
A journey of a monkey

ajax was a 18 year old man who was always fascinated by the legends of people or creatures who eventually rose up to godhood or compete against them. Then finally came a chance that he read and watched in many novels and anime... a girl in trouble and... truck-san. The time I reincarnated as a monkey.

kiingshet12 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Chapter 6 Battling the alpha wolf.

Seeing the ape that was currently roasting the horned bear, the wolves were looking at the ape greedily as they felt that they were able to enjoy today's meal. The wolves' fur was had a pattern of light blue and gray colors. Their eyes were large as well as the jaws that were huge and sharp. There was one wolf in particular that was much larger than the rest as its length was about 5 feet while the other 3 wolves were around 4 feet. The larger wolf also had a light blue spiral located on its forehead that made it look even more menacing. The larger wolf quickly order the other three to surround the ape.

Seeing this Ajax immediately got ready for battle and was trying to figure out a way to deal with these wolves and quickly used his observation skill on them.

Name: Wind wolf [lvl5]

Strength: 20




Endurance: 15

Name: Wind wolf [lvl5]

Strength: 20




Endurance: 15

Name: Wind wolf [lvl5]

Strength: 20




Endurance: 15

Name: Wind wolf [Alpha lvl8]

Strength: 23




Endurance: 20

Skill: Wind enhancement [lvl1]

"F***" said Ajax looking at their stats, especially the larger wolf. Noticing their strength, Ajax knew that he was in for a tough battle.

Ajax quickly glanced his surroundings and felt that he should at least try to take the higher ground so he won't be quickly surrounded. He quickly made a dash towards the closest wolf next to a tree and thrust his spear. Seeing the spear coming towards it, the wind wolf dodged to the side but the spear manage to scrap his cheek as it made a slight whimper sound and moved next to the other wolves. Seeing this, the other wolves decided to dash towards Ajax but was soon stopped and jumped as Ajax had made a sweeping movement behind him, preventing any wolves from getting to close.

Ajax then quickly climbing onto the tree reaching onto a high branch, he took out his bow and arrow. He started firing the first few arrows and heard a 'ding' sound. Ajax looked at the new notification.

[Learned weapon mastery]

[Because of host's past experience with all sorts of weapons... weapon mastery lvl5]

Slightly relieved that he got something helpful in this intense situation, he continued to aim at the wolves that were glaring at him and started to run towards the tree he was on. As they got close, Ajax fired off a few more arrows but with more accuracy than the last time. 'puchi' He managed to hit one in its eye which cause it to whimper and fall to the ground. Seeing this the alpha became enraged at the sight of one of its wolf dying. 'ding' a satisfying sound came into his head

[ Congratulations on host for killing one wind wolf]

[150 exp gain]

Seeing that his exp was still quite a bit away from level up, Ajax quickly took aim again and continued to fire at the wolves. He shot at one of the wolves' paws which stuck him to the ground and 'puchi' one arrow shot right through his eye. 'ding'

[ Congratulations on host for killing one wind wolf]

[150 exp gain]

Two down two more to go thought Ajax. As he reached for another arrow he found that he had already ran out. Seeing the situation turning grim as he no longer had a distance advantage, he quickly threw out his wooden spear towards the last weaker wolves hoping to take it out before taking on the alpha wind wolf. But unfortunately he missed as the wind wolf quickly dodged by jumping backwards. This however, caused a distance and he jumped down towards one of the wolves grabbing the arrow stuck in its eyes. Using the chance when the wind wolf was still getting prepared to attack back, he readied the bow and arrow and just when he was about to fire at it, he felt a dangerous feeling crawling on his neck and saw the alpha wind wolf dashing with greater speed at him. Seeing this, he had no choice but to dodge but doing so he would only be put in a worst position because of the greater speed of the alpha. So he took a chance to exchange the kill for a wound that he would suffer. But to minimize the damage from the alpha, he dived backwards with his body facing upwards, he readied the arrow and 'puchi' he successfully punctured the wind wolf that started charging towards him right between his eyes killing it. 'puchi' Pain was felt across his chest as five claw marks shown and if it was just a inch deeper and it could've cause massive damage to him. 'ding'

[ Congratulations on host for killing one wind wolf]

[150 exp gain]

[Host has leveled up]

Name: Ajax [lvl 4]

Exp: 60/700

Race: Primate [chimpanzee]

Strength: 23




Endurance: 19

Skill points: 5

Skills: Dexterity [lvl5], language [lvl1], Martial arts [lvl5], Observation [lvl1], Spear Fishing [lvl1], Weapon master [lvl5]

Ajax immediately put 3 points into his agility making at least as fast as the alpha wind wolf and the remaining points into defense because of the wound that he suffered and knew that he might need the bit of defense later in the battle.

Seeing that the alpha wind wolf failed to kill his prey and he was now left by himself, the alpha howled and growled at Ajax. Its aura spiking in response to its anger, it dashed towards Ajax. This time Ajax noticed something different around the alpha. It looked like the wind was circling and swirling around the wolf's legs making it move faster. 'puchi' another injury was made as Ajax failed to dodged the claws of the wolf. The wound was made this time on his left shoulder which also began to bleed moderately. Feeling his wounds bleed and the trickling sensation he felt, Ajax knew that he was in trouble if this kept up, he used his observation skill again on the alpha wolf.

Name: Wind wolf [Alpha lvl8]

Strength: 23


Agility:30 [+5]


Endurance: 20

Skill: Wind enhancement [lvl1]

"damn, now the wolf is much faster" said Ajax in a grim tone.

As Ajax was thinking of what to do next, he decided to try and do a hit and run tactic, although the wolf was faster than him, he believed that if he can trick this wolf then maybe he would be able to pull through.

As the two glared at each other, Ajax suddenly ran into the forest, but as he reached the entrance of the forest, he could already feel the wind coming towards him, Ajax then suddenly jumped forward with his feet towards the trunk and used it as a platform so that he can jump from it and he flew towards the alpha with even greater speed. Seeing this unexpected move, the wolf knew that it couldn't move away quick enough and decided to try and break the wooden spear with his jaws and teeth and bit towards Ajax. As Ajax saw that, he couldn't think of any other moves to pull while in midair so he just tried to thrust his spear harder into the wolf's mouth killing it. 'puchi'. As the spear went through the mouth, the wolf did not die immediately. the wolf clenched its jaws and broke the spear with the Ajax's arm inside his mouth. Screaming in pain, Ajax chose to hold on to the broken spear. He wanted to lift up the wolf with the arm in his mouth and slam it onto the ground but found that he did not have the remaining strength with it. He looked around to try to find a way out of this situation and looked to the stream. Seeing this he quickly ran and drag the wolf that was clenching his jaws even harder trying to rip his arm apart. Feeling the pain, he ran even harder seeing that this may be his last chance to to survive this battle and ran into the stream holding down the wolf's head into the water.

Feeling the water gush through its mouth and nose, the wolf wanted to let go of the arm but before he could, Ajax felt the jaws loosed and used what remaining strength he had left and took out his arm and held the wolf hoping to drown the wolf. 'ding'. A relief overcame Ajax's body as he feel onto his knees in the stream as he finally knew that the wolf had died judged by the system.

[ Congratulations on killing the Wind Wolf[ Alpha]

[ 300 exp gained]

Name: Ajax [lvl 4]

Exp: 360/700

Race: Primate [chimpanzee]

Strength: 23




Endurance: 19

Skill points: 0

Skills: Dexterity [lvl5], language [lvl1], Martial arts [lvl5], Observation [lvl1], Spear Fishing [lvl1], Weapon master [lvl5].

Although Ajax didn't level up from killing the alpha, he gained a good amount of exp and was already half way from leveling up.

Feeling exhausted from all the fighting, Ajax struggled getting up from the stream but knew that he had to do something or else he might be put into another fight again from all the battle that happened. He quickly washed his wounds in the streamed and cleaned the bodies of the wolves and grabbed his bow. He threw away the bear meat as it was still cooking during the fight and was now not edible anymore and went into the forest. As Ajax entered the forest, he felt that he could collapse anytime and tried to find some herbs to at least stop and heal the wounds that he incurred during the fight. After a slow search, he found some herbs and addressed his wound. Using the remaining strength he found some dry sticks and placed them around the base of a large tree so that he could be alerted of any predators that might try to climb and attack him, he climbed up onto a large enough branch that he could place his things and still have enough room to rest. He closed his eyes and instantly fell asleep.