

Ahoy there, fellow adventurers! Are you tired of the same old Game of Thrones fanfiction?. Well, fear not my friends, for I have a tale that will transport you to a galaxy far, far away and drop you right at the heart of Westeros. It's a mashup of Star Wars and Game of Thrones, but better than any crossover you've ever seen. Join me on a journey through the eyes of a Jedi Padawan as he navigates the treacherous world of Game Of Thrones. Watch as he grows in strength and wisdom, shaping the fate of this fantastical land with his lightsaber and quick wit. It's like a cocktail of starships and dragons. It's epic, it's thrilling, it's everything you've ever wanted in a story.

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My final conversation with Daenerys proved that she was  capable of almost everything I could do. However, my biggest concern arose when she shared a recent vision with me. To an ordinary person, her words would seem insane, but having witnessed every event of the show, I realized my worst fear had come true. The details she described hinted that the Night King  would somehow gain force abilities. Just imagine the Night King with Sith powers, a Sith Night King.

It was terrifying, yet not entirely unexpected. I had suspected this ever since the vision of Daenerys being sold to the good masters, although I couldn't fully comprehend its meaning back then. I had already started devising countermeasures, but time seemed to be against me.

Now, more than ever, I was determined. Daenerys and her dragons were crucial to the plan. Additionally, the development of another person's skills became mandatory, as the only solution to a Sith Night King would require a Jedi Arya Stark.

Realizing this information, I understood that our bond had its advantages. However, the thought of Daenerys turning against me made it clear that I needed a countermeasure for her as well. With that in mind, I felt compelled to initiate the plan that would restore things to how they were in the beginning.

In a rush, I promised to explain everything upon my return and asked Daenerys to swear an oath to protect my physical body until then.

Initially, she was confused, but gradually she began to see the reasoning behind it. After all, she only needed to tap into my carefully crafted thoughts to understand. (These days, I even have to think about what I think before I think it.) You catch my drift?

I realized I didn't have the time to physically travel to Westeros; it would consume too much time. So, I decided to use one of the riskiest skills I had learned. As Luke Skywalker said, you gotta save your best skills for last. The only problem was that this skill wasn't exactly the best.

Force projection was undeniably powerful, but considering it was what cost Luke his life, I always hesitated to use it. It was the last ability I had unlocked in the system, and I did not doubt that I could use it effectively. After all, I had been taught by Grand Master Yoda himself.

It wasn't my own abilities that I doubted; it was the reputation of this skill for draining and even killing its users, no matter how strong they were.

  However, hoping that the system would somehow control the draining effect, I made the decision to employ it.

Now, I was in a secluded room in the Astapori harbor, sitting in a lotus position. I had already created a force wall that would hold for nearly an hour, which was equally demanding.

To be honest, I hadn't fully trusted Danaerys yet. I couldn't help but wonder if she had caught wind of my plans and might try to eliminate me when I was vulnerable. I knew she had acquired force abilities herself. In any case, it never hurts to be prepared. I closed my eyes and began to meditate.


Suddenly, I was inside the Red Keep.

Based on my last force vision, I knew that Joffrey, or rather, Cersei acting through her son, wouldn't allow Lady Catelyn and her children to leave the castle.

With the execution of the Warden of the North, Robb, and the entire northern army likely matching toward the capital, the king would see the Stark hostages as valuable leverage. Therefore, they had to be heavily guarded within the castle, which meant more work for me.

As I surveyed my surroundings, my mind raced with thoughts of how to flawlessly execute my plan. It was crystal clear that the guards stationed at every corner of the Red Keep were either Lannister houseguards or their die-hard loyalists. For Cersei to trust them, these guys had to be so loyal that they probably had "Lannister" tattooed somewhere on their bodies.

It immediately dawned on me that even with my Jedi mind trick skills, I needed to find a way to make its effects universal among every single person I encountered.

  I mean, I couldn't just go around mind-tricking one guard at a time like some kind of force-powered door-to-door salesman.

You see, I was already using force projection, which was sucking up more energy than a black hole 

I had to be careful not to drain myself completely, or worse, end up as a force ghost before I even got started. 

With a deep breath, I strutted into the majestic doors of the Red Keep, my heart pounding like a wild stallion. The mind trick had never let me down before, and today I hoped it would not be an exception.

The guards stationed at the entrance gave me the stink eye, their armor shining against the daylight.

Clearly, from his pompous behavior, one of them was a big shot, probably a high-ranking officer with a fancy title and an ego to match. I decided he would be my pass. With him leading me, I wouldn't need to use any mind tricks on more guards.

Summoning all my confidence, I approached them. With a flick of my wrist and a voice that oozed authority, I initiated the mind trick.

"You will allow me passage," I declared firmly, locking eyes with the high-ranking guard. "And you will escort me to Lady Stark's chambers."

For a brief moment, the guards blinked like confused puppies, their faces contorting with bewilderment. My hand, ever so subtly, began its descent towards my lightsaber, just in case things got bad. But then, as if possessed by some invisible puppeteer (which, let's be honest, they totally were), their expressions softened, and they obediently nodded.

"Of course," the officer replied, his tone dripping with respect as he turned and took the lead.