

Ahoy there, fellow adventurers! Are you tired of the same old Game of Thrones fanfiction?. Well, fear not my friends, for I have a tale that will transport you to a galaxy far, far away and drop you right at the heart of Westeros. It's a mashup of Star Wars and Game of Thrones, but better than any crossover you've ever seen. Join me on a journey through the eyes of a Jedi Padawan as he navigates the treacherous world of Game Of Thrones. Watch as he grows in strength and wisdom, shaping the fate of this fantastical land with his lightsaber and quick wit. It's like a cocktail of starships and dragons. It's epic, it's thrilling, it's everything you've ever wanted in a story.

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Watching the smug face of the Targaryen prince and the pompous stance of his Dothraki counterpart had me burning in anger. To make matters worse, Ser Joram Momont appeared on the ship next to them.

I felt the anger bubbling inside me. I mean, sure, I had no sexual desires towards Danaerys (although I must acknowledge she is smoking hot), but the anger I felt was for the kind of betrayal they had dealt her.

I mean, for a stranger to capture and sell you to slavery was quite painful but understandable. However, your own family's selling you into slavery because of power could really kill your self-esteem.

I could have expected all this from Drogo and Viserys, but Jorah's case was different. Even though I knew he was a spy for Varys, Danaerys had put some trust in him, and his betrayal must have hurt her the most.

Ladytide was fast approaching the fleet of medieval ships, and I could see them, at the urge of Viserys, begin to form some kind of formation.

This must have been a coincidence. I know that the news of Lady Tide's maiden voyage must have spread everywhere, and therefore it was not unexpected that pirates would lay in wait.

I had expected all this, but as most of the pirate ships were just longships, it would be easy for Lady Tide to just outrun them. I mean, she was a steel ship using a steam engine while they rowed their asses to death.

I had not, however, anticipated this many ships, most of which were war galleys that were purely made for marine warfare.

Looking at the formation they were taking, I could see that they were blocking the only pass the Ladytide would have to go through.

This was the main problem with the Stepstones Pass: the tiny islands were so obstructive that it was impossible to spot pirates or any ship at all from a long distance away.

We were now within a hundred meters of the Targaryen fleet, and Viserys was in the leading ship. The Targaryen idiot was grinning from ear to ear as he stared at my majestic vessel.

He was probably thinking that this was specifically the ship that was worthy of carrying him (a crown prince) back to his lost throne.

'Good luck, motherfucker,' I thought to myself.

"Captain, stop the ship and tell the passengers and crew not to worry; everything is under control". I was sure that most had already observed the events from the passenger deck windows.

Ternesio did not argue; nodding his head, he headed towards the bridge with a stern face.

What was going on inside my head was nothing about me or Ladytide, nor was it about my passenger's safety. No, what I was contemplating was whether or not I should give in to the dark anger that was burning inside me. It had been happening quite often lately.

I had come to see that there was a point where Jedi skills and abilities were rendered useless. places where the dark side's abilities would have fared quite well. Honestly, I think the Jedi order in the Star Wars canon had been quite blind, and that is what eventually led to their purging during Order 66.

Their problem was that they viewed everything either as pure good or pure evil. They could not think of an in-between.

For example, was it not possible for a light-side user to still use dark-side abilities without entirely becoming a Sith?

I know it is possible because powerful Jedi like Dagan Gera, Taron Malicos, Ben Solo, and Pong Krell had proven that it is possible.

I thought of all these things because I wanted to do some serious revenge for the mother of dragons. Also, Viserys had dragon eggs, which were part of my plan.

I wanted the dragons to hatch, and anything standing in the way of that was an enemy.

Watching the primitive ships blocking our way, a smile graced my face, and I could see the three men confused. stupid idiots. It was true they held numbers in their favor, but what was the use of that when Ladytide, with her steel body, could just run through them, sinking or destroying many?

Well, it was time to resolve the situation and be on our way.

Using force jump, I propelled myself and landed gracefully on the ship's bow without even a stagger. I could hear the intake of breath from most of the Dothraki, most of whom had their weapons in their hands. A cloud of doubt had now covered both Khal Drogo's and Vesiry's faces.

Of course, it was clear to them that standing at the very edge of such a massive ship must require a crazy amount of balance and control.

I cleared my voice and activated my voice projection, which easily made me sound like I was using a sort of loudspeaker.

"Prince Viserys and Khal Drogo, I am pleased to make your acquaintance."

It was taking me more control not to laugh at their distorted facial expressions as they tried to decipher how a human being could have such a loud voice.

After a while, however, Visery's pompous swagger was back.

"Well, we are not! he yelled at the top of his voice. But he was certain that his sound had been swept away by the breeze. However, due to my enhanced sense, I was able to capture every word.

"I might, however, let you and your passengers live if you surrender now," the Targaryen prince yelled as he purposely looked behind him as if to tell me I had no hope of winning. Well, if you ask me, he should have looked before him; he absolutely had no chance of victory whatsoever.

I let the silence stretch and smiled at the uncertainty taking over again. I could see from his distant talk with the Khal that he was wondering whether I had heard anything he had said. I decided that I had had enough.

"Thank you for your kind offer, my lord," I shouted mockingly.

"But it is I that shall decide whether to let you live once you have complied with my demands."

We had now reached the pivotal point, and I could see the two were now consulting fervently. But even as they talked, I knew that Sturbon, as the Targaryen blood was, Viserys would not relent.

They seemed to have decided because Khal Drogo motioned to the men on the boats next to him.

"Don't be foolish, Captain," the prince bellowed, his voice dripping with arrogance. "Your ship was never meant for war, and you lack the necessary fighting force. You cannot possibly hope to emerge victorious."

To be fair, he was partially correct. Ladytide was indeed ill-equipped for battle, and most of my passengers were far from seasoned warriors. However, when it came to predicting the outcome, he couldn't have been more mistaken.

You see, I had learned a great deal from the Pentos incident, and I had no intention of showing any mercy, especially not to Viserys.

"Listen, Viserys, this is your last chance. You can either give me the three dragon eggs on your ship, and I will let you go on your way, or I can take them for myself and sink you. Make the choice and make it quick."

They did not need to answer. I smiled as I saw the ships going past the two leaders. The men in them carried hook-like tools, which they would use to infiltrate Lady Tide.

I smiled as I realized that the rogue prince had already made his choice.

A wrong choice!

read ahead on p@treon at, p@treon.com/realmsinus

powerstone please