
A journey through the everything

Watch as a man enters the multiverse, the everything. Will he be killed by the chaos of everything, or take control of the chaos, and bring it into order.

_C_ · Sci-fi
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Meet Aron, and doomsday

Aron was not your everyday teen. He was smart, and intelligent, and knew himself well. Most did not know such things. He loved reading comics, and novels. As well as being within other worlds, as he read books, and watched movies. He had good grades, and had a fine hand at math, and science. But his passion was in seeing how things could improve. He saw many systems everywhere, and always thought up solutions.

There is something else you must know. His world is not like our own. There existed superpowers, and mutations in his world. About 5% of the population of his world had a mutation. However, his universe could also be called a little unlucky, as most got rather mediocre mutations with little potential of growth. His mutation for example was called "adaption". It allowed his body to rapidly adapt to whatever is threating his life. But it had its limits, and science in this world has found no mutations that can evolve, and grow. They could only improve mutations via genetics, and selective breeding. His mutation for example could make him highly resistant to flames, if he was on fire, but it simply was lacking the potential for much more. Or that's what most thought.

Now it was a normal day for aron. He was at home, and turned on the tv. But the attendant at the tv said something odd, and interesting. "Hello, today we have breaking news. Outside the orbit of Jupiter a large spacecraft has appeared, i repeat, a large spacecraft has appeared. This is now a joke. This is real, his some photos from NAST." Then the screen turns to show a image of a white cylinder with lights all over it. The cylinder has 3 large prongs at the back and came together into a come at the front. "This is live video from one of our satellites of the spacecraft, we mainly noticed its existence due to large, powerful, and odd gravitational waves it produced when it appeared here. Its been in orbit around Jupiter for 3 days now, and has show no activity. Today at noon scientists will be attempting first contact. The broadcasts received from the spacecraft will be show live to the world." The news continued on about the spacecraft.

Aron was excited by this news. He was amazed at the possibility of aliens, real aliens. Now only that, advanced aliens! Thou, at the same moment he thought of something. What if they are hostile. He sure hopped not, it did not make sense to destroy humans... He thinks.

Later that day the scientists did what they said they would do. They attempted communication. The spacecraft did respond, but with a file. A video. It seemed prerecorded. They played the video live to the world. Everyone tensed, as the video started.

The video began with a logo on a white background, 3 letters "UUM". Under the logo formed a sentence. "United Universes for the Multiverse", telling what the 3 letters stood for. The video began with a person, human looking, sitting on a futuristic chair, with space in the background. He said "Hello if you are watching this video then it means you have, or are having a encounter with the UUM. The UUM stands for the united universes for the multiverse. It is a multiversal peace keeping organization. Similar to a contry but on a much, much larger scale. You may think we are aliens, and you are partly right. But we are also made of humans. For you to understand better i will explain the basics of the multiverse. The multiverse is a infinite group of universes, with each being different. The multiverse can be thought of as a 3d grid with each point being a universe. The multiverse flows with energy, and currents form in this energy, universes merge, and the laws of physics themselves can change from universe to universe. Some universes have magic, some only have science, others have mixes of the 2, others are so strange it cant be described. But the UUM's goal is to stop any multiversal genocides, and wars. Along with discovering advanced technology combining the realms of magic and science. Please note for another big nickname for the multiverse is "The Everything", so we recommend you use the term as well. We recommend you join the UUM, and develop better technology. If you can, get a connection with the UUM to increase your chances of trade with the UUM, and join the UUM. So good luck, and don't get on the UUM's bad side, as you will be destroyed if you do so. " The video ends with the same logo. Many theorize, and talk about the UUM, and the multiverse. The internet goes wild. Scientists go wild too.

Then, around the orbit of Jupiter, a wormhole forms. Out of it comes a black mass, the mass is squirming, and moving. More and more comes out of the wormhole, as the mass heads towards the spaceship. The spaceships sensors detect it, and the spaceship moves, and it moves fast, it heads towards the black mass, and prepares its weapons. The black mass does the same, and they battle. Lazers fly all over, and wormholes form left and right catching the lazers and redirecting them. As many lights of purple come out of the ship, and large masses of glowing plasma attack and burn the black mass, as the black mass, made of nanobots, breaks apart the plasma, and attack the shields of the spacecraft. 5 minutes later the battle changes, and the spaceship gets some distance from the black mass, but just then the black mass forms a massive wormhole behind it, and coverers itself and the spaceship teleporting them into earths orbit. Now the 2 can be seen from earth, as both the black mass and the spaceship are kilometers large. The 2 battle and battle, and the spaceship seems to be loseing, lazers fly, and some hit earth causing the oceans to boil, this will lead to tsunamis if given enough time. The spacecraft trys to bring the battle away from the planet, and not damage it much, due to this the black mass is given a advantage, as it does not care about the damage to the planet. Overtime, the shilds to the spacecraft break, the it begins to be eaten by the black mass, when suddenly the space craft splits in 2, and falls twards the planet. The part that split just so happens to fall on near the city that aron lives, and when it crashes, purple energy begins to cover the planet, not only cover it, change it. Every peace of matter the purple energy touches is converted into more purple energy. As aron stairs at the horrizen as the purple energy wave gets closer and closer, he says "Fuck!". Then it covers him, and changes his body into purple energy.

But, then something goes wrong in the process. As the energy hits his brain and begins converting his neurons, his mutation energy, the energy that is used to mutate and adapt his body is touched by the purple, powerful energy. Then, suddenly it absorbs the energy, a balance is formed, the purple energy try's to eat away the brain, then the adaptation energy absorbs the energy, and the adaptation energy begins to get more and more powerful. It gets to a point where it suddenly spikes, and recreates his body. Then it spikes agien, as it figures out the only way to survive is to get out of there, and it teleports him. Where, well due to the massive amount of Energy, and due to the special property's this energy possesses, it sends him into the multiverse. He gets caught in a multiversal current and gets sent who knows where. However his planet is not so lucky, as it gets destroyed by this purple energy, and all that is left is purple sparkles.