
A journey of a monkey

ajax was a 18 year old man who was always fascinated by the legends of people or creatures who eventually rose up to godhood or compete against them. Then finally came a chance that he read and watched in many novels and anime... a girl in trouble and... truck-san. The time I reincarnated as a monkey.

kiingshet12 · Fantasi
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27 Chs

Chapter 7 Encounter

A bright light peeked in through the dense amount of leaves that covered the forest. It shined on a young but large ape sleeping recovering from its wounds. This ape was Ajax. As Ajax felt the bright light hitting his face, he slowly woke up and stretched his body. Feeling that most of the pain in his body has healed leaving only an aching feeling around the wounds, he decided to grab his the corpse of the wolves from the last battle and prepare a fire to cook the wolves and eat and begin his exploration of the forest. Tied the corpse to his body, Ajax slowly climbed down the tree checking his surroundings for any beasts that might linger by. After discovering nothing, Ajax finally reached the ground and started his fire and began to cook the wolves. While cooking the wolves carefully, he started to inspect the meat so that they can be cooked properly. While observing the meat, 'ding' a sound rang through his mind.

[Congratulations on cooking several different animals]

['Cooking skill' has been learned]

"hmm? I wonder what this skill can be used for" thought Ajax.

Cooking skill: Allows the host to cook faster and grasp the right technique and timing to allow the meat of the animal to taste better and benefit the host.

"Interesting" thought Ajax.

As Ajax he observed the meat carefully and took a bite. The meat was very tender and and the texture of a smokier flavor that venison. As he took apart and ate each wolf, he gazed onto the last wolf that he had yet to eat. It was the alpha wind wolf. As he took a bite, he felt something hard clash against his teeth. Looking at what he had bit into, he found that it looked like a hard rock with a light blue swirling sign engraved onto it.

"Could this be something like a monster core?" Said Ajax. As soon as he said that a 'ding' rang inside his head.

[Would host like to absorb monster core and gain a skill?]

"yes" Ajax responded anticipating the skill that he could gain.

As soon as he said that, Ajax felt a burning sensation throughout his body. Ajax felt as if his body was being set on fire and burning the hairs on his body. As Ajax felt the pain rising, he felt like he was about to scream in pain but chose to endure it and keep is silent sweating all over his face. As the pain begin to settle down he looked at his new skill.

Name: Ajax [lvl 4]

Exp: 360/700

Race: Primate [chimpanzee]

Strength: 23




Endurance: 19

Skill points: 0

Skills: Dexterity [lvl5], language [lvl1], Martial arts [lvl5], Observation [lvl1], Spear Fishing [lvl1], Weapon mastery [lvl5], Wind enhancement [lvl1]

"Wind enhancement?" said Ajax. He looked at the skill description.

Wind enhancement: Allows the host to use the wind around their body gaining an advancement of +5 in speed. Using skill drains energy very quickly.

Seeing the skill description, Ajax was excited as he now had an ability that he can use that will be more helpful in fights. Although the skill drains energy, Ajax thought that it would be fine since he could always raise his endurance stats higher to counteract this side-effect. Unlike most systems that showed his health and mana points, the system he gained does not have those description so Ajax decided not to worry much about things such as mana and can focus on other things.

He decided to try out his new skill by moving quickly towards the stream that he came to the day before. Before he was too exhausted to notice how far he had gone away from the stream, he traced back his steps and arrived to the stream minutes after. After using the skill, he noticed that it took him nearly ten minutes to reach the stream which would've taken him almost another ten minutes. Although the speed wasn't nearly as fast as he wished for it, every bit of increase of speed was helpful to him. After reaching the stream, he washed by exhaustion, although it was not to a point of making him fall over, it caused him to feel hung over from drinking making him not want to do any hard physical activity.

Wanting to gain back his energy, he searched for a spot to spear fish. After catching a few fishes gaining about 40 exp points in total, he set up a spot to make a fire and start cooking. Again as he cooked and ate the fish, he found that it was even more flavorful and sweet as it entered his mouth. He also found that he body was beginning to fill up with even more energy then he expended when using his skill.

"This must be because of the cooking skill" Ajax thought.

As Ajax finished eating, he never let down his guard so that he ran into a situation like last time. Today he would go look for his first civilization. After putting out the fire, Ajax decided that he would cross the stream and start looking. He thought it would be better to find a peaceful civilization so that things can go smoother or easier if any problems should arise. After crossing the stream and heading into the forest, he journeyed further and deeper into the forest. Luckily he thought of making a bag from bear and wolf skin which turned out pretty large as he made it like a backpack that hung around his back. On his journey, he thought it would be useful to store some plants that can be used to treat injuries and collected quite a bit for emergencies. While traveling tree to tree, he heard a loud cry and laughing sound from a distance ahead. Hearing this, Ajax became excited but also serious as he recognize both sounds as from two different creatures. As he landed on a nearby branch he saw what was happening.

He saw a ape which seemed to look really young. Not a baby but a child ape. Its arms were longer than its body and from the typical anatomy of a average chimpanzee. It's fur was a dark redish-brown color and its mouth was a lot larger as it extended farther from its face. Looking at this ape, it knew that it was an orangutan. These types of apes were known for its strength and its intelligence. In his opinions, orangutans were also very peaceful apes. Seeing the ape trapped in a net, he also looked at the capturer. It was standing on its two legs with arms just at the length of its going down to its size, not as long or developed like a ape's. They barely had any hair or fur on its body except for its head. It has a face that Ajax knew and recognize very well as this creature was a human. Beside this capturer, there were two others around it and from their looks, the three were males. The man laughing had a scar on his check which made a cross mark and had a menacing gaze which made Ajax think of the typical villain that shows up in novels and movies. As Ajax watched from above, the young orangutan noticed the ape on the tree and cried for help. Looking back the humans also saw the ape and smiled.

"Looks like we can earn even more profit today boys" said villain 1.

Laughing and nodding at what villain 1 said, they pulled out their weapons. As Ajax saw their weapons, his eyes shown. Finally metal weapons. he saw that the human that spoke up and stood in front of the young orangutan had a long spear and the other had two small swords and a dagger at their sides. He saw their armor they wore was not very thick and it was just made of leather but the leader looking villain and a fur coat wrapped around his waist. Seeing them like this, Ajax knew that a battle was inevitable and he had to take down these three and used is observation skill on the three.

Name: Peng [lvl8]

Race: Human [Thief]

Strength: 25




Endurance: 22

Skills: weapon mastery [lvl2]

Name: Jared [lvl7]

Race: Human [Thief]

Strength: 20




Endurance: 20

Skills: weapon mastery [lvl1]

Name: Jack [lvl7]

Race: Human [Thief]

Strength: 20




Endurance: 20

Skills: weapon mastery [lvl1]

Looking at their stats, Ajax was not too worried since he was he felt like he was fast enough to handle them. Also compared to beasts, humans were innately weaker or their focus on a certain attribute was not as high as beasts. Although Ajax no longer had any weapons to use, his speed was more than enough to handle with his martial arts skills and experience. With that in mind, although he still had a bow behind him, he chose not to use it and go the old fashion way. He jumped down from the tree and stood straight up looking at the three humans and even had a smiling face on.

Seeing the smile on the Chimpanzee's face, the leader, Peng, was surprised and grew serious as he knew that they were not facing a regular ape since it dared to jump down from its position and confront them like this. Telling his subordinates to be careful, he ordered them to go capture that ape.

Seeing this, Ajax can easily see through their movements as their weapon mastery was at a low level. Ajax ran forwards towards the closest human coming towards him and right when the sword was swiping towards his right side, Ajax suddenly stopped before the sword came in missing him and 'bam' punched in right in the stomach and not stopping there. He quickly barraged him with punches to his face and kneed him right towards his crouch causing him to fall to his knees with bruises on his face. As the other two saw what happened and how quickly it happened, they grew serious.

"Damn ape" said Jared as he ran towards Ajax with his sword thrusting forwards.

Very easily, Ajax side stepped away from harm and punched his face even harder sending him flying towards a tree. Seeing the strength of Ajax, Peng became even more cautious and serious. He lunged forward towards Ajax with the spear in hand thrust with extreme speed. Astonished at the speed of the spear, Ajax managed to dodge a few of the thrusts that came but managed to get hit twice leaving a small hole in his shoulder. Leaping back for safety, Ajax looked at his wound and put saliva on it to try and stop the bleeding.

Seeing that he was able to injure it, Peng was nodding at himself in satisfaction, "an ape is just another ape I guess haha." Seeing Peng nodding to himself, Ajax grew annoyed at the self-satisfaction that was shown and walked to one of the unconscious thief and picked up the sword. Seeing this, Peng was confused and amused that an ape would dare to use a weapon made for humans.

Looking at the amused thief Ajax smiled and ran towards him with sword at hand. When the two got close enough to clash, Peng thrust forward with his spear making plans to injure the ape enough so that he can stop its movements but a 'clang' was heard. Astonished that his spear thrust was blocked, he saw a sword swinging towards him. An attempt to block, he raised his spear block but 'puchi' ran into his shoulder.

"What? A damn feint attack from a mere ape?" Astonished by the wound he received, he begin to tremble in fear of what he was facing.

" I don't believe it" Peng said as he ran towards Ajax again causing large sounds of clashing of metals.

As the battle continued Ajax was getting used to the feeling of using a metal weapon and was causing even more injuries on the enemy's body. As he Peng getting more exhausted and his movements were getting slower, he quickly dodged the income slash of the spear and quickly thrust the sword towards the thief's legs piercing them through the flesh causing Peng to fall to the ground screaming.

As he fell to the ground he looked up with fear on his face as he just lost to a damn ape and did not know what the ape would do. After he saw the ape walk away he was relieved that it did not continue to harm him but it quickly change back to fear as he saw that he went and killed the other two.

As Ajax killed the other two human he saw the notification in his head.

[Congratulations on killing a human thief]

[ 200 exp gained]

[Congratulations on killing a human thief]

[ 200 exp gained]

Name: Ajax [lvl 5]

Exp: 100/900

Race: Primate [chimpanzee]

Strength: 23




Endurance: 19

Skill points: 5

Skills: Dexterity [lvl5], language [lvl1], Martial arts [lvl6], Observation [lvl1], Spear Fishing [lvl1], Weapon mastery [lvl6], Wind enhancement [lvl1]

As he saw that he had leveled up and his martial arts and weapon mastery skill also raised a level, Ajax was immediately happy at the improvements. He decided to put 2 points in strength and the remaining three into endurance so that he can use his skills better and having more stamina is always a good thing.

Name: Ajax [lvl 5]

Exp: 100/900

Race: Primate [chimpanzee]

Strength: 25




Endurance: 22

Skill points: 5

Skills: Dexterity [lvl5], language [lvl1], Martial arts [lvl6], Observation [lvl1], Spear Fishing [lvl1], Weapon mastery [lvl6], Wind enhancement [lvl1]

Satisfied with his new status and feeling the empowerment, he looked towards the captured orangutan and set up free.

"thank you, thank you" A sweet and tearful voice came from the orangutan.

"Yes, no problem. My name is Ajax. What's your name and do you have a tribe near here?" Asked Ajax.

"Yes, my name Tim, my tribe is not far from here. Can you take me back so I can thank you properly?" Tim replied to Ajax.

"Ok, just wait for me for a bit while I go deal with the last human". Ajax said excitedly because he can now discover one civilization bringing him closer to completing his quest and getting the inventory.

With Tim nodding with his decision, Ajax walked towards the frightened human. As Peng saw him coming towards him, he became even more scared screaming at Ajax in a timid voice telling him to go away. As Ajax approached Peng, he tried to listen to his voice and understand the language coming towards him. He tried to talk to the scared thief but it sounded just like the usual ape chant of ooo aahh. This made Peng even more scared because it did not understand the ape before him and thought that he was just going to kill him. As Ajax saw that, he put away his sword and looked at him curiously. As Peng saw that he began to try and talk to Ajax, seeing how he put away the sword and was actually strong and smart enough to defeat his team.

As Peng continued to try and talk to Ajax, Ajax was carefully watching the movements of his mouth and would try to mimic the movements and tone of the voice. 'ding'

[ Congratulations on host for successfully mimicking other sounds]

[Language lvl2]

As Ajax saw that, he was extremely pleased and found it easier to mimic Peng and found it easier to understand what Peng was trying to say.

" Where... is... Village" Ajax managed to say with some success and failure.

Hearing what the ape had just said, Peng was astonished and grew even more fearful of how smart the ape was.

"ye, yess, four day trip south of here" said Peng fearfully.

Hearing this, Ajax nodded and took out his sword and quickly cut off his head. Although this was Ajax's first time killing humans, he didn't see it as just killing humans. He saw exp, gaining strength, a new world. In this life maybe it was because of the system, Ajax thought of his new life like a virtual game in which everything is a chance to become the best. His mindset was made like this ever since the system had appeared in his life. His life became a game and he would use it to become a legend.