
A hope in a dystopia

Communism and capitalism wage a seemingly endless battle for control. Beneath the facade of these opposing forces lies a hidden truth – an intricate web of power and manipulation, led by a secretive oligarchy clinging to feudalistic traditions. The world stands on the brink of collapse, haunted by the constant threat of a nuclear Armageddon. Will Lucian and his “twin brother” 虚字 save the world from the hands of a dystopian society? Or will the world be destroyed in a nuclear armageddon?

EIsForE · Seni bela diri
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11 Chs

an unexpected circumstance

I woke up from my alarm clock and quickly stood up like a robot. And as usual, I exit my room, greet my adoptive parents, take the pills, take a bath, greet the ultraviolet lamp for ultra violet rays, clothe myself, and go to school.

The date was January 29 2090 and it was my second week of school, how it was my second week? Well I joined extremely late. Before, I mostly did nothing. I just recently turned 14, that was on december 27. But nobody really knows when was my birthday except for me.

Tho it is practically useless for me to go to school, I still go there because of my one and only crush. And for the reason on why it is useless for me to go to school, well for some reason I already know everything. Well the reason for that is because I am just a clone.

But I don't care if I am a clone, I am an individual that has a life. And I want to live my life to the fullest.

Tho I have some criticisms about the facility made, I mean why give us the information about the facility and even the members inside it? Couldn't they just give us the essential parts like facts? Anyways, I am really curious on my memories, I am certain my memory is incomplete. But, since I was still an infant back then, no not an infant, rather a fetus. The information given to me about the facility is cut.

My information on the facility just stops the moment all of the doors closed due to a terrorist attack. But I doubt that. Plus, there was a guy, no two guys that was somewhat suspicious for me. One guy that was the original was suspicious because he was a bit close to a female and even getting flirty with her…. He who was 7 years old. And an another guy…. I feel like he is like me, a defect in the cloning. Clones that can feel emotion.

But anyways, back to the real world and enough of the monologuing. I exited my house and went to the metro. But, even tho I am 2 hours early for school, I will probably still be late for school, like 2 hours late due to how corrupt the system is. But I have no problem in waiting. Even if I don't join school at all, I will still pass it. Well as long as attendance is not graded.

I almost stepped on a dead rat, digusting. Thankfully, it was only "almost"

I waited, and waited, until I finally managed to enter the train. Then I got pushed away from the train by a random dude, and some rich guy took my spot. I fell to the floor watching the train move away from me.

I just let out a deep sigh

'Oh well, forget about 2 hours late, I will probably be late for 5 hours'

Thus I began waiting again. I am not frustrated due to being late. I am just frustrated losing time not glancing at her face!

I then waited for another few hours, and FINALLY! I was not 5 hours late! Only 3 hours late.

I opened the classroom door and my classmate of 50 immediately turned their eyes on me, including my teacher.

I searched my classroom for a seat I can sit on, and there were a lot. 23 seats were still vacant.

I went to the seat just behind my crushie but stopped in my tracks upon seeing a familiar face. I kneeled down to see his face, and it looked almost the same as our original. He is my fellow clone

This was unexpected event. He even had a shock of suprise on his face.

"That was unexpected!"

He said with a ton of emotions in his voice. But I doubt that the can feel them. He is probably just acting like the others.

I stood up, went to my chosen seat and sat in my chosen seat. But just 30 minutes after coming inside the room, lunch break started. Oh well not that it matters.

As I sat alone in the caffeteria, yes all of this space is mine. And whenever someone who is attracted to em tries to sit with me, I just stare at their eyes silently until they get out. A perfect strategy. I mean, what are friends even for? They are just meant for connections on the real world. But for me, I don't need it. Plus, during lunch time, they take away your precious food.

As I opened my lunch box, my crush sat in front of me. And to her being my crush I just let her. But still, even with my knowledge I cannot understand why she sits besides me.

"Why do you even bother to sit with me? You already have a guy that looks the same as me and is more outgoing."

"Finally you said something that is not "hey"!"

She screamed in a high pitch voice. I just stayed silent awaiting for her response

"Well, he creeps me a little. During his introduction, he was constantly smiling. And not a fake smile, it was all real. But what creeped me out was that when he discussed that he was abused and how he ran away, he was smiling for some time until he dropped his smile"

Yep, I am definitely right. I mean, who in their right mind will just tell the whole class about getting abused?

"What was your name again?"

Of course, I already knew her name, it was Claire Dacier

"What? We already ate a lot together, how do you still not know my name?"

"To be fair, I just recently transferred here like 2 weeks ago, so I never had the chance to know your name"

"Alright then! My name is Claire Dacier"

The blonde haired female introduced herself with a french accent

"It is spelled as c l a i r e and then d a c i e r"

"Why did you add that?"

"For safety measures tehee"

She smiled and it felt like my world shined bright.


I unintentionally smiled and let out a laugh

"Hmm? Even tho it was a little bit, but that was the first time I ever heard and saw you with emotions."

"What the hell do you mean? Am I not smiling"

I smiled

She took out her phone from her pockets, open the camera, put it in selfie mode and made me face the camera

"So I barely can change my face huh?"

I put on an angry face, but on the camera I was still on a poker face. I closed my right eye and it closed.

How dead are my facial muscles? I should join the acting club. I mean I know how to act, I just am "rusty"

"What was his name again?"

"I think it was like chinese or japanese something. Ermm, krogi something?"

That definetly is not his name

"But, even thought I already know your name. To make things fair, why not introduce yourself too?"

"Really? Then what was my name then?"

"Lucian Nassau"

"There you have it, no need for an introduction"

"HEY!!!!!!! UNFAIR!"

She screamed at my ears as I began to pack my lunch boxes. But I just remembered my last name. "Nassau". The last name of our creator. Why? Why would my last name be Nassau? Yeah I was taken out of the facility like my other clones, but why? Why would they put the last name in my adoption papers and even birth certificate as Nassau? My adoptive parents never named me that. Oh well, they might be just lazy.

We finished eating and returned back to class.

The first period after lunch break started, and as I observed the new guy was really active and his name was kyoji or rather "虚字". The first kanji was just harsh, and the second kanji was confusing. But still, his name is full of negative stuff like it denies his worth.

(Time skip 4 days)

The train stations were shutten off due to the terrorist attacked that just happened this afternoon, so I had to walk to the nearest hotel for some sleep. And while walking, thankfully there is a signal, I messeged my adoptive parents that I will be staying at a hotel. Tho they do not know how I have money, but that is a problem for my future self.

The more I walked, the more of the buildings were destroyed thanks to those terrorists. They might be fighting for a noble cost, but with this? They will never get support.

I then saw dozens of corpses being impaled. This reminds me of the romania and ottoman war. Barbarians. Those terrorists are barbarians. Thankfully the roads are not that destroyed, tho there are some cracks. But still, the one who is lesding these terrorists is a genius.

He is a genius in cutting off the enemy logistics, and stratagies. But he is an idiot on how to gain support.

As I was walking, I can see dozens of soldiers and rebels bleeding to death on the floor. I could've helped them and some may live, but why should I? They are strangers to me, and there is a possibility they will kill me on the future, both rebel and soldiers.

But I stopped in my tracks as I recognized a familiar hair. A girl was laying on a floor, her hair was blonde.

"No no no"

I rushed towards her and sadly yes, it was Claire. I kneeled down nefore her and took her pulse. She was thankfully still alive, but where was she shot? I took off her jacket that she was wearing for some reason, wait this wasnt a jacket. This was a body armour. This fact greatly enhanced her survival.

I took off her body armour and thanfully she was wearing a white dress. Even tho she is my crush, I still do not want to look at her body without her consent.

Just one shot on the left right side of the stomach. Based on her body size, which was average, the bullet shouldn't have hit any organs. I lifted her body up to see her back. There were no signs of blood on her back, which meant the bullet hadn't gone through her.

I checked my phone immediately to check the nearest hospital. The hospital nearest was 200 meters away, and the second nearest hospital was 30 kilometers away.

This is bad, if the first hospital was 200 meters away, that meant that it got destroyed in the conflict. We should just go to the still functioning hotel that was 4 kilometers away, and I will probably have to do surgery myself.