she maintained a professional attitude, focusing on her work during office hours.

Zod watched her leave, nodding in quiet admiration. However, he maintained a clear line. The last thing he wanted was to accidentally father a child with an Earthling, particularly given the unpredictability of such a union in the Marvel universe. With his luck, their offspring could turn out to have reality-bending powers akin to Franklin Richards. Zod wasn't taking any chances.

Tapping the desk thoughtfully, Zod considered the talent pool at his disposal. Ould and the others were good, but they lacked the experience and ingenuity of seasoned professionals. While his company had attracted a fair amount of talent, the real stars of the industry were still tied to major players like Stark Industries.

"And who knows how many Hydra or government agents have infiltrated Blade Technology Industry by now," Zod muttered to himself. He rolled a small chunk of secondary Krypton gold in his hand, using his strength to reshape the square metal into a perfect sphere.

Despite the potential security risks, Zod wasn't overly concerned. Even if Hydra or spies managed to steal some blueprints, they wouldn't get far without the core processes and key technologies that only he controlled.

As Blade Technology Industry continued its upward trajectory, Zod established a new subsidiary: Blade Security Company. This private military and security consulting firm would handle security, training, and logistics, all modeled on the blueprint of organizations like the Umbrella Corporation. While Zod lacked access to Umbrella's advanced cloning technology, he was confident that with enough resources, he could someday close that gap. For now, however, mercenaries would suffice.

Meanwhile, his health supplement company, Zhetian Health Products, officially merged into Blade Technology Industry, forming the group's pharmaceutical division. 1With these moves, Zod had successfully established a vast industrial conglomerate.

His rise in the business world didn't go unnoticed. The media buzz surrounding Zod intensified, particularly in light of his groundbreaking achievements. Not only had he introduced Vitamin ∞, a health supplement now used by over 30% of the U.S. population, but he had also developed alloys that were revolutionizing the field of materials science.

The global demand for secondary Krypton gold was exploding, and Blade Technology Industry's market value had surged past $10 billion. Although Zod's company wasn't yet on the level of Stark Industries, Osborne Industries, or even Hammer Industries, its growth potential was undeniable. In fact, Time magazine had recently placed Zod on their cover, hailing him as a "visionary industrialist."

Ould also informed him that he had been nominated for the Top Ten Most Influential People of the Century, but Zod wasn't impressed. After all, Tony Stark had won that title long before him. Stark was still regarded as the pioneer of clean energy—a status that Zod could only respect. However, he knew his contributions to materials technology would have an even more lasting impact on the world.

Of all the competitors, Osborne Industries caught Zod's attention, particularly due to one man: Dr. Curt Connors. Connors was a pioneer in cross-species genetic engineering, and his research into reptiles intrigued Zod. As the future Lizard, Connors had yet to undergo the transformation that would change his life. For now, he was working on Super Soldier Serum experiments under Norman Osborn, aiming to cure Osborn's retrocellular hyperplasia—a condition that no one had survived beyond the age of fifty.

However, Connors was at an impasse. The violent side effects of the serum were proving too difficult to overcome.

"Osborne Industries might be a suitable acquisition target," Zod mused. "Norman's dying."

Zod knew that Osborn's genetic condition, which had claimed the lives of all his ancestors by their forties, was rapidly advancing. Norman was running out of time, and his desperation would only grow. While Zod wasn't sure if he could cure retrocellular hyperplasia, the prospect of gaining access to Osborne Industries' research made the endeavor worth pursuing.

"Get me a meeting with Norman Osborn," Zod instructed Ould. "Tell him it's about his 'curse.'"

With Blade Technology Industry's current status and reputation, arranging such a meeting didn't take long. Ould promptly contacted Norman Osborn's office, and within hours, a meeting was set.

Norman, intrigued by Zod's proposition, agreed to the meeting but remained cautious. The secret of his family's genetic affliction wasn't something he took lightly, but Zod's reputation as a genius inventor couldn't be ignored.

"Boss, Norman Osborn will meet with you at 3 p.m. tomorrow," Ould reported.

"Good. Arrange for him to visit the biological laboratory," Zod instructed.

Ould blinked in surprise. The biological lab was one of the most classified sections of Blade Technology Industry, off-limits even to her. However, given that Osborne Industries specialized in biotechnology, she assumed that this was part of a potential partnership.

The following day, Zod met with Norman Osborn in the lab. Though Norman looked composed and confident on the outside, Zod's x-ray vision told a different story. Beneath the makeup and bravado, Norman's health was rapidly deteriorating.

The game had begun.